Margit Laimer
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Margit Laimer
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-79010
ORCID: 0000-0002-6796-8126
9637902400: AuthorId
C-3524-2019: ResearcherId
Research Focus
Plant Biotechnology Phytopathology
- 2004 - 2010 Deputy Head of Department of Biotechnology at BOKU
- 1996 2nd Habilitation in Plant Virology (Univ. Lisbon)
- 1993 1st Habilitation in Plant Biotechnology (Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna)
- 1987 - 2025 Leader of the Plant Biotechnology Unit (PBU), DBT, BOKU
- 1985 Doctoral degree in Botany and Zoology at the University of Vienna
- 1998 Bodenkulturpreis der Wirtschaftskammer Wien
- 1998 Rudolf Hermann Preis in Wein- und Obstbau
- 1993 Young South Tyrolean Scientists Abroad
- 1992 ÖGBT-Förderungspreis
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Virus detection in symptomatic fig plants in Austria
Autoren: Fürnsinn F., Borroto Fernández E.G., Laimer M.
Exner Lectures "Milestones for a Future Worth Living "
(2023) In vitro culture to produce Xylella-resistant olive cultivars by mutation breeding
Autoren: Joseph J., Borroto Fernández E.G., Laimer M.
Exner Lectures "Milestones for a Future Worth Living"
(2023) Flow cytometry and karyotyping of in vitro grown Cornus mas genotypes to evaluate absolute genome size and ploidy
Autoren: Fink Simon,Borroto Fernandez EG, Temsch EM, Laimer M.
Exner Lectures "Milestones for a Future Worth Living " 2023
(2022) Co-Produktion von Kunstprojekten und Darstellung wissenschaftlicher Inhalte
Autoren: Laimer M., Hanzer V. und Borroto-Fernandez E.G.
Preserving Liveliness
(2021) Phytoplasmas in Vaccinium
Autoren: Borroto Fernández, E; Hanzer, V; Lee, F; Laimer, M
12th International Vaccinium Symposium
(2021) In vitro cultivation of Vaccinium arctostaphylos, section Hemimyrtillus
Autoren: Kovarova, D; Hanzer, V; Borroto Fernandez, E.G.; Laimer, M
12th International Vaccinium Symposium
(2021) Germplasm collection of Vaccinium species in vitro
Autoren: Borroto Fernández, E; Hanzer, V; Lee, F; Mokhber, A; Laimer, M
12th International Vaccinium Symposium
(2021) Wenn alte Pflanzen wieder erblühen: Von der 32000 Jahre alten Silene zur 1000 jährigen Dirndl
Autoren: Laimer M.
Alumni Tag 2021
(2019) Genetic improvement of the biofuel crop Jatropha curcas (L) by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing
Autoren: Freudhofmaier M, Parrott WA, Laimer M, Maghuly F
11th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2019 - Inside the World of Biomolecules
(2018) Mutagenesis of in vitro explants of Coffea arabica to induce fungal resistance
Autoren: Bado S, Maghuly F, Varzea V, Laimer M
FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology 2018
(2018) Creation and characterization of an EMS mutant population of Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Maghuly F, Jankowicz-Cieslak J, Till B, Gupta P, Laimer M
FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology 2018
(2017) Biotechnological methods for mutation breeding in Coffea spp.
Autoren: Bado S., Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
2nd FAO/IAEA Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) on CRP D22005: Efficient Screening Techniques to Identify Mutants with Disease Resistance for Coffee and Banana
(2016) Using molecular markers to solve challenges deriving from the undomesticated status of Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
(2016) Plant tissue culture
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Teaching exchange program 2016 - BOKU - La Molina
(2016) Genetic transformation for the induction of virus resistance
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Teaching exchange program 2016 - BOKU - La Molina
(2016) MicroRNA based interactions between Euphorbiaceae and their viruses
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
International Advances in Plant Virology
(2015) Biotechnological approaches to improve tropical crop species: challenges due to Jatropha curcas undomesticated status
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F.
1st Research Co-ordination Meeting of FAO/IAEA 2015 - Coordinated Research Project Efficient Screening Techniques to Identify Mutants with Disease Resistance for Coffee and Banana (D22005)
(2014) Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Gastvortrag FAMU
(2014) Biotechnological approaches to growing green energy from Jatropha curcas: challenges due to its undomesticated status
Autoren: Laimer M.
Gastvortrag UGA
(2014) Phytopathology in the Plant Biotechnology Unit: Characterization of transgenic fruit crops, and phytoplasma infection in small fruits
Autoren: Laimer M.
Gastvortrag USDA
(2014) Adaptation of induced mutations and “omics” methods for quality trait improvement in rice
Autoren: Jankowicz -Cieslak J., Maghuly F., Fragner L., Weckwerth W., Laimer M., Till BJ., Vollmann J.
Translational Cereal Genomics conference 2014
(2014) Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Gastvortrag University of Florida
(2014) High throughput polymorphism discovery and genotyping in a mutant population of Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Maghuly F., Jankowicz -Cieslak J., Pabinger S., Laimer M.
Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) XXII Conference
(2014) Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits
Autoren: Laimer, M.
International Conference on Innovative technologies in organic horticultural production
(2013) Resurgence of X-rays in mutation breeding
Autoren: Bado S., Kozak K., Sekander H., Alhajaj N., Ghanim A., Forster B.P., Laimer M.
International Conference on Molecular Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection 2013
(2012) Analysis of genetic variation among and within Jatropha species using dominant markers.
Autoren: Maghuly F. Ramkat R., Taassob-Shirazi F., Jankowicz -Cieslak J., Laimer M.
2nd Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance 2012
(2012) Reverse genetics and dominant markers to determine the genetic variation in Jatropha curcas.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Jankowicz-Cieslak J., Ramkat R., Till B., Laimer M.
Plant and Animal Genome XX Conference
(2012) Erneuerbare Energie aus neuen, nicht domestizierten Pflanzen.
Autoren: .Laimer, M., Maghuly, F.
140 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2012 - Quo vadis, Universität(en)?
(2012) Phytopathogene verändern die Kulturlandschaft
Autoren: Maghuly, F., Ramkat, R., Laimer, M.
140 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2012 - Quo vadis, Universität(en)?
(2012) Mutation based approaches for functional genomics and trait development in vegetatively propagated plants.
Autoren: Till B.J., Jankowicz-Cieslak J., Maghuly F., Huynh O.A., Bado S., Forster B.P., Laimer M.
Plant and Animal Genome XX Conference
(2012) Verbesserung der Nachweismethoden von Fruchtallergenen durch „Functional Genomics“
Autoren: Maghuly, F., Marzban, G., Laimer, M.
140 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2012 - Quo vadis, Universität(en)?
(2011) Proteomics, a systems biology based approach to investigations of Jatropha curcas seeds
Autoren: Maghuly F., Kogler S., Marzban G., Nöbauer K., Razzazi E., Laimer M.
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2011
(2011) Occurrence of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and East African cassava mosaic virus – Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Ramkat R. , Calari A. , Maghuly F. , Laimer M.
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2011
Autoren: F Maghuly, J Jankowicz-Cieslak, B Till, A Calari, R Ramkat and M Laimer
Plant Gene Discovery Technologies 2011
(2011) Microsatellite variability between apricot and related Prunus species
Autoren: Maghuly F. , Laimer M.
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2011
Autoren: Calari A., Ramkat R.C., Maghuly F., Baselizadeh M. and Laimer M.
Plant Gene Discovery Technologies 2011
(2011) Investigation of genetic variation in Jatropha curcas by Ecotilling and ISSR
Autoren: Maghuly F., Jankowicz-Cieslak J., Calari A., Ramkat R., Till B., Laimer M
IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2011
Autoren: F Maghuly, S Kogler, G Marzban, K Nöbauer, E Razzazi, M Laimer
Plant Gene Discovery Technologies 2011
(2010) Biotechnological approaches to the production of elite plant material of Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Maghuly F., Jankowicz-Cielak J., Till B., Calari A., Ramkat R. and Laimer M.
IAPB Congress 2010 Sustainability through agricultural biotechnology: Food, biomaterials, energy, and environment.
(2010) Genome size, Karyotype and FISH physical mapping of 45S and 5S genes in two cherry rootstocks
Autoren: Maghuly F., Schmöllerl B., Temsch E., Laimer M.
Green Plant Breeding Technologies GBPT 2010
(2010) Genome size, karyotyping and FISH physical mapping in two cherry rootstocks
Autoren: Maghuly F., Schmoellerl B., Temsch E.M., Laimer M.
Green Plant Breeding Technologies GBPT 2010
(2010) Genome size, Karyotype and FISH physical mapping of 45S and 5S genes in Prunus subhirtella and Prunus incisa × serrul.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Schmöllerl B., Temsch E., Laimer M.
19th International Symposium of the German Botanical Society DBG 2010 - Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
(2010) Allergomics of berry fruits
Autoren: Marzban G, Maghuly F, Hemmer W, Nestby R, Laimer M.
28th International Horticultural Congress 2010
(2009) Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits
Autoren: Marzban G, Maghuly F, Laimer M.
International Conference on Foodomics
(2009) Bioactive compounds
Autoren: Margit Laimer da Camara Machado
(2009) Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits
Autoren: Marzban G, Maghuly F, Laimer M.
International Conference on Foodomics
(2009) Identifikation von Feige (Ficus carica) und anderen Maulbeergewächsen als wichtige Birkenpollen-assoziierte Nahrungsmittel.
Autoren: W. Hemmer, M. Focke, G. Marzban, D. Mayer, M. Laimer M, R. Jarisch R.
Mainzer Allergieworkshop 2009
(2009) Detection of virus like particles (VLPs) by ISEM in transgenic grapevines expressing different GFLV-CP constructs.
Autoren: Gottschamel J., Castellano M., Maghuly F., Laimer M.
Progrès Agricole et Viticole, Hors Série - Extended abstracts 16th Meeting of ICVG.
(2009) Calmodulin And Lipid Transfer Protein Gene Expression In Prunus incisa X Serrula (PIS) Vary Independently Under Different Stress Conditions
Autoren: Fatemeh Maghuly , Eduviges G. Borroto_Fernandez , Mahmood A. Khan , Anita Herndl , Gorji Marzban , Margit Laimer
17th Conference Plant & Animal Genomes 2009
(2009) Physico-chemical treatments induce conformational changes in Mal d 2
Autoren: G. Marzban, A. Herndl, S. Pietrozotto, F. Maghuly, C. Obinger, M. Laimer
Karl Landsteiner Meeting 2009
(2009) Functional analysis of calmodulin and lipid transfer proteins under different stress conditions in the fruit tree model: Prunus incisa x serrula
International Conference Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance 2009
(2008) Identification of four IgE-reactive proteins from raspberry (Rubus Idaeus L.)
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl, A., Maghuly, F., Hemmer, W., Laimer, M.
Pirquet Club
(2008) Strawberry PRPs fluctuate depending on genotype and seasonal conditions
Autoren: G. Marzban, A. Herndl, B. Mezzetti, S. Tulipani, M. Battino and M. Laimer
ISHS COST863 Workshop 2008 - Berry production in changing climate conditions and cultivation systems
(2008) Grundlagen der Gentechnik Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche
Autoren: Laimer M.
2. Kolloquium der Vereinigung der Bäckerbranche 2006
(2008) Biotechnological approaches to fruit related allergens
Autoren: Laimer M.
16th National Congress of Biochemistry 2008
(2008) Influence of Effective Microorganisms as a means of improving the quality of tomatoes in protected cultivation
Autoren: Ndona, R., Spornberger, A., Jezik, K., Friedel, J.K., Rinnofner, T., Laimer, M., Marzban, G., Klima, H.
1st Symposium on Horticulture in Europe SHE 2008
(2008) Variations in allergen content of European blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) growing in different areas and climate zones
COST863 WG1 + WG4 JM 2008 - Bioactive compounds in berry fruits: genetic control, breeding, cultivar, analytical aspects and human health
(2008) Biotechnologische Ansätze zur Erzeugung von Virusresistenz
Autoren: Laimer M.
Pflaumern & Zwetschken 2008 - Perspektiven in der Züchtung, dem Anbau und der Vermarktung
(2008) Expression profiles of CaM and Ltp in response to different stresses in Prunus sp.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Ramkat R., Laimer M.
International Conference Molecular Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection in Plants 2008
(2008) Contributions of biotechnological tools to the conservation of valuable germplasm
Autoren: Margit Laimer and Fatemeh Maghuly
2nd World Scientific Congress Challenges in Botanical research and Climate Change 2008
(2007) From Study Design to Sample Preparation (Plant tissue)
Autoren: Gorji Marzban, Anita Herndl, Fatemeh Maghuly, Hermann Katinger, Margit Laimer
Austrian Proteomic Association (AuPA) Current Topics Course 2007
(2007) Mapping of fruit allergens by two dimensional electrophoresis and immuno-detection
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl A. , Maghuly, F., Kolarich, D., Hemmer, W., Katinger, H., Laimer, M.
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology ÖGBT 2007
(2007) New views on phatogen derived resistance (PDR).
Autoren: Khan MA., Mendonça D., Borroto Fernandez E.G., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Katinger H., Laimer M.
European Meeting on Plum Pox 2007
(2007) Analysis of transgenic grapevine (Vitis vinifera) including Grapevine fanleaf Virus Coat Protein (GFLV CP) gene.
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E.G., Ali Khan M.
Plant Transformation Technologies 2007
(2007) Cross-reactive allergens in tree pollen of Rosaceae
Autoren: E. Stoyanova, G. Marzban, A. Herndl, S. Jäger, W. Hemmer, H. Katinger, M. Laimer
2nd International symposium on molecular allergology 2007
(2007) Mapping of fruit allergens by two dimensional electrophoresis and immuno-detection
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl A. , Maghuly, F., Kolarich, D., Hemmer, W., Katinger, H., Laimer, M.
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biotechnology ÖGBT 2007
(2007) Stability of transgene expression in model fruit tree species over nine years.
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F., Ali Khan M., Borroto Fernandez E.G., Katinger H.
Plant Transformation Technologies 2007
(2007) Mapping of Malus domestica allergens by 2-D electrophoresis and IgE-reactivity
Autoren: A. Herndl, G. Marzban, D. Kolarich, R. Hahn, W. Hemmer, F. Maghuly, E. Stoyanova, H. Katinger, M. Laimer
2nd International symposium on molecular allergology 2007
(2006) Infection of cp-transgenic grapevines with Vitiviruses by grafting, mealybug transmission and Nicotiana heterogafting
Autoren: Sciancaleprone A., Campanale A., La Notte P., Minafra A., Maghuly F., Leopold S., Laimer M., Savino V., Martelli G.P.
15th Meeting of the ICVG 2006
(2006) Vaccinium cylindraceum: biotechnological approaches to breeding and propagation.
Autoren: Steniczka G., Popowich E., Hanzer V., Drumonde Neves J., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) Biotechnologische Anwendungen bei Obstgehölzen.
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Balla I and Katinger H.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Borroto Fernandez E. G., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) Examinations of the phytosanitary status of in vitro cultures originating from an orchard planted with virus-free material.
Autoren: Balla I., Kirilla Z., Nagy A., Tóth E.K., Kriston É. and Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) Allergens in small fruits: an issue for risk assessment
Autoren: Laimer M., Marzban G., Mansfeld A., Herndl A., Hemmer W., Stoyanova E., and Katinger H.
(2006) Biotechnologische Anwendungen bei Obstgehölzen
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Balla I and Katinger H.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) What do we learn from the molecular characterization of grapevine plants transformed with GFLV resistance genes ?
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Khan M., Gambino G., Gribaudo I. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M.
15th Meeting of the ICVG 2006
(2006) Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Borroto Fernandez E. G., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) Localisation and distribution of the major allergens in apple fruits and tissues.
Autoren: Marzban G., Herndl A., Stoyanova E., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Breiteneder H., Martinelli A., Zaccharini M.,Asero R., Kolarich D., Altmann F., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) What do we learn from the molecular characterization of grapevine plants transformed with GFLV resistance genes?
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Khan M., Gambino G., Gribaudo I. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M.
15th Meeting of the ICVG 2006
(2006) Screening of major allergens in strawberry and blueberry
Autoren: Marzban, G., Herndl, A., Mansfeld, A., Maghuly F., Stoyanova, E., Katinger, H. and Laimer, M.
(2006) Detection of major allergens in Rubus sp.
Autoren: Marzban G., Mansfeld A. Herndl A., Maghuly F., Stoyanova E., Katinger H., Laimer M.
(2006) Identification of apple allergens: a comparative proteomic approach
Autoren: Herndl A., G. Marzban, A. Mansfeld, E. Stoyanova, H. Katinger, M. Laimer da Chamara Machado
4th Austrian Proteome Research Symposium 2006
(2006) Molekulare Charakterisierung transgener Reben zur Induktion von Virusresistenz
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Schartl A., Katinger H. und Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2006) Molekulare Charakterisierung transgener Reben zur Induktion von Virusresistenz.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Schartl A., Katinger H. und Laimer M.
Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B 2006 - Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz
(2005) Molecular characterisation of transgenic grapevines carrying nepovirus genes
Autoren: Maghuly f., Leopold S., Khan M.A., Borroto Fernandez E., Drumonde Neves J., Laimer M.
5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
(2005) Biotechnologie und Immaterialgüterrecht: Die Sicht einer Naturwissenschaftlerin
Autoren: Laimer M.
8. St. Galler Intl. Immaterialgüterrechtsforum IIF:Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Immaterialgüterrecht
(2005) Different IgE binding activity of Mal d 1 isoforms, the major apple allergen.
Autoren: Oberhuber Ch., Ma Y., Leitzenberger I., Bohle B., Radauer Ch., Pühringer H., Laimer M., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K.
EAACI Conference 2005
(2005) Microsatellite characterization of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars grown in Central Europe
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F., Ruthner S., Bisztray G., Pedryc A.
XIII th International Symposium on apricot breeding and culture
(2005) Regeneration and molecular characterisation of transgenic stone fruit (Prunus sp.)
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Khan M.A., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) Novel allergens of raspberry are cross-reactive with homologues in birch pollen and apple fruits.
Autoren: Ma Y., Radauer C., Marzban G., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Katinger H., Laimer M., Mansfeld A.
17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
(2005) Plant Biotechnology Past-Present-Future
Autoren: Laimer M.
60 Year Anniversary, Institute of Applied Microbiology IAM 2005
(2005) In vitro sanitation of an old Croatian grapevine cultivar.
Autoren: Laimer M., Pejic I., Borroto-Fernandez E., Hanzer V., Fenino E. and Katinger H.
5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
(2005) Development of transgenic temperate fruit trees and grapevines for virus resistance
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F., Khan M.A., Leopold S., Katinger H.
17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
(2005) Characterisation of different allergens in Rosaceous fruits
Autoren: Marzban, G. Ma, Y. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K. Bereiteneder, H. Radauer, C. Martinelli, A. Zaccarini, M. Laimer, M.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Trials for virus detection of peach cultivars under in vitro conditions
Autoren: Balla I., Kirilla Z., Kriston É., Tóth E., Hanzer V. and Laimer M.
1. Central European Forum for Microbiology
(2005) Molecular charcterization of transgenic grapevines carrying nepovirus genes.
Autoren: Maghuly F., Leopold S., Khan M.A., Borroto Fernandez E., Drumonde Neves J. and Laimer M.
5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
(2005) Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars
Autoren: Maghuly F., Borroto E., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H., Laimer M.
17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
(2005) Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus in Cuba
Autoren: Borroto Fernandez E.G., Torres Acosta J.A., Reytor Saavedra E. and Laimer M.
5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
(2005) A 30 kDa Protein from raspberry is cross-reactive to allergens from birch pollen and apple fruits
Autoren: Ma Y., Radauer Ch, Marzban G., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
EAACI Conference 2005
(2005) Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars
Autoren: Maghuly F, Borroto E., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H., Laimer M.
(2005) Genomic sequencing and linkage mapping of four classes of apple allergen genes.
Autoren: Gao Z.S., van de Weg W.E., Schaart J.G., Schouten H.J., Tran D.H., Kodde L., van der Meer I.M., van der Geest A.H.M., Kodde J., Laimer M., Breiteneder H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Bosch D., Gilissen L.J.W.J.
World DNA and Genome Day in China
(2005) Development of transgenic temperate fruit trees and grapevines for virus resistance.
Autoren: Laimer M., Maghuly F., Khan M.A., Leopold S., Katinger H. (2005)
17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
(2005) In vitro collection and sanitation of valuable germplasm of temperate fruit trees
Autoren: Laimer M., Borroto E., Hanzer V., Balla I., Katinger H.
17th International Botanical Congress IBC 2005
(2005) Phytosanitary improvement of Prunus persica by in vitro techniques.
Autoren: Laimer M., Hanzer V., Balla I., and Katinger H.
5. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau 2005
(2005) Characterisation of different allergens in Rosaceous fruits
Autoren: Marzban, G. Ma, Y. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K. Bereiteneder, H. Radauer, C. Martinelli, A. Zaccarini. M. Laimer, M.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) In vitro collection and sanitation of valuable germplasm of temperate fruit trees
Autoren: Laimer M., Borroto Fernandez E.G., Hanzer V., Balla I., Katinger H.
XVII International Botanical Congress
(2004) Elimination and detection of pathogens from tissue cultures of Prunus sp.
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Hanzer V., Kirilla Z., and Balla I.
5th IVCHB Syposium 2004 - In vitro culture and horticultural breeding
(2004) Do apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1 in vitro give different allergenic responses in vivo?
Autoren: Asero, R. Marzban, G. Dey, R. Zaccarini, M. Martinelli, A. Bolhaar, S. Laimer, M.
9th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy 2004
(2004) The GMO Debate: The European Responses.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Reports of the 4. Transatlantic Conference on American-European Universities Partnerships in Food and Agricultural Education and Research.
(2004) Resistance breeding against PPV in Austria: State of the art.
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Maghuly F., Khan M. and Katinger H.
European Meeting 04 on Plum Pox Virus (PPV)
(2004) Different apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1.
Autoren: Marzban G., Dey R., Ma Y., Asero R., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M. and Laimer M.
ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2004
(2004) Molecular characterisation of Austrian PPV isolates
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Myrta A., Boscia D. and Katinger H.
European Meeting 04 on Plum Pox Virus (PPV)
(2004) Biotechnology of temperate fruit trees
Autoren: Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Kirilla Z., Balla I. and Katinger H.
International Review Conference Biotechnology 2004
(2004) Different apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1
Autoren: Marzban, G. Dey, R. Asero, R. Zaccarini, M. Martinelli, A. Laimer, M.
ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2004
(2004) In vivo assessment of the allergenicity of two apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1 in vitro
Autoren: Asero, R. Marzban, G. Dey, R. Zaccarini, M. Martinelli, A. Bolhaar, S. Laimer M.
13th EAACI Congress 2004
(2004) Microsatellite analyses for the characterisation of Pannonian apricots.
Autoren: Maghuly F., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner Sz., Pedryc A., Bisztray G., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
5th IVCHB Syposium 2004 - In vitro culture and horticultural breeding
(2004) The biotechnology`s contribution to meeting today`s challenges
Autoren: Laimer M.
5th Vienna Globalization Symposium 2004
(2004) The biotechnology`s contribution to meeting today`s challenges
Autoren: Laimer M.
5th Vienna Globalization Symposium 2004
(2004) Microsatellite analyses for the characterisation of Pannonian apricots.
Autoren: Maghuly F., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner Sz., Pedryc A., Bisztray G., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
5th IVCHB Syposium 2004 - In vitro culture and horticultural breeding
(2003) Virus resistance breeding in grapevine.
Autoren: Laimer M.
14. Meeting of the ICVG 2003
(2003) Detection and localisation of apple allergens in different cultivars raised under different growing conditions
Autoren: Laimer M., Dey R., Martinelli A., M. Zaccarini
SAFE Workshop 2003
(2003) Plant food allergies: field to table strategies for educing their incidence in Europe.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Forum Agrosanté: From healthy eating to healthy farming
(2003) Detection and distribution of applee allergens in ripening fruits and allergic patients reactivity
Autoren: Marzban, G. Dey, R. Brynda, S. Puehringer, H. Hoffmann- Sommergrueber, K. Ma, Y. Breiteneder, H. Fernandez-Rivas, M. Martinelli, A. Zaccarini, M. Asero, R. Laimer, M.
ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2003
(2003) Distribution of the major apple Allergen Mal d 1 in different apple cultivars and allergic patients reactivity
Autoren: Marzban, G. Dey, R. Brynda, S. Hoffmann Sommergrueber, K. Breiteneder, H. Ma, Y. Bohle, B. Martinelli, A. Zaccarini, M. van Ree, R. Zuidmeer, L. Knulst, A. Fernandez-Rivas, R. Gonzales-Mancebo, E. Asero, R. Mills, C. Laimer, M.
ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2003
(2003) Detection and Distribution of apple allergens in ripening fruits and some patients reactions
Autoren: Dey R., Pühringer H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Ma Y., Breiteneder H., Fernandez Rivas M., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M. and Laimer M.
7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology 2003
(2002) Transformation of Vitis vinifera L. cv Nebbiolo with the coat protein gene of Grapevine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV).
Autoren: Gribaudo I., Scariot V., Gambino G., Schubert A., Gölles R. and Laimer M.
VII International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding
(2002) Virus resistance in transgenic fruit trees: the technical feasibility, the environmental impact, the public acceptance.
Autoren: Laimer M.
10th IAPTC&B Congress: Plant Biotechnology 2002 and beyond.
(2002) Characterisation of transgenic fruit trees and analyses of direct and indirect biological interactions.
Autoren: Laimer M.
OECD Workshop Dissemination of GMOs in Agro-Ecosystems
(2002) Detection of the phytosanitary status of stone fruit cultivars under in vitro conditions in Hungary
Autoren: Balla I., Kriston É., Tóth E., Arthofer W., Hanzer V. and Laimer M.
6th Conference of European Foundation for Plant Pathology (EFPP).
(2002) Gentransfer bei Obst- Stand der Dinge und Perspektiven
Autoren: Laimer M.
Seminar am Pädagogischen Institut St. Pölten
(2002) Improved in vitro methods for the elimination and detection of European Stone Fruit Yellows (ESFY) from apricot planting material.
Autoren: Arthofer W., Hanzer V., Balla I., Paltrinieri S., Botti S., Bertaccini A. and Laimer M.
International Congress of the International Organisation for Mycoplasmology IOM 2002
(2002) Transgenes Steinobst.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Seminar für ARGE Steirische Biologielehrer,
(2001) Gentransfer bei Obst
Autoren: Laimer M.
Seminar für Lehrer an AHS und BMHS zum Thema Gentechnik
(2001) Gene transfer in fruit trees: state of the art and perspectives
Autoren: Laimer M.
Life Sciences 2001. Joint Meeting ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT, EMBNet Vienna
(2001) Transgenes Steinobst der Universität für Bodenkultur
Autoren: Laimer M.
Seminar für Lehrer an HLBLA zum Thema Gentechnik und Landwirtschaft- Neue Entwicklungen
(2001) Search for a putative ligand of the apple PR-10 protein.
Autoren: Pühringer H., Mota, M., Zinöcker, I., Katinger, H. and Laimer, M.
6th Int. Workshop on PR-Proteins
(2001) Gene expression analysis in apple cultivar „Florina“ upon Venturia inaequalis interaction by differential display.
Autoren: Mota M., Kaydamov C., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Life Sciences 2001
(2001) Plant food allergies: field to table strategies to reduce their incidence in Europe.
Autoren: Pühringer H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Breiteneder H., Zinöcker I. and Laimer M.
Internationaler BOKU-Kongress 2001 - Leben und Überleben - Konzepte für die Zukunft
(2000) Promotion of lapsi tree (Choerospondias axillaris, Roxb.) for fruit production in Nepal
Autoren: Paudel, K.C., Pieber, K., Klumpp, R., Laimer da Camara Machado, M.
International Conference on Food Security of Urban and Peri-urban systems in developing countries 2000
(2000) Promotion of lapsi tree (Choerospondia axillaris, Roxb.) for fruit production in Nepal
Autoren: Paudel, K.C., Pieber, K., Klumpp, R., Laimer da Camara Machado, M.
International Conference on Food Security of Urban and Peri-urban systems in developing countries 2000
(1992) Development of somatic embryos of Prunus autumno rosa
Autoren: da Câmara Machado, A., Puschmann, M., Hanzer, V., Weiss, H., Regner, F., Steinkellner, H., Seifert, G. J., Kanzler, P., Katinger, H., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M..
Cost 87 meeting: regeneration from suspension culture
Strategy towards the identification of the biological function of apple PR-10 protein.
Autoren: Pühringer H., Zinöcker I., Mota M., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Functional genomics of pathogenesis related protein families in fruits
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Biotechnological selection of J. curcas accessions to counteract land degradation
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Transformation of fruit tree material with the plum pox virus coat protein gene.
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Laimer da Camara Machado, M., Hanzer, V., Himmler, G., Regner, F., Katinger, H.
Die Allergene des Apfels: Verteilung in verschiedenen Sorten und Geweben
Autoren: Marzban, G. Laimer, M.
Using molecular markers to solve challenges deriving from the undomesticated status of Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Verbreitung und Verteilung des Hauptallergens Mal d 1 in verschiedenen Apfelsorten.
Autoren: Marzban, G. Dey, R. Brynda, S. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K. Ma, Y. Breiteneder, H. Martinelli, A. Zaccarini, M. and Laimer, M.
Transgenic acceptance in Europe.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Eliminierung und Detektion von Pathogenen bei Obstgehölzen.
Autoren: Laimer M., Pieber K., Modl P., Mendonça D. and Balla I.
Biotechnological Improvement of the Biofuel Crop Jatropha curcas
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Improved detection of viruses and phytoplasmas in fruit tree tissue cultures.
Autoren: Laimer da Câmara Machado, M., Heinrich, M., Hanzer, V., Arthofer, W., Strommer, S., Paltrinieri, S., Martini, M., Bertaccini, A., Kummert, J., Davies, D.L.
Phytopathogens modify the cultural landscape
Autoren: Maghuly F. and Laimer M.
Coat protein-mediated protection against plum pox virus.
Autoren: da Câmara Machado, A., Regner, F., Steinkellner, H., Mattanovich, D., Hanzer, V., Weiß, H., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M., Katinger, H.
Biotechnologische Methoden in der Resistenzzüchtung gegen Pathogene von Obstgehölzen
Autoren: Laimer M.
Pflanzenbiotechnologie II: Transgenes Steinobst.
Autoren: Laimer M.
Molekularbiologische Arbeiten zur Züchtung Plum Pox Virus-resistenter Steinobstsorten.
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M., Regner, F., da Câmara Machado, A., Himmler, G., Hanzer, V., Kalthoff, B., Steinkellner, H., Katinger, H.
Combating viral diseases in grapevine be the transgenic expression of viral sequences
Autoren: Gölles R., Minafra A., Savino V., Martelli G.P., Katinger H. and Laimer M.
Transgene acceptance in Europe
Autoren: Laimer M.
Die Verwendung von Mikrosatelliten zur Charakteriserung des Kreises pannonischer Marillen (P. armeniaca).
Autoren: Maghuly M., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner S., Pedryc A. and Laimer M.