Sophie Kratschmer
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Sophie Kratschmer
Institute of Zoology
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-83323
Research Focus
Biodiversity, Wild bees, Agro-ecology, spatial ecology in insects
- 2019 Post-Doc Position at Institute of Zoology
- 2015 - 2019 Doctoral studies of natural resources and life sciences (788, UG2002/16U_SPO)
- 2012 - 2015 Master "Environment and Bio-Resource Management
- 2008 - 2012 Bachelor "Environment and Bio-Resource Management"
- Year: 2023 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award 2023 for the lecture “Animal species of conservation concern and their habitat demands”.
- Year: 2021 Awards: BOKU Talent Awards
- Year: 2018 Awards: BOKU Best Paper Awards
- Year: 2018 Awards: Preis der ÖEG (Österreichische Entomologische Gesellschaft)
- Year: 2016 Awards: "Bestes Poster" auf der 12. Hymenopterologen-Tagung Stuttgart (14-16.10.2016)
- Year: 2015 Awards: Wissenschaftlicher Förderpreis der MA22 2015
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Nistplatzparameter der Langlebigen Schmalbiene (Lasioglossum marginatum)
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Haberl, L; Reichl, I; Bruckner, A
Event: Fachsymposium BeesUp zu bodennistenden Wildbienen
Year: 2024 - Track Them Down: Wild bee tracking in Eastern Austria: Results and Challenges after two field seasons
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Landler, L; Burgstaller, S; Spießberger, M; Milchram, M; Schuller, N; Gröticke, D; Wacker, H; Dönz, V; Planitzer, A; Ihle, F; Lanner, J
Event: DIBB Research Symposium 2024
Year: 2024 - How many bees fit in the city? A spatially ecological case study to conserve urban wild bees based on trait similarity
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Unglaub, P; Rohrbach, C; Pachinger, B; Lanner, J
Event: 15. Stuttgarter Hymenopteren-Tagung 2024
Year: 2024 - Wieviele Bienen passen in die Stadt? Eine Initialstudie zur bienenökologischen Raumplanung Wiens
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Unglaub, P; Pachinger, B; Lanner, J
Event: Jahrestreffen Österreichischer Wildbienenrat
Year: 2024 - Wie viele Bienen passen in die Stadt? Eine Initialstudie zur bienenökologischen Raumplanung Wiens
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Unglaub, P; Pachinger, B; Lanner, J
Event: 90. Entomologentagung 2024
Year: 2024 - DivMoST - Monitoring meadow orchards: Methods for automated localization and biodiversity evaluation of indicator organisms
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Milchram, M; Immitzer, M; Suppan, F; Holler, C; Rosner, F; Linhart, S; Unglaub, P; Lanner, J; Strausz, M; Hengsberger, E; Vuolo, F; Staples, M; Weißmann, M; Silhavy-Richter, K; Weis, I; Schöll, EM
Event: Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society 2024
Year: 2023 - BeEcoVIE: Initialstudie zur bienenökologischen Raumplanung in Wien
Autoren: Kratschmer, S
Event: Treffen des Landesverbandes für Bienenzucht in Wien
Year: 2023 - Die bienenökologische Raumplanung Österreichs: Eine Initialstudie für Wien
Autoren: Lanner, J; Kratschmer, S
Event: Vollversammlung des Österreichischen Wildbienenrates
Year: 2023 - Re-establishing grasslands in the agricultural landscape to promote insect diversity – How much do insects benefit from grassland strips in fields? (Project REGRASS 2)
Autoren: Peer, M; Kratschmer, S; Bürgler, M; Hussain, RI; Rabl, D; Walcher, R; Schernhammer, T; Maas, B; Schuller, N; Vogel, N; Heer, M; Zwatz, S; Krautzer, B; Moser, D; Frank, T
Event: Tage der Biodiversität 2023
Year: 2023 - Auswirkungen von Begrünungsmanagement und Pestizideinsatz auf Bodenerosion und natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfung im Weinbau
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Walzer, A; Redl, M; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Sandor, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Benitez, E; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart Cervera, S; Strauss, P; Schwarz, N; Cheng, Y; Comsa, M; Karp, D; Paredes, D
Event: LIFE VineAdapt - Nachhaltiger Weinbau zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel Midterm-Workshop
Year: 2023 - Track Them Down: Preliminary Results and Challenges of Wild Bee Telemetry in Eastern Austria
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Landler, L; Lanner, J
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2023
Year: 2023 - Development of diversified re-established grasslands over six years for insect conservation in comparison with EU’s ecological focus areas
Autoren: Peer, M; Kratschmer, S; Brandl, M; Hussain R; Vogel, N; Heer, M; Schuller, N; Walcher, R; Schernhammer, T; Rabl, D; Maas, B; Krautzer, B; Moser, D; Frank, T;
Event: 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Year: 2023 - Bienen-Pflanzen Interaktionen in Abhängigkeit von Honigbienendichte und Landschaftsstruktur in Agrarökosystemen
Autoren: Unglaub, P; Frank, T; Kratschmer, S
Event: Kolloquium der Österreichischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft ÖEG 2023
Year: 2023 - Bee-Plant interactions in dependence of honeybee density and landscape structure in agro-ecosystems
Autoren: Unglaub, P; Frank, T; Kratschmer, S
Event: EcoFlor 2023
Year: 2023 - Re-establishing grasslands in the agricultural landscape to promote insect diversity
Autoren: Peer, M; Brandl, M; Heer, M; Hussain, R I; Kratschmer, S; Maas, B; Moser, D; Rabl, D; Schuller, N; Vogel, N; Zwatz, S; Frank, T
Event: DIBB Research Symposium 2023
Year: 2022 - Comparison of butterfly diversity, abundance, and community composition in different grassland types
Autoren: Vogel, N; Peer, M; Kratschmer, S; Brandl, M; Hussain, RI; Heer, M; Schuller, N; Walcher, R; Schernhammer, T; Rabl, D; Maas, B; Krautzer, B; Moser, D; Frank, T
Event: Entomologisches Kolloquium ÖEG 2022
Year: 2022 - Sustainable vineyard vegetation management - balancing trade-offs and synergies of biodiversity and ecosystem service provision
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Walzer, A; Redl, M; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Sandor, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Benitez, E; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart, S;T Richart Cervera, S; Strauss, P; Schwarz, N; Cheng, Y; Comsa, M; Karp, D; Paredes, D
Event: Joint meeting SFE GFÖ EEF, International conference on ecological sciences 2022 - Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges
Year: 2022 - Projekt REGRASS: Re-Etablierung von Wiesenstreifen in der Agrarlandschaft zur Förderung von Insekten
Autoren: Peer, M.; Kratschmer, S.;Brandl, M.; Hussain, R.; Vogel, N.; Heer, M.; Schuller, N.; Walcher, R.; Schernhammer, T.; Rabl, D.; Maas, B.; Krautzer, B.; Moser, D., Frank, F.;
Event: Entomologisches Kolloquium ÖEG 2022
Year: 2022 - Track Them Down: The spatial ecology and movement pattern of the enigmatic moss carder bee (Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus, 1758)) and the introduced sculptured resin bee (Megachile sculpturalis Smith, 1853)
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Lanner, J; Landler, L
Event: 14. Stuttgarter Hymenopteren-Tagung 2022
Year: 2022 - Track Them Down: The spatial ecology and behaviour of the enigmatic moss carder bee (Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus, 1758)) and the invasive sculptured resin bee (Megachile sculpturalis Smith, 1853)
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Lanner, L; Landler, L
Event: Entomologisches Kolloquium ÖEG 2022
Year: 2022 - Track Them Down: The spatial ecology and behaviour of the enigmatic moss carder bee (Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus, 1758)) and the invasive sculptured resin bee (Megachile sculpturalis Smith, 1853)
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Lanner, L; Landler, L
Event: Entomologisches Kolloquium ÖEG 2022
Year: 2022 - Re-establishing grasslands in the agricultural landscape to promote insect diversity - How much do insects benefit from grassland strips in fields?
Autoren: Peer, M; Brandl, M; Heer, M; Hussain, RI; Kratschmer, S; Maas, B; Moser, D; Rabl, D; Schernhammer, T; Schuller, N; Vogel, N; Walcher, R; Frank, T
Event: Joint meeting SFE GFÖ EEF, International conference on ecological sciences 2022 - Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges
Year: 2022 - Track Them Down - Wildbee Telemetry in Eastern Austria - Preliminary Results & Challenges
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Lander, L; Lanner J
Event: 88. Internationale Entomologentagung der Entomologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft 2022
Year: 2022 - Bienen-Pflanzen Interaktionen in Abhängigkeit von Honigbienendichte und Landschaftsstruktur in Agrarökosystemen
Autoren: Unglaub, P; Frank, T; Kratschmer, S
Event: Entomologisches Kolloquium ÖEG 2022
Year: 2022 - Changes in the wild bee communities over 100 years in relation to land-use: A case study in a protected steppe habitat in Eastern Austria
Autoren: Zimmermann, D; Schoder, S; Zettel, H; Hainz-Renetzeder, Ch; Kratschmer, S
Event: 14. Stuttgarter Hymenopteren-Tagung 2022
Year: 2021 - Wildbienen & Honigbienen: Konkurrenz oder Koexistenz in Agrarökosystemen?
Autoren: Kratschmer, S
Event: Vortrag für den Entomologischen Verein Bern
Year: 2021 - Urbane Biodiversität der Heuschrecken auf Flächen des Öffentlichen Verkehrs
Autoren: Huchler, K; Kropf, M; Bassler-Binder, G; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Pennerstorfer, J; Pachinger, B
Event: ÖEG - Entomologisches Kolloquium
Year: 2021 - Bienen-Pflanzen Interaktionen in Abhängigkeit von Honigbienendichte und Landschaftsstruktur in Agrarökosystemen
Autoren: Unglaub, P; Frank, T; Kratschmer, S
Event: 87. Internationale Entomologentagung
Year: 2021 - Wildbienen in Agrarlandschaften - Die Bedeutung von Ackerkulturen, naturnahen Elementen und Biodiversitätsflächen
Autoren: Pachinger, B; Ockermüller, E; Kratschmer, S; Neumayer, J; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Pascher, K
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2021
Year: 2021 - Einfluss der Weingartenbewirtschaftung auf die taxonomische und funktionelle Diversität von Pflanzen und Wildbienen in Österreich und Südafrika
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Gaigher, R; Pryke, JS; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ; Melin, A; Kehinde, T; Zaller, JG; Winter, S;
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2021
Year: 2021 - Der Einfluss von Bewirtschaftungsintensitäten und Landschaftsparametern auf die Diversität der Wildbienen und Pflanzen in Weingärten - Österreich und Südafrika im Vergleich
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Gaigher, R; Pryke, JS; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ; Melin, A; Kehinde, T; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: 87. Internationale Entomologentagung
Year: 2021 - Alarmstufe Rot: Eine Expert*inneneinschätzung ausgestorbener Wildbienen und zur Notwendigkeit einer Roten Liste für Wildbienen in Österreich
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Zettel, H; Ockermüller, E; Zimmermann, D; Schoder, S; Neumayer, J; Gusenleitner, F; Zenz, K; Mazzucco, K; Ebmer, AW; Kuhlmann, M
Event: 74. Entomologentagung mit Insektenschau und -tausch
Year: 2021 - Gemeinschaftsgärten in Wien - Eine Chance für den Wildbienenschutz
Autoren: Gaulhofer, F; Lanner, J; Kratschmer, S; Petrović, B; Pachinger, B
Event: 87. Entomologen-Tagung
Year: 2021 - REGRASS: Re-Etablierung von Grünlandflächen in der Agrarlandschaft zur Förderung von Insekten
Autoren: Peer, M; Kratschmer, S; Brandl, M; Hussain, R.I; Vogel, N; Heer, M; Schuller, N; Walcher, R; Schernhammer T; Rabl, D; Maas, B; Krauzer, B; Moser, D; Frank, T.
Event: 87. Internationale Entomologentagung
Year: 2021 - Bienen-Pflanzen Interaktionen in Abhängigkeit von der Honigbienendichte und der Landschaftsstruktur in Agrarökosystemen
Autoren: Unglaub, P; Frank, T; Kratschmer, S;
Event: BioFeldTage 2021
Year: 2021 - Das Summen zwischen den Reben: Wildbienen im Weingarten und wie Winzer*innen sie fördern können
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Paredes, D; Guernion, M; Guzmán, G; Popescu, D; Macavei, L; Gaigher, R; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ
Event: Bio-WinzerInnen Tagung
Year: 2021 - Wildbienen & Honigbienen: Konkurrenz oder Koexistenz in Agrarökosystemen?
Autoren: Kratschmer, S
Event: Hauptversammlung Imkerverein Bruck/Leitha
Year: 2020 - Wild bee diversity in Austrian agricultural landscapes and the role of agri-environmental measures
Autoren: Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Widhalm, T; Neumayer, J; Hainz-Renetzeder, Pascher, K
Event: Halting the loss of pollinators: The role of the EU agricultural and regional development policies
Year: 2020 - Sustainable viticulture – management effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Herndl, T; Walzer, A; Kratschmer, S; Johann G. Zaller, J.G; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, J.M; Strauss, P
Event: 19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development 2020
Year: 2019 - Wildbienen - wo sind sie geblieben? Bestäuber in österreichischen Ackerbaugebiet
Autoren: Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Neumayer, J; Widhalm, T; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Pascher, K
Event: 2. Österreichisches Forum zu Biodiversität & Ökosystemdienstleistungen 2019
Year: 2019 - Pollenverfügbarkeit für die Gehörnte Mauerbiene (Osmia cornuta) in Regionen unterschiedlicher Landschaftsnutzung im Osten Österreichs
Autoren: Petrovic, B; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Meimberg H
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2019
Year: 2019 - Identifying landscape structures to enhance wild bee diversity in agricultural areas
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Neumayer, J; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Pascher, K
Event: IALE WORLD CONGRESS International Association for Landscape Ecology 2019
Year: 2019 - Weingartenpflege oder Landschaftsstruktur - Was ist wichtiger für Wildbienen
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Kriechbaum, M; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2019
Year: 2019 - Inter-row management effects on biotic and abiotic soil properties of European vineyards
Autoren: Strauss, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Nicolai, A; Popescu, P; Gomez, JA; Guzmán, G; Bauer, T; Buchholz, J; Zaller, JG
Event: Soils across Latitudes. International Soils Meeting, Soil Science Society America
Year: 2019 - Inter-Row Management Effects on Biotic and Abiotic Soil Properties of European Vineyards
Autoren: Strauss P, Winter S, Kratschmer S, Nicolai A, Popescu D, Gomez JA, Guzmán G, Bauer T, Buchholz J, Zaller JG
Event: Soil Science Society of America, International Soils Meeting, 129-2
Year: 2019 - Von Heuschrecken und Straßenbahnen
Autoren: Huchler, K; Kropf, M; Bassler-Binder, G; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Pennerstorfer, J; Pachinger, B
Event: 2. Österreichisches Forum zu Biodiversität & Ökosystemdienstleistungen 2019
Year: 2019 - Identifying landscape structures to enhance wild bee diversity in agricultural areas
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Neumayer, J; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Pascher, K; Pachinger, B
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2018 - Inter-row management effects on biotic and abiotic soil properties of European vineyards
Autoren: Strauss, P; Gomez, J; Gúzman, G; Nicolai, A; Cluzeau, D; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Bunea, C; Popescu, D; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, J G
Event: Soil And Water Security: Challenges for the next 30 years! ESSC International Conference
Year: 2018 - Response of wild bee diversity and functional traits to vineyard management and landscape diversity across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Macavei, L; Guzmán, G; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Zaller, J; Winter, S
Event: 8th congress of Apidology EurBee 8 2018
Year: 2018 - Effect of tillage intensities on predator-prey interactions of spiders and springtails in vineyards from different landscapes
Autoren: Pfingstmann, A; Buchholz, J; Paredes, D; Querner, P; Kratschmer, S; Winter S; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Zaller, JG
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Extensive soil management and high floral resource availability promote wild bees in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Macavei, L; Schwantzer, M; Guzmán, G; Guernion, G; Nicolai, A; Albin, F; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Burel, F; Zaller, J; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - “Biodiversity areas” – a measure in the agri-environmental programme of Austria: Do wild bees benefit?
Autoren: Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Neumayer, J; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Pascher, K
Event: Hymenopterologen-Tagung 2018
Year: 2018 - Investigating the population genetic structure of the wild bee Andrena danuvia using microsatellites
Autoren: Lanner, J; Curto, M; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Meimberg, H
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Effect of tillage intensities on predator-prey interactions in vineyards from different landscapes: the case of spiders and springtails
Autoren: Pfingstmann, A; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Paredes, D; Kratschmer, S; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Blühflächen als Habitat für Wildbienen und andere blütenbesuchende Insekten
Autoren: Wildzeiss, S; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Pachinger, B
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2018
Year: 2018 - Where do wild bees want to live? Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Neumayer, J; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Frank, T; Pascher, K; Pachinger, B
Event: 8th congress of Apidology EurBee 8 2018
Year: 2018 - Vegetation management intensity alters functional traits and plant community composition in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Hall, R. M; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Kratschmer, S; Jung, V; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Guernion, M; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Gómez, J. A; Popescu, D; Hoble, A; Comsa, M; Bunea, C; Zaller, J. G; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Determining habitats to enhance wild bee diversity in agricultural landscapes.
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Ockermüller, E; Neumayer, J., Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Frank, T; Pascher, K; Pachinger, B
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Establishing a multi marker approach for plant DNA barcoding and metabarcoding.
Autoren: Curto, M; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Meimberg, H
Event: Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
Year: 2018 - Using DNA metabarcoding for simultaneously examining the functional diversity of plants
Autoren: Lanner, J; Curto, M; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Meimberg, H
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2017 - Field versus landscape scale: What determines wild bee diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2017
Year: 2017 - Response of soil biota to vineyard interrow soil cultivation can be altered by the surrounding landscape
Autoren: Zaller, JG Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Paredes, D; Kratschmer, S; Schwantzer, M; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Burel, F; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Nicolai, A; Cluzeau, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of soil cover management in Austrian vineyards - how does it affect soil loss modelling?
Autoren: Strauss, P; Thielke, T; Bauer, T; Zaller, JG; Kratschmer, S; Winter, S
Event: World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change 2017
Year: 2017 - Wild bee diversity and functional traits are affected by inter-row management intensityin vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Macavei, L; Zaller JG; Winter, S
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Can vineyard biodiversity be beneficial for viticulture and tourism?
Autoren: Hervé, M; Kratschmer, S; Gregorich, C; Winter, S; Montembault, D; Zaller, JG; Guernion, M; Jung, V; Schuette, R; Paredes, D; Guzman, G; Gomez, J; Hoble, A; Popescu, D; Burel, F; Cluzeau, D; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Nicolai, A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Effects of management intensity and landscape on plant diversity, species composition and functional traits in European vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez-Cuesta; R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, J; Paredes, D; Jung, V; Gomez, J; Fertil, A; Chollet, S; Schneider, A; Comsa, M; Kratschmer, S; Guernion, M; Hoble, A; Entrenas, J; Zaller, J.
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Developing resources for pollen meta-barcoding resources to study foraging behavior of wild bees.
Autoren: Curto, M; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Meimberg, H
Event: ABOL Meeting 2017
Year: 2016 - Effects of inter-row management intensity on wild bee, plant and soil biota diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Strauß, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Surface active and soil Collembola influenced by habitat and landscape parameters in Austrian vineyards
Autoren: Querner, P; Buchholz, J; Zaller, JG; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Strauss, P
Event: XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology
Year: 2016 - Effects of landscape diversity and management intensity on wild bee diversity in wine-growing areas
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guzmán G; Entrenas, J.A; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller, J.G; Winter, S
Event: 12. Hymenopterologischen-Tagung in Stuttgart
Year: 2016 - How does vineyard management intensity affect ecosystem services and disservices – insights from a meta-analysis
Autoren: Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Paredes, D; Gómez, JA; Guzmán, G; Landa, B; Nicolai, A; Burel, F; Cluzeau, D; Popescu, D; Bunea, C-I; Potthoff, M; Guernion, M; Batáry, P
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Management intensity or landscape diversity? What matters most for wild bee diversity in wine-growing areas?
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Entrenas, J.A; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller J.G; Winter, S,
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Gärten – Lebensräume für Hummeln?
Autoren: Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Neumayer, J
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of inter-row management intensity on wild bee, plant and soil biota diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Zaller, J.G; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of vineyard interrow soil cultivation and soil properties on soil biota appear to be altered by the surrounding landscape
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Kratschmer, S; Schwantzer, M; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Paredes, D; Burel, F; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Scimia, J; Cluzeau, D
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Soil cultivation in vineyards alters interactions between soil biota and soil physical and hydrological properties
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Potthoff, M; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Cluzeau, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Obstbäumen und Wildbienen in Weinbaulandschaften Ostösterreichs
Autoren: Schwantzer, M; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Kriechbaum, M; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2015 - Biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Zaller, J G; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Querner, P; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Gómez, J A; Landa, B; Lora, Á; Guzmán, G; Paredes, D; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Bunea, C.-I; Hoble, A; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Plaas, E; Schütte, R; Cluzeau, D; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Guernion, M; Jung, V
Event: 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium “Weed management in changing environments"
Year: 2015 - Summen auf den Dächern Wiens. Wildbienen (Apidae) auf begrünten Dachflächen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Förderung.
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Pachinger, B.
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2015
Year: 2015 - Interlinkages between biodiversity, ecosystem services and socio-economics in vineyards (BiodivERsA project VineDivers)
Autoren: Zaller JG, Winter S, Strauss P, Bauer T, Querner P, Buchholz J, Kriechbaum M, Pachinger B, Kratschmer S, Gómez J, Campos M, Landa B, Paredes D, Popescu D, Comsa M, Iliescu ML, Tomoiaga LL, Bunea C-I, Hoble A, Marghitas LA, Rusu T, Lora A, Guzmán G, Bergmann H, Potthoff M, Schütte R, Cluzeau D, Burel F, Nicolai A, Guernion M, Jung V
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Effects of inter-raw management intensity on wild bees in Austrian, Spanish, French and Romanian vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Nicolai, A; Favreau, M; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Florian, T; Winter, S
Event: DZG-German Zoological Society, 108th Annual Meeting