Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81225
ORCID: 0000-0001-8839-5913
O-5278-2015: ResearcherId
6506641618: AuthorId
- 2002 Doctoral Degree
- 1995 Diploma
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2022) Major current freshwater biodiversity monitoring initiatives in Europe
Autoren: Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Pepe Barquín Ortiz, Andreas Bruder
FreshwaterBON meeting at the World Biodiversity Forum 2022
(2022) Freshwater Information Platform
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber Astrid
FreshwaterBON meeting at the World Biodiversity Forum 2022
(2022) Global tasks to ensure mobilisation of freshwater biodiversity data
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber Astrid, Bremerich Vanessa
FreshwaterBON meeting at the World Biodiversity Forum 2022
(2021) Ökologische Typisierung der aquatischen Makrofauna und Flora Deutschlands
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber Astrid
LAWA Meeting
(2021) The Freshwater Information Platform – in the light of African freshwater biodiversity data activities
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber Astrid
Freshwater Bioinformatics Africa: Seminar Series 2021
(2020) The Freshwater Information Platform - an online network to facilitate monitoring, data compilation and publishing
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; De Wever, A; Bremerich, V; Strackbein, J; Hering, D; Jähnig, S; Martens, K; Tockner K;
GEO BON - Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting 2020
(2020) MEASURES - Information System
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Grigoras, I;
ICPDR 31st Information Management & GIS Expert Group Meeting
(2020) MEASURES Information System
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic ecological corridors for migratory fish species in the Danube River basin; Zweiter Nationaler Stakeholder - Workshop
(2019) MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic EcologicAl corridors for migratory fiSh species in the danUbe RivEr baSin
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
ICPDR 28th Information Management & GIS Expert Group Meeting
(2019) an online database for European freshwater organisms, their biological traits and ecological preferences
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; Hering, D.
Biodiversity Next 2019 - Building a global infrastructure for biodiversity data. Together.
(2019) The Freshwater Information Platforman online network to facilitate monitoring, data compilation and publishing
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; De Wever, A.; Bremerich, V.; Strackbein, J.; Hering, D.; Jähnig, S.; Martens, K.; Tockner, K.
Biodiversity Next 2019 - Building a global infrastructure for biodiversity data. Together.
(2019) The MEASURES Information System
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; Grigoras, I.
ICPDR 28th Information Management & GIS Expert Group Meeting
(2019) The Freshwater Information Platforman online network to facilitate monitoring, data compilation and publishing
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; De Wever, A.; Bremerich, V.; Strackbein, J.; Hering, D.; Jähnig, S.; Martens, K.; Tockner, K.
ILTER 2nd OSM 2019 – the International Long Term Ecological Research Network, 2nd Open Science Meeting
(2019) The Freshwater Information Platforman online network to facilitate monitoring, data compilation and publishing
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; De Wever, A.; Bremerich, V.; Strackbein, J.; Hering, D.; Jähnig, S.; Martens, K.; Tockner, K.
ISRS – 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science
(2019) Bioindication and bioassessment concepts in Europe
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; Graf, W.; Schwarzinger, I.; Kail, J.
Final Conference LARIMA 2019 - Sustainable Highland Rivers Management in Ethiopia
(2019) Biodiversity data and international networks
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
LARIMA – final conference
(2018) Integration and dissemination of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem service data for case studies focusing on ecosystem-based management
Autoren: De Wever, A; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Arévalo-Torres, J; Dunne, D; Barbosa, AL; Martens, K;Iglesias-Campos, A
10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics (ICEI) - Translating Ecological Data into Knowledge and Decisions in a Rapidly Changing World
(2018) The Freshwater Information Platform - The network freshwater research.
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; De Wever, A; Bremerich, V; Strackbein, J; Hering, D; Jähnig, S; Martens, K; Tockner, K
Final conference of the EU research project MARS 2018 - Managing multiple stress for multiple benefits in aquatic ecosystems
(2018) The Freshwater Metadatabase goes multi-lingual
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; De Wever, A
Safeguarding Biodiversity Data for the Future - Conference & workshop of the “Saving Freshwater Biodiversity Research Data” project
(2018) The AQUACROSS Information Platform - a tool for publishing and sharing data and knowledge
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A
42nd IAD Conference 2018 - Danube - a lifeline governed by multiple uses, pressures and a multitude of ecosystem services
(2018) The Freshwater Information Platform - An online network supporting freshwater biodiversity research
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; De Wever, A; Bremerich, V; Strackbein, J; Hering, D; Jähnig, S; Martens, K; Tockner, K
SIAL 8 - Speciation in Ancient Lakes; Celebrating 25 Years and Moving Towards the Future
(2018) Riverine landscapes and their floodplains in transformation – challenges for utilization of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation in the Danube River.
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
13th Society of Wetlands Scientists (SWS) Europe Chapter Meeting
(2018) Power of ecological status assessment tools based on molecular data. Abol-meeting, Wien;
Autoren: Vitecek, S.,Leitner, P., Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & W. Graf
5th Austrian Barcode of Life Initiative ABOL General Meeting 2018
(2018) Changing Rivers - challenges for the management of ecosystem services and biodiversity in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
42nd Conference of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
(2017) The Freshwater Information Platform (FIP) - an online network supporting freshwater biodiversity research and policy
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; De Wever, A; Bremerich, V; Strackbein, J; Hering, D; Jähnig, S; Martens, K; Tockner K
10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS10 2017
(2017) Rivers under threat – challenges for biodiversity conservation in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
8th Danube Academies Conference
(2016) Eine Schatzkiste voller Punkte: über die Notwendigkeit von Biodiversitätsdaten(sammlungen)
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Neu, P; Graf, W.
Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
(2016) Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU Policies – AQUACROSS
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Funk, A; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Hein, T
Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
(2015) Are drivers and causes the same thing? Agreeing on a good definition of drivers of pressures in aquatic ecosystems
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Funk, A; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Robinson, L; Hein, T
Aquacross WP3 Coordination Meeting
(2015) "For the loser now, will be later to win, for the times they are a changin’…": European Trichoptera – current distribution patterns and future trends
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Graf, W; Vitecek, S; Neu, P; Malicky, H; Brosse, S; Lauzreal, C;
9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 2015
(2014) European Plecoptera Distribution: From Vision to reality
Autoren: Graf, W., Neu, P., Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
European Symposium on Plecoptera 2014
(2014) Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Bremerich, V; Freyhof, J
Water Lives: scientific horizons for biodiversity and water policy
(2014) Launch of the Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas (demo session)
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Bremerich, V; Freyhof J
Water Lives: scientific horizons for biodiversity and water policy
(2013) Data mobilisation from the BioFresh perspective: past, present & future challenges
Autoren: Jepson, P; De Wever, A; Schmidt-Kloiber, A
Biodiversity Informatics Horizons 2013 (BIH2013)
(2013) Biodiversity data publishing in freshwater sciences
Autoren: De Wever, A; Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
SIL XXXII Congress
(2013) The Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas – towards a unifying online infrastructure for freshwater biodiversity policy and research
Autoren: Bremerich V, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Freyhof J,
SEFS 8 - Symposium for European Freshwater Science
(2013) BioFresh – a network for global freshwater biodiversity
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Jepson, P; Freyhof, J; Huber, T; Leitner, P; Graf, W
Joint Danube Survey (JDS 2013)
(2013) The BioFresh Platform - demo session
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Bremerich, V; De Wever, A; Freyhof, J; Jepson, P; Tockner, K
Biodiversity Informatics Horizons 2013 (BIH2013)
(2013) BioFresh – Mobilising Freshwater Biodiversity Data
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Bremerich, V; De Wever, A; Freyhof, J; Jepson, P; Tockner, K
Biodiversity Informatics Horizons 2013 (BIH2013)
(2013) BioFresh: Building a Collaborative Global Freshwater Biodiversity Data Hub
Autoren: De Wever, A; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Bailly, N; Bremerich, V; Jepson, P; Freyhof, J; Martens, K; Tockner, K
TDWG 2013 Annual Conference
(2013) A European database on caddisflies (Trichoptera) – From vision to reality
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A, Graf W, Neu P,
8th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 8 2013
(2013) Mobilising Freshwater Biodiversity Data
Autoren: De Wever, A; Martens, K; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Tockner, K
BioSyst.EU 2013 - Global systematics
(2013) Ecological classification of freshwater species: status, applications and perspectives
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Hering, D
Freshwater Management in a Changing World
(2013) Biodiversity data publishing in freshwater sciences
Autoren: De Wever A, Schmidt-Kloiber A.
8th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 8 2013
(2013) BioFresh: Mobilising Freshwater Biodiversity Data to Support Future Ecosystem Management
Autoren: Tockner, K; Freyhof, J; De Wever, A; Martens, K; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Bailly, N; Oberdorff, T; Hering, D; Darwall, W; Jepson, P
CBD - Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 17)
(2012) Köcher- und Steinfliegen im Zeichen klimatischen Wandels
Autoren: Graf W; Schmidt-Kloiber A;
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft ÖEG Fachgespräch 2012 - Insekten und Klimawandel
(2012) Extraction of data from WISER databases
Autoren: Dudley B; Moe J; Schmidt-Kloiber A; Carvalho L;
WISER Final Conference 2012 - The way ahead in surface water assessment and management
(2012) A collaborative database of aquatic plants
Autoren: Dudley B; Schmidt-Kloiber A; Lansdown R; Birk S;
Freshwater Biodiversity in the UK 2012 - Status, Threats and Conservation Concerns
(2012) The WISER Central Database: content, structure and functions
Autoren: Moe J; Brænden R; Dudley B; Karud J; Schmidt-Kloiber A; Strackbein J; Vogl R;
WISER Final Conference 2012 - The way ahead in surface water assessment and management
(2012) Trichoptera und Plecoptera im Zeichen des klimatischen Wandels
Autoren: Graf W; Schmidt-Kloiber A;
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft ÖEG Fachgespräch 2012 - Insekten und Klimawandel
(2012) BioFresh – Assembling the freshwater biodiversity puzzle
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; De Wever, A.
Joint Conference EnvEurope/ExpeER/LTER-Europe 2012
(2012) Data about data – the WISER metadatabase
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A; Dudley B; Moe J; Strackbein J; Vogl R;
WISER Final Conference 2012 - The way ahead in surface water assessment and management
(2011) BioFresh: Integrating Freshwater Biodiversity Data
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A; Tockner K; Freyhof J; De Wever A; Segers H; Martens K; Bailly N; Oberdorff T; Hering D; Darwall W; Jepson P;
European Ostracoda Meeting EOM 7 2011
(2011) BioFresh: Integrating Freshwater Biodiversity Data
Autoren: De Wever A, Segers H; Martens K;, Schmidt-Kloiber A; Bailly N; Oberdorff T; Freyhof J; Hering D; Darwall W; Jepson P; Tockner K;
7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 7 2011
(2011) The power of freshwater invertebrates – relevance of the benthic invertebrate fauna for the monitoring of aquatic ecosystems
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A.
Colloquium of Environmental Sciences 2011
(2010) BioFresh: Integrating Freshwater Biodiversity Data – SIL 2010, August 2010, Cape Town, South Africa
Autoren: De Wever A; Segers H; Martens K; Schmidt-Kloiber A; Bailly N; Oberdorff T; Freyhof J; Hering D; Darwall W; Jepson P; Tockner K;
31st Congress of the Intenational Limnological Society (SIL 2010)
(2008) Contirbution to the knowledge of aquatic macorinvertebrates from the Hindu Kush-Himalaya
Autoren: Sharma S., Moog O., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Brabec K.
Scientifc Conference 2008 - Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalya - Ecology and Ennvironmental Assessment
(2008) Comparison of macorinvertebrate feeding strategies in streams from Asia, South America nd Europe
Autoren: Brabec K., Tomanova S., Syrovatka V., Petrivalska K., Hering D., Sharma S., Miserendino L., Moya N., Rozkovsky R., Soldan T., Graf W., Korte T., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Tachamo R.D., Kubosova K., Jarkovsky J.
Scientifc Conference 2008 - Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalya - Ecology and Ennvironmental Assessment
(2007) Traits of aquatic species as indicators
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A.
RUBICODE Workshop 2007 Assessing and monitoring ecosystems - concepts, policies and indicators
(2006) HKHdip - a Tool for Storing Both, Macroinvertebrate Taxa Lists and Data on Stream Characteristics in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region.
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A., Vogl R., Strackbein J.
SIL Austria Tagung 2006
(2006) Typology of the Danube River based on top-down and bottom-up approaches
Autoren: Moog O., Sommerhäuser M., Robert S., Battisti T., Birk S., Hering D., Ofenböck T., Schmedtje U., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Vogel B.
36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
(2006) Assessing climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems using a database of autecological information for European macroinvertebrates and fish
Autoren: Lorenz A., Graf W., Hering D., Schmidt-Kloiber A.
Annual meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO 2006
(2006) Assessing climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems using a database of autecological information for European macroinvertebrates and fish
Autoren: Lorenz A., Graf W., Hering D., Schmidt-Kloiber A.
Annual meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO 2006
(2006) Autökologische Eigenschaften europäischer Köcherfliegenarten: eine Analyse entlang klimatischer Gradienten
Autoren: Hering D., Graf W., Schmidt-Kloiber A.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie DGL 2006
(2006) Typology of the Danube River based on top-down and bottom-up approaches
Autoren: Moog O., Sommerhäuser M., Robert S., Battisti T., Birk S., Hering D., Ofenböck T., Schmedtje U., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Vogel B.
36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
(2005) Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die wirbellosen Tiere unserer Fließgewässer - ein EU Forschungsprojekt gibt Antworten
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A., Graf W.
2. Forum Reichenau - Gefahren- und Katastrophenmanagement, 2005
(2005) Zur Kenntnis von Leuctra festai AUBERT, 1954 und nah verwandter Arten. Poster.
Autoren: Graf W., Weigand E. & Schmidt-Kloiber A.
5. Fachtagung der Eintags- und Steinfliegen Deutschlands und angrenzender Regionen 2005
(2005) Gefahren- und Katastrophenmanagement
Autoren: Fuerhacker, M., Beran, J., Breitenfeld, M., Cepuder, P., Faber, R., Flesch, R., Graf, W., Hohenauer, R., Jung, H., Kammerer, G., Klik, A., Kromp, W., Kromp-Kolb, H., Lechner, P., Loiskandl, W., Markl, W., Melcher, A., Paul, J., Perfler, R., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Seibert, P., Wassermann, G.
2. Forum Reichenau - Gefahren- und Katastrophenmanagement, 2005
(2005) Bioindicators of aquatic ecosystems - The macro-invertebrate taxa and autecology database
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A., Lorenz A., Graf W., Moog O.
6th River Bottom Conference 2005
(2005) - Indicator Database for European Freshwater Invertebrates
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A., Graf W., Moog O., Lorenz A.
1st Conference on Faunistics and Zoogeography of European Trichoptera 2005
(2004) Die AQEM Autökologiedatenbank – „a living document“.
Autoren: Lorenz A. & A. Schmidt-Kloiber
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie 2004
(2004) Die AQEM Autökologiedatenbank – „a living document“.
Autoren: Lorenz A. & A. Schmidt-Kloiber
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie 2004
(2004) Köcherfliegen aus Vorarlberg.
Autoren: Graf, W., Hutter, G., Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
5. Fachtagung 2004 - Köcherfliegen Deutschlands und angrenzender Gebiete
(2003) ECOPROF - eine Software zur Auswertung und Archivierung aquatischer ökologischer Daten.
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
18. Internationales Symposium über Entomofaunistik in Mitteleuropa SIEEC 2003
(2003) Validation of the Danube typology: The bottom up check.
Autoren: Moog, O., Ofenböck, T., Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
2nd Surface Water Workshop
(2002) The effect of taxonomic resolution on the assessment of ecological water quality classess
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Nijboer, R.
AQEM Meeting 2002
(2002) Recovery of benthic community in a restored section of the Austrian Danube
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Nesemann, H., Moog, O., Graf, W., Baumgartner, B.
34th Conference, International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
MERLIN – Mainstreaming the restoration of rivers and wetlands in Europe
Autoren: Sebastian Birk, Paulo Andrez, Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Kirsty Blackstock, Tom Buijse, Laurence Carvalho, Nadine Gerner, Lars Hein, Eva Hernández Herrero, Tomasz Okruszko, Ellis Penning, Josselin Rouillard, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Daniel Hering
No data, no stride –On the relevance of freshwater biodiversity data
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber Astrid
Challenges in Freshwater Biodiversity: the Case of Data Publishing
Autoren: Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Vanessa Bremerich, Andreas Bruder, Helen Dallas, Aaike De Wever, Peter Haase, Sonja Jähnig, Jen Lento, Koen Martens, Jörg Strackbein, Klement Tockner & Daniel Hering
MEASURES INFORMATION SYSTEM its aims, its content, its connections
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber Astrid, Grigoras Ion
The Development and Testing of an Integrated Assessment System for the Ecological Quality of Streams and Rivers throughout Europe using Benthic Macroinvertebrates.
Autoren: Moog, O., Hering, D., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Stubauer, I., Buffagni, A., Johnson, R., Pinto, P., Skoulikidis, N., Sommerhäuser, M., Verdonschot, P., Zahrádková, S.
Was wohnt wo im Wasser?
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
Stand der typologischen Gliederung der Gewässerlandschaften in Österreich.
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Ofenböck, T., Moog, O.
Biozönotische Charakteristik und naturräumliche Bewertung des Gießgangsystems auf Basis makrozoobenthischer Indikatoren.
Autoren: Moog, O., Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
Biotische und abiotische Auentypisierung der Lobaugewässer zur Beurteilung des ökologischen Zustandes (Biotic and abiotic classification of Lobau floodplain waterbodies to assess the ecological status)
Autoren: Graf, W. Hohensinner, S., Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & T. Hein
ECOPROF - ein Computerprogramm zur Verwaltung, Auswertung und Archivierung zoologisch-ökologischer Fließgewässerdaten.
Autoren: Moog, O., Schmidt-Kloiber, A.
The European Distribution Atlas of Trichoptera Where to go from here?
Autoren: Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Peter Neu