Bernhard Spangl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Spangl
Institute of Statistics
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-85113
- 2008 Doctoral degree in technical sciences from the Vienna University of Technology
- 2003 Assistant at the Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2003 MSc degree in Applied Mathematics from the Vienna University of Technology
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - How To Determine The Minimal Sample Size In Balanced 3-Way Anova Models Where No Exact F-Test Exists
Autoren: Spangl, B; Kaiblinger, N
Event: mODa13 - Model-Oriented Data Analysis and Optimum Design
Year: 2023 - Some Notes on Determining the Minimal Sample Size in Balanced 3-way ANOVA Models where no Exact F-Test Exists
Autoren: Spangl, B; Kaiblinger, N
Event: 23nd Annual ENBIS Conference 2023
Year: 2023 - Research on Fusarium Contamination of Garlic in Austria
Autoren: Gasser, K; Steinkellner, S; Lemmens, M; Hage-Ahmed, K; Spangl, B; Keferböck, J
Event: Monday Morning Meeting of FABI, University of Pretoria
Year: 2022 - Who does perform better in relation to reproduction during heat waves in an acarine system - the predator or its prey?
Autoren: Tscholl, T; Nachman, G; Spangl, B; Serve HC; Walzer, A
Event: 26th International Congress of Entomology 2022
Year: 2022 - Fusarium aus Knoblauch: Phylogenie und Mykotoxinproduktion
Autoren: Gasser, K; Sulyok, M; Spangl, B; Krska, R; Steinkellner, S; Hage-Ahmed, K
Event: 63. Österreichischen Pflanzenschutztagen 2022
Year: 2022 - Developmental plasticity caused by heat-stress in a predator and its prey
Autoren: Tscholl, T; Nachman, G; Spangl, B; Stijak, M; Walzer, A
Event: 9th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists 2022 - Acarology 1.0 to 2.0: Progress in Changing Times
Year: 2022 - Minimal sample size in balanced ANOVA models and its calculation using the R package "miniSize"
Autoren: Spangl, B
Event: 22nd Annual ENBIS Conference 2022
Year: 2021 - Suitability of greywater for irrigation purpose of urban green infrastructures
Autoren: Gräf, M., Pucher, B., Hietz, P., Spangl, B., Hofbauer, K., Allabashi, R., Pitha, U., Stangl, R.
Event: 9th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2021
Year: 2021 - Smells Like Teen Spirit - A Global Study on the Age-related Associations of Selected Odours
Autoren: Martin Wendelin, Andrea Bauer, Elisabeth Buchinger, Lukas Danner, Eva Derndorfer, Vu Thi Minh Hang, Helene Hopfer, Marlies Hörmann-Wallner, Srinual Jantathai, Nina Julius, Imke Matullat, Dorota Majchrzak, Barbara Siegmund, Han-Seok Seo, Bernhard Spangl, Klaus Duerrschmid
Event: 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Sustainable Sensory Science
Year: 2020 - Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to estimate the age of wood - How we can use the molecular decay of wood for dating purposes
Autoren: Reiter, F; Tintner, J; Spangl, B; Smidt, E; Grabner, M
Event: CHNT - Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Year: 2019 - MD Dating - Dating of wood based on its molecular decay (MD) measured using FTIR-spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J; Spangl, B; Reiter, F; Smidt, E; Grabner, M
Event: 4th Baltic Conference Series - Materials & Chemical Technology
Year: 2019 - Taphonomy Dating - Dating of Wood by Its Taphonomy Measured Using FTIR-Spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J.; Spangl, B.; Reiter, F.; Smidt, E.; Grabner, M.
Event: World Wood Day Symposium 2019
Year: 2019 - Predicting barley biomass and shoot P concentration using sink-based and batch extraction soil P tests
Autoren: Santner, J; Manglberger, R; Kreuzhuber, M; Golestani Fard, A; Eigner, H; Spangl, B; Wenzel, WW; Puschenreiter, M
Event: 9th International Phosphorus Workshop 2019
Year: 2019 - MD Dating - Dating of wood based on its molecular decay (MD) measured using FTIR-Spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J., Spangl, B.; Reiter, F., Smidt, E.; Grabner, M.
Event: 2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC)
Year: 2018 - Dating of wood using FTIR-spectroscopy and statistical learning algorithms
Autoren: Tintner, J., Spangl, B., Reiter, F., Smidt, E., Grabner, M.
Event: Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation DSSV 2018
Year: 2018 - Minimal experimental size in three way ANOVA models with an approximate F-test: the mixed classification (A>B)xC
Autoren: Spangl, B., Rasch, D.
Event: Statistische Woche 2018
Year: 2018 - Olfactory responses of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande to attractants or repellents under plant-odour enriched conditions
Autoren: Koschier, EH; Nielsen, MC; Spangl, B; Davidson, MM; Teulon, DAJ;
Event: XI European Congress of Entomology
Year: 2018 - On robust two-wayMANOVA tests with applications to compositional data
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: International Conference on Robust Statistics ICORS 2018
Year: 2017 - Mobilization and uptake of heavy metals by wheat plants grown on contaminated soils
Autoren: Puschenreiter, M; Gruber, B; Wenzel, WW; Schindlegger, Y; Hann, S; Spangl, B; Schenkeveld, WDC; Krämer, SM; Oburger, E
Event: 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2017
Year: 2017 - Background plant odours affect olfactory responses of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande to attractive or repellent compounds
Autoren: Koschier, EH; Nielsen, M-C; Spangl, B; Davidson, MM; Teulon, DAJ
Event: 5th Symposium on Palaearctic Thysanoptera 2017
Year: 2016 - Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide on the development of Common toads (Bufo bufo L.; Amphibia) at different temperatures
Autoren: Baier, F; Gruber, E; Spangl, B; Zaller, JG
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and temperature on the development of common toads
Autoren: Baier, F; Gruber, E; Spangl, B; Zaller, JG
Event: CAS 11. Touchdown Agrarwissenschaften 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and temperature on the development of Common toads (Bufo bufo L.; Amphibia)
Autoren: Baier, F; Gruber, E; Spangl, B; Zaller, JG
Event: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting 2016
Year: 2015 - Statistical models for dynamics in extreme value processes
Autoren: Spangl, B., Desmettre, S., Ruckdeschel, P.
Event: 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
Year: 2015 - Do plant exudates and/or plant-induced environmental gradients in the soil affect earthworm activity?
Autoren: Ziss E, Novak J, Schmidt O, Michel K, Watzinger A, Spangl B, Zaller JG
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Process type identificatio in torrential catchments
Autoren: Heiser, M; Scheidl, C; Eisl, J; Spangl, B; Hübl, J
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2014 - Extreme Value Statistics and Robust filtering for Hydrological Data
Autoren: Spangl, B., Ruckdeschel, P.
Event: ENBIS 2014
Year: 2014 - Statistical Models for Extreme Value Processes
Autoren: Spangl, B., Desmettre, S., Pupashenko, D., Ruckdeschel, P.
Event: ERCIM 2014
Year: 2014 - Robust Filtering and Extreme Value Statistics for Hydrological Data
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B.
Event: International Symposium on Extreme Events: Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction
Year: 2013 - Online Prediction of Biomass and Product Yield for Recombinant Protein Production in Escherichia Coli Expression Systems
Autoren: Melcher, M; Scharl, T; Spangl, B; Luchner, M; Cserjan, M; Striedner, G; Leisch, F
Event: ACIB Science Days 2013
Year: 2013 - Robust filtering and extreme value statistics for hydrological data
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B.
Event: 6th International Conference of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics Working Group on Computing & Statistics ERCIM 2013
Year: 2013 - Software infrastructure for fast optimally robust extreme value statistics
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Kohl, M., Spangl, B., Horbenko, N.
Event: International Conference on Robust Statistics ICORS 2013
Year: 2013 - RobExtremes - Robust Extreme Value Statistics a New Member in the RobASt-Family of R packages
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Horbenko, N., Kohl, M., Spangl, B.
Event: International Symposium - Extreme Events: Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction
Year: 2012 - Spectra Decomposition by Multivariate Curve Resolution Techniques for Bioprocess Monitoring
Autoren: Melcher, M; Spangl, B; Luchner, M; Striedner, G; Leisch, F
Event: ACIB Science Days 2012
Autoren: Riegler, M., Spangl, B., Weigl M., Kuncinger, T., Wimmer, R., Young, T.M., Müller, U.
Event: 2nd Biennial International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Biobased Products Industries PTF BPI 2012
Year: 2012 - Robust Multivariate extended Kalman Filtering and its implementation in R
Autoren: Pupashenko, D., Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B.
Event: Statistische Woche 2012
Year: 2012 - Pre-processing bioprocess sensor data - optimal hyper parameters for on-line filtering
Autoren: Möser, R., Spangl, B., Luchner, M., Striedner, G., Leisch, F.
Event: Advances in Process Analytics and Control Technology APACT 12 2012
Year: 2011 - robKalman-An R package for robust Kalman filtering revisited
Autoren: Spangl, B., Ruckdeschel, P.
Event: The R User Conference, useR! 2011
Year: 2011 - Minimal Experimental Size in the three way ANOVA Cross Classification Model with approximate F-tests
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: International Conference in Honor of the Late Jagdish Srivastava 2011 - Optimal Design of Experiments - Theory and Application
Year: 2011 - Robust nonlinear filtering of state-space models with applications
Autoren: Spangl, B., Ruckdeschel, P., Fruehwirth, R.
Event: 6th International Conference of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics Working Group on Computing & Statistics ERCIM 2011
Year: 2011 - On Robust Nonlinear Filtering of State-space Models with Applications
Autoren: Spangl, B., Ruckdeschel, P., Fruehwirth, R.
Year: 2010 - Robust Filtering of State-space Models with Applications in High Energy Physics
Autoren: Spangl, B., Ruckdeschel, P.
Event: Statistische Woche 2010
Year: 2010 - Robustifications of the EM Algorithm for State Space Models
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B., Ursachi, I.
Event: 3rd Internat. Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM 10)
Year: 2010 - Computing the Nearest Correlation Matrix Which is Additionally Toeplitz
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Year: 2010 - Minimal Experimental Size in the three-way ANOVA Cross-classification Model with approximate F-tests
Autoren: Rasch, D., Spangl, B., Wang, M.
Event: 9th Model-Oriented Data Analysis and Optimum Design MODA 9 2010
Year: 2010 - Robust Filtering of State-space Models with Applications in High Energy Physics
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2010)
Year: 2009 - Über die Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von R in der Statistikausbildung
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: R in Ausbildung, Forschung und Anwendung 2009
Year: 2009 - Teaching Basic Statistics with R
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: R in Teaching and Empirical Research 2009
Year: 2009 - R-Package "robKalman" - R. Kalman's revenge or robustness for Kalman filtering revisited
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B.
Event: The R User Conference, useR! 2009
Year: 2008 - Robuste Filter für Zustandsraummodelle
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: Workshop der Statistik/Stochastik-Institute der Technischen Universitäten von Wien und Dresden 2008
Year: 2008 - Approximate Conditional-mean Type Filtering for State-space Models
Autoren: Spangl, B., Ruckdeschel, P., Dutter, R.
Event: useR! 2008 - The R User Conference
Year: 2008 - Approximate Conditional-mean Type Filtering for State-space Models
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: Research Seminar Bioinformatics
Year: 2007 - Robuste Schätzung der Herzraten-Variabilität
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: Diskussionsforum Junge Statistik
Year: 2007 - Estimating Spectral Density Functions Robustly
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: Forschungsseminar des Instituts für Angewandte Statistik der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz 2007
Year: 2007 - Short-term Fourier Analysis of hydrological discharge data - the performance of robust methods
Autoren: Spangl, B., Laaha, G.
Event: TIES 2007 - Computational Environmetrics
Year: 2006 - A package on Robust Kalman filtering
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B.
Event: useR! 2006 - The R User Conference
Year: 2006 - Robust analysis of spectral densities
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: Datenunsicherheit und Statistik
Year: 2006 - Estimating Spectral Density Functions Robustly
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: International Conference on Robust Statistics ICORS 2006
Year: 2006 - Estimating Spectral Density Functions Robustly
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: International Conference on Robust Statistics ICORS 2006
Year: 2006 - A package on Robust Kalman filtering
Autoren: Ruckdeschel, P., Spangl, B.
Event: useR! 2006 - The R User Conference
Year: 2005 - On Robust Spectral Density Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: Biometrisches Kolloquium der Wiener Biometrisches Sektion 2005
Year: 2005 - S-Stages Of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Predict The Results Of Complete Regional Lymph Node Dissection
Autoren: Fink, A., Weihsengruber, F., Spangl, B., Feichtinger, H., Rappersberger, K., Jurecka, W., Steiner, A.
Event: WCCS 2005 - 10th World Congress of Cancer and Skin
Year: 2005 - On Robust Spectral Density Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: ROeS Seminar 2005
Year: 2005 - S-Stages Of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Predict The Results Of Complete Regional Lymph Node Dissection
Autoren: Fink, A., Weihsengruber, F., Spangl, B., Feichtinger, H., Rappersberger, K., Jurecka, W., Steiner, A.
Event: WCCS 2005 - 10th World Congress of Cancer and Skin
Year: 2005 - Robust Spectral Density Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: Biometrie 2005 - 51. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (DR-IBS) in Halle (Saale)
Year: 2005 - Robust Spectral Density Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: Biometrie 2005 - 51. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (DR-IBS) in Halle (Saale)
Year: 2005 - On Robust Spectral Density Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: Biometrisches Kolloquium der Wiener Biometrisches Sektion 2005
Year: 2004 - Effect of antihypertensive drugs on oxygen consumption in hypertensive patients
Autoren: Kamhuber, Ch., Spangl, B., Stockenhuber, F.
Event: 15th Asian Congress of Cardiology: New Horizion in Cardiology
Year: 2004 - Robust Estimation of Power Spectra
Autoren: Dutter, R., Spangl, B.
Event: 7th International Conference on Computer Data Analysis and Modeling 2004 - Robustness and Computer Intensive Methods
Year: 2004 - Robust Spectral Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: GMDS 2004
Year: 2004 - Robust Estimation of Power Spectra
Autoren: Dutter, R., Spangl, B.
Event: 7th International Conference on Computer Data Analysis and Modeling 2004 - Robustness and Computer Intensive Methods
Year: 2004 - Robust Estimation of the Spectral Density Function With Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: COMPSTAT 2004 - International Conference on Computational Statisics
Year: 2004 - Robust Estimation of the Spectral Density Function With Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: COMPSTAT 2004 - International Conference on Computational Statisics
Year: 2004 - Robust Spectral Estimation with Applications
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: RobHD 2004 - Robustness for High-dimensional Data
Year: 2004 - Effect of antihypertensive drugs on oxygen consumption in hypertensive patients
Autoren: Kamhuber, Ch., Spangl, B., Stockenhuber, F.
Event: 15th Asian Congress of Cardiology: New Horizion in Cardiology
Year: 2004 - Robust Spectral Estimation with Applications
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: RobHD 2004 - Robustness for High-dimensional Data
Year: 2004 - Robust Spectral Estimation with Applications to the Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: GMDS 2004
Year: 2003 - Robust Estimation of Power Spectra via the AutocovarianceFunction
Autoren: Spangl, B., Dutter, R.
Event: RMED'03 - Robust Modeling of Environmental Data
Year: 2003 - Estimation of Power Spectra via Robust Filtering
Autoren: Spangl, B.
Event: Österreichische Statistiktage 2003
MD-dating of pinewood using FTIR-spectroscopy and statistical learning algorithms like random forests and CNNs
Autoren: Spangl, B; Medl, M; Tintner, J