Ivan Sumerskii
Dr. Ivan Sumerskii
Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources
Core Facility Analysis of Lignocellulosics
Location Konrad Lorenz-Straße 24, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Email ivan.sumerskii@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-35061, 77435
ORCID: 0000-0003-1044-4505
35776716300: AuthorId
AAX-2068-2021: ResearcherId
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Adding speed to lignin analysis straight from black liquors
Autoren: Kohlhuber, N; Musl, O; Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Böhmdorfer, S; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 21st ISWFPC - International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry
Year: 2023 - Application of IR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Comprehensive and Fast Characterization of Technical Lignins (O31)
Autoren: Sumerskii, I; Tsetsgee, O; Billich, E; Sulaeva, I; Dorninger, K; Böhmdorfer, S; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: ISWFPC 2023 - 21st International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry
Year: 2023 - Cellulose – some news from an old polymer
Autoren: Plenary: Rosenau, T; Hettegger, H; Böhmdorfer, S; Beaumont, M; Sulaeva, I; Simon, J; Zaccaron, S; Sumerskii, I; Bacher, M; Yoneda, Y; French, AD; Hosoya, T; Potthast, A
Event: 21st International Symposium on Wood, Fibre, and Pulping Chemistry 2023
Year: 2023 - Oxidation reactions in cellulose chemistry: mechanisms, analytical aspects, successes and pitfalls
Autoren: Rosenau, T; Beaumont, M; Bacher, M; Simon, J; Sumerskii, I; Sulaeva, I; Hosoya, T; Hettegger, H; Potthast, A
Event: 5th International Cellulose Conference (ICC 2022+1)
Year: 2023 - “Oxidation reactions in cellulose chemistry“
Autoren: Rosenau, T; Simon, J; Beaumont, M; Sumerskii, I; Sulaeva, I; Hettegger, H; Bacher, M; Yoneda, Y; Hosoya, T; Potthast, A
Event: WCCE11 / The V International Symposium on Lignocellulosic Materials (ISLCM 2023)
Year: 2022 - À Côté Quantification of the Non-Eluting Bioploymer Lignin by Densitometry and Multivariate Calibration
Autoren: Schuster, C; Khaliliyan, H; Sumerskii, I; Guggenberger, M; Oberlerchner, JT; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A; Böhmdorfer, S
Event: 25th International Symposium for High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography 2022
Year: 2022 - Mapping the Hydrophobic Composition of Lignosulfonates with Two-Dimensional HIC–SECaq. Liquid Chromatography
Autoren: Musl, O; Falkenhagen, J; Sumerskii, I; Sulaeva, I; Mahler, K; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: Sustainable Materials Research Summit 2022
Year: 2022 - A new solvent system to analyze functional groups of lignosulfonates by 31P NMR
Autoren: Wurzer, G; Bacher, M; Hettegger, H; Sumerskii, I; Musl, O; Fackler, K; Bischof, RH; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: Chemietage 2022 - Green Chemistry for a sustainable Europe
Year: 2022 - A new universal solvent system for the analysis of lignosulfonates by 31P NMR
Autoren: Wurzer, G; Bacher, M; Hettegger, H; Sumerskii, I; Musl, O; Fackler, K; Bischof, R; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: 16th EWLP European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2022
Year: 2022 - A new solvent system for the analysis of hydroxy groups of lignosulfonates by 31P NMR
Autoren: Wurzer, GK; Bacher, M; Sumerskii, I; Musl, O; Fackler, K; Bischof, RH; Hettegger, H; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: Young Analytical Chemists Forum 2022
Year: 2022 - Adding Speed to Lignin Analysis straight from Black Liquors
Autoren: Kohlhuber, N; Musl, O; Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Khaliliyan, H; Böhmdorfer, S; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 16th European Workshop on Lignocellulisics and Pulp EWLP 2022
Year: 2021 - Advanced analysis of celluloses and lignins at BOKU, ALICE core facility
Autoren: Thomas Rosenau, Antje Potthast
Event: LigninReSurf Kick-off, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Year: 2021 - FLIPPR-I and FLUPPR-II - 8 years of lignocellulosc research in Austria
Autoren: Thomas Rosenau, Antje Potthast, Stefan Böhmdorfer, Ivan Sumerskii, Markus Bacher
Event: FLIPPR-Abschluss-Meeting (Vorstände von SAPPI, Mondi, Zellstoff Pöls)
Year: 2021 - Multivariate Calibration and Chemometrics for Reliable Quantification of Lignin by HPTLC Densitometry
Autoren: Khaliliyan, H; Schuster, C; Sumerskii, I; Guggenberger, M; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A; Böhmdorfer, S
Event: 17th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC17)
Year: 2021 - Advanced analysis of celluloses and lignin at BOKU Core Facility "ALICE"
Autoren: Thomas Rosenau, Antje Potthast, Ivan Sumerskii
Event: EPNOE workshop "Horizon projects"; European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence
Year: 2021 - Adding Speed to Lignin Analysis straight from Black Liquors
Autoren: Kohlhuber, N; Musl, O; Sumerskii, I; Sualeva, I; Budischowsky, D; Löcker, M; Potthast, A
Event: 17th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries RRB 2021
Year: 2018 - The effect of the milling degree on the structure and molar mass of MWL preparations
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sumerskii, I; Balakshin, M; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 15th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2018
Year: 2018 - Upscaling of the XAD-7 method for isolation of lignosulfonates from sulfite spent liquor
Autoren: Mimini, V; Hashim, SNAS; Sumerskii, I; Gebauer, I; Fackler, K; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: 15th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2018
Year: 2017 - Fast and Absolute – New Ways to Analyse Molar Mass Distributions of Technical Lignins
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Böhmdorfer, S; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 8th International Symposium on Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules SCM-8 2017
Year: 2017 - Rapid Screening of Molar Mass Distributions of Industrial Lignosulfonates Using AsFlFFF
Autoren: Sulaeva, I; Zinovyev, G; Böhmdorfer, S; Henniges, U; Sumerskii, I; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 8th International Symposium on Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules SCM-8 2017
Year: 2017 - Fast tracks for characterization of technical lignins
Autoren: Potthast, A; Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Böhmdorfer, S; Sulaeva, I; Rosenau, T
Event: Paper & Biorefinery Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Coming closer to a correct molar mass of technical lignins
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Böhmdorfer, S; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting
Year: 2017 - Fast tracks for accurate lignin characterisation
Autoren: Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Sulaeva, I; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: International Conference Renewable Plant Resources 2017 - Chemistry, Technology, Medicine
Year: 2017 - Molar mass analysis of technical lignins: SEC, AsFlFFF-MALLS, and DOSY-NMR
Autoren: Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Bacher, M; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 23rd International Symposium on Separation Science ISSS 2017
Year: 2017 - Isolation and characterisation of lignosulfonate obtained from sulphite spent liquor by adsorption on XAD-7 resin
Autoren: Mimini, V; Hashim, SNAS; Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Fackler, K; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: International Conference Renewable Plant Resources 2017 - Chemistry, Technology, Medicine
Year: 2017 - Taking Chemical Analysis of Lignin into the Fast Track
Autoren: Böhmdorfer, S; Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Sulaeva, I; Potthast, A
Event: ISGC-International Symposium on Green Chemistry
Year: 2016 - Molar mass dependent profiling of functional groups in kraft lignin
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sumerskii, I; Korntner, P; Sulaeva, I; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2016
Year: 2016 - Lignosulfonate analysis: Improving the toolset
Autoren: Korntner, P; Sumerskii, I; Amer, H; Zinovyev, G; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 251st National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2016
Year: 2016 - Decolorizing Oxidation of Kraft Lignin with Ozone in Alkaline Solutions
Autoren: Böhmdorfer, S; Holzlechner, M; Sumerskii, I; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp
Year: 2016 - Fast track for the accurate determination of methoxyl groups in lignin
Autoren: Sumerskii, I; Zweckmair, T; Hettegger, H; Zinovyev, G; Korntner, P; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2016
Year: 2016 - Selective derivatization reactions in Lignin analytics: Probing completeness
Autoren: Korntner, P; Sumerskii, I; Hettegger, H; Zweckmair, T; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2016
Year: 2015 - Fast, facile and reproducible approach for lignosulfonate isolation
Autoren: Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Korntner, P; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Year: 2015 - Needles of the coniferous species as the promising feedstock for the small- and medium-sized biorefineries
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Vishtal, A; Sumerskii, I; Potthast A
Event: 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2015 EUBCE
Year: 2015 - Evaluating the Potential of Membrane Fractions and SEC of Kraft Lignins
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Korntner, P; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Year: 2015 - Comparing different approaches to measure molar mass of lignin: SEC, DOSY and AsFlFFF
Autoren: Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Bacher, M; Zinovyev, G; Henniges, U; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 249th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society 2015
Year: 2015 - Different approaches to measure molar mass of technical lignins: SEC, AsFIFFF-MALLS and DOSY-NMR
Autoren: Sulaeva, I., Sumerskii, I., Bacher, M., Zinovyev, G., Henniges, U., Rosenau, T., Potthast, A.
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Year: 2015 - Drawing a picture of Sulphur - From wet chemistry towards multivariate analysis
Autoren: Korntner, P., Tsetsgee, O., Sumerskii, I., Zinovyev, G., Rosenau, T., Potthast, A.
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Year: 2014 - Characterisation of technical lignins by NMR spectroscopy
Autoren: Korntner, P., Bacher M., Sumerskiy I., Rosenau T., Potthast, A.
Event: 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2014