Dominik Ruffeis
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Dominik Ruffeis
Institute for Development Research
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2018) Online-Teaching of Creative Writing of Scientific Publications and Project Proposals Using Google Apps
Autoren: Zitek, A; Strauss-Sieberth, A; Ruffeis, D.
New Perspectives in Science Education - Edition 7
(2018) Online teaching of creative writing of scientific publications and project proposals – the Scara approach
Autoren: Zitek, A; Strauss-Sieberth, A; Ruffeis, D.
APPEAR in practice_11: The art of mastering e-learning
(2017) Water: Securing our future - The ultimate system challenge
Autoren: Ruffeis, D
Water, Food, Energy - One Planet for All?
(2015) Water balance of sweet potato mounds in Papua New Guinea - The potential impact of climate change on sweet potato development and food security
Autoren: Ruffeis, D; Loiskandl, W; Kui, T
9th International Symposium of ISRR 2015 - ROOTS DOWN UNDER
(2011) Innovative water management & conservation strategies/systems to support agriculture under precipitation excess or deficit conditions, dentified/developed, piloted and available to smallholder communities in Western Pacific countries
Autoren: Loiskandl W, Ruffeis D
Inception Workshop of the NARI EU-ARD Project 2011
(2008) Case study review of investigated irrigation projects in Ethiopia
Autoren: Loiskandl W, Ruffeis D, Schönerklee M, Spendlingwimmer R, Awulachew S B,Boelee E
WATERMAN Symposium 2008 - Mobilising water research for development: Thinking differently about dissemination
(2007) Field Parameter Evaluation to Support Environmental Impact Analysis of Irrigation in Ethiopia
Autoren: Wallner K, Ruffeis D, Loiskandl W
International Symposium 2007- Impact of Irrigation on Rural Poverty and the Environment
(2007) Environmental impact analysis of two large scale irrigation schemes in Ethiopia
Autoren: Ruffeis, D; Loiskandl, W; Spendlingwimmer, R; Schonerklee, M; Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Boelee, E; Wallner, K
International Symposium 2007- Impact of Irrigation on Rural Poverty and the Environment
(2007) Impact of irrigation on livelihood and food security in the modern Hare river irrigation scheme in Southern Ethiopia
Autoren: Judt, C; Loiskandl, W; Ruffeis, D; Hauser, M; Seleshi, B; Hagos, F
International Symposium 2007- Impact of Irrigation on Rural Poverty and the Environment
(2007) Keys for Successful Irrigation in Ethiopia
Autoren: Schönerklee M, Spendlingwimmer R, Loiskandl W, Ruffeis D
International Symposium 2007- Impact of Irrigation on Rural Poverty and the Environment
(2005) Multidisciplinary Approach of Flood Management in a Nature 2000 Area
Autoren: Hübl J., Loiskandl W., Jugovic C.J., Gruber H., Weiser D., Pichler A.,
9th Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering 2005
(2005) Impact of irrigation development on poverty and environment
Autoren: Loiskandl W., Seleshi B., Ruffeis D., Schönerklee M., Spendlingwimmer R., Strauss-Sieberth A., Hauser M.,
KEF MDG+5 Workshop 2005 - A critical look at the role of research in achieving the Millennium Development Goals
(2004) The role of Gender in a small irrigation scheme in Zimbabwe
Autoren: Strauss-Sieberth A., Weiser D., Loiskandl W.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2004) Impact of Irrigation development on rural poverty and the environment in Ethiopia
Autoren: Weiser D., Strauss-Sieberth A., Abede H.D.
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
Impact of Irrigation development on rural poverty and the environment
Autoren: Loiskandl W., Seleshi B., Ruffeis D., Schönerklee M., Spendlingwimmer R., Strauss-Sieberth A., Hauser M.,
Crops and Cropping Strategies to Maintain Food Security under Changing Weather Conditions in Papua New Guinea
Autoren: Kui, T; Ruffeis, D; Nass-Komolong, B; Loiskandl, W
Water Management Options in Dryland Farming Systems
Autoren: Loiskandl, W; Ruffeis, D