Sabina Thaler
Mag. Mag. Dr. Sabina Thaler
Institute of Meteorology and Climatology
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81420
Research Focus
Agrometeorology, crop growth models, GIS, effects of climate change on agriculture
- 2019 Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology (BOKU-Met) (BOKU University)
- 2023 Senior Scientist at the Department of Climate Change Impacts on Agroecosystems (CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute)
- 2018 - 2022 Research Fellow at the Department of Climate Change Impacts on Agroecosystems (CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute)
- 2017 - 2019 Research associate and PhD at the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology (BOKU-Met) (BOKU University)
- 2015 - 2017 Research Fellow (Meteo Science)
- 2006 - 2014 Research associate at the Institute of Meteorology (BOKU University)
- 2006 - 2008 Lecturer at the Department of Geography and Regional Research (University Vienna)
- 2006 - 2006 Research Fellow at the Climate Department (Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik)
- 2004 - 2005 Research Fellow at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Birmingham)
- 2003 - 2003 Research Fellow (Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - The Agricultural Risk Information System (ARIS) for Austrian agriculture
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J
Event: 10. BIOMET-Tagung - Lebensräume im Wandel 2024
Year: 2024 - Use of climate change scenarios for pest algorithms in Austria
Autoren: Thaler, S; Kolkmann, K; Blümel, S; Eitzinger, J
Event: 25th EMS Annual Meeting
Year: 2024 - Multiple linear regression models to predict seasonal occurrences of two important grapevine pest Lepidoptera in Austria
Autoren: Kolkmann, K; Blümel, S; Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J
Event: 25th EMS Annual Meeting
Year: 2024 - Suitability of reference weather data for the development of multiple linear regression models to predict two important grapevine pest Lepidoptera in Austria
Autoren: Kolkmann, K; Blümel, S; Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J
Event: FAIRNESS Workshop: Exploitation of Mapping, Modeling, and Micrometeorological Data-Based Applications
Year: 2024 - Das Wetter - fühlen, messen, verstehen. Wetterelemente genauer betrachten.
Autoren: Thaler, S; König, B
Event: BOKU Kinderuni 2024
Year: 2024 - Was ist dieser Klimawandel? Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels und wie wir in Zukunft gut leben können.
Autoren: Thaler, S; Maier, P; König, B
Event: BOKU Kinderuni 2024
Year: 2024 - Microclimatic conditions within apple trees of different canopy structure
Autoren: Thaler, S; Klisho T; Eitzinger, J
Event: FAIRNESS Workshop: Exploitation of Mapping, Modeling, and Micrometeorological Data-Based Applications
Year: 2024 - Einführungsvortrag Session II: Landwirtschaft im Klimawandel
Autoren: Thaler, S;
Event: 10. BIOMET-Tagung - Lebensräume im Wandel 2024
Year: 2024 - Anwendungen von Klimaszenarien auf ausgewählte Schädlingsalgorithmen in Österreich
Autoren: Thaler, S; Kolkmann, K; Blümel, S; Eitzinger, J
Event: 10. BIOMET-Tagung - Lebensräume im Wandel 2024
Year: 2024 - Anwendungsbeispiele RIMPEST-Prognosemodelle und erste Ergebnisse in Österreich
Autoren: Thaler, S; Kolkmann, K; Eitzinger, J; Blümel, S
Event: Rebschutzgebietsleitertagung
Year: 2024 - Klimawandel – Prognosemodelle für Apfel- und Pflaumenwickler für zukünftige Klimaszenarien in Österreich
Autoren: Kolkmann, K; Thaler, S
Event: Kremser Gespräche 2024
Year: 2023 - The cooling potential of green spaces in and around Vienna during prolonged dry periods
Autoren: Eitzinger, J; Thaler, S; Formayer, H; Gützer, C; Hofer, A; Hörbinger, S; Masson, V; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Perny, K; Preiss, J; Pröll, T; Rauch, JP; Sadriu, M; Schmidt, S; Schoetter, R; Szocska, D; Trimmel, H; Wittkowski, M; Wöß, D; Weihs, P
Event: 9th Meeting of the Austrian Meteorological Society 2023
Year: 2023 - Assessing the performance of crop forecasts for in-season nitrogen management of winter wheat
Autoren: Palka, M; Schneider, S; Atencia, A; Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Manschadi, AM
Event: AgMIP9
Year: 2023 - Was ist dieser Klimawandel? - Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels
Autoren: Thaler, S; König, B; Maier, P;
Event: KinderuniWien 2023
Year: 2023 - Influence of PV modules on the incident radiation and the yield of 3 plant varieties.
Autoren: Weihs, P; Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Zamini, S; Berger, K; Abdollahi, M
Event: EMS Annual Meeting 2023
Year: 2023 - Evaporative cooling potential from green roofs in Vienna
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Formayer, H; Gützer, C; Hofer, A; Hörbinger, S; Masson, V; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Perny, K; Preiss, J; Pröll, T; Rauch, HP; Sadriu, M; Schmidt, S; Schoetter, R; Szocska, D; Trimmel, H; Wittkowski, M; Wöß, D; Weihs, P
Event: FAIRNESS: Fair Network of micrometeorological measurements 2023
Autoren: H. Zsiborács, G. Pintér, N. Hegedűsné Baranyai, A. Vincze, M. Turai, P. Weihs, E. Mursch Radlgruber, J. Eitzinger, C. Gützer, S. Thaler
Event: 29th Workshop on Energy and Environment
Year: 2023 - Impact of longer Drought Periods on Climate in Greater Vienna: appropriate Mitigation measures
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Heidelinde Trimmel, Christian Gützer, Melissa Sadriu, Josef Eitzinger,Sabina Thaler, Erich Mursch-Radlgruber, Herbert Formayer, Katharina Perny, Tobias Pröll,David Wöss, Hans-Peter Rauch , Stefan Hörbinger, Deborah Szocska, Jürgen Preiss,Max Wittkowski, Valery Masson, Thomas Roth
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag, 11.–13. April 2023, Leoben
Year: 2023 - Tailored AGROmeteorological FORECAST for improving resilience and sustainability of Austrian farming systems under changing climate
Autoren: Josef Eitzinger, Sabina Thaler, Aitor Atencia, Patrick Hann, Gerhard Kubu, Ahmad M. Manschadi, Branislava Lalic, Marlene Palka, Stefan Schneider, Ana Firanj Sremac, Miroslav Trnka, and Claus Trska
Event: EMS Annual Meeting 2023
Year: 2023 - Imp_DroP - Impact of longer Drought Periods on Climate in Greater Vienna: appropriate Mitigation measures
Autoren: Weihs, P; Trimmel, H; Gützer, C; Sadriu, M; Eitzinger, J; Thaler, S; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Formayer, H; Perny, K; Pröll, T;Wöss, D; Hofer, A; Rauch, HP; Hörbinger, S; Szocska, D; Preiss, J; Wittkowski, M; Masson, V; Schoetter , R; Schmidt, T
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag 2023
Year: 2023 - WASser, WI(E)nd und WOlken. Wie funktioniert das Wetter?
Autoren: Thaler, S; König, B
Event: KinderUni BOKU 2023
Year: 2023 - Was ist dieser Klimawandel? Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels.
Autoren: Thaler, S; Maier, P; König, B
Event: KinderUni BOKU 2023
Year: 2023 - Cooling potential of green spaces in the Vienna metropolitan area during extended periods of drought
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Formayer, H; Gützer, C; Hörbinger, S; Masson, V; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Perny, K; Preiss, J; Pröll, T; Rauch, JP; Sadriu, M; Schmidt, S; Schoetter, R; Szocska, D; Wittkowski, M; Trimmel, H; Wöß, D; Weihs, P
Event: EMS Annual Meeting 2023
Autoren: P. Weihs, S. Thaler, J. Eitzinger, C. Gützer, E. Mursch-Radlgruber, G. Pinter, H. Zsiborács,A. Vincze, N. Baranyai
Event: 29th Workshop on Energy and Environment
Year: 2022 - Effects on soil water content and productivity of selected crops in a field experiment with rain-out shelter vs. control plot in the Czech Republic
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Hlavinka, P; Pohankova, E; Trnka, M
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Year: 2022 - Application and evaluation of seasonal weather forecasts as well as climate change scenarios
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Kubu, G; et al.
Event: WAU Science Day 2022
Year: 2022 - Application of seasonal weather forecasts and climate change scenarios on selected pest and disease algorithms in Austria
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Kubu, G; Manschadi, A; Palka, M; Schneider, S
Event: EMS Annual Meeting 2022
Year: 2022 - WASser, WI(E)nd und WOlken - wie das Wetter funktioniert
Autoren: Leidinger, D.; Thaler, S.;
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2022
Year: 2022 - Validation of high-resolution soil moisture data in north-eastern Austria
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Kubu, G; Marin, D; Wagner, W
Event: 17th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy ESA 2022
Year: 2022 - Was ist dieser Klimawandel? - Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels
Autoren: Leidinger, D.; Thaler, S.; Maier, P;
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2022
Year: 2022 - Evaluation of the performance of agrometeorological indicators in lead times of weather forecasts.
Autoren: Eitzinger J., S.Thaler, G. Kubu, A. Manschadi, M. Palka and S. Schneider
Year: 2022 - PlusIQ - Agrarphotovoltaik: Integration als Weg zur Plus-Energie-Quartier,Task 05.02 Mikroklimatische Aspekte (BOKU-Met): Erste vorläufige Ergebnisse
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Josef Eitzinger, Sabina Thaler
Event: Projekt Meeting PlusIQ - Agrarphotovoltaik
Year: 2022 - Evaluation of the performance of agrometeorological indicators in lead times of weather forecasts as well as climate scenarios
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Kubu, G; Manschadi, A; Palka, M; Schneider, S.
Event: 22. Österreichischer Klimatag 2022 - Pushing boundaries: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Klima
Year: 2022 - Effects on soil water content and productivity of selected crops in a field experiment with rain-out shelter vs. control plot in the Czech Republic.
Autoren: Thaler, S., Eitzinger, J., Hlavinka, P., Pohankova, E., and Trnka, M.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2022
Year: 2021 - Tailored AGROmeteorological FORECAST for improving resilience and sustainability of Austrian farming systems under changing climate
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Kubu, G., Manschadi, A.M., Palka, M., Schneider, S., Hadzimustafic, J., Trnka, M., Lalic, B., Sremac, A.F., Trska, C., Hann, P.
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Year: 2021 - Trends of weather-related impacts on Austrian crop production under changing climate
Autoren: Thaler, S.; Eitzinger, J; Kubu, G.
Event: EMS 2021
Year: 2021 - Was ist dieser Klimawandel? Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels.
Autoren: Thaler, S; König, B; Leidinger, D
Event: BOKU Kinderuni 2021
Year: 2021 - Das Wetter - fühlen, messen, verstehen. Wetterelemente genauer betrachten.
Autoren: Thaler, S; König, B; Leidinger, D; Trimmel, H
Event: BOKU Kinderuni 2021
Year: 2020 - Was ist der Klimawandel?
Autoren: König, B; Leidinger, D; Thaler, S.
Event: Ö1 Kinderuni
Year: 2020 - Klimawandel und der Einfluss auf die Landwirtschaft in Ostösterreich
Autoren: Thaler, S
Event: BioNet-Workshop "Praxiserfahrungen zur Mulch- und Direktsaat im Bioackerbau“
Year: 2020 - Das Wetter fühlen, messen, verstehen
Autoren: Leidinger, D; Thaler, S; König, B; Revesz, M
Event: KinderUni 2020
Year: 2020 - Was ist dieser Klimawandel? Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels. (Familienvorlesung, Live Stream)
Autoren: König, B; Leidinger, D; Thaler, S.
Event: KinderUni 2020
Year: 2019 - Einfluss von Klimaszenarien unterschiedlicher Auflösung auf die Ergebnisse agrarmeteorologischer Modelle in unterschiedlichen Regionen Österreichs
Autoren: Thaler, S., Eitzinger, J., Kubu, G., Chimani, B., Matulla, C., Hiebl, J., Hofstätter, M., Maraun, D., Mendlik, T.
Event: DACH 2019
Year: 2019 - Anwendung der ÖKS15-Klimaprojektionen in Agrarmodellen
Autoren: Thaler, S., Eitzinger, J., Kubu, G., Chimani, B., Matulla, C., Hiebl, J., Hofstätter, M., Maraun, D., Mendlik, T.
Event: 20. Österreichischer Klimatag 2019 - Facetten der Österreichischen Klimaforschung
Year: 2018 - Agroclimatic conditions of past and future in Austria
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Daneu, V., Fuchs, W., Thaler, S., Kubu, G., Manschadi, A.M., Heilig, M., Trnka, M., Lalic, B., Firanj, A., Blümel, S., Oberforster, M., Egartner, A., Wechselberger, K., Schaumberger, A., Trska, C., Hann, P.
Event: European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Monitor für kombinierte wetterbezogene Risiken in der Landwirtschaft (COMBIRISK)
Autoren: Eitzinger, J; Daneu, V; Fuchs, W; Manschadi, A; Hann, P; Trska, C; Putz, B; Thaler, S; Schaumberger, A; Falkner, K; Molchanova, E; Mitter, H; Schönhart, M; Schmid, E; Firanij, A; Lalic, B; Trnka, M;
Event: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2018 - Impact of climate scenario uncertainties on agrometeorological models
Autoren: Eitzinger, J.; Kubu, G.; Thaler, S.; Chimani, B.; Matulla, C.; Schellander-Gorgas, T.; Hiebl, J.; Hofstätter, M.; Truhetz, H.; Mendlik, T. and Maraun, D.
Event: European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - COMBIned weather related RISK assessment monitor for tailoring climate change adaptation in Austrian crop production .
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Daneu, V., Fuchs, W., Thaler, S., Kubu, G., Manschadi, A.M., Heilig, M., Trnka, M., Lalic, B., Firanj, A., Blümel, S., Oberforster, M., Egartner, A., Wechselberger, K., Schaumberger, A., Trska, C., Hann, P.
Event: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2017 - Assessing Weather Related Risks For Crop Production In Austria.
Autoren: Eitzinger, J.; Daneu, V.; Fuchs, W.; Thaler, S.; Kubu, G.; Manschadi, A.M.; Heilig, M.; Trnka, M.; Lalic, B.; Blümel, S.; Oberforster, M.; Egartner, A.; Wechselberger, K.; Schaumberger, A.; Trska, C.; Hann, P.
Event: EMS Annual Meeting – European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
Year: 2016 - Crop water footprints under complex climatological conditions - case study Austria
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S.
Event: EURO-AGRIWAT conference "Water Footprint of agricultural products: progress, challenges and solutions
Year: 2016 - Modelling sowing date of winter wheat in response to climate change for eastern Austria
Autoren: E. Ebrahimi, A.M. Manschadi, R. Neugschwandtner, J. Eitzinger, S. Thaler, H-P. Kaul
Event: International Crop Modelling Symposium iCROPM2016
Year: 2016 - Trockenheitsmonitoringssystem für die Landwirtschaft in Österreich (Agro- DroughtAustria)
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Daneu, V., Bodner, G., Kubu, G., Loiskandl, W., Macaigne, P., Thaler, S., Schaumberger, A., Wittmann, C., Murer, E., Krammer, C., Trnka, M., Hayes, M.
Event: 17. Österreichischer Klimatag 2016 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Drought indicators related to temperature to predict crop yields in Austria
Autoren: Macaigne P, Loiskandl W, Bodner G, Eitzinger J, Thaler S, Kubu G, Trnka M, Schaumberger A, Daneu V, Wittmann C, Murer E, Krammer C, Hayes M
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Agricultural drought monitoring and crop water use efficiency
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Daneu, V., Kubu, G., Murer, E., Krammer, C., Schaumberger, A., Wittmann, C., Thaler, S., Bodner, G., Loiskandl, W., Macaigne, P., Trnka, M., Hayes, M.
Event: Towards Climate Services
Year: 2015 - Austrian drought monitoring system for agriculture
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Daneu, V., Kubu, G., Murer, E., Krammer, C., Schaumberger, A., Wittmann, C., Thaler, S., Bodner, G., Loiskandl, W., Macaigne, P., Trnka, M., Hayes, M.
Event: 15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology; "High impact weather and hydrological hazards: from observation to impact mitigation"
Year: 2015 - Drought monitoring system for Austrian agriculture
Autoren: Eitzinger J, Thaler S, Kubu G, Loiskandl W, Bodner G, Macaigne P, Trnka M, Schaumberger A, Daneu V, Murer E, Krammer C, Hayes M, Wittmann C, Nolz R
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2014 - Methods applied in the Austrian drought monitoring system for agriculture
Autoren: Kubu, G., Murer, E., Krammer, C., Eitzinger, J., Schaumberger, A., Daneu, V., Thaler, S., Bodner, G., Loiskandl, W., McCaine, P., Trnka, M.
Event: 8. Biomet Tagung
Year: 2014 - Effects of different spatial input rain data in crop growth models demonstrated for north-eastern Austria
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Kubu, G
Event: WAU Brown Bag Meeting Wasser-Atmosphäre-Umwelt
Year: 2013 - Spatial simulation of crop conditions - application for crop risk monitoring, crop management and water footprint estimation
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Schaumberger, A., Grabenweger, P., Schaumberger, J., Thaler, S., Murer, E., Krammer, C., Grabenweger, G., Pilz, C., Kahrer, A., Trska, C., Kromp, B., Hann, P.
Event: International Scientific Conference Environmental changes and adaptation strategies 2013
Year: 2013 - Potentielle Auswirkungen einer Klimaerwärmung sowie Anpassungsstrategien auf Winterweizen im Marchfeld
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Dubrovský, M; Trnka, M.
Event: 110 Jahre Versuchswirtschaft Groß Enzersdorf
Year: 2013 - Impacts of climate change and effects of adaptation options on winter wheat yield and water productivity in Marchfeld, Eastern Austria
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Dubrovský, M; Trnka, M.
Event: WAU Brown Bag Meeting - Department-Day 2013
Year: 2012 - Improving spatial crop simulation using the ASCAT Soil Moisture Product
Autoren: Kubu, G; Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J.
Event: 12th EMS / 9th ECAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Einsatz von ASCAT-Bodenfeuchtedaten bei der Ertragssimulation von Getreide
Autoren: Kubu, G., Thaler, S., Eitzinger, J.
Event: 24. Symposium und Fachmesse Angewandte Geoinformatik AGIT 2012
Year: 2012 - Raumbezogene Simulation der Bodentemperatur auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen in Österreich und potenzielle Anwendungen zur Klimafolgenabschätzung
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Grabenweger, P., Schaumberger, A., Schaumberger, J., Murer, E., Krammer, C., Grabenweger, G., Pilz, C., Kahrer, A., Trska, C., Kromp, B., Hann, P.
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2012 - Spatial soil temperature simulation and agrometeorological applications in Austria
Autoren: Eitzinger, J; Grabenweger, P; Thaler, S; Murer, E; Krammer, C; Schaumberger, A; Schaumberger, J; Grabenweger, G; Pilz, C; Kahrer, A; Kromp, B; Hann, P; Trska, B.
Event: 12th EMS / 9th ECAC 2012
Year: 2011 - Sensitivities of crop models to extreme weather events demonstrated for maize and winter wheat at two locations in Austria
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Schmid, E., Strauss, F., Ferrise, R., Moriondo, M., Bindi, M., Palosuo, T., Rötter, R., Kersebaum, C., Olesen, J.E., Patil, R.H., Saylan, L., Caldag, B., Caylak, O.
Event: International Conference on current knowledge of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Forestry in Europe, COST734 Final Conference in cooperation with COST FP0703C and OPAG III of CAgM of WMO 2011
Year: 2011 - Climate change impact on rice production potential in Kaison, Laos
Autoren: Boulidam, S; Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J.
Event: International Conference on current knowledge of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Forestry in Europe, COST734 Final Conference in cooperation with COST FP0703C and OPAG III of CAgM of WMO 2011
Year: 2011 - Using results of modelled yield deviation and indices of weather extremes towards a better yield assessment – current state of research
Autoren: Lalic, B; Eitzinger, J; Thaler, S; Nejedlik, P; Kazandjiev, V; Vucetic, V; Jacimovic, G; Latkovic, D; Saylan, L; Susnik, A; Eckersten, H.
Event: International Conference on current knowledge of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Forestry in Europe, COST734 Final Conference in cooperation with COST FP0703C and OPAG III of CAgM of WMO 2011
Year: 2010 - Konsequenzen des Klimawandels für das Ertragspotenzial und den Wasserhaushalt landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenproduktion
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Kubu, G.
Event: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft in Österreich 2010
Year: 2009 - Estimation of spatial climate variability in agricultural environments and its relevance for climate change impact assessments
Autoren: Eitzinger, J; Thaler, S; Gerersdorfer, T; Laube, W; Holawe, F; Orfanus, T.
Event: 2nd International Conference of Biohydrology 2009
Year: 2009 - Assessing differences in the farm level vulnerability of the cereal production in the Central Europe – Consequences, uncertainties and adaptation options
Autoren: Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Hlavinka, P., Semeradová, D., Dubrovsky, M., Žalud, Z., Kubu, G., Formayer. H.
Event: International Symposium 2009 - Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation in Agriculture
Year: 2009 - Estimation of spatial climate variability in agricultural environments and its relevance for climate change impact assessments.
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Gerersdorfer, T., Laube, W., Holawe, F., Orfanus, T.
Event: 2nd International Conference of Biohydrology 2009
Year: 2009 - Changes of water demand - possible adaptation of agricultural crops and management options to improve water use efficiency in the Marchfeld area
Autoren: Thaler S., Eitzinger J., Dubrovsky M., Trnka M.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Climate change impacts and adaptation options for agriculture in complex terrain and small scale agricultural systems – Results from case studies in Austria
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Kubu, G., Thaler, S.
Event: International Symposium 2009 - Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation in Agriculture
Year: 2009 - Experiences and results in climate change impact research for agriculture using crop models in Austria and Czech Republic
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Rischbeck, P., Schaumberger, A., Trnka, M.
Event: Modellierung des Systems Nutzpflanze-Boden, Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts 2009
Year: 2009 - Spatial climate variability in agricultural environments and its relevance for climate change impact assessments - case studies from Austria
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Gerersdorfer, T., Laube, W., Holawe, F., Orfanus, T.
Event: 15th Workshop on Energy and Environment 2009
Year: 2008 - Potentielle Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten der Landwirtschaft an den Klimawandel im Marchfeld
Autoren: Thaler S., Eitzinger J., Rischbeck P.
Event: 10. Österreichischer Klimatag 2008 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2008 - Are there any influences of meteorological conditions on mortality fluctuations in Vienna, Austria?
Autoren: Thaler S., Holawe F., Mursch-Radlgruber E.
Event: 18th Conference on Atmospheric BioGeosciences and 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and 28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2008
Year: 2008 - Changes of water demand of agricultural crops in the region Marchfeld under climate change scenarios
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J.
Event: International workshop and course for decision makers on the effective use of water in agricultural crop production 2008
Year: 2008 - Climate change impacts and possible adaptations on selected crops in Marchfeld, Eastern Austria
Autoren: Thaler S., Eitzinger J., Rischbeck P.M, Dubrovsky M., Trnka M.
Event: Global environmental change 2008 - Challenges to science and society in southeastern Europe
Year: 2008 - Synoptic weather patterns and human health in Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Thaler S., Holawa F., Mursch-Radlgruber E.
Event: Annual Meeting Association of American Geographers 2008
Year: 2008 - Crop Simulation Models and GIS
Autoren: Thaler, S.
Event: Train-the-Trainer Workshop an Geo-Informatics for Mountain Environment Management 2008
Year: 2008 - Changes of water demand of agricultural crops in the region Marchfeld under climate change scenarios
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J.
Event: International workshop and course for decision makers on the effective use of water in agricultural crop production 2008
Year: 2008 - Climate change impacts on selected crops in Marchfeld, Eastern Austria
Autoren: Thaler S., Eitzinger J., Dubrovsky M., Trnka M.
Event: 18th Conference on Atmospheric BioGeosciences and 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and 28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2008
Year: 2007 - Manifestation of Climate Change to Shallow Lakes in Russia and Austria
Autoren: Lemeshko N., Gronskaya T., Borzenkova I., Lastin S., Eitzinger J., Kubu G., Thaler S.
Event: Taal 2007, 12th World Lake Conference
Year: 2007 - Spatial crop model applications in Austria : Climate change impacts on cereals in the Marchfeld region /Austria
Autoren: Thaler S., Rischbeck P., Eitzinger J.
Event: Workshop Crop Drought Stress Monitoring by Remote Sensing 2007
Year: 2007 - Assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture in the region Marchfeld (Austria) and recommended adaptation options
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Kubu, G., Rischbeck, P., Trnka, M., Schaumberger, A.
Event: 13th Workshop on Energy and Environment 2007
Year: 2007 - Regional climate change impact and adaptation assessment on agriculture in Austria.
Autoren: Eitzinger, J., Thaler, S., Kubu, G., Rischbeck, P., Trnka, M., Schaumberger, A.
Event: 7th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society EMS 2007 and Eighth Europeam Conference on Applications of Meteorology ECAC 2007
Year: 2005 - Fluctuations in heat related mortality in Vienna.
Autoren: Thaler S., Holawe F., Mursch-Radlgruber E.
Event: 17th International Congress of Biometeorology ICB 2005
Year: 2004 - Laboratory measurements of UV transmission through clothes, sun cream and sun glasses
Autoren: Huber, K., Thaler, S., Laube, W., Weihs, P.
Event: European Geopscience Union EGU General Assembly 2004