Christian Zafiu
Ass.Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.nat. Christian Zafiu
Institute of Waste Management and Circularity
Location Muthgasse 107, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81327
ORCID: 0000-0003-4462-8345
55299942700: AuthorId
GBS-3733-2022: ResearcherId
- 2022 Assistant Professor at the University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute of Waste Management and Circularity
- 2020 - 2022 Senior Scientist at the University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute of Waste Management
- 2018 - 2020 Visiting researcher (Post-doc) at the Research Center Jülich, Germany, Institute für complex systeme 6 - Structural biochemistry
- 2018 - 2020 University assistant at the University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute of Waste Management
- 2014 - 2018 Post-doc at the research Center Jülich, Deutschland Institute for complexe systems 6 - Structural biochemistry
- 2014 - 2014 Visiting researcher (Post-doc) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Institute for Electronic Chemistry
- 2011 - 2013 Post-doc at the Universität of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Department for Nanobiotechnologies
- 2007 - 2011 Doctoral study of chemistry at the University of Vienna
- 2000 - 2006 Chemistry study at the University of Vienna
- Year: 2014 Awards: Matsumae International Fellowship
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Development of a method for systematic classification of nanocarrier systems
Autoren: Pavlicek, A, Gressler, S, Hipfinger, C, Zafiu, C, Giese, B, Ehmoser, E-K, Völker, D, Schwirn, K, Part, F
Event: NanoSAFE & NSC joint conference
Year: 2023 - Untersuchungen von Marko- und Mikrokunststoffen in österreichischen Komposten und Gärresten
Autoren: Vay, B., Binner, E., Zafiu, C., Huber-Humer, M.
Event: ÖWAV-Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2023
Year: 2023 - Biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe in der Kompostierung, aktueller Wissensstand-Abbaubarkeit von Vorsammelhilfen
Autoren: Christian Zafiu
Event: Webinar - Bündnis Mikroplastikfrei
Year: 2023 - Challenges in the treatment of wood products in the context with circular economic
Autoren: Binner, E; Huber, F; Pfeifer, C; Lakner, J; Zafiu, Ch
Event: 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - Sanitisation of Faeces by Composting According to Austrian State of the Art
Autoren: Binner, E; Behnisch, P; Zafiu, Ch; Huber-Humer M
Event: 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - Digestates and composts: Macro- and microplastics in biological waste treatment facilities
Autoren: Zafiu, Ch; Vay, B; Binner, E; Huber-Humer, M
Event: 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - Definition, classification, and mapping of pervasive electronic products
Autoren: Zafiu, C; Steiner, H; Jandric, A; Böni, H; Salhofer, S
Event: 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - Feldversuch zum Abbauverhalten von kompostierbaren Vorsammelhilfen in der technischen Kompostierung
Autoren: Christian Zafiu, Erwin Binner und Marion Huber-Humer
Event: 34. Kasseler Abfall- und Ressourcenforum 2023
Year: 2023 - 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences „Challenges in Nanoscience & Application“
Autoren: Zafiu, C.
Event: 5th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences
Year: 2023 - Nanocarriers: the “new” known unknowns – an approach for categorization and risk assessment
Autoren: Pavlicek, A; Part, F; Gressler, S; Zafiu, C; Ehmoser, E.-K.; Hipfinger, C; Giese, B;
Event: NanoTrust Advanced Conference
Year: 2023 - From Biowaste collection to high quality compost
Autoren: Binner, E; Beigl, P; Zafiu, C
Event: 19th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - Advanced materials for tracer-based sorting to improve recyclability of thermoplastics
Autoren: Part, Florian; Olscher, Christoph; Jandric, Aleksander; Zafiu, Christian; Lechner, Christoph; Lielacher, Robert
Event: 4th International Conference on MATERIALS SCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY
Year: 2022 - Versuchsergebnisse der BOKU: Wie gut werden „Biosackerl“ abgebaut?
Autoren: Christian Zafiu
Event: 1. Österreichischer Kompostkongress
Year: 2022 - Degradation of biodegradable collection bags during composting (Investigations by laboratory and field tests)
Autoren: Binner, E., Zafiu, Ch.
Event: 4er Congreso Internacional Virtual de de Residuos Sólidos - Minimización, Valorización y Disposición Final 2022
Year: 2022 - Sanitisation of Faeces by Composting According to Austrian State of the Art
Autoren: Binner, E., Behnisch, P., Zafiu, CH. und Huber-Humer, M.
Event: 13th Biodetectors Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - Gamechanger Bioabfall? Zusammensetzung, Einflussfaktoren und Potentiale
Autoren: Happenhofer, A; Beigl, P; Zafiu, C; Binner, E; Ottner, R;
Event: 16. Recy & DepoTech 2022
Year: 2022 - Untersuchungen zur Hygienisierung von Fäkalien durch Kompostierung
Autoren: Binner, E., Behnisch, P., Zafiu, Ch. Huber-Humer, M.
Event: 16. Recy & DepoTech 2022
Year: 2022 - Biodegradable plastics – sustainable solution against micro-plastics?
Autoren: Binner, E., Zafiu, Ch.
Event: 4er Congreso Internacional de Residuos Sólidos. Minimización, Valorización y Disposición Final 2022
Year: 2022 - Kompostierbarkeit von abbaubaren Kunststoffen
Autoren: Binner, E., Zafiu, CH. Huber-Humer, M.
Event: 16. Recy & DepoTech 2022
Year: 2022 - Comparison of the analytical methods ICP-MS and XRF for the analysis of complex waste samples - case study PCBs
Autoren: Jandric, A; Zafiu C; Part, F; Salhofer. S
Event: Recy & DepoTech
Year: 2021 - Analysing Biowaste - A novel standard for impurities, food waste and polymer assessment in Austria
Autoren: Happenhofer, A.; Beigl, P.; Zafiu, C.; Binner, E.; Ottner, R.
Event: 18th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling 2021
Year: 2021 - Littering - (Bio)Plastics in the environment. Presentation during the Workshop “Bioplastics in Waste Management”
Autoren: Obersteiner, G; Binner, E; Zafiu, Ch;
Event: 18th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2021
Year: 2021 - Influence of microplastics on the soil and soil organisms. Presentation during the Workshop “Bioplastics in Waste Management”
Autoren: Zafiu, Ch; Binner, E; Obersteiner, G;
Event: 18th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2021
Year: 2021 - InnoID – Zukunftstechnologien zur Identifizierung von Abfällen
Autoren: Allesch A., Beigl P., Happenhofer A., Zafiu Ch., Huber-Humer M.
Event: Science and Research for Circular Economy
Year: 2021 - Applications of portable X-ray fluorescence devices for rapid characterisation of solid wastes
Autoren: Part, F; Neubauer, S; Jandric, A; Zafiu C
Event: 18th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling 2021
Year: 2021 - Biodegradable Plastics – Solution for Composting?
Autoren: Binner, E; Zafiu, Ch; Obersteiner, G;
Event: 18th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2021
Year: 2021 - Biodegradable Plastics Results of Laboratory and Field-Tests
Autoren: Binner, E; Zafiu, Ch; Obersteiner, G;
Event: 18th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2021
Year: 2020 - Kompostierbar! Wirklich wahr?Biobasierte und biologisch abbaubare Produkte richtig verwerten
Autoren: Zafiu, C
Event: Webinar zum EU Projekt "Bloom"
Year: 2020 - Introduction to Bioplastics and experimental evidence of their degradability
Autoren: Zafiu, C
Event: "Train the trainer"
Year: 2019 - Pro- und Kontra von Biokunststoffen
Autoren: Christian Zafiu und Erwin Binner
Event: Städtebund - Sitzung des Umweltausschusses
Year: 2019 - Tragehilfen aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen - wie gehen wir mit Ihnen um?
Autoren: Christian Zafiu
Event: Städtetag-107. Sitzung des Fachausschusses für Abfallwirtschaft und Städtereinigung
Year: 2019 - Mikrokunststoff und Kompostqualität
Autoren: Christian Zafiu und Wojciech Rogalski
Event: ÖWAV Seminar - Von Makro- zu Mikrokunststoff
Year: 2019 - Applicability of portable X-ray fluorescence devices for waste characterisation: Challenges and opportunities
Autoren: Zafiu, C; Jandric, A; Part, F
Event: 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2019
Year: 2018 - Synthese und Darstellung von (interessanten) Nanomaterialien
Autoren: Florian Part, Christian Zafiu, Christoph Zaba, Oliver Bixner, Marion Huber-Humer und Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
Event: 25. Jubiuläumsveranstaltung der Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung
Year: 2016 - Potential transformation processes of steric stabilized quantum dots and their colloidal stability in complex aqueous waste matrices
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba, C.; Bixner, O.; Zafiu, C.; Hann, S.; Huber-Humer, M.; Sinner, E.-K.
Event: Fifth Nanosafe International Conference on n Health & Safety issues related to Nanomaterials - for a socially responsible approach
Year: 2016 - sFIDA: A sensitive diagnostic assay for quantification of alpha-synuclein aggregates
Autoren: Bujnicki, T; Zafiu, C; Bannach, O; Willbold, D
Event: 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
Year: 2016 - Einsatz von Nanotracermaterialien - Fallstudie zum Langzeitverhalten in komplexen Umweltmedien
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba, C.; Bixner, O.; Zafiu, C.; Huber-Humer, M.; Sinner, E.-K.
Event: 8. NIK-Meeting (Nanoinformationskommission), BMG & BMVIT
Year: 2016 - Potential transformation processes of steric stabilized quantum dots and their colloidal stability in complex waste matrices
Autoren: Part, F; Zaba, C; Bixner, O; Zafiu, C; Hann, S; Huber-Humer, M; Sinner, E-K
Year: 2016 - Einsatz von Nanotracermaterialien - Fallstudie zum Langzeitverhalten in komplexen Umweltmedien
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba, C.; Bixner, O.; Zafiu, C.; Huber-Humer, M; Sinner, E.-K.
Event: 7. nanoNET-meeting
Year: 2015 - Synthetic Proteins in Polymeric Membrane Assemblies
Autoren: Christoph Zaba, Thomas Zapf, Samar Damiati, Sonja Zayni, Christian Zafiu, Christoph Huber, Cherng-Wen Darren Tan, Bernhard Schuster, Uwe Sleytr, Seta Kuepcue, Eva-Kathrin Sinner
Event: BioNanoMed 2015
Year: 2015 - Synthetic Proteins in Polymeric Membrane Assemblies
Autoren: Christoph Zaba, Thomas Zapf, Samar Damiati, Sonja Zayni, Christian Zafiu, Christoph Huber, Cherng-Wen Darren Tan, Bernhard Schuster, Uwe Sleytr, Seta Kuepcue and Eva-Kathrin Sinner
Event: BioNanoMed 2015
Year: 2015 - Synthetic Proteins in Synthetic Membrane Assemblies
Autoren: Thomas Zapf, Darren Tan, Christoph Zaba, Sonja Zayni, Christian Zafiu and Eva - Kathrin Sinner
Event: International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, BioEL
Year: 2014 - The life cycle of nanocrystals – synthesis, modification, application and their disposal: approaches in waste management
Autoren: Part, F; Zafiu ,C; Zaba, C; Sinner, E-K; Huber-Humer, M
Event: EURASIA Waste Management Symposium 2014
Year: 2014 - Characterizing in vitro membrane-assisted protein synthesis (iMAPS) and co-translational insertion into polymer membranes
Autoren: Zaba, C; Zafiu, C; Tan, DC-W; Zapf, T; Küpcü, S; Huber, C; Zayni, S; Damiati, S; Schuster, B; Sinner, EK
Event: 1st Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2014, Two Dimensional nanostructures
Year: 2013 - Nanowaste-Management: Detection and characterisation of engineered nanoparticles in complex matrices
Autoren: Part, F; Gouveia, T; Zafiu, C; Zaba, C; Sinner, EK; Huber-Humer, M
Event: 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
Year: 2013 - Nanowaste Management: Detection and Characterisation of manufactured nanomaterials in waste samples
Autoren: Part, F; Zafiu, C; Zaba, C; Sinner, EK; Huber-Humer, M
Event: ISWA World Congress Vienna 2013
Year: 2008 - Electrochemical quartz microbalance and in-situ infra-red spectroscopy investigations of buffer and S-layer protein adsorption processes
Autoren: Zafiu, C., Trettenhahn, G., Pum, D., Sleytr, U.B. Kautek, W.
Event: Ringberg Symposium 2008 - Biological Approaches in Material Sciences
Year: 2006 - Self-assembly dynamics of surface layer proteins on gold electrodes
Autoren: Zafiu, C., Trettenhahn, G., Pum, D., Sleytr, U.B., Kautek, W.
Event: Workshop of the Austrian Networks for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology 2006
Year: 2006 - Self-assembly dynamics of surface layer proteins on gold electrodes
Autoren: Zafiu, C.,
Event: 105. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie (Bunsentagung) 2006
Year: 2006 - Self-assembly dynamics of surface layer proteins on gold electrodes
Autoren: Zafiu, C., Trettenhahn, G., Pum, D., Sleytr, U.B., Kautek, W.
Event: 57th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Electrochemical Nanotechnology