Corinna Eichinger
Corinna Eichinger B.Sc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
classifications according to Statistics Austria
0 Projects found.
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Impact of EDTA soil washing on microbial life and ecosystem functions - a stable isotope labelling approach
Autoren: Eichinger, C; Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2021 - Effect of EDTA-soil washing on the microbial community and mesofauna
Autoren: Noller, C; Wissuwa, J; Eichinger, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood- Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: 6. DWB Student Conference 2021 - Forest & Soil Science update
Year: 2021 - Impact of EDTA washing of heavy metal-contaminated soil on microbial life and ecosystem functions - a 13C and 15N stable isotopes labelling approach
Autoren: Eichinger, C; Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W.; Hood-Nowotny, R.; Watzinger, A
Event: ISOECOL 2021