Paul Christian Pfaffenbichler
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Paul Christian Pfaffenbichler
Institute of Transport Studies
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-85620
ORCID: 0000-0002-2532-3119
6504434236: AuthorId
I-2879-2019: ResearcherId
Research Focus
System Dynamics in transport modelling, active mobility, alternative propulsion rechnologies
- 2024 Senior Scientist, Institute of Transportation, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2018 - 2024 Universitätsassistent, Institute of Transport Studies, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2011 - 2017 Senior Researcher, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Institute of Transportation, TU Wien
- 2009 - 2011 Senior Researcher, Austrian Energy Agency, Department Mobility & Transport
- 2009 - 2011 Assistant lecturer, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Institute of Transportation, Vienna University of Technology
- 2008 - 2009 Part time Senior Researcher, Austrian Energy Agency, Department Mobility & Transport and part time und Assistant Professor, Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
- 2005 - 2008 Assistant Professor, Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
- 2004 - 2005 Visiting Professor ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, Head of the Research Department „Modelización y optimización de las redes de transporte” (Modelling and Optimisation of Transport Networks)
- 2003 Dissertation Vienna University of Technology: "The strategic, dynamic and integrated urban land use and transport model MARS (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator)"
- 2000 - 2004 Research Associate, Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
- 1997 - 2000 Researcher, Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
- 1995 - 1997 Self-employed as design draughtsman (clients MOVIECAM, Schrack Aerospace, Werner & Pfleiderer and others)
- 1984 - 1995 Study of mechanical engineering, specialisation in traffic engineering, Vienna University of Technology
- Year: 2020 Awards: BOKU Nachhaltigkeitspreis in der Kategorie Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung für das Projekt Systemcheck
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Emissionsverhalten im Vergleich der Verkehrsträger
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Rolling Stock Engineering
Year: 2024 - Mobilitätsmotive
Autoren: Pfafenbichler, P
Event: Rolling Stock Engineering
Year: 2024 - Ein Blick auf den Klimarat aus der Perspektive der Aktiven Mobilität
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Aktive Mobilität - Radfahren und Gehen in der Stadt 2024, Ringvorlesung TU Wien
Year: 2024 - In the Loop: The Application of System Dynamics in Transport
Autoren: Harrison, G; Gühnemann, A; Jittrapirom, P; Pfaffenbichler, P; Shepherd, S; Gómez Vilchez; J
Event: Transport Research Arena 2024
Year: 2024 - Bedarfsflächen e-Ladeinfrastruktur im öffentlich zugänglichen Raum
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Nationaler Workshop SEPII Mobilität
Year: 2024 - Ein Blick auf den Klimarat aus der Perspektive der Aktiven Mobilität
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: klimaaktiv Jahreskonferenz 2024
Year: 2024 - Modeling the Business Dynamics of Shared Micromobility Fleet Development
Autoren: Fuady, SN; Susilo, Y; Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: International System Dynamics Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Elektromobilität als Baustein zur Lösung der Klimakrise
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: 19. Kraftfahrzeug-Symposium
Year: 2024 - Socially Fair Options for Decarbonising Housing and Mobility in Austria
Autoren: Kettner, C; Bock-Schappelwein, J; Kletzan-Slamanig, D; Sommer, M; Gühnemann, A; Pfaffenbichler, P; Hartwig, L; Gold, O; Kirchner, M; Spittler, N; Wretschitsch, E; Kranzl, L; Maia, I; Müller, A; Mayrhofer, L
Event: Transition to a low carbon economy. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) 2024
Year: 2023 - Transfair-AT Modellierung
Autoren: Kettner, C; Pfaffenbichler, P; Müller, A; Sommer, M
Event: Transfair-AT Expert:innen-Workshop Modellierung
Year: 2023 - What is System Dynamics and why use it in transport research and policy-making?
Autoren: Harrison, G; Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: AET Transport and Mobility Forum Webinar
Year: 2023 - Charakteristik mobilitäts‐ und energiearmer Haushalte in Österreich – Auswertung einer Zusatzerhebung zur Konsumerhebung 2019/20
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Transfair-AT Stakeholder‐Workshop
Year: 2023 - Bedarfsflächen e-Ladeinfrastrukturen im öffentlich-zugänglichen Raum
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: GEL-SEPII Hub-Meeting Salzburg
Year: 2023 - Investigating the Impact of Micro Mobility on the Object of "A Good City": A System Dynamics Approach
Autoren: Fuady, S. N.; Pfaffenbichler, P; Susilo, Y
Event: European Transport Conference 2023
Year: 2023 - Transfair-AT - Model linkage
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Müller, A; Sommer, M
Event: 2nd Scientific Advisory Board Meeting
Year: 2023 - Social impacts of decarbonising the Austrian passengertransport system
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: European Transport Conference 2023
Year: 2022 - Propulsion technology stock flow model
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Emberger, G; Figenbaum, E; Fearnley, N
Event: 5th Annual Workshop on System Dynamics in Transportation Modelling 2022
Year: 2022 - Der österreichische Klimarat
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Interdisziplinäres Seminar „Nachhaltige Mobilität“, TU Wien
Year: 2022 - Wirtschaftsfaktor Radfahren - Beschäftigungs- und Wertschöpfungseffekte in Österreich
Autoren: Brezina, T; Tschugg, B; Lemmerer, H; Kleissner, A; Pfaffenbichler, P; Kepplinger, D
Event: 13. Österreichischer Radgipfel 2022
Year: 2022 - Ladestationen 2040
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Workshop zu Szenarien für die Hochlaufzahlen der Elektromobilität in Wien
Year: 2022 - Mobilitätsmotive
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Rolling Stock Engineering - FH Technikum
Year: 2022 - Mobilität im ländlichen Raum - Wie kann die notwendige Mobilitätswende gelingen?
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Sommergespräche 2022 Grüne Neufelden
Year: 2022 - EcoVeloTour
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Touristische Inwertsetzung von Projekten des EU-Donauraumprogramms
Year: 2022 - The potential impacts of micromobility on urban transport: adaptation of land use and transport model of Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Fuady, SN., Susilo, Y. and Pfaffenbichler, P.C.
Event: 5th World Planning Schools Congress WPSC and 16th Asian Pacific Planning Schools Association APSA Congress 2022
Year: 2022 - Bewertung der Berollbarkeit von Straßenbelägen in Wien
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Vorstellung der Studie Berollbarkeit von Pflasterflächen 2022
Year: 2022 - Understanding the resilience of urban mobility to pandemic threats using system dynamics modeling
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Rodriguez Lara, V; Rodrigues da Silva, N
Event: 5th Annual Workshop on System Dynamics in Transportation Modelling 2022
Year: 2022 - Szenarien für die Hochlaufzahlen der Elektromobilität in Wien
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Ergebnispräsentation Projekt Ladestationen 2040
Year: 2022 - Mobilität - Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Seebauer, S
Event: Klimarat der Bürgerinnen und Bürger 2022
Year: 2022 - Ergebnisse der Studie „Bewertung der Berollbarkeit von Straßenbelägen in Wien“
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Batiajew, V; Hartwig, L
Event: Abstimmungstreffen Magistratsabteilung 28 - Österreichischer Behindertenrat
Year: 2022 - Ergebnisse der Studie „Bewertung der Berollbarkeit von Straßenbelägen in Wien“
Autoren: Paul Pfaffenbichler, Valerie Batiajew, Lukas Hartwig
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen der regelmäßigen Treffen der Mobilitätsscount: Aktiv werden für ein alter(n)sfreundliches Lebensumfeld
Year: 2022 - Simulating the trade-off between public revenues and environmental objectives of the transition to plug-in electric vehicles
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Final seminar: Electromobility Lab Norway
Year: 2021 - Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions - an Educational Simulation Game
Autoren: Hartwig, L; Pfaffenbichler, P; Stark, J
Event: 26th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REALCORP 2021 - Cities 2050: Creating Habitats for the 3rd Millennium. Smart – Sustainable – Climate Neutral
Year: 2021 - The EcoVeloTour Self Assessment Tool for Sustainable Bicycle Tourism
Autoren: Meschik, M Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: EcoVeloTour: Cycling along the Danube (in Serbia)
Year: 2021 - Eco - and bicycle tourism in the Austrian micro-region Schwarzatal
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: EcoVeloTour Transnational Event “The transferring of European Velo experience in Romania”
Year: 2021 - Using the SERAPIS model for the Norwegian BEV market
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Driving towards the low-emission society & Electromobility LAb Norway (ELAN) - Closing reference-group meeting
Year: 2021 - Guidelines for sustainable mobility planning
Autoren: Meschik, M Hartwig, L Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: EcoVeloTour Closing days
Year: 2021 - Mobilität in Stadt und Land – ein simulationsbasiertes Lernspiel
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Hartwig, L; Stark, J
Event: 14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für System Dynamics e.V. 2021
Year: 2021 - Planning and designing infrastructure and services for sustainable bicycle tourism along the EuroVelo routes in the Danube region
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Gauster, J; Hartwig, L; Meschik, M
Event: CETRA 2020 - 6th International Conferenceon Road and Rail Infrastructure
Year: 2020 - System Dynamics basierte strategische Verkehrsmodellierung – das Modell MARS
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Emberger, G
Event: AIT - DTS talk
Year: 2020 - Systemcheck - A System Dynamics learning game for pupils on urban‐rural transport interactions
Autoren: Hartwig, L.; Stark, J.; Pfaffenbichler, P.; Anderl, K.
Event: 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2020
Year: 2020 - Einführung Projekt EcoVeloTour
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: EcoVeloTour Transnational Event Nationalpark Neusielder See - Seewinkel
Year: 2020 - Mobility in metropolitan and peripheral regions – an educational simulation game
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Hartwig, L; Stark, J
Event: European Transport Conference 2020
Year: 2020 - Zukunft der Mobilität im Spannungsfeld von Informationstechnologie und Klimakrise
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: 17. Kfz-Symposium, HTL Steyr 2020
Year: 2020 - Eine kurze Einführung in das Projekts EcoVeloTour
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: EcoVeloTour Awareness Raising Event
Year: 2020 - Systemcheck - A System Dynamics learning game for pupils on urban-rural transport interactions
Autoren: Hartwig, L; Stark, J; Anderl, K; Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
Year: 2020 - Mobility in metropolitan and peripheral regions – an educational simulation game
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: 2nd International Symposium in Transportation Engineering
Year: 2019 - Automatisiertes Fahren – Vision oder Realität, Fluch oder Segen?
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: 16. Kfz-Symposium, HTL Steyr 2019
Year: 2019 - Proposal for Teaching Materials Repository
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Shepherd, S
Event: 2nd Workshop of the System Dynamic Society Transportation SIG
Year: 2019 - EcoVeloTour interactive checklist for self assessment
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Biedersberger, A
Event: EcoVeloTour learning interaction
Year: 2019 - Simulating the Impacts of the Diffusion of Automated Vehicles with the MARS SD Model
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Gühnemann, A; May, T; Shepherd, S; Emberger, G
Event: 2nd Workshop of the System Dynamic Society Transportation SIG
Year: 2019 - Simulation der Effekte individueller und kollektiver automatisierter Mobilitätsysteme in Österreich
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Gühnemann, A; Emberger, G
Event: 13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für System Dynamics e.V. 2019
Year: 2019 - The potential impacts of automated cars on urban transport: an exploratory analysis
Autoren: May, A; Shepherd, S; Pfaffenbichler, P; Emberger, G
Event: 15th World Conference on Transport Research
Year: 2019 - Societal impacts of highly automated cars using the toolbox of System Dynamics
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Gühnemann, M; Klementschitz, R; Emberger, G; Shepherd, S
Event: European Transport Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - The potential impacts of automated cars on urban transport: an exploratory analysis
Autoren: May, A D; Shepherd, S; Pfaffenbichler, P; Emberger, G
Event: World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2019
Year: 2019 - The Integrated Land Use and Transport Interaction Model MARS (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator)
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: MARS Workshop - Institute of Transportation, TU Wien
Year: 2019 - Simulation der Effekte individueller und kollektiver automatisierter Mobilitätsysteme
Autoren: Gühnemann, M; Pfaffenbichler, P; Emberger, G
Event: Konferenz Verkehrsökonomie und -politik 2019
Year: 2018 - System Dynamics als Methode zur interdisziplinären Analyse raumbezogener Planungen
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P Gühnemann, A
Event: 16. Departmentversammlung und Klausur zur Forschung des Departments für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur 2018
Year: 2018 - Simulating transport and societal effects of automated vehicles
Autoren: Gühnemann, A.; Pfaffenbichler, P.; Emberger, G; Shepherd, S.
Event: 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2018
Year: 2018 - A System Dynamics Based Model of Urban Transport Effects of E-Commerce
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: 8º CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO para o Planeamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável
Year: 2018 - Simulating transport and societal effects of automated vehicles
Autoren: Gühnemann, A.; Pfaffenbichler, P.; Emberger, G.; Shepherd, S.
Event: 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2018
Year: 2018 - ÖPNV und automatisiertes Fahren – Einfluss verschiedener Szenarien auf den Marktanteil
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: 16. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium 2018
Year: 2018 - The potential impacts of automated cars on urban transport: an exploratory analysis
Autoren: May, A D; Shepherd, S; Emberger, G; Pfaffenbichler P
Event: SIG G2 National and Regional Transport Planning and Policy - Mid-Term Workshop: Impacts of new mobility services from the viewpoint of Local Communities and Regions
Year: 2018 - Das Fahrrad als Teil von Sharing Economy und Smart City Strategien
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: Europäischer Radgipfel 2018
Year: 2018 - Automatisiertes Fahren – Revolution oder Evolution?
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: 15. Kfz-Symposium, HTL Steyr 2018
Year: 2018 - Modelling long-distance travel and e-commerce as add-ons to an urban land use and transport interaction model
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: 1st Workshop of the System Dynamic Society Transportation SIG 2018
Year: 2018 - Mobilitätsbedürfnisse einer alternden Gesellschaft und ÖPNV-Angebot mittels alternativer Bedienformen
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: Expertengespräch On-Demand Verkehre
Year: 2018 - Schlüsselfaktoren für einen wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Einsatz einer Smartphone-App für Mobilitätsdienstleistungen
Autoren: Gühnemann, A. Shepherd, S. Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: 12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für System Dynamics e.V. 2018
Year: 2018 - Stock-flow-modelling as a tool to forecast the market share of electric cars
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P.
Event: Workshop on Advanced Demand Modeling for Electromobility 2018
Year: 2018 - Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit - Das Institut für Verkehrswesen
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Event: 23. ExpertInnen Workshop 2018 - Allianz nachhaltige Universitäten in Österreich
Year: 2016 - Multi-perspective ICT-toolkit supporting inclusive and sustainable mobility planning in rural areas
Autoren: Knoll, B; Bußwald, P; Dopheide, R; Hofmann, R; Link, C; Pfaffenbichler, P; Spreitzer, G
Event: 4th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2016)
Modelling the Effect of a Nationwide Mobility Service Guarantee on Travel Behaviour Using the Strategic Model MARS
Autoren: Laa, B; Pfaffenbichler P
Elektromobilität als Baustein zur Lösung der Klimakrise
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P
Modelling New Mobility Services
Autoren: Harrison, G; Shepherd, S; Pfaffenbichler, P; Xu, M; Tian, H; Mao, W
Characterization of the resilience of urban mobility to pandemic threats using system dynamics
Autoren: Rodriguez Lara, D; Pfaffenbichler, P; Rodrigues da Silva, A
Simulating the effects of tax exemptions for plug-in electric vehicles in Norway
Autoren: Pfaffenbichler, P; Figenbaum, E; Fearnley, N; Emberger, G