Julia Backhausen-Nikolic
Dipl.-Ing. Julia Backhausen-Nikolic
Institute of Landscape Architecture
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 65, 1180 Wien
Email julia.backhausen-nikolic@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-85233
- 2004 Senior lecturer at the Institute of Landscape Architecture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1990 - 1999 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Study programm: Landscape Architecture und Landscape Planning
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Student Design Competitions For Large Scale Projects
Autoren: Wück, R; Backhausen-Nikolić, J; Tusch, R
Event: ECLAS Conference 2022 - Scales of Change
Year: 2019 - Teaching through design competitions
Autoren: Roland Tusch, Julia Backhausen-Nikolić, Roland Wück
Event: ECLAS/UNISCAPE Conference 2019 - Lessons from the Past, Visions for the future
Year: 2018 - Expertinneninput Freiraum zum Thema „Stärkung der Orts‐ und Stadtkerne“
Autoren: Backhausen-Nikolic, J
Event: 7. Sitzung der ÖREK-Partnerschaft 2018 - Stärkung der Orts- und Stadtkerne