Alexander Pressl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Alexander Pressl
Institute for Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81123
- 2021 Doctoral Examination - Long-term online monitoring of surface water quality as a contribution to integrated river basin management
- 2000 Diploma thesis: Treatment of surface water by constructed wetlands regarding specific aspects on hydraulic properties and efficiency
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Comparison of spatio-temporal low-flow models for predicting remobilization of water pollutants
Autoren: Laimighofer, J.; Pressl, A.; Langergraber, G.; Weigelhofer, G.; Laaha, G.
EGU2023 General Assembly
(2021) Water quality issues in a sustainable and resource-oriented water management
Autoren: Allabashi R; Ertl.T; Pressl A
3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences (ICOALS III)
(2019) Investigative monitoring of surface water quality using autonomous surface vehicles equipped with innovative detection technologies
Autoren: De Vito-Francesco, E; Pressl, A; Stach, W; Ziegenbalg, F; Rapberger, D; Farinelli, A; Balsells, M; Merkoçi, A; Knutz, T; Haider, A; Langergraber, G; Allabashi, R
6th Symposium of the International Society of River Science 2019
(2019) Erfahrungen mit zweistufigen vertikal durchströmten bepflanzten Bodenfiltern in Österreich
Autoren: Pressl, A., Ehrhardt, M., Mitterer-Reichmann, G., Langergraber, G.
ÖWAV-Seminar Abwasserwirtschaft im ländlichen Raum 2019
(2018) Derivation of ensembles of local-scale, bias corrected climate change projections across two Austrian river catchment areas – a contribution to UnLoadC3
Autoren: Matulla, C; Hollosi, B; Schulz, K; Mehdi, B; Schürz, C; Ertl, T; Pressl, A;
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) Sensors and tools for autonomous water quality monitoring
Autoren: Allabashi R.; Pressl A.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2018) GUESS: Sensitivity analysis with discrete model input factors - Application to the SWAT model
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Hollodi, B; Matulla, C; Schulz, K
EGU 2018
(2018) The Generalized Uncertainty Estimation and Sensitivity analysis Scheme (GUESS) for performing sensitivity analyses with discrete model input factors
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Hollosi, B; Matulla, C; Schulz, K
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
(2017) Development of wetland technology in Austria
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Weissenbacher, N., Pressl, A.
10th International Workshop on Nutrient Cycling and Retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands 2017
(2017) Kleinkläranlagen in Österreich
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Weissenbacher, N., Pressl, A.
ÖWAV-Seminar 2017 - Abwasserwirtschaft im ländlichen Raum
(2017) Potential climate change driven impacts on two river catchment areas in Austria (UnLoadC3) - contributions to interdisciplinary, trans-scientific projections of future water and substance flows.
Autoren: Matulla, C; Hollosi, B; Schulz, K; Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Ertl, T; Pressl, A.
18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
(2017) Assessing uncertainties in hydrological modelling of discharge and nitrate nitrogen under future climate change conditions for Austrian catchments.
Autoren: Mehdi, B., C. Schürz, C. Matulla, B. Hollosi, T. Ertl, A. Pressl, K. Schulz
River Basins 2017
(2017) A comprehensive sensitivity analysis for discharge and nitrogen loads involving multiple model input factors.
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Hollosi, B; Matulla, C; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Schulz, K
International SWAT Conference 2017
(2017) Inspection and risk assessment of sewer mains crossing lakes
Autoren: Pressl, A; Plihal, H; Müllner, N; Liebert, W; Ertl, T
14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage
(2017) Entwicklung eines flexiblen Sensitivitätsanalyse-Frameworks zur Analyse von Unsicherheiten bei der Modellierung von Wasser- und Stickstofftransportprozessen unter Einfluss von Landnutzungs- und Klimawandel.
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Hollosi, B; Matulla, C; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Schulz, K
18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
(2017) UnLoadC3: Ensembles of climate change projections for two river catchment areas in Austria – Contributions to an overall uncertainty assessment framework for the modelling of water quantity and nutrient transport
Autoren: Christoph Matulla, Brigitta Hollosi, Karsten Schulz, Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Thomas Ertl, Alexander Pressl
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2017
(2017) Numerical simulation of vegetated filters treating stormwater
Autoren: Pucher, B., Pressl, A., Allabashi, R., Ertl, T., Langergraber, G.
10th International Workshop on Nutrient Cycling and Retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands 2017
(2017) Small wastewater treatment plants in Austria – Technologies, management and training of operators
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Weissenbacher, N., Pressl, A.
International IWA conference on sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems (S2Small2017)
(2016) Enhancing nitrogen removal using a two-stage vertical flow constructed wetland
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
International Conference "Innovations in Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems" (ISWATS)
(2016) UnLoadC3: Climate change modelling as part of an uncertainty assessment coping with modeling the future of hydrological regimes and chemical pollution loads within two prealpine river catchments.
Autoren: Matulla, C.; Hollosi, B.; Schulz, K.; Schürz, C.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Mehdi, B..
International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2016 (ICRC-CORDEX 2016)
(2016) Inspektion und Risikobewertung von Seedruckleitungen
Autoren: Pressl, A.; Plihal, H.; Müllner, J.; Liebert, W.; Ertl, Th.
20 Jahre Kanalmanagement 2016
(2016) A novel two-stage vertical flow constructed wetland design for nitrogen removal
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
3rd IWA Specialized International Conference "Ecotechnologies for wastewater treatment (ecoSTP16)"
(2016) Feasibility of leakage detection in lake pressure pipes using the Distributed Temperature Sensing Technology
Autoren: Apperl, B.; Schulz, K.; Pressl, A.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2016
(2016) Unsicherheitsanalyse für Wasser- und Stofftransportprozesse unter Klimawandelbedingungen - Quantifizierung und Analyse von Unsicherheiten aus Eingangsdaten
Autoren: Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Alexander Pressl, Thomas Ertl, Brigitta Hollosi, Christoph Matulla, Karsten Schulz
17. Österreichischer Klimatag 2016 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2016) Unsicherheiten bei der Analyse von Wasser- und Stickstofftransport unter Einfluss von Klimawandel
Autoren: Karsten Schulz, Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Alexander Pressl, Thomas Ertl, Brigitta Hollosi, Christoph Matulla
17. Österreichischer Klimatag 2016 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2015) Downscaling als Entscheidungshilfe – Hydrologische Adaptionsmaßnahmen [POSTER]
Autoren: Matulla, C.; Hollosi, B.; Schulz, K.; Schürz, C.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Mehdi, B.
16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
(2015) Unsicherheitsanalyse für Wasser - und Stofftransportprozesse unter Klimawandelbedingungen – aktueller Stand und Ausblick [POSTER]
Autoren: Schürz, C.; Mehdi, B.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Hollosi, B.; Matulla, C.; Schulz, K.
16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
(2015) Zusammenhang der physikalischen und chemischen Parameter des stark beeinträchtigten mittelgroßen Flusses Pinka unter Berücksichtigung des Klimawandels
Autoren: Gerda Holzapfel, Herbert Formayer, Harald Papay, Gernot Pfannhauser, Alexander Pressl, Heidelinde Trimmel, Josef Wagner, Philipp Weihs, Hans Peter Rauch
16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
(2015) Unsicherheitsanalyse - Hydrologische Adaptationsmaßnahmen
Autoren: Matulla, C.; Hollosi, B.; Schulz, K.; Schürz, C.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Mehdi, B. B.
6. MeteorologInnentag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie ÖGM 2015
(2014) A tool to find the most cost-effective solution for water supply and sanitation systems
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Lechner, M., Pressl, A., Ketema A.A., Naidoo, V.
IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2014
(2014) The CLARA simplified planning tool – a tool to find the most cost-effective solution for water supply and sanitation systems
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Lechner, M., Pressl, A., Ketema, A.A., Naidoo, V.
2nd International WATERBIOTECH Conference 2014 - Biotechnology for Africa's sustainable water supply
(2014) A tool to compare life-time costs of water supply and sanitation systems
Autoren: Lechner, M., Pressl, A., Ketema A.A., Meinold, K., Casielles, R., Mutua, B.M., Naidoo, V., Dissa, A., Jaait, M., Dalecha, T., Langergraber, G.
2nd IWA Spezialized International Conference on "EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP2014)"
(2014) The CLARA Simplified Planning Tool
Autoren: Lechner, M., Pressl, A., Ketema A.A., Meinold, K., Casielles, R., Mutua, B.M., Naidoo, V., Coulibaly, Y., Mahi, M., Fontessa, T.D., Langergraber, G.
12th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater & 4th IWA Specialized Conference on Resource Oriented Sanitation
(2013) Behaviour of a 2-stage vertical flow constructed wetland with peak loads
Autoren: Pressl, A., Haberl, R., Langergraber, G.
5th International Symposium on Wetland Pollution Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2013
(2013) Experiences from the full-scale implementation of a new 2-stage vertical flow constructed wetland design
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
11th IWA Conference on "Small Water & Wastewater Systems and Sludge Management"
(2013) A 2-stage vertical flow constructed wetland design for nitrogen removal
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
1st NaWaTech International Workshop
(2013) Results from the first full-scale implementation of a new 2-stage vertical flow constructed wetland design
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
8th International workshop on Nutrient Cycling and Retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands 2013
(2012) Leistungsfähigkeit eines 2-stufigen Bodenfilters
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
5. Österreichischer Kleinkläranlagentag 2012
(2012) Full-scale implementation of a new design for a 2-stage vertical flow constructed wetland – first results
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
13th IWA Specialized Group Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control 2012
(2012) First results of a full-scale implementation of a new design for a 2-stage vertical flow constructed wetlands
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
Panamerican Conference on Wetland Systems for water quality improvement, management and treatment 2012
(2010) Comparison of nitrogen removal rates of different constructed wetland designs
Autoren: Canga, E., Dal Santo, S., Pressl, A., Borin, M., Langergraber, G.
12th IWA Specialized Group Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control 2010
(2010) Investigation of nitrogen removal in a two-stage subsurface vertical flow constructed wetland system using natural zeolite
Autoren: Dal Santo, S., Canga, E., Pressl, A., Borin, M., Langergraber, G.
12th IWA Specialized Group Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control 2010
(2010) Comparison of the behaviour of one- and two-stage vertical flow constructed wetlands for different load scenarios
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Leroch, K., Rohrhofer, R., Haberl, R.
IWA conference on Sustainable Solutions for Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems (S2Small2010)
(2010) Long-term behaviour of a two-stage CW system regarding nitrogen removal
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Leroch, K., Rohrhofer, R., Haberl, R.
12th IWA Specialized Group Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control 2010
(2009) Testing and evaluation of NPA/DPA multi-parametric nutrient probe in a simulated river monitoring station
Autoren: R. Allabashi, A. Pressl, W. Stach, G. Hörmann
Environmental Risk Management Tools for Water Quality Monitoring 2009
(2009) Evaluation of the field deployable Loop Flow Analyzer (LFA) for heavy metal determination in water
Autoren: R. Allabashi, A. Pressl, W. Stach, G. Hörmann
Environmental Risk Management Tools for Water Quality Monitoring 2009
(2009) Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „Bepflanzte Bodenfilter“: einstufige und zweistufige bepflanzte Bodenfilter im Vergleich inkl. Kleinkläranlagenprüfung nach ÖNORM EN 12566-3
Autoren: Leroch, K., Rohrhofer, R., Pressl, A., Langergraber, G. (2009): .
3. Österreichischer Kleinkläranlagentag; ÖWAV-Seminar 2009
(2008) Experiences with a top layer of gravel to enhance the performance of vertical flow constructed wetlands at cold temperature
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Leroch, K., Pressl, A., Rohrhofer, R., Haberl, R.
11th IWA Specialized Group Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control 2008
(2007) Neue Erkenntnisse bei Pflanzenkläranlagen
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Pressl, A., Rohrhofer, R.
1. Österreichischer Kleinkläranlagentag 2007
(2006) Optimization of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Prandtstetten, C., Pressl, A., Rohrhofer, R., Haberl, R.
7th IWA Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems 2006
(2006) Removal efficiency of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands for different organic loads
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Prandtstetten, C., Pressl, A., Haberl, R., Rohrhofer, R.
10th IWA Specialized Group Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control 2006
(2006) Langzeiterfahrungen mit dem Betrieb von Kanal-Online-Messstationen in Österreich.
Autoren: Gruber, G., Kainz, H., Sprung, W., Flamisch, N., Pressl, A., Winkler, S.
Abflußsteuerung - Schwallspülung - Gewässerschutz
(2006) Investigations on nutrient removal in subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Prandtstetten, C., Pressl, A., Sleytr, K., Leroch, K., Rohrhofer, R., Haberl, R.
6th International Workshop on "Nutrient Cycling and Retention in natural and constructed wetlands" – Book of Abstracts
(2006) 18. Fachtagung
Autoren: Pressl, A.
Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung
(2006) Different Concepts and Practical Experiences by Operating On-Line Measurement Stations for Water Quality Monitoring
Autoren: Gruber, G., Pressl, A., Winkler, S.
Final ARWQM Symposium
(2005) Unterschiedliche Konzepte und Erfahrungen mit Kanal-Online-Messstationen
Autoren: Gruber, G., Kainz, H., Pressl, A., Sprung, W., Flamisch, N.
(2005) Sewer Online Monitoring and Quanitfication of Pollution Loads from Combined Sewer Overflows
Autoren: Gruber, G., Hochedlinger, M., Kainz, H., Pressl, A., Winkler, S.
EST 2005
(2005) Application of UV/VIS spectrometry for surface water treatment plants
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Fleischmann, N., Pressl, A., Lettl, W., Weingartner, A.
2nd WEKNOW conference 2005
(2005) Spectral data for monitoring and control of a surface water treatment plant
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Fleischmann, N., Pressl, A., Tassinato, G., Piazzola, E., Lettl, W.
Proceedings of the 2nd IWA Conference on "Instrumentation, Control and Automation for water and wastewater treatment and transport systems – ICA 2005"
(2005) Sewer Online Monitoring and Quantification of Pollution Loads from Combined Sewer Overflows.
Autoren: Gruber, G., Hochedlinger, M., Kainz, H., Pressl, A., Winkler, S.
EST 2005
(2005) Impact monitoring at the Danube using in-line sensors
Autoren: Pressl. A, Winkler, S and Gruber, G.
Conference of River Basin Management progress towards implementation of European Water Framework Directive
(2004) An integrated water quality monitoring network
Autoren: Winkler, S., Gruber, G., Pressl, A.
Process data and integrated urban water modelling
(2004) Präsentation der Vorstudien-Ergebnisse "Emissionen und Immissionen" zum Projekt Erstellung einer Wärmebilanz und eines Wärmelastplanes für das OÖ Traun-Ager-System
Autoren: Pressl, A.
(2004) Real time control of industrial wastewater treatment using CO2-off air measurements
Autoren: Weissenbacher, N., Pressl, A., Fuerhacker, M.
2nd International IWA-Conference 2004 - Automation in Water Quality Monitoring AutMoNet 2004
(2003) Sewer monitoring and quantification of pollution loads from CSO’s into receiving waters
Autoren: Gruber, G., Pressl, A., Winkler, S.
Sewer Processes and Networks
(2003) Online-Monitoring zur Einzugsbezogenen Überwachung verschiedener Wasserqualitäten
Autoren: Gruber, G., Pressl, A., Winkler, S.
Gemeinschaftstagung zur Mess- und Regelungstechnik in abwassertechnischen Anlagen, TV-DVWK und VDI/VDE-GMA Tagung 2003
(2003) Praktische Erfahrungen mit ionen-sensitiven Messsonden
Autoren: Rieger, L., Siegrist, H., Winkler, S., Pressl, A.
Gemeinschaftstagung zur Mess- und Regelungstechnik in abwassertechnischen Anlagen, TV-DVWK und VDI/VDE-GMA Tagung 2003
(2003) Biological treatment of MDEA-contaminated waste water
Autoren: Fürhacker, M., Pressl, A., Allabashi, R.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of ACE CR
(2003) Construction and operation of a constructed wetland in cold climate. Book of abstracts
Autoren: Pressl, A., Haberl, R.
COST Action 837 Final Workshop and Management Committee Meeting 2003
(2002) Evaluation of substrate clogging processes in vertical flow contructed wetlands
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Haberl, R., Laber, J., Pressl, A.
8th IWA Specialized Group Conference 2002 - Wetland systems for Water Pollution Control
(2002) Innovative Messtechnik in der Wasserwirtschaft - Qualifizerung von Schmutzfrachten im Bereich von Mischwasserentlastungen in Österreich
Autoren: Gruber, G., Pressl, A., Winkler, S., Ecker, M.
Workshop Online-Messungen im Kanal
(2002) Innovative technology for integrated water quality measurement
Autoren: Winkler, S., Pressl, A., Gruber, G., Ecker, M., Fleischmann, N.
International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring Autmonet 2002
(2001) Klärschlammanfall, -behandlung und Verwertung unter Berücksichtigung der Cofermentation,
Autoren: Fürhacker, M., Haberl, R., Pressl, A.
Workshop "Cofermentation in kommunalen Kläranlagen"
Abschließende Betrachtungen des in-line Gewässermonitorings an der Donau unterhalb von Wien im Kontext zum IMW-Projekt; Abschlusspräsentation des IMW-Projekts
Autoren: Pressl, A.
A two-stage subsurface vertical flow constructed wetland for high-rate nitrogen removal
Autoren: Langergraber, G., Leroch, K., Pressl, A., Rohrhofer, R., Haberl, R.