Anne Hartmann
Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Anne Hartmann
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81208
- 2011 PhD
- 2003 master thesis
- Year: 2004 Awards: „Förderpreis für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten" der Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung (MA 22)
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
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Year: 2022 - eDNA & Flusskrebse im Wienerwald (Poster)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Tag der Artenvielfalt - Donauinsel
Period: 03.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Der Steinkrebs in Wien (Poster)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Tag der Artenvielfalt - Donauinsel
Period: 03.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Makrozoobenthos und seine Bedeutung (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Seminar Wasser - Dr. Hans Riegel Stiftung
Period: 30.06.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Invasive Flusskrebse in Wien (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Tag der Artenvielfalt - Donauinsel
Period: 03.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Krebse und Libellen in den ländlichen Gebieten Wiens und das Potenzial von DNA-Barcoding-Methoden für deren Erfassung und Management Projektteil: Krebse Endpräsentation (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: MA45 - Wiener Gewässer
Period: 12.05.2022 | Location: Online
Year: 2022 - Ökologische Auswirkungen von Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen/Verbauungen auf die benthischen Makro-Evertebraten in Wienerwaldbächen (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Regionsmanagement der Klima- und Energiemodellregion undKlimawandelanpassungsregion Tullnerfeld OST
Period: 14.03.2022 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2008 - Development of a field screening methodology to evaluate the ecological status of the streams in the HKH region (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann A., Moog, O.
Event: Scientifc Conference 2008 - Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalya - Ecology and Ennvironmental Assessment
Period: 03.03.2008 - 07.03.2008 | Location: Dhulikhel, Nepal
Year: 2008 - Development of the HKH-Index for ecological river quality (Talk)
Autoren: Korte T., Hering D., Baki A.B.M., Ofenböck T., Hartmann A.
Event: Scientifc Conference 2008 - Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalya - Ecology and Ennvironmental Assessment
Period: 03.03.2008 - 07.03.2008 | Location: Dhulikhel, Nepal
Year: 2008 - The effect of environmental conditions on the taxonomic and functional structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Hindu Kush- Himalaya region (Talk)
Autoren: Syrovatka V., Brabec K., Korte T., Graf W., Nesemann H., Petrivalska K., Huber T., Hartmann A., Tachamo R.D., Shah D.N., Alam M.S., Hoque M.M., Saha M., Aziz A., Sharma S., Chhopel G.K., Tomanova S., Kubosova K.
Event: Scientifc Conference 2008 - Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalya - Ecology and Ennvironmental Assessment
Period: 03.03.2008 - 07.03.2008 | Location: Dhulikhel, Nepal
Year: 2007 - Neuerungen bei der Bewertung des ökologischen Zustandes von Fließgewässern - Qualitätselement Makrozoobenthos (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann A., Ofenböck T., Moog O. & I. Stubauer
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2007
Period: 26.10.2007 - 28.10.2007 | Location: Lunz am See, Austria
Year: 2006 - Systematics and Identification of Odonata in the HKH Region (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Regional Capacity Building Workshop on the Macro-Invertebrates Taxonomy and Systematics for Evaluating the Ecological Status of Rivers in the Hindukush-Himalayan (HKH) Region 2006
Period: 20.08.2006 - 07.09.2006 | Location: Dhulikhel, Nepal
Year: 2006 - The development of an ecological database using HKHdip (Talk)
Autoren: Hartmann, A.
Event: Regional Capacity Building Workshop on the Macro-Invertebrates Taxonomy and Systematics for Evaluating the Ecological Status of Rivers in the Hindukush-Himalayan (HKH) Region 2006
Period: 20.08.2006 - 07.09.2006 | Location: Dhulikhel, Nepal
Year: 2006 - Generation of Determination Keys for Selected Groups of Benthic Invertebrates in the Hindu Kush – Himalaya Region (Talk)
Autoren: Bloch A., Brabec K., Graf W., Huber T., Janecek B., Jäch M., Nesemann H., Soldan T., Zettel H.
Event: SIL Austria Tagung 2006
Period: 22.10.2006 - 24.10.2006 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Supervised Theses
3 Publications found.
Fangeffizienz von Procambarus virginalis bei syntopen Vorkommen von Astacus leptodactylus am Wienerbergteich in Wien, Österreich
Quelle: Keil F. Fangeffizienz von Procambarus virginalis bei syntopen Vorkommen von Astacus leptodactylus am Wienerbergteich in Wien, Österreich [Internet] [Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2023. Verfügbar unter:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2023
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Evaluation of three monitoring methods concerning the native crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium
Quelle: Auer S. Evaluation of three monitoring methods concerning the native crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium [Internet] [Master / Diploma Thesis]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2022. Available from:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2022
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Ecoregional and seasonal patterns of Macroinvertebrate communities in near-natural Bhutanese streams
Quelle: Khanal, Gopal Prasad. Ecoregional and seasonal patterns of Macroinvertebrate communities in near-natural Bhutanese streams [Internet] [Master / Diploma Thesis]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2021. Available from:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2021
Eigenschaften der Publikation: