Katharina Hanz
Dipl.-Ing. Katharina Hanz
Institute of Food Technology (LMT)
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Email katharina.hanz@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-75241
- 2008 Sponsion
- Year: 2022 Awards: BOKU Lehrpreis 2022 Anerkennungspreis
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Mikroorganismen: Die kleinen Zauberer in unserem Essen
Autoren: Pichler, E; Hanz, K; Wagner, E; Zwirzitz, B;
Event: KinderuniWien 2023
Year: 2018 - Combination of Pulsed Electric Field and pectinase pre-treatment to improve the fermentation behaviour of white wine
Autoren: Fauster, T; Hanz, K; Scheibelberger, R; Teufl, T; Philipp, C; Scheiblhofer, H; Jäger, H
Event: IFT-EFFoST 2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short course
Year: 2018 - Influence of combined Pulsed electric field and pectinase pre-treatment on fermentation and aroma profile of white wine
Autoren: Fauster, T; Hanz, K; Scheibelberger, R; Teufl, T; Philipp, C; Scheiblhofer, H; Jaeger, H
Event: 32nd EFFoST International Conference
Year: 2016 - Untersuchungen zur Präferenz von Konsumenten hinsichtlich der Textur von getrockneten Äpfeln
Autoren: Sigl, K., Kohl, S., Hanz, K. , Gössinger, M.
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2016, Eiweißpflanzen - Strategien und Chancen für Landwirtschaft und Industrie
Year: 2014 - Improvement of gluten-free bread by addition of pentosans from rye bran (rye by-product)
Autoren: Carozzo G, Bessero-Belti V, Schmidt J, Hanz K , Berghofer E, Lucisano M, Mariotti M, D’Amico S, Tömösközi S, Schoenlechner R
Event: 3rd International ISEKI_Food Conference
Year: 2013 - Improvement of gluten-free bread by addition of pentosan from rye bran
Autoren: Greta Carozzo, Valentina Bessero-Belti, Julia Schmidt, Katharina Hanz, Emmerich Berghofer, Mara Lucisano, Manuella Mariotti, Stefano D'Amico, Sandor, Tömösközi and Regine Scheonlechner
Event: 3rd International Symposium on Gluten-free Cereal Products and Beverages GF13 2013
Year: 2010 - Technologische Auswirkungen im Bereich der Zusatzstoffe
Autoren: Berghofer E.
Event: Symposium Food Improvement Agents Package 2010 - Technologische Auswirkungen
Year: 2009 - Effect of isolated rye pentosans on some properties of gluten-free breads [P161]
Autoren: Schmidt J., Hanz K., Brenner E., Theiß S. and Berghofer E.
Event: International Annual Meeting of the AACC 2009
Year: 2008 - Investigation of methods to characterise textural properties of smoked salmon
Autoren: G. Schleining, K. Hanz
Event: 1st European Food Congress
Year: 2008 - Taste and smell skills of Austrian pupils aged 10-12 years
Autoren: Dürrschmid K., Stadlbauer U., Hanz K., Lahm B., Bisovsky S., Unterberger E.
Event: 3rd European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research 2008 - A Sense of Innovation
Year: 2008 - Smell and taste skills of Austrain pupils aged 10-13 years are associated with eating habits
Autoren: Dürrschmid Klaus, Stadlbauer Ulrike, Hanz Katharina, Lahm Birgit, Unterberger Eva, Bisovsky Sabine
Event: First European Food Congress EFFoST 2008 - Food Production - Nutrition - Healthy Consumers