Torsten Winfried Berger
ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Torsten Winfried Berger
Institute of Forest Ecology
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-91217
- 2020 Visiting teacher at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 2012 - 2018 Deputy (Institute of Forest Ecology)
- 2000 Habilitation for the subject: "Biogeochemistry and Forest Nutrition". Thesis: "Reaction of forest ecosystems to changing chemical climate - experiments and publications"
- 1994 - 1996 Schrödinger Fellowship, Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES), USA
- 1992 Successful graduation of the ministerial exam for the Higher Forest Management (embodied in the Austrian forestry law), Ossiach, October 1992
- 1989 - 1991 Doctoral study at the Boku University, Vienna, graduation: academic degree of "Doktor der Bodenkultur Dr.nat.techn.)" with the thesis: "Investigations on oak decline: Aspects of nutrient budgets in oak forests in the northeastern region of Lower Austria with special regard to the deposition of atmospheric pollutants" (mark: very good, final doctoral exam: cum laude), November 1991
- 1988 - 1990 Postgraduate study of "Technical Environmental Protection", specialized in air pollution, Boku University and Technical University, Vienna, (mark: cum laude), March 1990
- 1982 - 1988 Study at the Faculty of Forestry, Boku University, Vienna, Graduation: academic degree of "Diplom-Ingenier" (diploma-engineer), March 1988
- Year: 2020 Awards: Visiting Erskine Teaching Fellowship at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Year: 2000 Awards: Klaus Fischer Innovationspreis für Technik und Umwelt
- Year: 1998 Awards: Preis der Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur
- Year: 1987 Awards: Preis der Prof. Anton Kurir-Stiftung
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Erholung der Böden vom Sauren Regen und langfristige Veränderung der Kohlenstoffvorräte in Buchenwäldern des Wienerwaldes
Autoren: Past, M.; Klinger, F.; Zangerle, L.; Auer, J.; Berger, T.W.
Event: 8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
Year: 2023 - Einfluss unterschiedlicher Baumarten auf Elementflüsse mit dem Bestandesniederschlag
Autoren: Morgenbesser, D., Berger, T.W.
Event: 8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
Year: 2023 - Trends in soil and soil solution chemistry of sugar maple stands (1995-2022) manipulated by additions of Ca and Al
Autoren: Berger, T.W.; Berger, P.
Event: Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study, 60th Annual Cooperator’s Meeting
Year: 2023 - Anpassung der zukünftigen Baumartenmischung des Wienerwaldes an mögliche Konsequenzen des Klimawandels aufgrund historischer Trockenstressreaktionen, ermittelt anhand von Standorts-, Boden- und Jahrringanalysen – Projektbericht
Autoren: Berger, T.W.; Grabner, M.; Dolschak, K.; Berger, P.
Event: Sitzung der Steuerungsgruppe „Laubholzforschung und Waldökologie als Grundlagen für zukunftsfitte arten- und strukturreiche Mischwälder“ im Rahmen des Waldfonds (Aufruf Maßnahme 8)
Year: 2022 - Soil recovery from acid rain between 1995 and 2022, manipulated by additions of Ca and Al
Autoren: Berger, T.W.; Berger, P.
Event: 59th Annual Cooperator’s Meeting Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study 2022
Year: 2020 - Tree species effects on soil chemistry, nutrient cycling and soil carbon sequestration
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Chemistry Seminars, College of Science, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Year: 2020 - Long-term changes in soil and soil solution chemistry after Ca- and Al additions to sugar maple stands of the NuPert study
Autoren: Berger, T.W
Event: 57th Annual Cooperators' Meeting Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study 2020
Year: 2020 - Forest soil recovery from Acid Rain in beech stands of the Vienna Woods
Autoren: Berger, T.W
Event: Chemistry Seminars, College of Science, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury
Year: 2019 - Auswirkungen von Waldstörungen auf Zersetzung und Bodennährstofffreisetzung
Autoren: Berger TW
Event: Waldökosystemforschung in den Kalkalpen - Workshop
Year: 2019 - Litter decomposition and soil carbon storage in Norway spruce, Douglas fir, and European larch stands
Autoren: Bischofer, L.; Berger, T.W.; Mayer, M.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Was blieb vom Sauren Regen
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: KIÖS Exkursion der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)
Year: 2019 - Do Norway spruce, Douglas fir and European larch stands differ in litter decomposition and belowground carbon storage?
Autoren: Bischofer, L; Berger, TW; Godbold, DL; Mayer, M
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2018 - Linking litter decomposition to soil carbon stocks under Norway spruce, Douglas fir and European larch
Autoren: Bischofer, L.M.; Berger, T.W.; Mayer, M.
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Soil emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O of disturbed and undisturbed beech stands, affected by decomposing foliage litter
Autoren: Hipfinger, C.; Berger, T.W
Event: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Year: 2018 - Linking litter decomposition to soil carbon stocks under non-native and native tree species
Autoren: Bischofer, L.M; Berger, T.W; Mayer, M
Event: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Year: 2016 - Recovery from soil acidification: Revisiting calcium- and aluminum chloride treated sugar maple stands at the NuPert study
Autoren: Berger, T.W
Event: 53th Annual Cooperator’s Meeting Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study 2016
Year: 2015 - Reliable analysis of sulfur stable isotopes in environmental samples usingMC ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Santner, J; Berger, T W; Prohaska, T
Event: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015
Year: 2015 - Modeling sulfur biogeochemistry of beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands at the Vienna Woods
Autoren: Dolschak, K., Berger, T.W.
Event: 4th ICP Forests Scientific Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Predicting recovery from Acid Rain using the micro-spatial heterogeneity of soil columns downhill the infiltration zone of beech stemflow
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Muras, A.
Event: 4th ICP Forests Scientific Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Measurement of sulfur stable isotope variations in bioavailable sulfate in soils by DGT MC ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Santner, J; Berger, TW; Mason, S; Prohaska, T
Event: DGT Conference 2015 - From DGT Research to Environmental Assessment
Year: 2015 - Measurement of d(34S/32S)vcdt in bioavailable soil sulfate by DGT MC ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Santner, J; Berger, TW; Mason, S; Wenzel, WW; Prohaska, T
Event: 14th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2015
Year: 2015 - The change of forest soil conditions in beech stands (Fagus sylvatica) of the Vienna Woods within the last three decades due to declining deposition of atmospheric pollutants
Autoren: Türtscher, S.; Berger, T.W.
Event: 4th ICP Forests Scientific Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Spolehlivá analýza stabilních izotopů síry v environmentálních vzorcích pomocí MC ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Santner, J; Berger, TW; Prohaska, T
Event: 8. kurz ICP-MS/OES 2015
Year: 2015 - Measurement of sulfur stable isotope ratios in dissolved sulfate by DGT MC ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Santner, J; Berger, TW; Prohaska, T
Event: 11th ASAC-JunganalytikerInnenforum 2015
Year: 2014 - Analytical Challenges in Determination of Sulfur Stable Isotopes by MC-ICP-MS
Event: Pumpaya 2014
Year: 2014 - Sind Waldböden nachtragend? Erholung der Waldböden von den Auswirkungen des Sauren Regens.
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Der Waldboden - Produktionskapital der Waldwirtschaft
Year: 2014 - Higher accumulation of litter in spruce (Picea abies) compared to beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands is not a consequence of the inherent recalcitrance of needles
Autoren: Berger, T.W.; Berger, P.
Event: 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior BIOGEOMON 2014
Year: 2014 - Biogeochemistry of sulfur in the Vienna Woods: Study of sulfur stable isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS as indicator of biogeochemical S cycling
Autoren: Hanousek, O., Berger, T.W., Prohaska, T.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2014 - Study of stable isotopes of sulfur in forest soils using MC ICP-MS – analytical challenges and solutions
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Berger, T.; Prohaska, T.
Event: PANGEO Austria 2014
Year: 2014 - Biogeochemistry of sulfur in the Vienna Woods: Study of sulfur stable isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O. Berger, T.W. Prohaska, T.
Event: 10. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2014
Year: 2013 - Soil recovery from acid rain in Austria and at Hubbard Brook
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: 50th Annual Cooperator’s Meeting Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study 2013
Year: 2013 - Investigation of sulphur mass balances in ecosystems by sulfur isotope ratio measurements using MC-ICP-MS
Autoren: Hanousek, O., Berger T. W., Prohaska T.
Event: DocDay Tulln 2013
Year: 2013 - Stable isotopes of sulfur to study Austrian forest ecosystems
Autoren: Hanousek, O; Berger, TW; Prohaska, T
Event: 9. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2013
Year: 2012 - Predicting reversibility of soil acidification in beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands – introduction of a research project
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: 7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior BIOGEOMON 2012
Year: 2012 - Revisiting calcium- and aluminum chloride treated sugar maple stands at Hubbard Brook: How does resupply of previously lost base cations pave the way for recovery of soil acidification?
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: 49th Annual Cooperator’s Meeting Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study 2012
Year: 2011 - The use of the isotope systems of alkaline earth elements (Mg, Ca, Sr) to determine plant origin and their potential to study plant metabolism and environmental fluxes
Autoren: Prohaska, T., Horsky, M., Brunner, M., Berger, T.W., Hietz, P., Rodrigues, C. and Máguas, C.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2010 - Litter decomposition of beech leaves, spruce needles and their mixtures as a function of stand composition and soil type
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Berger, P.
Event: COST Action FP0803 2nd Meeting Belowground Carbon Turnover in European Forests 2010 – Belowground Complexity
Year: 2010 - Carbon dioxide emissions of soils under pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce, affected by decomposing foliage litter mixtures
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2010
Year: 2010 - Evaluation of litter and soil C stocks and uncertainties in European forests
Autoren: Vanguelova, I.E., Armolaitis, K., Beniusis, R., Berger, T.W., Bonifacio, E., Guicharnaud, R.A., Heim, A., Püttsepp, Ü., Tobin, B., Walthert, L., Yildiz, O., Zhiyanski, M., Zimmermann, S., Hoosbeek, M.R.
Event: COST Action FP0803 2nd Meeting Belowground Carbon Turnover in European Forests 2010 – Belowground Complexity
Year: 2010 - Soil CO2 efflux under pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce, affected by decomposing foliage litter mixtures
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Belowground Carbon Turnover in European Forests – State of the Art. COST Action FP0803 Conference
Year: 2010 - In-situ carbon and nitrogen turnover dynamics and the role of soil functional biodiversity therein: a climate warming simulation study in Alpine ecosystems
Autoren: Djukic, I., F. Zehetner, O. Duboc, T.W. Berger, A. Watzinger, M. Horacek, M.H. Gerzabek
Event: EGU General Assembly 2010
Year: 2010 - Tree species effects on litter and soil
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Prescott, C., Smolander, A., Vesterdal, L.
Event: Boku-internes Departmentseminar 2010
Year: 2008 - Impact of tree species composition (spruce, mixed, beech) on throughfall fluxes
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Annual Meeting of Working Group ConForest 2008 - The Concept for European Forests
Year: 2007 - Introduction of the research project: Litter decomposition and nutrient release of mixed forests
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: EFI Project Centre ConForest 2007 - Conversion of coniferous forests
Year: 2006 - Reaction of forest ecosystems to silvicultural management: Decomposition, mineralization and soil nutrient release in pure and mixed stands of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies)
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Forest and Water Management in Central and Eastern Europe
Year: 2006 - Benefits of a conversion from secondary coniferous forests to mixed broadleaved stands for soil and water – results of selected case studies
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Plantation or Conversion – The Debate
Year: 2005 - Nitrogen isotope compostion (d15 N) of forest soil N pools reflects short-term N dynamics
Autoren: Wanek, W., Pörtl, K., Berger, T.W., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: 6th Austrian Stable Isotope User Group Meeting 2005
Year: 2004 - Improving soil chemical paramters of secondary pure spruce stands by admixture of beech
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: Restoration of Forest Soils in Polluted Areas
Year: 2004 - The role of calcium uptake in deep soils for spruce and beech using Sr isotopes
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Prohaska, T.
Event: EUROSOIL 2004
Year: 2004 - Comparisons of N fluxes in soils of different forest types. 15N labelling experiment and natural abundance measurements
Autoren: Pörtl, K. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Berger, T.W., Wanek, W.
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Group Meeting JESIUM 2004
Year: 2003 - Impact of species composition on forest soil properties and nutrient fluxes of secondary pure spruce and mixed spruce-beech stands.
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Event: The Question of Conversion of Coniferous Forests 2003
Year: 2003 - Validation and application of the nutrient cycling model (NuCM) for a secondary pure spruce and a mixed spruce-beech stand.
Autoren: Untersteiner, H., Berger, T.W.
Event: International Conference on Decision Support for Multiple Porpose Forestry IUFRO 2003
Year: 2002 - Gas Fluxes and Nutrient Turnover in Pure Spruce and Mixed Spruce-Beech Stands in Lower Austria
Autoren: Pörtl, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Berger, T.W. (2002)
Event: Nofretete Workshop Nitrogen oxides emissions from European forest ecosystems, 2002
Year: 2002 - Delta 15N in soil profiles of differently managed temperate forest stands.
Autoren: Hertenberger, G., Wanek, W., Berger, T.W.
Event: 4th Austrian Workshop on Stable Isotopes in Environmental and Earth Sciences
Year: 2002 - Gas fluxes and nutrient turnover in pure spruce and mixed spruce-beech stands in Lower Austria.
Autoren: Pörtl, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Berger, T.W.
Event: Nofretete Workshop Nitrogen oxides emissions from European forest ecosystems, 2002
Analytical Challenges of Strontium Isotopic Studies of Atmospheric Inputs to a Forest Ecosystem by means of ICP-SMS
Autoren: Watkins, M., Latkoczy, C., Prohaska, T., Berger, T., Stingeder, G.
Plant-soil feedback in spruce (Picea abies) and mixed spruce beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands.
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Glatzel, G.
Factors regulating throughfall flux in sugar maple stands at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest.
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Studies on the biogeochemistry of trifluoroacetate and calcium at Hubbard Brook.
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Depletion of calcium in forest soils under Norway spruce in Central Europe.
Autoren: Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., E. Hildebrand, E., Berger, T.W.
Thoughfall chemistry of CaCl2 and AlCl3 treated sugar maple stands.
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Eager, C., Likens, G.E.
Time as a postdoctoral associate at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies - a retrospective view.
Autoren: Berger, T.W.
Throughfall chemistry of CaCl2 and AlCl3 treated sugar maple stands.
Autoren: Berger, T.W., Eager, C., Likens, G.E.