Christopher Thurnher
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Christopher Thurnher
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
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Year: 2019 - Aboveground volume, carbon and NPP of forests in Amhara, Ethiopia using terrestrial and satellite data (Poster)
Autoren: Sisay, K; Thurnher, C; Belay, B; Lindner, G; Pötzelsberger, E; Hasenauer, H
Event: R20 Austrian World Summit Breakout Session - Forest Responses to Climate Change: Why African Forests Matter
Period: 28.05.2019 - 29.05.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Vergleich von Kohlenstoffschätzmethoden für Wälder in Österreich und Europa (Poster)
Autoren: Neumann, Mathias; Thurnher, Christopher; Humauin, Kabir; Hasenauer, Hubert
Event: 15. Klimatag 2014
Period: 02.04.2014 - 04.04.2014 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2013 - Development and application of Biome-BGC in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Thurnher, C; Hasenauer, H
Event: MS11 BioVeL workshop 2013 - Ecosystem functioning & valuation web services and workflows
Period: 06.06.2013 - 07.06.2013 | Location: Budapest, Hungary
Year: 2012 - MosesGB: a growth simulator for mixed age and mixed species forest stands in Britain (Poster)
Autoren: Hale, S; Arcangeli, C; Jenkins, T; Klopf, M; Thurnher, C; Hasenauer, H
Event: Managing forests for ecosystem services 2012 - Can spruce forests show the way?
Period: 08.10.2012 - 11.10.2012 | Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Year: 2012 - MosesFramework: a framework for forest simulation and management planning (Talk)
Autoren: Thurnher, C., Klopf, M., Hasenauer, H.
Event: Final meeting Forest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest management COST FP0603 2012
Period: 01.03.2012 - 02.03.2012 | Location: Pierroton, France
Year: 2010 - Using the tree-growth model MOSES to assess the impact of uneven-aged forest management (Talk)
Autoren: Thurnher, C., Spörk, C., Hasenauer, H.
Event: 7th IUFRO International Conference on uneve-aged Silviculture 2010 - 21st Century forestry: Integrating ecologically-based, uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests
Period: 23.09.2010 - 30.09.2010 | Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Year: 2010 - Sustainability measures in multi-aged stands - A Case Study at an Enterprise Level (Talk)
Autoren: Klopf, M., Spörk, C., Thurnher, C., Hasenauer, H.
Event: 7th IUFRO International Conference on uneve-aged Silviculture 2010 - 21st Century forestry: Integrating ecologically-based, uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests
Period: 23.09.2010 - 30.09.2010 | Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Supervised Theses
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Community Services
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