Lea Atanasova
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat. Lea Atanasova
Institute of Food Technology
Location Muthgasse 11, 1190 Wien
Email lea.atanasova@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-75214
Research Focus
Biological Control Biocontrol Agents Carbohydrate Active Enzymes Clonostachys Comparative Genomics Ecology and Evolution Ecological Genomics Evolutionary Biology Fungi Gene Expression Genetics Genomics Metagenomics Microbiology Molecular Biology Molecular Evolution Phylogeny Recombinant Protein Expression Signal Transduction Transcriptomics Trichoderma
- 2018 Senior researcher and Principal Investigator (PI), University of Natural Resources and Life Science Vienna · Institute of Food Technology, Vienna, Austria
- 2018 - 2022 Maternity leaves from July 2018 - Nov 2019 and June 2021 - Nov 2022
- 2017 - 2018 PostDoc, TU Wien · Institute of Applied Physics, Vienna, Austria
- 2016 - 2018 PostDoc, University of Innsbruck · Institute of Microbiology, Innsbruck, Austria
- 2015 - 2015 PostDoc, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) · Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Uppsala, Sweden
- 2013 - 2016 PostDoc, TU Wien · Institute of Chemical Technology, Environmental Technology and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2013 PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) - TU Wien · Institute of Chemical Technology, Environmental Technology and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2009 - 2009 Research Assistant, Graz University of Technology · Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, Graz, Austria
- 2008 Diploma thesis (Mag. rer. nat.), University of Vienna · Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, Vienna, Austria
- Year: 2015 Awards: Carl Trygger scholarship for research at SLU (Uppsala, Sweden)
- Year: 2013 Awards: GSA fungal meeting award, Genetics Society of America (Asilomar, CA, United States)
- Year: 2011 Awards: FEMS Young Scientist Meeting Grant, Federation of European Microbiological Societies (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain)
- Year: 2009 Awards: Price Award for best Master-/Diploma research, Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ) (Bayreuth, Germany)
- Year: 2008 Awards: Austria National Park Research Award, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Vienna, Austria)
- Year: 2006 Awards: Ad Futura Special Achievements Fellowship for studies abroad, Slovene human resources development and scholarship fund (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
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Year: 2023 - Sensing and regulation of biotrophic processes in fungal mycoparasites (Talk)
Autoren: Atanasova, L
Event: Lecture Seminar at the Institute of Microbial Genetics (IMiG), BOKU
Year: 2023 - Sensing and regulation of mycoparasitism-related processes in Trichoderma atroviride (Talk)
Autoren: Lea Atanasova
Event: 16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2023
Period: 05.03.2023 - 08.03.2023 | Location: Innsbruck
Event: XII European Conference of Marine Natural Products
Period: 30.08.2021 - 01.09.2021 | Location: Galway, Ireland
Year: 2021 - Sensing and regulation of biotrophic interactions in fungal mycoparasites (Talk)
Autoren: Atanasova L
Event: Lecture Seminar at Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, and CBC Semnar; SLU
Period: 15.04.2021 | Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Year: 2020 - Functional diversification of cellobiose dehydrogenases (CDHs) uncovers their involvement in multiple nutritional strategies of the mycoparasite Clonostachys rosea (Poster)
Autoren: Atanasova, L.; Csarman, F.; Dubey, M.; Karlsson, M.; Peterbauer, C.; Sützl, L.
Event: 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics ECFG15 2020
Period: 17.02.2020 - 20.02.2020 | Location: Rome, Italy | Location: Rom, Italien
Year: 2020 - Trichoderma atroviride mycoparasitism and its regulation by the TOR signaling pathway (Poster)
Autoren: Segreto, R; Bazafkan, H; Millinger, J; Doppler, M; Blueschl, C; Schuhmacher, R; Atanasova, L; Zeilinger, S
Event: 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics ECFG15 2020
Period: 17.02.2020 - 20.02.2020 | Location: Rome, Italy | Location: Rom, Italien
Year: 2018 - Interplay between GPI-anchored α-1,6-mannanase Dfg5 and MAPK signaling in cell wall remodeling of the mycoparasite Trichoderma atroviride (Talk)
Autoren: Atanasova, L; Zeilinger, S
Event: 14th European Conference on Fungal Genetics ECFG14 2018
Period: 25.02.2018 - 28.02.2018 | Location: Haifa, Israel
Year: 2017 - A Gpr1-regulated Sur7 transmembrane protein Sfp2 is required for cell wall stability and stress response in the mycoparasite Trichoderma atroviride (Talk)
Autoren: Atanasova L
Event: LMT Institute Seminar
Period: 27.03.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Visualizing Signaling Complexes in Filamentous Fungi (Talk)
Autoren: Reismann, AWAF; Atanasova, L; Lichius, A; Gruber, SG; Zeilinger, S; Schuetz, GJ
Event: 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society 2017
Period: 11.02.2017 - 15.02.2017 | Location: New Orleans, LA, USA
Year: 2017 - A Gpr1 regulated protein from the Sur7-family is involved in cell wall stability and stress response in the mycoparasite Trichoderma atroviride (Poster)
Autoren: Atanasova L; Gruber S; Radebner T; Lichius A; Schütz G; Kreil D; Zeilinger S.
Event: 29th Fungal Genetic Conference 2017
Period: 14.03.2017 - 19.03.2017 | Location: Asilomar, CA, USA
Year: 2016 - A single mating event in Trichoderma reesei results in significant alterations of individual fitness of first generation progeny strains (Talk)
Autoren: Atanasova, L
Event: 1st Trichoderma Workshop: Satelite meeting of European Conference on fungal Genetics
Period: 03.04.2016 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2016 - Functional characterization of Clonostachys rosea pectate lyase PEL1 in Trichoderma reesei (Poster)
Autoren: Atanasova L, Dubey M, Grujic M, Gudmundsson M, Druzhinina I, Sandgren M, Kubicek CP, Funck Jensen D, Karlsson M.
Event: 13th European Conference on Fungal Genetics ECFG13 2016
Period: 03.04.2016 - 06.04.2016 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2015 - Evolution and diversification of Trichoderma CAZome based on the genome of eight species (Poster)
Autoren: Atanasova L, Chenthamara-Kariyankode K, Grujic M, Aerts A, Kuo A, Grigoriev I, Kubicek CP, Druzhinina I
Event: EMBO Conference 2015 - Exploring the genomic complexity and diversity of eukaryotes
Period: 17.10.2015 - 22.10.2015 | Location: Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Year: 2014 - Sex modulates long distance dispersal and antagonistic potential of Trichoderma reesei (Poster)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, M. Grandits, C.P. Kubicek, I. Druzhinina
Event: ECFG 12 - 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics
Period: 23.03.2014 - 27.03.2014 | Location: Seville, Spain
Year: 2013 - Diversity and physiology of Trichoderma associated with Burholderia spp. in the nests of Borneo's exploding ants (Talk)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, D. Davidson, A. Kamariah, I. Druzhinina
Event: BAGECO 12; 12th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology
Period: 09.06.2013 - 13.06.2013 | Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Year: 2013 - A unique genomic architecture of Trichoderma species from Section Longibrachiatum (Talk)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, K. Chenthamara-Kariyankode, A. Kopchinskiy, S.E. Baker, I. Grigoriev, K. Pomraning, M. Freitag, C.P. Kubicek, I. Druzhinina:
Event: EMBO Conference 2013 - Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Complexity Patterns in Eukaryotic Genomes
Period: 19.10.2013 - 24.10.2013 | Location: Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Year: 2013 - The Trichoderma reesei polyketide synthase gene pks1 is necessary for yellow-green pigmentation of conidia an is involved in the establishment of environmental fitness (Talk)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, B. Knox, C.P. Kubicek, S.E. Baker, I. Druzhinina
Event: 27th Fungal Genetics Conference 2013
Period: 12.03.2013 - 17.03.2013 | Location: Pacific Grove, CA, USA | Location: Asilomar, CA, USA
Year: 2012 - LC-HRMS/MS based approach for the screening of microbial iron-containing metabolites (siderophores) (Talk)
Autoren: Sylvia M. Lehner, Nora K.N. Neumann, Lea Atanasova, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Irina S. Druzhinina, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 8. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2012
Period: 01.06.2012 - 02.06.2012 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2012 - Targeted screening and structure characterization of iron-containing metabolites (siderophores) from Trichoderma spp., A. alternata and A. niger using LC-HR-MS/MS on an LTQ Orbitrap XL (Poster)
Autoren: Sylvia M. Lehner, Nora K.N. Neumann, Lea Atanasova, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Irina S. Druzhinina, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: IOBC Reims 2012
Period: 24.06.2012 - 27.06.2012 | Location: Reims, France
Year: 2012 - Functional diversity of Trichoderma mycoparasitism (Poster)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, S. Le Crom, S. Gruber, F. Coulpier, V. Seidl-Seiboth, I. Druzhinina, C.P. Kubicek
Event: 11th European Conference on Fungal ECFG 11 2012
Period: 30.03.2012 - 02.04.2012 | Location: Marburg, Germany
Year: 2012 - Targeted screening and structure characterization of fungal non-ribosomal peptides (siderophores) using LC-HR-MS/MS on an LTQ Orbitrap XL (Talk)
Autoren: Sylvia M. Lehner, Nora K.N. Neumann, Lea Atanasova, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Irina S. Druzhinina, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 23rd Mass Spectrometric Discussion-Meeting MassSpec-Forum-Vienna 2012
Period: 21.02.2012 - 22.02.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - The transcriptional profile of Trichoderma mycoparasitism (Poster)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, S. Le Crom, S. Gruber, F. Coulpier, V. Seidl, I. Druzhinina, C.P. Kubicek
Event: EMBO Meeting Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms 2011
Period: 15.10.2011 - 20.10.2011 | Location: Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Year: 2011 - Metabolic profiling of iron-containing metabolites secreted by Trichoderma using LC-HR-MS/MS (Poster)
Autoren: Lehner S.M., Neumann N.K.N., Atanasova L., Krska R., Lemmens M., Druzhinina I., Schuhmacher R.
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Period: 25.09.2011 - 28.09.2011 | Location: Helsinki, Finland
Year: 2011 - Molecular characterisation of the yeast interspecies hybrids (Talk)
Autoren: Lopandic, K., Bond, U., Atanasova, L., Druzhinina, L., Sterflinger, K.
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Period: 19.09.2011 - 24.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2010 - Trichoderma in Its Environment : Ecophysiological Aspects, Aerial Transfer and in Situ DNA Barcoding of Infrageneric Communities (Talk)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, I. Druzhinina
Event: 9th International Mycological Congress IMC9 2010 - The Biology of Fungi
Period: 01.08.2010 - 06.08.2010 | Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Year: 2010 - Metagenomic study of an air borne diversity of a mycoparasiticfungus Trichoderma(teleomorph Hypocrea) (Poster)
Autoren: Atanasova L, Friedl MA, Bauer H, Puxbaum H, Kubicek CP, Druzhinina IS
Event: 3rd Joint Conference German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology and Association for General and Applied Microbiology
Period: 28.03.2010 - 31.03.2010 | Location: Hanover, Germany
Year: 2010 - Metagenomic study of air borne diversity of mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma (anamorph Hypocrea) (Poster)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, M. Friedl, H. Bauer, H. Puxbaum, C.P. Kubicek, I. Druzhinina
Event: VAAM - Jahrestagung
Period: 28.03.2010 - 31.03.2010 | Location: Hanover, Germany
Year: 2010 - Diversity and physiology of Trichoderma associated with nests of Borneo's exploding ants (Talk)
Autoren: L. Atanasova, D. Davidson, A. Kamariah, N. Anderson, I. Druzhinina:
Event: 9th International Mycological Congress IMC9 2010 - The Biology of Fungi
Period: 01.08.2010 - 06.08.2010 | Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Supervised Theses
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