Robert Vogl
Ing. Robert Vogl
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81225
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2013 - Simulating the effects of hydropower dams on potamodromous fish populations with a special focus on downstream migration in river systems affected by multiple human pressures
Autoren: Zitek, A., Haunschmid, R., Ratschan, C., Vogl, R.
Event: 5th European River Restoration Conference ERRC 2013
Year: 2013 - Simplified causal modelling of fish-environment relations
Autoren: Zitek, A., Vog. R.
Event: Workshop Sustainicum 2013 - Dunavision
Year: 2013 - SIFIM 1.1: Simplified fish-pressure modelling tool.
Autoren: Zitek, A., Vogl, R.
Event: 1. AutorInnen-Workshop des Sustainicum Projekts 2013
Year: 2012 - The WISER Central Database: content, structure and functions
Autoren: Moe J; Brænden R; Dudley B; Karud J; Schmidt-Kloiber A; Strackbein J; Vogl R;
Event: WISER Final Conference 2012 - The way ahead in surface water assessment and management
Year: 2012 - Data about data – the WISER metadatabase
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A; Dudley B; Moe J; Strackbein J; Vogl R;
Event: WISER Final Conference 2012 - The way ahead in surface water assessment and management
Year: 2006 - HKHdip - a Tool for Storing Both, Macroinvertebrate Taxa Lists and Data on Stream Characteristics in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region.
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber A., Vogl R., Strackbein J.
Event: SIL Austria Tagung 2006