Julian Binder
Dipl.-Ing. Julian Binder
Institute of Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research
Location Am Brigittenauer Sporn 3, 1200 Wien
Email julian.binder@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-81933
classifications according to Statistics Austria
- 2021 Graduation Master's programme Civil Engineering and Water Management, BOKU Vienna, with distinction
- 2018 Graduation Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering and Water Management, BOKU Vienna, with distinction
- 2013 Graduation from high school, Linz, with distinction
- 2018 Leistungsstipendium, BOKU Wien
0 Projects found.
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) RESSED - A technical toolkit for REServoir SEDimentation
Autoren: Tritthart, M; Binder, J; Morris, G; Karki, P; Efthymiou, N; Habersack, H
Vienna Water Conferences
(2022) Sediment Replenishment in the Austrian Danube: Combining Insights from Monitoring and Modelling Gravel Bar Morphodynamics
Autoren: Tritthart, M; Binder, J; Glas, M; Liedermann, M; Habersack, H; Hauer, C
3rd Meeting on Bar Morphodynamics
(2022) Optimization of side channel reconnection measures at the Austrian Danube
Autoren: Tritthart, M; Binder, J; Liedermann, M; Habersack, H
NCR Days 2022
(2021) Sustainable side channel reconnection at the Austrian Danube
Autoren: Tritthart, M; Binder, J; Liedermann, M; Habersack, H
4th International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers WLRC 2021
Suitability of Artificial Gravel Structures as Hydraulic Measures for Low-Flow Regulation in a Navigable River
Autoren: Binder, J; Glas, M; Hauer, C; Liedermann, M; Habersack, H; Tritthart, M