Klemens Kremser
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Klemens Kremser
Institute for Environmental Biotechnology
Location Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 20, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Email klemens.kremser@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-97498
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Bioleaching assisted recycling of multilayer waste materials: effect of sulfur source an d waste material on bio leaching efficiency
Autoren: Kremser, K; Gerl, P; Schoen, H; Pellis, A; Guebitz, G, M;
International Congress on Metal-microbe applications for circular economy
(2022) Bacterial sulfuric acid production for bio-recycling of plastic and aluminium from multilayer packaging waste
Autoren: Kremser, K; Gerl, P; Pellis, A; Guebitz, G.M.
(2022) Biogenic sulfuric acid production and application for metal bioleaching from various waste streams
Autoren: Kremser, K; Schön, H; Gerl, P; Kucera, J; Guebitz, G,M;
24th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS) 2022
(2022) OPTIMO – Optimized biogenic sulfuric acid production and application in the waste management sector
Autoren: Kremser, K.
Second Symposium on REEs
(2022) Bio-recycling of plastic and aluminium from multilayer packaging waste using biogenic sulfuric acid
Autoren: Kremserk, K; Gerl, P; Pellis, A; Guebitz, G.M.;
26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering 2022
(2021) Recovery of valuable metals from waste incineration residues by iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria
Autoren: Kremser, K; Thallner, S; Schoen, H; Spiess, S; Haberbauer, M; Kucera, J; Georg, M. Guebitz;
18th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling 2021
(2020) Biologische Metallrückgewinnung aus Aschen und Schlacken nach der Müllverbrennung
Autoren: Kremser, K; Guebitz, G, M; Thallner, S; Spieß, S; Haberbauer, M; Kucera, J
Recy&Depotech Leoben
(2019) Lab-scale tank and heap bioleaching of light shred fractions by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Autoren: Kremser, K.; Weiss, S.; Thallner, S.; Hemmelmair, C.; Schnitzhofer, W., Guebitz, G
ECCE12 & ECAB5 2019