Birgit Habermann
Mag. Birgit Habermann MSc. Ph.D.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2008 - 2014 DPhil studies at the Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton UK
- 2002 - 2003 MSc Agroforestry, University of Wales, Bangor (UK)
- 1992 - 1999 Ecology, University of Vienna (Mag. degree)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2017 - Existing institutions, systems and approaches relevant to agricultural technology promotion and extension - a review of institutions in the country that are relevant to knowledge and agricultural technology transfer
Autoren: Birgit Habermann; Florian Peloschek
Event: Improving Agricultural Extension Systems for Wider Adoption of Technologies - Annual Project Review and Planning Workshop
Year: 2015 - Ways of Knowing in Forestry Research in the Ethiopian Highlands. Lessons learned from two case studies.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: FRC/EEFI Research Seminar
Year: 2015 - People-oriented forestry research
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2014 - Partizipation im Klimadschungel: der Versuch einer sozial verträglichen CO2-Kompensation in Ambober, Äthiopien
Autoren: Habermann, B., Worku, Y., Teklu, H., Peloschek, F.
Event: JAHRESTREFFEN ENTWICKLUNGSFORSCHUNG Entwicklung im Umbruch. Perspektiven österreichischer Entwicklungsforschung
Year: 2014 - Changing perceptions of farmers’ roles in tree management
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: Interdisciplinary Workshop Lake Tana l Ethiopia Transitions in natural resources management, peoples' livelihoods and overall development
Year: 2013 - Activity Report 4.3 Document institutional learning and impact of TRANSACT with and across participating institutions
Autoren: Habermann, B. Teklu, H. Worku, Y. Peloschek, F. Merkuz, A.
Event: 6th Consortium Meeting of TRANSACT Project 2013
Year: 2013 - Rural transformation - ideas and concepts for improved outcomes
Autoren: Habermann, B.
Event: SUSFISH Workshop & West Africa Symposium 2013 - Current questions in sustainable water management and higher education in Burkina Faso
Year: 2013 - Activity Report 4.3 Document institutional learning and impact of TRANSACT with and across participating institutions
Autoren: Habermann, B. Peloschek, F. Teklu, H. Worku, Y. Merkuz, A.
Event: 5th consortium meeting of TRANSACT project 2013
Year: 2012 - About projects and theories (ideas behind, reflections, experiences)
Autoren: Habermann, B; Eilu, G; Galabuzi, Ch; Oberthür, F; Yesigat, H
Event: Workshop Knowledge, farmers and scientists 2012 - Reflections on ways of knowing in natural resource management
Year: 2012 - About Farmers and Scientists…
Autoren: Habermann, B
Event: Workshop Knowledge, farmers and scientists 2012 - Reflections on ways of knowing in natural resource management
Year: 2012 - Participation in Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia: Looking at Ambober Watershed management
Autoren: Yesigat, H; Habermann, B.
Event: Workshop Knowledge, farmers and scientists 2012 - Reflections on ways of knowing in natural resource management
Year: 2011 - Natural resource management revisited (NAREM): Analysing ways of knowing in research projects in East Africa.
Autoren: Habermann, B.
Event: Research, knowledge and partnership 2011 - Reflections on experiences in farmers-scientist interactions in research projects
Year: 2011 - Forestry research and experiences with farmer‐scientist knowledge development in the Ethiopian Highlands. Case study Ambober Watershed.
Autoren: Habermann, B. Yesegat, H. Abiyu, A.
Event: Research, knowledge and partnership 2011 - Reflections on experiences in farmers-scientist interactions in research projects
Year: 2010 - Gibt’s in Äthiopien eig. Wald? Wie die Menschen in Äthiopien mit Bäumen umgehen und was sie darüber für Geschichten erzählen.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2010
Year: 2010 - Negotiating knowledge: A case study in Western Shewa, Ethiopia
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit Mekonnen, Kindu Bekelle, Kassahun Felt, Ulrike Vogl, Christian
Event: 11th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2010 - Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis
Year: 2010 - Reorienting, reimagining, reclaiming...: Development, change and crisis.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: Workshop Reimagining Development – Ethiopia
Year: 2010 - Reich an Wissen. Ich weiss ich weiss was du nicht weißt
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2010
Year: 2010 - The Framing of a Tree: Sacred sites and cash for poles
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit Yeshegat, Habtamu
Event: STEPS Conference 2010 - Pathways to Sustainability. Agendas for a new politics of environment, development and social justice
Year: 2010 - Reorienting, reimagining, reclaiming...: Debating development, change and crisis in Ethiopia. Reimagining Development Case Study Nr. 5, IDS Case Study Work in Progress from the Reimagining Development initiative.
Autoren: Wolcott, S. Habermann, B.
Event: DSA Annual Conference
Year: 2008 - A disturbance to ‚integrated‘ management: the framing of knowledge in conservation and management of juniper forests in South Kyrgyzstan.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
Year: 2008 - Research for development and the role of local people: the example of the CORET partnership in Bhutan.
Autoren: Gratzer G, Habermann, B., Dorji, T., Darabant, A. Tenzin, K.
Event: International Symposium 2008 - Preservation of Biocultural Diversity - a Global Issue
Year: 2008 - Missing the way? Taking a critical look at the multiple roles, functions and aims of development research in Austria.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit Langthaler, Margarita
Event: EADI General conference 2008 - Global Governance for Sustainable Development
Year: 2008 - Development research, science and partnership: actors on the move?
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: EADI General conference 2008 - Global Governance for Sustainable Development
Year: 2008 - Development research, science and partnership: actors on the move?
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: EADI General conference 2008 - Global Governance for Sustainable Development
Year: 2007 - Entwicklungsforschung in Österreich. Annäherungen an ein vielfältiges Forschungsfeld
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit; Langthaler, Margarita
Event: Dokumentation Entwicklungsforschung. Sichtweisen und Perspektiven. Dokumentation der Vortagung zum Symposium Entwicklungsforschung.
Year: 2005 - Challenges and opportunities for research partnerships with developing countries: sustainable development for poverty alleviation from an Austrian perspective.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: Committing Universities to Sustainable Development.
Year: 2005 - MDGs and Research: a long way to go… Introductionary paper.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: KEF MDG+5 Workshop 2005 - A critical look at the role of research in achieving the Millennium Development Goals
Year: 2003 - Development of local knowledge based compensation mechanisms for environmental services of mountain communities.
Autoren: Habermann, Birgit
Event: Congress on Globalisation, localisation and tropical forest management in the 21st century.
Autoren: Birgit Habermann
Development through education - a new postgraduate curriculum in mountain forestry at UNI BOKU in 2002.
Autoren: Habermann, B.