Katja Sterflinger-Gleixner
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katja Sterflinger-Gleixner
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2020 Full Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Head of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts
- 2013 - 2019 Head of VIBT-Extremophile Center
- 2011 Member of the advisory board for care of monuments (The Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria)
- 2009 - 2013 Deputy head of the Department of Biotechnology
- 2005 teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
- 2003 - 2020 Scientist at the BOKU, head of the ACBR
- 2003 degree of "Privatdozent" at the BOKU
- 2003 teacher at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
- 2002 - 2005 Vice-head of the "Laboratorium für Betriebshygiene"
- 2000 Privat Dozentin Habilitation in Geomicrobiology, Carl von Ossietzky- Universität Oldenburg
- 2000 - 2003 Lise Meitner Forschungsstipendium, University of Agricultural Scciences, Vienna
- 1997 Studies at Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, Netherlands
- 1996 Studies at Department of Biochemistry, University Antwerpen, Belgium
- 1995 Doctoral Degree in microbiology, Carl von Ossietzky- Universität Oldenburg
- 1993 Graduation as Diplom Biologist, Carl von Ossietzky- Universität Oldenburg
- Year: 2012 Awards: Nomnierung als Östereicherin des Jahres 2012 in der Kategorie Forschung (Die Presse)
- Year: 2001 Awards: Lise-Meitner-Stipendiatin
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2020 - Paecilomyces variotii-A novel fungal allergen source
Autoren: Pfeiffer, S; Nobauer, K; Razzazi-Fazeli, E; Quirce, S; Pascal, M; Sterflinger, K; Swoboda, I
Event: European-Academy-of-Allergology-and-Clinical-Immunology Digital Congress (EAACI) 2020
Year: 2019 - Unraveling the secrets of antique marble statues by metagenomics
Autoren: Sterflinger, K; Tafer, H; Poyntner, C., Pinar G.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - DNA analyses of ancient parchment manuscripts
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Schreiner, M; Miklas, H; Sterflinger, K.
Event: Drittmitteltag 2019 der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien
Year: 2019 - Stein, Klima, Mikroorganismen - eine Wahlverwandtschaft
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege
Year: 2019 - The impact of environmental conditions on the expression of the major fungal allergens Alt a 1 and Ulo c 1-A comparative study on an indoor and outdoor fungal allergen source
Autoren: Pfeiffer, S; Sandler, P; Sterflinger, K; Swoboda, I
Event: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology EAACI 2019
Year: 2019 - Technological development applied to the study of cultural heritage
Autoren: Piñar, G; Poytner, C; Tafer, H; Sterflinger K
Event: Microbiology 2019. XXXIII SIMGBM Congress
Year: 2019 - Was Sie schon immer über Schimmelpilze wissen wollten...
Autoren: Sterflinger, K
Event: Ziviltechnikerforum Graz
Year: 2019 - Schimmel, Algen, Hausschwamm: dos and donts bei der Sanierung.
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: 10. Grazer Schimmelpilztagung
Year: 2019 - Wenn Kunst schimmelt - neue Detektionsmethoden am Beispiel von Museen und Archiven
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: 10. Grazer Schimmelpilztagung
Year: 2019 - The beauties and the beasts -biodeterioration of cultual heriatge as a challenge for restorers and microbiologists.
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja, Pinar Guadalupe
Event: Institutsseminar - Institut für Mikrobiologie, Universität Innsbruck
Year: 2018 - Response of Rhizopus oryzae biofilm to Low Frequency Ultrasound and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy.
Autoren: Karaleen Anderson, Tyson, Hillock, Olga Kopp, Katja Sterflinger, Cyrill Slezak, Paul Slezak
Event: 5th ISMST-Basic Research meeting "Physical tissue simulation: a path of self-healing"
Year: 2018 - Environmental stress resistance of extremophilic fungi: genomic and transcriptomic study
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Sterflinger, K;
Event: 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology 2018
Year: 2018 - DNA analyses applied to the study of ancient parchment manuscripts
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Miklas, H; Schreiner, M; Sterflinger, K.
Event: European Researchers Night 2018
Year: 2018 - Research and consulting on historic materials and cultural property: future directions and challenges
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja
Event: IBBS 2018 - New Trends in Cultural Heritage Biodeterioration
Year: 2018 - Proteomic screening of the black rock fungus Knufia chersonesos for the identification of polyester degrading enzymes.
Autoren: Tesei D., Quartinello F., Unterberger C., Ribitsch D., Gübitz G., Sterflinger K.
Event: International Mycological Association, IMC11
Year: 2018 - Analyzing the DNA of the Codex Assemanianus and the Sinaitic Missal
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Schreiner, M; Miklas, H; Sterflinger K
Event: Generalversammlung des Wiener Archäographisches Forums WAF 2018
Year: 2018 - Analyzing DNA of old manuscripts: a genetic time travel
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Pinzari, F; Miklas, H; Sterflinger K
Event: El’Manuscript 2018
Year: 2018 - Microbial hitchhiking in museums - spread of fungi by the grey silverfish (Ctenolepisma longicaudata)
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja, Voitl Christian, Stohl Stefanie, Querner Pascal
Event: IBBS 2018 - New Trends in Cultural Heritage Biodeterioration
Year: 2018 - If stones could speak… what would they tell us about their history?
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Poyntner, C; Sterflinger, K
Event: ECBSM2018 European Conference on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments – third edition
Year: 2018 - New Trends and Methodologies in Cultural Heritage Studies: Potential and Challenges
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Sterflinger, K
Event: IBBS 2018 - New Trends in Cultural Heritage Biodeterioration
Year: 2018 - Transcriptomic studies of Exophiala dermatitidis - wild type and CRISPR-Cas9 generated white mutant - during ex-vivo skin model infections
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Blasi, B; Mirastschijski, U; Tafer, H; Sterflinger, K;
Event: Workshop Group Black Yeasts, ISHAM
Year: 2018 - Mikroorganismen, Naturstein und Klima - eine Wahlverwandtschaft
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege - Reinigungsverfahren von Naturstein, Salzproblematik
Year: 2018 - Exophiala dermatitidis: stress resistance and pathogenicity
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Mirastschijski, U; Blasi, B; Tafer, H; Sterflinger, K;
Event: Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology
Year: 2018 - Mikroorganismen - Wechselwirkungen mit Putz- und Anstrichsystemen in der Baudenkmalpflege
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Putz und Anstrichsysteme in der Baudenkmalpflege
Year: 2017 - Two decades using molecular techniques to study biodeterioration of cultural heritage: an amazing biotechnological development
Autoren: Piñar, G; Sterflinger, K
Event: TechnoHeritage 2017
Year: 2017 - Emerging fungal infections: virulence factors and Systems biology of polyextremophilic black fungi.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Blasi B, Poyntner C, Lopandic K, Tesei D, Tafer H
Event: 14th International Life Science Meeting 2017
Year: 2017 - Mikrobiologie und Nanoklima - eine Wahlverwandtschaft
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Putz- und Steinfestigung im System - Auswirkungen und Wechselwirkungen
Year: 2017 - Putz- und Anstrichsysteme in der Denkmalpflege - Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Putz- und Anstrichsysteme in der Denkmalpflege
Year: 2017 - Xerophilic and halophilic fungi are emerging on wooden Cultural Heritage objects
Autoren: Piñar,G; Tafer, H; Lopandic, K; Voitl, C; Sterflinger K
Event: 17th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, Preservation and Protection of Materials 2017
Year: 2017 - The beauties and the beasts - biodeterioration of art and architecture
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Symposíum in biotechnologies for the preservation of art and built heritage
Year: 2016 - Emerging fungal pathologies: first insights into the transcriptome of the polyextremophilic black yeast Exophiala
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja, Tesei Donatella, Blasi Barbara, Poyntner Caroline, Ksenija Lopandic, Ursula Mirastschijski, Tafer Hakim
Event: ION World Tour - user meeting
Year: 2016 - The transcriptome of Exophiala dermatitidis during skin infection
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Tafer, H; Blasi, B; Mirastschijski, U; Sterflinger, K.
Event: 50. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschsprachigen Mykologischen Gesellschaft e. V.
Year: 2016 - Non-coding RNAs in black yeasts
Autoren: Poyntner C; Blasi B; Tafer H; Sterflinger K;
Event: Microsymposium on small RNA biology
Year: 2016 - Einfluss des Klimawandels auf den Erhalt von Kunst- und Kulturgut
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: MONUMENTO 2016
Year: 2016 - Methods of studying halophilic microorganisms diversity
Autoren: J. Adamiak, A. Otlewska, G. Piñar, H. Tafer, K. Lopandic, S. Celikkol-Aydin, I. Beech, A.L. Oldham, K.E. Duncan, K. Sterflinger, B. Gutarowska
Event: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
Year: 2016 - Insect pests, microorganisms and Integrated Pest Management in the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo
Autoren: K. Sterflinger, P. Querner, D. Piombino-Mascali, G. Piñar, A. Zink, R. Pospishil
Event: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
Year: 2016 - From glacier to sauna to human skin: first insights into stress resistance and ecological plasticity of black yeasts based on proteomics and transcriptomics
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Poyntner C, Blasi B, Mirastschijski U, Tafer H
Event: The potenitial of being black: extreme adaptations and pathogenicity
Year: 2016 - The transcriptome of Exophiala dermatitidis during artificial skin infection
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Tafer, H; Blasi, B; Mirastschijski, U; Arcalis, E; Sterflinger, K
Event: Ion World Clinical Solutions
Year: 2016 - Monitoring of skin infection by Exophiala dermatitidis using transcriptomics
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Tafer, H; Mirastschijski, U; Arcalis, E; Sterflinger, K;
Event: RNA Reatreat Biocenter
Year: 2016 - State of the art methods to investigate diversity and function in cultural assets
Autoren: G. Piñar, K. Sterflinger
Event: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
Year: 2015 - Ecology of fungal and bacterial spoilage of the written heritage
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Guadalupe Pinar, Katja Sterflinger
Event: SEAHA Conference. 1st International Conference Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology.
Year: 2015 - Pico Presentation: Screening of extremotolerant fungi for the bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sites
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Blasi, B; Prenafeta-Boldú, F; Sterflinger, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Indagini microscopiche e molecolari sui “Codici del Mare”: i microrganismi come indicatori al servizio dell'archeologia
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger e Guadalupe Piñar
Event: I “Codici” venuti dal Mare - GIORNATA DI STUDI
Year: 2015 - Stress resistance of black yeasts and microcolonial fungi: a matter of fine-tuning at the proteome level.
Autoren: Tesei D.; Marzban G.; Marchetti-Deschmann M.; Sterflinger K.
Event: Seminar of the Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Science.
Year: 2015 - The beauties and the beasts - biodeterioration of art and architecture as challege for restorers and biologists
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinzari F, Pinar G
Event: Seminarreihe am Biozentrum Universität Würzburg
Year: 2015 - Stress resistance of black yeasts and microcolonial fungi: a matter of fine tuning on the proteome and transcriptome level
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Zakharova K, Blasi B, Marchetti M, Tafer H, Marzban G, Poyntner C, Lopandic K
Event: 28th Fungal Genetics Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Stress resistance of black yeasts and microcolonial fungi: a matter fo fine tuning on the proteome and transcriptome level.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Tesei D, Blasi B, Marzban G, Marchetti-Deschmann M, Tafer H
Event: 28th Fungal Genetics Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Molecular Profiling of the Yeast Interspecies Hybrids
Autoren: Lopandic, K; Sterflienger, K; Starcevic, A; Baranasic, A
Event: 2nd International Symposium on Profiling (ISPROF 2015)
Year: 2014 - Mold, men and books - microbiological aspects of use and restoration.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J, Pinar G
Event: “Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms”
Year: 2014 - Microbes, art and conservation - a winning game?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinar G, Ettenauer J
Event: IX Workshop Doctorate in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Ecology of Plant Protection Products and Xenobiotics
Year: 2014 - Microbiology, Art and Conservation - state of the art and developments.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J, Pinar G
Event: Seminar Unversität Ljubljana
Year: 2014 - Proteome fine-tuning in the black yeast human pathogen Exophiala dermatitidis
Autoren: Tesei D; Marzban G; Tafer H; Marchetti-Deschmann M; Sterflinger K
Event: 10th Siena Meeting from Genome to Proteome 2014
Year: 2014 - The halophilic and halotolerant micro-flora of the 3500 years old staircase of Hallstatt (austria)
Autoren: Sterflinger, K., Dalnodar, D., Voitl, C., Reschreiter, H. and Pinar, G.
Event: XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium
Year: 2014 - Microbes, art and conservation - a winning game?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J, Pinar G
Event: XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger, Guadalupe Piñar
Event: Emerging technology and Innovation for Cultural Heritage.
Year: 2014 - Proteome fine-tuning in the black yeast human pathogen Exophiala dermatitidis.
Autoren: Tesei D; Marzban G; Tafer H; Marchetti-Deschmann M; Sterflinger K
Event: 10th International Mycological Congress 2014
Year: 2014 - Analysis of microbial volatile organic compounds of different indoor fungi using HS-SPME combined with accurate mass GC-EI/CI-qTOFMS
Autoren: Radványi, D., Jókai, Z., Fodor, P., Binh Chu, D., Sterflinger-Gleixner, K. and Hann, S.
Event: 10. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Microbe, science, art and conservation - who wins the game?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinar G, Ettenauer J
Event: Cultural Heritage, Science and Technology
Year: 2014 - Microscopic and molecular novel discoveries on parchment biodeterioration
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger, Guadalupe Piñar
Event: 3rd International Seminar and Workshop on Emerging Technology and Innovation for Cultural Heritage Advanced Technology for Diagnosis, Preservation and Management of Historical and Archaeological Parchment, Leather and Textile Artefacts
Year: 2014 - "La vie en rose": a review of the rosy discoloration of subsurface monuments
Autoren: Pinar, G., Ettenauer, J. and K. Sterflinger.
Event: The Conservation of the Subterranean Cultural Heritage
Year: 2014 - Black extremotolerant fungi as degraders of toluene
Autoren: Blasi B, Poyntner C, Lopandic K, Tafer H, Sterflinger K
Event: 10th International Mycological Congress 2014
Year: 2014 - Proteome fine-tuning in the black yeast human pathogen Exophiala dermatitidis
Autoren: Tesei D; Marzban G; Marchetti-Deschmann M; Sterflinger K
Event: 8th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference CEEPC meets 2nd International Metabolomics Austria InMetA 2014
Year: 2014 - Microbial monitoring in treated stone at the Royal Chapel of Granada
Autoren: Jroundi, F; González-Muñoz, M.T,Sterflinger, K. Piñar, G.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2013 - Medizinische Mykologie
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Ringvorlesung FH Campus Wien Mikrobielle Pathologie 2013
Year: 2013 - Integrated pest management in museums - fungi and insects as deterioration agents - a comparison
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Querner P
Event: International Conference on IPM in museums, archives and historic houses 2013
Year: 2013 - Fungi and insects as deterioration agents in museums - a comparison
Autoren: Sterflinger, K., Querner, P.
Event: International Conference on IPM in museums, archives and historic houses 2013
Year: 2013 - Bio-susceptibility of materials and thermal insulation systems used for historical buildings
Autoren: Sterflinger, K; Ettenauer, JD; Piñar, G
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2013 - The Microflora Inhabiting Leonardo da Vinci’s Self Portrait: a Fungal Role in Foxing Spots.
Autoren: Piñar, G., Sterflinger, K. and F. Pinzari.
Event: ICOM-CC Graphic Document Working Group. Interim Meeting Vienna 2013
Year: 2013 - Catacomb mummy biodeteriorarion: a case study.
Autoren: Piñar G, Piombino-Mascali D, Maixner F, Zink A, Sterflinger K.
Event: 8th World Congress on Mummy Studies.
Year: 2012 - Molecular techniques for the diagnostic of material infections: paper.
Autoren: Piñar, G., K. Sterflinger and F. Pinzari.
Event: Diagnostica Conservazione Tutela, I disegni di Leonardo 2012
Year: 2012 - Microbiological and molecular investigation in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy: microbial deterioration risk and contamination of the indoor air.
Autoren: Piñar, G., Piombino-Mascali, D., Maixner, F., Zink, A., Krakova, L., Pangallo, D., Ettenauer, J. and K. Sterflinger.
Event: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2012
Year: 2012 - Microcolonial fungi and extreme environmental conditions: cellular response at the proteome level
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Marzban G, Tesei D, Zakharova K, Isola D, Selbmann L, Onofri S.
Event: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, CBS-lecture series 2012
Year: 2012 - Schimmelpilze in Innenräumen und an Bauteiloberflächen - to kill or not to kill?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J
Event: Bauphysiktagung 2012
Year: 2012 - Microstructural (SEM), Chemical and Molecular-Biological Investigation of Glass Decay at the Medieval Stained Window Glasses of Tarragona Cathedral and Santa Maria del Mar Church (Barcelona), NE Spain
Autoren: Maite Garcia-Valles, Guadalupe Piñar, Domingo Gimeno-Torrente, Jörg Ettenauer and Katja Sterflinger
Event: 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry 2012
Year: 2012 - Bio-susceptibility of thermal insulation systems used for historical buildings.
Autoren: Ettenauer, J., Piñar, G., Kautsch, P. and K. Sterflinger.
Event: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2012
Year: 2012 - Arichtektur - Oberfläche - Konservierung: Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja
Event: Instandsetzung historischer Architekturoberfläche Projekt Alphouse 2012
Year: 2012 - Studying the genome stabilisation by artificially constructed and native yeast interspecies hybrids
Autoren: Lopandic K, Pfliegler V, Karanyicz E, Sipiczki M, Sterflinger K
Event: EMBO Conference Series on Experimental Approaches to Evolution and Ecology Using Yeast 2012
Year: 2011 - Schimmelpilze in Innenräumen - to kill or not to kill?
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: Zeitgemässe und nachhaltige Schimmelsanierung im Baubereich 2011
Year: 2011 - Microcolonial fungi and extreme environmental conditions: cellular response on the proteome level.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Marzban G, Selbmann L, Isola D, Zakharova, K, Tesei D
Event: CAREX conference on life in extreme environments 2011
Year: 2011 - Molecular characterisation of the yeast interspecies hybrids
Autoren: Lopandic, K., Bond, U., Atanasova, L., Druzhinina, L., Sterflinger, K.
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - From plant to book leaves: microbial exploitation of cellulose
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger, Guadalupe Piñar
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - The contribution of microbiological research in the field of book, paper and parchment conservation.
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Ferderica Troiano, Guadalupe Pinar, Katja Sterflinger & Matteo Montanari
Event: New Approaches to Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration 2011
Year: 2011 - Who is who in litter decomposition? Metaproteomics reveals major microbial players and their functions related to biogeochemistry and climate
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Schmid, E., Sterflinger, K., Zechmeister, S., Eberl, L., and Riedel, K.
Event: Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2011
Year: 2011 - Molecular investigations of microbial communities in mummified human remains
Autoren: Frank Maixner, Thomas Rattei, Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger-Gleixner, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Giovanna Cipollini, Albert Zink
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - Black fungi on the rocks - taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Vortragsreihe TU-Wien, Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik 2011
Year: 2011 - Analysis of microbial communities on a painting (oil on canvas): cultivation, molecular identification and evaluation of their biodegradative potential
Autoren: M. López-Miras, I. Martín-Sánchez, J. Romero-Noguera, F.C. Bolívar-Galiano, J. Ettenauer, K. Sterflinger, G. Piñar.
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - Extremotolerance in the fungal tree of life.
Autoren: de Hoog GS, Selbmann L, Sterflinger K, Guedian C
Event: 4th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology 2011
Year: 2011 - The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy: fungal deterioration of mummies and contamination of the indoor air
Autoren: Katja Sterflinger, Laura Barnabei, Guadalupe Piñar, Frank Maixner and Dario Piombino-Mascali
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - Putz und Ansrichsysteme in der Denkmalpflege - Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Workshop und Seminarreihe des Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung Baudenkmalpflege 2011 - Putz- und Antrichsysteme
Year: 2011 - Rock inhabiting microcolonial fungi: dormant states and active phases in extreme environments
Autoren: Zakharova K, Marzban G, Tesei D, Sterflinger K
Event: CAREX conference on life in extreme environments 2011
Year: 2011 - Biogene Patina am Stein - Erkennen, Behandeln, Vorbeugen
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Workshop und Seminarreihe des Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung Baudenkmalpflege 2011 - Grundkurs Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege
Year: 2011 - The likes and dislikes of microbes - deterioration of cultural heritage and interaction with insect pests.
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Meeting on Cultural Heritage Pests 2011
Year: 2011 - Molecular monitoring of the microbial dynamics occurring on historical limestone buildings during and after the in situ application of different bio-consolidation treatments.
Autoren: Jörg Ettenauer, Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger, Maria Teresa Gonzalez-Muñoz and Fadwa Jroundi.
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - Who is who in litter decomposition: Metaproteomics reveals major microbial players and their biogeochemical functions
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Gerrits, B., Sterflinger-Gleixner, K., Schmid, E., Eberl, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Riedel, K.
Event: 96th Annual Meeting ESA 2011 - Earth Stewardship: Preserving and enhancing the earth's life-support systems
Year: 2011 - Der "Zahn der Zeit" - ein Pilz. Schimmelpilze als Zerstörer von Kunst- Kulturgut.
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: 3. Österreichischer Archäometriekongress 2011
Year: 2011 - The revages of time - How and why microorganisms deteriorate objects of cultural heritage and what they tell us about their history. (invited lecture)
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: 3. Österreichischer Archäometriekongress 2011
Year: 2011 - Putz- und Anstrichsysteme in der Denkmalpflege - Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: Workshop und Seminarreihe des Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung Baudenkmalpflege 2011 - Putz- und Antrichsysteme
Year: 2011 - Molecular investigation of the micro-biota associated to the decayed medieval stained window glasses of two Catalonian churches.
Autoren: G. Piñar, M. Garcia-Vallės, D. Gimeno-Torrente, J.L. Fernández-Turiel, J. Ettenauer, K. Sterflinger
Event: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
Year: 2011 - Black microcolonial fungi: cellular response to temperature stress at the proteome level.
Autoren: Tesei D, Marzban G, Isola D, Zakharova K, Selbmann L, Sterflinger K
Event: 4th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology 2011
Year: 2011 - Metaproteomics: Linking Microbial Diversity to Ecosystem Functioning
Autoren: Schneider, T., Keiblinger, K., Schmid, E., Sterflinger, K., Zechmeister, S., Eberl, L., Riedel, K.
Event: Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology & Applications 2011
Year: 2011 - Algen, Flechten, Schimmelpilze: Ursache, Diagnose und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von biogenen Schäden am Bau
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: 19. Wiener Bausanierungstage 2011
Year: 2010 - Isatis tinctoria: ein umweltschonendes Holzschutzmittel für die Denkmalpflege?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Linke R.
Event: 2. Österreichischer Waidtag 2010
Year: 2010 - Putze und Anstrichsysteme: Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: Schwerpunktseminar II: Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege, Steinergänzung, Fugenmaterial, Schlämmen.
Year: 2010 - Treatment of Fungi in Bound Volumes
Autoren: Castaeda M, Baatz W, Eyb-Green S, Potthast U, Henniges
Event: Graphic Documents Working Group of ICOM-CC
Year: 2010 - Mikrobiologische Zerstörungsmechanismen an Putz- und Anstrichsystemen in der Denkmalpflege.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: Schwerpunktseminar - Putz und Anstrichsystme
Year: 2010 - Simple living: strategies of rock inhabiting fungi in extreme environments
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Isola D, Marzban G, Zakharova K, Ettenauer J
Event: 9th International Mycological Congress IMC9 2010 - The Biology of Fungi
Year: 2010 - Fungi in museums, collections and libraries: biodeterioration of cultural heritage.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: SGM Autumn 2010 Meeting
Year: 2010 - Protein profiling: a promizing tool to study stress adaptation in black fungi from extreme environments.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Isola D, Marzban G, Selbmann L, Onofri S
Event: ISHAM working group "The emerging potential of black yeasts"
Year: 2010 - Schimmelbekämpfung mittels dampffömigem Wasserstoffperoxyd
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: Fachtagung Innenraumluft BMFLUW 2010 - Schimmel in Innenräumen
Year: 2009 - Biogene Patina an Stein - neue Entwicklungen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: Schwerpunktseminar für Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege 2009
Year: 2009 - The likes and dislikes of fungi - culture collections and cultural heritage. (keynote)
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: Economic and Social Impact of Fungal Deteriogens 2009
Year: 2009 - Screening of the ACBR collection for trichothecin degrading yeasts
Autoren: Erhart, C; Weindorfer, H; Persak, H; Gstraunthaler, A; Sterflinger, K; Shams, M; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: 31st Mycotoxin Workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Schimmelpilze und Hausschwamm in der Bausubstanz - Diagnose, Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und Kontrolle.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: 17. Wiener Sanierungstage 2009 - Erhaltung und Instandsetzung der Bausubstanz - aktuelle Entwicklungen
Year: 2009 - Schimmelpilze und Hausschwamm in der Bausubstanz - Diagnose, Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und Kontrolle (invited lecture)
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: 17. Wiener Sanierungstage 2009 - Erhaltung und Instandsetzung der Bausubstanz - aktuelle Entwicklungen
Year: 2009 - Yeast biodiversity in the wastewater treatment plants
Autoren: Rentsendorj, U., Lopandic, K., Prillinger, H., Sterflinger, K.
Event: 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists FEMS 2009 - Microbes and Man-interdependence and future challenges
Year: 2009 - Some like it hot - methods to study fungi in extreme environments
Autoren: Sterflinger K
Event: CAREX laboratory methods workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Some like it hot - methods to study fungi in extreme environments (invited lecture).
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: CAREX laboratory methods workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen zur Reinigung von Naturstein mit Plasmatechnologie (TransClean).
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinar G, Rohatsch A
Event: Strategic Development Fronius Int. GmbH 2009
Year: 2009 - Screening trichothecin resistant yeasts for trichothecene degradation capability
Autoren: C. Erhart, F. Berthiller, H. Weindorfer, H. Persak, M. Shams, A. Gstraunthaler, K. Sterflinger , G. Adam
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - Putz- und Anstrichsysteme, Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: Schwerpunktseminar für Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege 2009
Year: 2008 - The micro-biota of a subsurface environment, the medieval chapel of St. Virgil (Vienna, Austria)
Autoren: Pinar, G., Sterflinger K.
Event: 14th Internatinal Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-14 2008
Year: 2008 - Identification of some Aspergillus species by MALDI-TOF-MS
Autoren: M. Hollmann, K. Sterflinger, J. Böhm, G. Kraus, E. Razzazi-Fazeli
Event: 12. MOLD Meeting 2008 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine - Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2008 - Mikrobiologie am Stein - Patina erkennen, behandeln, vorbeugen
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege
Year: 2008 - Monitoring of fungi in museums and depots as a major tool to prevent contamination and biodeterioration.
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: 8th Indoor Air Quality Meeting (IAQ2008).
Year: 2008 - Paint coatings as one major factor to prevent or to enhance fungal growth in museums and depots
Autoren: Hager S, Havranek L, Sterflinger K.
Event: 8th Indoor Air Quality Meeting (IAQ2008).
Year: 2008 - Pilze, Algen und Flechten an Bauteiloberflächen.
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: 16. Wiener Sanierungstage 2008 - Feuchtigkeitsschutz von Bauwerken
Year: 2008 - Fungal deterioration of polyethylene bonded to cardboard of milk containers.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.; Wuczkowski, M.
Event: 14th Internatinal Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-14 2008
Year: 2008 - Biogene Patina an Stuck - Erkennen, Behandeln, Vorbeugen
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Schwerpunktseminar Stuckrestaurierung: Konsolidierung
Year: 2008 - Recommendations for best practices for fungi and yeasts
Autoren: Lopandic, K., Sterflinger, K.
Event: 27th Annual General Meeting of the European Culture Collections Organizations 2008 - Harmonization & Validation of Methods. The Way Forward for European Culture Collections
Year: 2008 - Consolidación de piedra ornamental mediante aplicación de un cultivo de Myxococcus xanthus: Estudo de la communidad bacteriana.
Autoren: Pinar, G.; Concepcion J.L., Sterflinger K., Ettenauer, J., de Dios Bueno J., Jroundi F., Fernandez-Vivas A., Gonzales-Munoz, M.T.
Event: 7th Reunión de Microbiología Molecular, Sociedad Espanola de Microbiología 2008
Year: 2008 - Structural Consolidation of Historical Plaster with Bacillus cereus – limits and possibilities.
Autoren: Zeugswetter, E., Huber, A., Rohatsch, A., Sterflinger K.
Event: 14th Internatinal Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-14 2008
Year: 2008 - Yeasts in different ecosystems: diversity, identification and application
Autoren: Lopandic, K., Molnár, O., Sterflinger, K.
Event: 4th Croatian Congress of Microbiology 2008
Year: 2007 - Hyphomycetous fungi in the Cave of Dona Trinidad (Ardales, Malaga, Spain)
Autoren: Stomeo F, Ellersdorfer G, Sterflinger K, Gonzales JM, Saiz-Jimenez, C
Event: 2nd International Conference on Envioronmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology 2007 - BioMicro World
Year: 2006 - Das sterile Depot? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen museumshygienischer Maßnahmen.
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Ringvorlesung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
Year: 2006 - Consolidation of weak historic lime-plaster with calcium hydroxide and Bacillus cereus
Autoren: Kerner K, Huber A, Rohatsch A, Sterflinger K, Weber J
Event: PANGEO Austria 2006
Year: 2006 - Museumshygienische Konzepte und ihre Umsetzung
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.
Event: Unknkown
Year: 2006 - Biogene Patina - Erkennen, Behandeln, Vorbeugen
Autoren: Sterflinger K.
Event: Schwerpunktseminar Reinigung von Naturstein
Year: 2006 - Microfungi and Yeasts in soils - molecular taxonomy discovers the extent of diversity
Autoren: Wuczkowski, M., Sterflinger, K.
Event: 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-11 2006
Year: 2005 - Mikrobielle Schädigung von Gesteinsoberflächen
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: 20. Bildungswoche der Steinmetzmeister
Year: 2005 - Microbial degradation of stone in monuments - its impact on restoration practice
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja; Sert, Hacer
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2005
Year: 2005 - Molecular characterisation of yeasts during spontaneus fermentation of grape must.
Autoren: Lopandic, K., Mandl, K., Silhavy, K., Berger, S., Gangl, H., Tiefenbrunner, W., Leitner, G., Sterflinger, K., Prillinger, H.
Event: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Year: 2005 - Identification of filamentous fungi and yeasts and their diversity in soils of the alluvial zone national park along the river Danube downstream of Vienna, Austria ("Nationalpark Donauauen").
Autoren: Wuczkowski, M., Gherbawy, Y., Kraus, G.F., Kubicek, C.P., Sterflinger, K., Prillinger, H.
Event: 60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
Year: 2005 - Pilze als Zerstörer - Schäden an Gebäuden und Denkmälern
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Vortragsreihe Urania Steiermark
Year: 2005 - Mikrobielle Schädigung von Putz, Kalk und steinsichtigen Oberflächen
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Steinmetzarbeiten in der Denkmalpflege, Resaturierwerkstätten Mauerbach
Year: 2005 - Micro-fungi on rock and man-made materials: conquerors of an extreme environment.
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: 17th International Botanical Congress 2005
Year: 2005 - Thin-section microscopy of decayed crystalline marble from the garden sculptures of SChoenbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Autoren: Weber J, Beseler S, Sterflinger K
Event: 10th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials
Year: 2005 - Biogene Zerstörung von Baudenkmälern - Organismen, Phänomene und Behandlung
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Traditionelle und moderne Putz- und Anstrichsysteme in der Denkmalpflege
Year: 2004 - Biologische Verwitterung von Kalkschlämmen und dispergiertem Weisskalkhydrat
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Workshop Restaurierwerkstätten Mauerbach
Year: 2004 - Biodeterioration and Restoration Practice
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja, Sert Hacer
Event: The Materials of Cultural Heritage in their Environment
Year: 2004 - Biodeterioration and Practice of Restoration
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Science and Material of the Cultural Heritage
Year: 2003 - Lithobionts - ecological niches for life in lithic habitats: models for searching past life on Mars.
Autoren: Onofri S, Cockell C, Edwards H, Friedmann I, Billi D, Zucconi L, Selbmann L, de Hoog S, Sterflinger K, Grady M
Event: III European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology.
Year: 2003 - Geomikrobiologie und Geomykologie der Gesteinsverwitterung
Autoren: Sterflinger, Katja
Event: Vortagsreihe Universität Graz
Year: 2003 - Hefen gestern und heute
Autoren: Prillinger, H., Lopandic, K., Sterflinger, K., Metzger, E., Bauer, R.
Event: Volkshochschule Floridsdorf
Year: 1994 - The respiration bell jar - a rapid, non destructive technique for the measurement of the activity of mirco-organisms on and in objects of cultural value
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Becker TW, Krumbein WE, Warscheid T
Event: 4th International Conference: Non-destructive testing of works of art.
Molecular phylogeny and systematics of yeasts and yeast-like fungi with special reference to the Asco- and Basidiomycota.
Autoren: Prillinger, H., Lopandic, K., Suzuki, M., Sterflinger, K., Weber, E., Oberwinkler, F.
The respiration bell-jar - a rapid, non-destructive technique for the measurement of the activity of micro-organisms on and in objects of cultural value.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K., Becker, T.W., Warscheid, T. Krumbein, W.E.
Fungal and bacterial colonization of the monuments of the ¿Ringstrasse¿ ¿ a Vienna case study.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K., Prillinger, H.
Monitoring the potential biological control agent CartapipTM.
Autoren: Schroeder, S., Sterflinger, K., Kim, S.H., Breuil, C.
Molecular Phylogeny and systematics of the fungi with special reference to the Asco- and Basidiomycota.
Autoren: Prillinger, H., Lopandic, K., Schweigkofler, W., Sterflinger, K.
Phenotype, Ecotype and Genotype - The cases of Trimmatostroma and other Dematiaceae, Merismopedia and Geodermatophilus.
Autoren: Krumbein, W.E., Eppard, M., Gorbushina, A.A., Palinska, K., Sterflinger, K.
Patina, Microstromatolites and Black Spots as related to Biodeterioration Processes of Granite.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K., Blazquez, F., Garcia-Vallez, M., Krumbein, W.E., Vendrell-Saz, M.
Putz- und Anstrichsystme in der Denkmalpflege - Wechselwirkungen mit Mikroorganismen
Autoren: Sterflinger K
The paradoxon of glass. Stability and Decay; Biological deteriration and Transformation; Conservation and Restoration.
Autoren: Krumbein, W.E., Gorbushina, A.A., Palinska, K.A., Sterflinger, K.
Monuments as microbial environment.
Autoren: Sterflinger K .
Ecophysiology of rock-inhabiting black yeasts.
Autoren: Sterflinger, K.