Christoph Link
Dipl.Geograph Christoph Link
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2009 Research assistant at the Institute for Transport Studies
- 2004 - 2009 Diploma Course „Spatial Planning”, Technical University Dort-mund, Germany; Final degree: Graduate Engineer; Final Thesis: Gravity model based estimation of small commuter streams
- 2002 - 2008 Diploma Course „Geography”, subsidiary subjects: Economics and administrative law; Ruhr-University Bochum and Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany; Final degree: Graduate Geographer; Final Thesis: Retail-predominated Outskrits of the Inner City
- Year: 2013 Awards: 1. Preis für "Wissenschaftliche Qualität und Innovationsgehalt" für das Poster "Environmental and behavioural impacts of financial policies in road transport ", 14. Österreichische Klimatag 2013, Wien
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2018 - Die neue Klima- und Energiestrategie - Herausforderungen im Mobilitätssektor
Autoren: Link, Christoph
Event: 4. BOKU Nachhaltigkeitstag 2018
Year: 2018 - Who, how and why? First insights into the new stationless bikesharing schemes in Vienna
Autoren: Link, C
Event: International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport (mobil.TUM) 2018. Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together
Year: 2018 - Public transport services with wearable devices for different mobility types
Autoren: Link, Christoph; Nagel, Ingrid
Event: Era-net Transport Flagship Call ‘Future Travelling’. Presentation of final results of the projects
Year: 2017 - Mobil mit Wearable Devices. Möglichkeiten zur Beeinflussung des Mobilitätsverhaltens.
Autoren: Link, C; Bell, D; Jonuschat, H; Nagel, I
Event: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2017 - Multimodality in Austria. The connection between mobility behaviour and mobility supply
Autoren: Link, C; Hössinger, R; Kreis, H
Event: 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation hEART 2017
Year: 2017 - Analyse von Multimodalität: Wechselspiel von Nachfrage- und Angebotsfaktoren
Autoren: Link, C; Hössinger, R
Event: Workshop 2017 - Identifizierung von multimodalen Lebensstilen mit innovativen Erhebungstechnologien
Year: 2017 - Gruppengesprächsleitung
Autoren: Link, C
Event: VCÖ-World Café 2017 - Urbane Mobilitätsdienstleistungen mit Mehrwert
Year: 2017 - Electromobility scenarios and their impacts on sustainable development
Autoren: Klementschitz R., Stark J., Link C.
Event: Vortrag gehalten durch Klementschitz R. am 8. 9. 2017 im Rahmen der Konferenz: Doprava v košickom regióne do roku 2020, 3. medzinárodná odborná konferencia
Year: 2017 - Accessibility, mode choice and multimodality
Autoren: Link, C; Hössinger, R; Kreis, H
Event: Accessibility: Its role in the sustainable transformation of cities
Year: 2016 - Who uses a mobility card? The example of the WienMobil-card
Autoren: Link, C; Heinemann, A; Gerike, R; Jonuschat, H; Maryschka, M
Event: Urban Transport 2016
Year: 2016 - Wearable devices: Needs, barriers and desires of the future Viennese intermodal traveller – a qualitative study
Autoren: Bell, D; Haupt, J; Link, C
Event: HUMANIST conference
Year: 2016 - Unreliable travel times in Austria: Relevance, reasons, reactions and avoidance strategies
Autoren: Link, C; Peer, S
Event: Austrian Young Transportation Scientists' Association's SciNet Science Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - Developing the next generation of intermodal mobility services
Autoren: Jonuschat, J; Link, C; Deibel, I; Damrau, L
Event: 11th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS)
Year: 2016 - Guide2Wear: Bedürfnisse, Barrieren und Wünsche des zukünftigen Wiener intermodalen Reisenden – Eine qualitative Studie
Autoren: Link, C
Event: Walk Space
Year: 2016 - SmartWatches facilitating mobility behaviour – results of a usability test
Autoren: Link, C; Haupt, J; Bell, D; Jonuschat, H; Nagel, I; Forward, S
Event: Mobility in a Globalized World
Year: 2016 - Who uses a mobility card? The example of the WienMobil-card
Autoren: Link, C; Heinemann, A; Gerike, R; Jonuschat, H; Maryschka, M
Event: Urban Transport 2016
Year: 2016 - Multi-perspective ICT-toolkit supporting inclusive and sustainable mobility planning in rural areas
Autoren: Knoll, B; Bußwald, P; Dopheide, R; Hofmann, R; Link, C; Pfaffenbichler, P; Spreitzer, G
Event: 4th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2016)
Year: 2016 - Panelvorsitz: Panel III - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen
Autoren: Link, C
Event: Konferenz Autonomes Fahren & Recht
Year: 2015 - Electric vehicles. The significance of range
Autoren: Link, C; Stark, J; Simic, D; Bäuml, T
Event: Energy Challenges & Mechanics
Year: 2015 - Rail Freight System in Central Europe - Satisfication and demands from the user's perspective
Autoren: Link, C; Gerike, R
Event: ICTS 2015: 17th International Conference on Transport Science
Year: 2015 - How to – comprehensively – collect and depict data on conditions for sustainable transport in rural areas? The approach of the Austrian R&D project “AlltagsSPUREN”.
Autoren: Knoll, B; Spreitzer, G; Schwaninger, T; Bußwald, P; Dopheide, R; Hofmann, R; Link, C
Event: 3rd ICT4S Conference 2015
Year: 2014 - Prognose der Absatzzahlen von Fahrzeugen mit nicht-konventionellem Antrieb in Österreich
Autoren: Link, C
Event: Internationales Symposium E-Mobility & Energy Management
Year: 2014 - Rail Freight Corridor 5 - Transport Market Study
Autoren: Link, C; Gerike, R; Kriebernegg, G; Koch, S; Kummer, S
Event: RFC5 Advisory Group Meeting 2014
Year: 2014 - Wirkungen finanzpolitischer Instrumente zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasemissionen im Straßenverkehr
Autoren: Link, C; Hössinger, R
Event: 15. Österreichischer Klimatag 2014 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2014 - Wirkungen finanzpolitischer Instrumente zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasemissionen im Straßenverkehr
Autoren: Hössinger, R; Link, C
Event: Austrian Mobile Power. Arbeitsausschuss Fahrzeugtechnologie & Wertschöpfung
Year: 2014 - Future scenarios of electric vehicles with range extender in Austria, Germany and France
Autoren: Stark, J; Klementschitz, R; Link, C; Weiss, C; Chlond, B; Franke, T; Günther, M
Event: Transport Research Arena TRA 2014
Year: 2014 - Model-based assessment of financial policies in passenger road transport
Autoren: Hössinger, R; Link, C
Event: hEART 2014 – 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
Year: 2013 - Development of utility functions for route choice modeling with a particular emphasis on highway tolls
Autoren: Link, C; Roider, O
Event: European Transport Conference 2013
Year: 2013 - Not just the bus: an approach to extend dialogue marketing
Autoren: Link, C.; Hössinger, R.; Raich, U.; Unbehaun, W.
Event: Urban Transport 2013
Year: 2013 - Environmental and behavioural impacts of financial policies in road transport
Autoren: Link, C.; Hössinger; R.
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Year: 2013 - Reducing energy use by dialogue marketing. A combined approach for mobility and households’ energy use
Autoren: Hössinger, R.; Link, C.; Raich, U.; Unbehaun, W.
Event: International Congress on Energy & Environment
Year: 2013 - Overall Economic Assessment of Electric Mobility
Autoren: Raich, U.; Sammer, G.; Link, C.; Stark, J.
Event: WCTR 2013
Year: 2012 - Modeling the future demand for electric cars: assessing the influence of information and awareness of survey respondents on the model results
Autoren: Stark, J.; Link, C.
Event: 40th European Transport Conference 2012
Year: 2012 - Assessment of the impact of road pricing to achieve a more sustainable development of the transport system
Autoren: Link, Christoph; Roider, Oliver
Event: International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Mobil.Tum 2012 - Transportation Demand Management
Year: 2012 - User Needs in the Field of Electric Mobility – Testing a GPS Approach
Autoren: Stark, J.; Link, C.; Raich, U.
Event: 19th ITS World Congress 2012
Year: 2012 - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der individuellen Elektromobilität. Kauf von Elektroautos
Autoren: Raich, U.; Link, Chr.; Stark, J.
Event: 23. Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage 2012
Year: 2012 - Erwartete Marktdurchdringung von Elektroautos und gesamtwirtschaftliche Bewertung der Elektromobilität
Autoren: Link, Christoph
Event: E-mobility conference 2012 - Austrian Conference für Hybrid und E-Mobilität
Year: 2012 - Möglichkeiten und Auswirkungen eines EU-weiten CO2-Zertifikatehandels auf den Straßenverkehr in Österreich
Autoren: Stark, J.; Link, C.; Hössinger, R.; Sammer, G.
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2011 - SMART ELECTRIC MOBILITY – Speichereinsatz für regenerative elektrische Mobilität und Netzstabilität
Autoren: Link, C; Raich, U; Sammer, G; Stark, J
Event: Abschlusspräsentation des Projektes SMART ELECTRIC MOBILITY 2011 – Speichereinsatz für regenerative elektrische Mobilität und Netzstabilität
Year: 2011 - System Immanent Bias of Stated Response Survey
Autoren: Sammer G., Hössinger R., Link Ch.
Event: 9th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods 2011 - Scoping the Future While Staying on Track
Year: 2011 - Individualverhaltensmodell zum Kauf von Elektroautos
Autoren: Link, Christoph
Event: Hochschultagung Verkehr 2011
Year: 2010 - Effects of GHG-certificate trade on transport demand in Austria
Autoren: Link, C; Hoessinger, R; Stark, J; Sammer, G; Maier, G; Lechner, J; Sonntag, A
Event: Transport and Air Pollution 2010
Year: 2010 - Greenhouse Gas Emission Certificate Trade Scheme for Road Traffic – An Appropriate Travel Demand Measure?
Autoren: Sammer, G; Stark, J; Hössinger, R; Link, C; Lechner, J; Sonntag, A; Maier G
Event: 5th Travel Demand Management Symposium
Year: 2010 - Effects of GHG-certificate trade on transport demand in Austria
Autoren: Link, C; Hoessinger, R; Stark, J; Sammer, G; Maier, G; Lechner, J; Sonntag, A
Event: Transport and Air Pollution 2010