Dominik Thom
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Dominik Thom
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2020 Gund Affiliate, Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont
- 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria)
- 2019 Research Associate of the Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management Group, Technical University of Munich
- 2017 - 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Vermont (USA)
- 2016 - 2017 Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria)
- 2012 - 2016 Doctoral studies of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Dr. nat. techn.)
- 2010 - 2012 Studies "Forest Science" (Dipl. Ing.)
- 2007 - 2010 Studies "International Forest Ecosystem Management" (B.Sc.)
- Year: 2019 Awards: Marie-Curie Global Fellowship Proposal: Seal of Excellence
- Year: 2017 Awards: CCCA Nachwuchspreis
- Year: 2017 Awards: Nationalparks Austria Wissenschaftspreis
- Year: 2017 Awards: Prof. Anton Kurir-Stiftung
- Year: 2013 Awards: Wilfrieda Lindner Wissenschaftspreis
- Year: 2009 Awards: Auslandsstipendium Leonardo-Büro Brandenburg
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Year: 2020 - Directing structural development can improve the functional response diversity of forests to climate change in northeastern North America (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, Dominik; Taylor, Anthony; Seidl, Rupert; Thuiller, Wilfried; Wang, Jiejie; Robideau, Marie; Keeton, William
Event: 4th FORMASAM Meeting 2020 - Managing forests in the 21st century 2020
Period: 03.03.2020 - 05.03.2020 | Location: Potsdam, Germany
Year: 2019 - Silviculture with birds in mind: effects of disturbance-based forestry practices on habitat characteristics and carbon storage (Talk)
Autoren: Keeton, WS; Thom, D
Event: FEMC Conference 2019
Period: 01.12.2019 | Location: Burlington, VT, USA
Year: 2019 - Forest structure could mitigate negative impacts of climate change on functional diversity in northeastern North America (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Taylor, AR; Seidl, R; Thuiller, W; Wang, J; Robideau, M; Keeton, WS
Event: FEMC Conference 2019
Period: 01.12.2019 | Location: Burlington, VT, USA
Year: 2018 - Structural development pathways in secondary northern forests indicate high potential for carbon-based forest management (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Keeton, WS
Event: ECANUSA 2018
Period: 01.10.2018 | Location: Fredericton, Canada
Year: 2018 - Ecosystem services and biodiversity as outputs of forest stand development in the American Northeast (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Golivets, M; Edling, L; Meigs, GW; Gourevitch, JD; Sonter, L; Galford, GL; Keeton, WS
Event: FEMC Conference 2018
Period: 01.12.2018 | Location: Burlington, VT, USA
Year: 2018 - Multiple development pathways determine structural complexity and carbon storage in forests of the northeastern U.S. (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Keeton, WS
Event: ESA 103rd Annual Meeting
Period: 05.08.2018 - 10.08.2018 | Location: New Orleans, LA, USA
Year: 2018 - Does carbon sequestration matter for managers of protected areas? (Talk)
Autoren: Dirnböck, T., Kobler, J., Garstenauer, R., Grote, R., Kiese, R., Kraus, D., Schindlbacher, A., Thom, D., Seidl, R.
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Period: 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Modeling changing forest disturbance regimes (Talk)
Autoren: Seidl, R., Thom, D., Kautz, M., Martin-Benito, D., Peltoniemi, M., Vacchiano, G., Wild, J., Ascoli, D., Petr, M., Honkaniemi, J., Lexer, M., Trotsiuk, V., Mairota, P., Svoboda, M., Fabrika, M., Nagel, T., Reyer, C.P.O.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Period: 21.09.2017 - 22.09.2018 | Location: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany | Location: Freiburg, Germany | Organizer:
Year: 2017 - Disturbances mitigate climate change effects on biodiversity (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Müller, J; Seidl, R
Event: 2nd International Conference on Forests, Bavarian Forest National Park 2017
Period: 26.04.2017 - 29.04.2017 | Location: Neuschönau, Germany
Year: 2017 - Providing multiple ecosystem services in the face of changing disturbance regimes (Talk)
Autoren: Albrich, K; Rammer, W; Thom, D; Seidl, R
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Period: 21.09.2017 - 22.09.2018 | Location: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany | Location: Freiburg, Germany | Organizer:
Year: 2017 - Understanding and modeling forest disturbances under climate change (Talk)
Autoren: Seidl, R., Thom, D., Kautz, M., Martin-Benito, D., Peltoniemi, M., Vacchiano, G., Wild, J., Ascoli, D., Petr, M., Honkaniemi, J., Lexer, M.J., Trotsiuk, V., Mairota, P., Svoboda, M., Fabrika, M., Nagel, T.A., Reyer, C.P.O.
Event: Robust projections of forests under climate change - data, methods and models. COST Action FP1304 PROFOUND – Final Event
Period: 10.10.2017 - 11.10.2017 | Location: Potsdam, Germany
Year: 2017 - Changing disturbance regimes and their impact on the climate regulating function of forests (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Period: 21.09.2017 - 22.09.2018 | Location: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany | Location: Freiburg, Germany | Organizer:
Year: 2016 - Future forest landscapes of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Talk)
Autoren: Kruhlov, I; Thom, D; Scheller, R; Sotnik, G; Chaskovskyy, O; Keeton, W
Event: Forum Carpaticum
Period: 28.09.2016 - 30.09.2016 | Location: Krakow, Poland | Location: Bucharest, Romania | Location: Krakow, Poland
Year: 2016 - Disturbances mitigate climate change effects on biodiversity (Poster)
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: COST Action [FP1304] event: PROFOUND Joint MC/WG meeting
Period: 28.09.2016 - 29.09.2016 | Location: Krakow, Poland
Year: 2016 - Forest landscape trajectories under climate change reveal time lags of adaptation and ecological novelty (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: EcoSummit 2016
Period: 29.08.2016 - 01.09.2016 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2016 - Impact of different management strategies on the provisioning of forest ecosystem services under climate change (Poster)
Autoren: Albrich, K.; Thom, D.; Rammer, W.; Seidl, R.
Event: COST Action [FP1304] event: PROFOUND Joint MC/WG meeting
Period: 28.09.2016 - 29.09.2016 | Location: Krakow, Poland
Year: 2015 - Disturbances facilitate the adaptation of forest composition to climate change (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
Period: 07.07.2015 - 09.07.2015 | Location: Vysoké Tatry, Slovak Republic
Year: 2015 - Can disturbance management foster both biodiversity and ecosystem services (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Seidl, R; Thorn, S
Event: Forestry 2015 - Bridge to the Future
Period: 06.05.2015 - 09.05.2015 | Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Year: 2014 - Disturbance effects on forest ecosystem service provisioning and biodiversity (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D; Seidl, R
Event: Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change
Period: 11.08.2014 - 14.08.2014 | Location: Tartu, Estonia
Year: 2014 - Disturbance dynamics in forest landscapes (Poster)
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 1st PROFOUND Joint Working Group and Management Committee Meeting
Period: 12.11.2014 - 13.11.2014 | Location: Potsdam, Germany
Year: 2013 - The sensitivity of wind and bark beetle disturbance to slow and fast drivers in Central European forests (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D., Seidl, R., Steyrer, G., Krehan, H., Formayer, H.
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Period: 01.09.2013 - 05.09.2013 | Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Year: 2012 - Analyse des Störungsregimes in Österreichs Wäldern als Basis für die waldbauliche Prioritätensetzung im Klimawandel (Talk)
Autoren: Thom, D., Seidl, R., Krehan, H., Steyrer, G.
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Period: 14.06.2012 - 15.06.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Supervised Theses
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