Matthias Schreiner
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Matthias Schreiner
Institute of Food Science
Standort Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-75417
ORCID: 0000-0002-1264-9064
7102630391: AuthorId
- 2003 Dissertation
- 2000 diploma
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
: 2020 - Effects of the conservation method of grass forages on nutritive properties of organically produced, raw cows' milk- fatty acid profile, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12 and E.
Autoren: Haselmann, A; Fürst-Waltl, B; Mayer, H K; Van Den Oever, S P; Schmidt, A; Schreiner, M; Zebeli, Q; Knaus, W
: 74. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie 2020
: 2019 - Chlorogenic acids and caffeine in green and roasted coffee by HPLC-DAD
Autoren: Schmidt, A; Macheiner, L; Fradler, K; Schreiner, M; Mayer, HK
: 48th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques 2019
: 2017 - Stability of carotenoid aggregates in an intermediate moisture model matrix
Autoren: Haas, K; Volkert, M; Kiesslicher, A; Schreiner, M; Jäger, H
: 18th International Symposium on Carotenoids
: 2016 - Edible insect oils for food and feed - compositional and physico-chemical properties of extracted oil from mealworm and black soldier fly larvae
Autoren: Purschke, B; Stegmann, T; Schreiner, M; Jäger, H;
: Insecta 2016 - International Symposium on Insects as Feed, Food and Non-Food
: 2016 - Fractionation concepts for edible insects - Extraction and characterisation of valuable fractions of mealworm larvae and migratory locust
Autoren: Purschke, B.; Stegmann, T.; Tanzmeister, H.; Schreiner, M.; Jäger, H.
: 30th EFFoST International Conference 2016 - Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems
: 2014 - Characterization and production of oil from Austrian apricot kernels, a hitherto unused resource in Austria, compared to Uzbek apricot kernels
Autoren: A. Petrasch, Pöttschacher R. und M. Schreiner
: 3rd International ISEKI_Food Conference
: 2013 - Lebensmittelherkunft,-qualität, -echtheit und -sicherheit - Kernkompetenz aus einer Hand
Autoren: Prohaska, T., Zitek, A., Hann, S., Kneifel, W., Domig, K., Schreiner, M., Dürrschmid, K., Krska, R., Bertiller, F., Baumgartner, S. und Kandler, W.
: Science meets Business 2013 - Die BOKU und ihre Rolle im Innovationsprozess
: 2013 - Apricot kernel oil made from fruit processing remnants compared to oil from Uzbek apricot kernels
Autoren: Pöttschacher R., M. Schreiner und A. Petrasch
: ELLS Scientific Stundent Conference 2013 - Sustainability Challenge - Technological Advancements and other Solutions
: 2013 - Supercritical CO2 extraction of roasted apricot kernels of different origins compared to conventional pressing
Autoren: Pöttschacher R., M. Schreiner und A. Petrasch
: 17th EuroFoodChem Conference 2013
: 2011 - Effect of Arabic Gum and Orange Oil on Flavour Release and Rheological Properties of Orange Beverage Emulsions.
Autoren: G. Sümen, E.Rezvani, G. Schleining, M.Schreiner and Y.Elmacı
: Hydrocolloid Congress “Gums and Stabilizers for Food Industry”
: 2011 - Fatty acid pattern of Austrian „Haymilk“ in comparison to conventional milk
Autoren: Schreiner, M. Seiz, M. Ginzinger, W.
: Milk Conference 2011
: 2011 - Variations of secoiridoid derivatives, lignans, fatty acids and some qualitative characteristics of Sariulak olive oil as induced by growing area
Autoren: Arslan, D. Karabekir, Y. Schreiner, M.
: 102nd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2011
: 2011 - Nutrition and Health Claims
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: TEMPUS Workshop on Food Labelling and Nutrition 2011
: 2011 - Antioxidantien: Vorkommen, Anwendung, Trends
Autoren: Matthias Schreiner
: AWI Seminar der Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft 2011
: 2011 - Authenticity of fats and oils
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Workshop 2011 - Authenticating and tracing particular food categories
: 2011 - General Lipid Chemistry
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Summer School Prague 2011
: 2010 - Selected valuable components in “soymilk” versus cow milk – A comparison
Autoren: Raba, B., Fiechter, G., Schreiner, M., Mayer, H.K
: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2010
: 2010 - Effect of supplementation with agro-industrial by-products on milk fatty acids in Awassi sheep
Autoren: Hilali, M., Iñiguez, L., Mayer, H., Knaus, W., Zaklouta, M., Wurzinger, M., Schreiner, M.
: Tropentag 2010 - World Food System - A contribution from Europe
: 2010 - “Soymilk” in relation to cow milk
Autoren: Raba, B., Fiechter, G., Schreiner, M., Mayer, H.K
: 28th International Symposium on Chromatography 2010
: 2010 - New feeding strategies for Awassi sheep in drought affected areas and their effect on product quality
Autoren: Hilali, M., Iñiguez, L., Mayer, H., Knaus, W., Schreiner, M., Zaklouta, M., Wurzinger, M.
: International Conference on food security and climate change in dry areas
: 2010 - A comparison of selected valuable components in traditional “soymilk” and cow milk
Autoren: Raba, B., Fiechter, G., Schreiner, M., Mayer, H.K
: 1st International Congress on Food Technology 2010
: 2009 - Analysis of milk fatty acids with high accuracy - A new approach to an old problem
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Milchkonferenz 2009
: 2009 - “Soymilk” – an adequate alternative to cow milk?
Autoren: Raba, B., Fiechter, G., Wunderer, A., Goldfuss, I., Sattler, N., Schreiner, M., Mayer, H.K
: Milchkonferenz 2009
: 2009 - Qualität des intramuskulären Fettes von Grauviehalmochsen im Vergleich zum durchschnittlichen österreichischen Rindfleisch mit besonderem Augenmerk auf essentielle n6- und n3-Fettsäuren
Autoren: Brunauer C., Mair C., Schreiner M., Windisch W.
: 8. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2009
: 2009 - Accurate Determination of Milk Fatty Acids by Gas Chromatography
Autoren: Schreiner, M. Hilali, M.
: IDF World Dairy Summit 2009
: 2009 - ECHT FETT!
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Fragen des Alltags - Antworten der Wissenschaft, Vortragsreihe der Hauptbücherei am Gürtel in Wien 2009
: 2008 - Effect of feed diets on milk production and yogurt quality
Autoren: El-Dine Hilali, M., Iniguez, L., Mayer, H., Knaus, W. F., Wurzinger, M., Schreiner, M.
: Tropentag 2008 - Competition for Resources in a Changing World: New Drive for Rural Development
: 2008 - Feed effect on milk production and yogurt quality
Autoren: Hilalia, M., Iñigueza, L., Mayer, H.K., Knaus, W., Wurzinger, M., Schreiner, M.
: Tropentag 2008 - Competition for Resources in a Changing World: New Drive for Rural Development
: 2007 - Fett in der Ernährung - Gut oder böse?
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Seminar des Pädagogischen Instituts des Bundes in Oberösterreich, Tierische Lebensmittel – Produktion, Sensorik, Qualität
: 2007 - Inhaltsstoffe und Nährwerte von Fisch
Autoren: Schreiner. M.
: Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Pädagogischen Instituts NÖ 2007
: 2007 - Verbesserung der Butterqualität durch Fütterung von Rapsschrot und Karotten
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Milchkonferenz 2007 - Gesellschaft für Milchwissenschaft / Society of Dairy Science
: 2006 - Feeding Laying Hens with either flaxseed, fish oil concentrate or a combination of both: Influence on lipid composition of the egg yolk
Autoren: Meraji, S., Schreiner, M., Moreira. R.G.
: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2006 - Schadstoffe in Lebensmitteln und Futtermitteln
: 2006 - Fatty acid profiles in Austrian wild and farmed fish - a comparison
Autoren: Schreiner, M., Scherleitner, K.
: International Congress on the Biology of Fish
: 2006 - Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cow’s Milk of Austrian and Turkish Origin: Impact of Region and Feeding Concept
Autoren: Schreiner, M., Kara, H.H., Ackerl, J., Opitz, C., Koblinger, M., Caglar, A.
: Fats and Health - Update on Dietary Phytosterols, trans-Fatty Acids and Conjugated Linoleic Acids
: 2006 - Adverse effects of dietary iodine fortification on lipid quality in a model study with growing rats.
Autoren: Wetscherek-Seipelt Gabriela, Schreiner M., Windisch W.
: 60th Conference of the Society of Nutrition Physiology GfE 2006
: 2006 - Extended isotopic ‘fingerprints’ for highly reliable authentication and traceability of Marchfeld asparagus: a pilot study
Autoren: Prohaska T., Boulyga S., Wenzel W., Mayer H.K., Schreiner M., Krska R., Klötzli U., Lohninger H., Jakubowski N., Horacek M., Wimmer B., Fodor P., Vanhaecke F.
: 2nd Annual TRACE Meeting 2006
: 2006 - Influencia da dieta no crescimento e na composicao dos acidos graxos de femeas de pintado, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) criados em tanques-rede
Autoren: Moreira, R.G., Schreiner,M., Scorvo Filho, J.D.,Romagosa, E.
: AquaCiencia 2006
: 2006 - Effect of Essential Oils or Avilanmycin on Microbial, Histological and Molecular-Biological Parameters of Gut Health in Weaned Piglets
Autoren: Kroismayr, A., Sehm, J., Mayer, H., Schreiner, M., Foissy, H., Wetscherek, W., Windisch, W.
: 2nd World Nutrition Forum 2006 - The Future of Animal Nutrition
: 2006 - Adverse effects of dietary iodine fortification on lipid quality in a model study with growing rats.
Autoren: Wetscherek-Seipelt Gabriela, Schreiner M., Windisch W.
: 60th Conference of the Society of Nutrition Physiology GfE 2006
: 2005 - The influence of diet on the fatty acid composition of lipid storage tissues of surubim, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (pisces: teleostei) reared in cages, during the reproductive cycle
Autoren: Schreiner, M., Linhares de Andrade, VX., Moreira, GM., Scorvo Filho, JD., Romagosa, E.
: 26th World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research ISF 2005
: 2005 - Stereospecific positional distribution of fatty acids in egg lipids from hens fed different sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: 96th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2005
: 2005 - Accurate determination of omega-3 fatty acids in functional foods: A challenge for analysts?
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: 96th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2005
: 2005 - Fettsäuremuster heimischer Wild- und Zuchtfische - ein Vergleich.
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Fisch und Wild als Lebensmittel 2005
: 2005 - The influence of diet on the fatty acid composition of lipid storage tissues of surubim, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (pisces: teleostei) reared in cages, during the reproductive cycle.
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: 26th World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research ISF 2005
: 2005 - Stereospecific positional distribution of fatty acids in egg lipids from hens fed different sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Autoren: Schreiner, M. Meraji, S. Moreira, R.
: 96th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2005
: 2005 - Effect of essential oils or Avilamycin on microbial, histological and molecular-biological parameters of gut health in weaned piglets
Autoren: Kroismayr, A., J. Sehm, H. Mayer, M. Schreiner, H. Foissy, W. Wetscherek, W. Windisch
: 4. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2005
: 2005 - Fettsäuremuster heimischer Wild- und Zuchtfische - ein Vergleich.
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Fisch und Wild als Lebensmittel 2005
: 2005 - Accurate determination of omega-3 fatty acids in functional foods: A challenge for analysts?
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: 96th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2005
: 2005 - Fettsäuremuster heimischer Wild- und Zuchtfische - ein Vergleich
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Fisch und Wild als Lebensmittel 2005
: 2005 - A Survey of the Fatty Acid Profile in Austrian "Bio-Eggs"
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: 26th World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research ISF 2005
: 2004 - Effects of Different Oil Sources on the Lipid Profile of the Tropical Fish Piaractus Mesopotamicus (Teleost: Characidae), During the Reproductive Cycle
Autoren: Moreira, R.G.Parrish, C.Colquhoun, A.Schreiner, M.Bicudo, J.
: 95th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2004
: 2004 - Influence of nutrient composition on methane production from animal manures and co-digestion with maize and glycerine.
Autoren: Kryvoruchko V., Amon T., Amon B., Boxberger J., Gruber L., Schreiner M., Zolitsch W.
: International Scientific Conference Bioecotechnologies and Biofuel in Agroindustry 2004
: 2004 - The importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: Scientific Symposium Mogi
: 2004 - Effect of different dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids on the lipid profile of egg yolk from laying hens.
Autoren: Schreiner, M., Meraji, S.
: 3. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2004
: 2004 - Influence of dietary lipids on growth and fatty acid composition of the tropical fish Piaractus mesopotamicus
Autoren: Moreira, R.G., Schreiner, M., Parrish, C.C., Colquhoun, A., Bicudo, J.E
: 3. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2004
: 2004 - Determination of the carbon deficiency in the flame ionization detector response of long-chain fatty acid methyl esters and dicarboxylic acid dimethyl esters.
Autoren: Schreiner, M.
: 95th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2004
: 2004 - Determination of the carbon deficiency in the flame ionization detector response of long-chain fatty acid methyl esters and dicarboxylic acid dimethyl esters
Autoren: Schreiner, M.Hulan, H. W.
: 95th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo 2004
: 2004 - Influence of Broodstock Dietary Fatty Acids on Egg Lipid Composition of the Silver Catfish Rhamdia Quelen
Autoren: Moreira, R.G, Orozco-Zapata, C.R., Schreiner, M., Colquhoun, A., Silva, T.F.C., Mimura, O.M.
: International Congress on the Biology of Fish