Doris Damyanovic
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Doris Damyanovic
Vice Rector for Teaching, Continuing Education and Students
Institute of Landscape Planning
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-10041, 85415
- 2022 Guest researcher - Faculty VI - Planning Building Environment Institute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Landscape Planning and Development, Technische Universität Berlin
- 2016 “Venia docendi” for Landscape Planning
- 2011 - 2011 Guest professor, University Leibnitz Hanover, Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences, Forum für GenderCompetence in Architecture Landscape Planning, gender_archland
- 2006 Doctor of Bodenkultur
- 2003 - 2006 Doctoral studies Boku, Field: landscape planning and landscape conservation
- 1997 Master of Landscape planning
- Year: 2018 Awards: Wiener Frauenpreis "Städtebau"
- Year: 2013 Awards: Projekt Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Österreich
- Year: 2008 Awards: Auszeichung für das beste Poster im Rahmen der ÖGA Tagung 2008
- Year: 2008 Awards: Inge Dirmhirn Förderpreis 2008 für Dissertation
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Connecting urban green infrastructure and ecosystem service approaches with statutory planning for climate change adaption – the Austrian case
Autoren: Reinwald, F; Weichselbaumer, R; Schindelegger, A; Damyanovic, D
Event: 6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2023
Year: 2022 - Climate Proofing of (urban) Planning Instruments
Autoren: Weichselbaumer, R; Schindelegger, A; Reinwald, F; Kanonier, A; Damyanovic, D
Event: 22. Österreichischer Klimatag 2022 - Pushing boundaries: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Klima
Year: 2022 - "Fair Shared Cities" Gender-Responsive Approach to Urban and Landscape Planning in the Europen Context
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.
Event: Symposium on Contemporary Global Issues
Year: 2022 - Geschlechtergerechte Stadt- und Raumentwicklung
Autoren: Damyanovic, D; Protze, K;
Event: MB Veranstaltungsreihe Innenstadtentwicklung
Year: 2022 - Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
Autoren: Thiel, S; Gebetsroither-Geringer, E; Löning, K; Fink, T; Schneider, M; Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald F
Event: 27th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REAL CORP 2022 - Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development
Year: 2022 - The contribution of public spaces to climate change adaptation in Austrian cities
Autoren: Weichselbaumer, R; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F
Event: 27th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REAL CORP 2022 - Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development
Year: 2021 - Bewohnen einer Biotop City
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.
Event: 11. Fachsymposium Stadtgrün
Year: 2021 - Planning and Governance for Sustainable Climate Resilient Public Open Spaces and Streetscapes
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.; Reisinger, R.; Grimm, K.; Reinwald, F.
Event: Cities as social ecological systems
Year: 2021 - Grün- und Freiflächenfaktor – Ein landschaftsplanerisches Instrument zu einer nachhaltigen klimaresilienten Stadt- und Quartiersplanung (GFF
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.
Year: 2021 - Feministische Stadtplanung konkret
Autoren: Damyanovic, D., Kail, E.
Event: 1. Ordentlicher Deutscher Bundesfrauenrat
Year: 2021 - Gendergerechte Stadtplanung
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Klimaschützerinnen aller Kommunen vereinigt euch - Women only! - Grünen NRW
Year: 2020 - Biotope City – Vienna as a contribution to sustainable, climate-sensitive urban open spaces
Autoren: Ring, Z; Reinwald, F; Damyanovic, D
Event: Plants in Urban Areas and Landscape
Year: 2019 - Green Resilient City - A framework to integrate the Green and Open Space Factor and climate simulations into everyday planning to support a green and climate-sensitive landscape and urban development
Autoren: Reinwald, F; Ring, Z; Kraus, F; Kainz, A; Tötzer, T; Damyanovic, D
Event: SBE19 Graz Sustainable Built Enviroment
Year: 2019 - The combination of a Green and Open Space Factor with a microclimate simulation model as a steering tool to support green and climate-sensitive urban planning
Autoren: Reinwald, F; Ring, Z; Kraus, F; Scharf, B; Damyanovic, D
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Wohnen im Klimawandel - Extrem oder Normal
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.;
Event: 63. Die Zukunft des Wohnes
Year: 2019 - Green and Open Space Factor of Vienna
Autoren: Reinwald, F.; Ring, Z.; Damynovic, D.
Event: EUGIC - European Green Infrastructure Conference
Year: 2018 - Assessing coping capacities, risk perception and level of preparedness in the context of natural hazards among people with migration background in Austria – methodological challenges and preliminary results
Autoren: Weber, K; Wernhart, S; Fuchs, B; Stickler, T; Damyanovic, D;
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Documentation of physical and social consequences of extreme events: the EXTEND Project
Autoren: Wernhart, S; Weber, K; Damyanovic, D; Hübl, J; Papathoma-Köhle, M
Event: 8th International Conference on Building Resilience
Year: 2018 - Die Implementierung von Klimasimulationen in den Planungsalltag zur Unterstützung einer grünen und klimasensiblen Landschafts- und Stadt(teil)planung
Autoren: Reinwald, F.; Ring, Z.; Damyanovic, D.
Event: Landschaften im Wandel - Verstehen, planen und realisieren, IALE-D Jahrestagung
Year: 2018 - Documentation of physical and social consequences of extreme events: the EXTEND Project
Autoren: Weber, K; Wernhart, S; Damyanovic, D; Hübl, J; Papathoma-Köhle, M
Event: 8th ICBR International Conference on Building Resilience Risk and Resilience in Practice: Vulnerabilities, Displaced People, Local Communities and Heritages
Year: 2018 - Green up your City - Fassaden- und Dachbegrünung im geförderten Wohnbau in Wien
Autoren: Reinwald, F.; Weichselbaumer, R.; Liebl, U.; Brandenburg, C.; Damyanovic, D.
Event: 17. Wiener Wohnbauforschungstag - Die Zukunft des Wohnens im digitalen Zeitalter - Strategien für den sozialen Wohnbau Wiens und die Metropolregion
Year: 2018 - Risk perception and capacities for DRR of people with migration background in two Austrian case studies
Autoren: Weber, K; Wernhart, S; Stickler, T; Fuchs, B; Damyanovic, D
Event: 8th International Conference on Building Resilience
Year: 2018 - Grüne und klimaresiliente Stadtentwicklung
Autoren: Reinwald, F.; Ring, Z.; Damyanovic, D.
Event: 19. Klimatag 2018
Year: 2018 - Review of event documentation techniques for extreme weather events including gender disaggregated data: the EXTEND project
Autoren: Wernhart, S; Weber, K; Damyanovic, D; Papathoma-Köhle, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - CCCapMig – Stärkung von Risikobewusstsein und Eigenvorsorge bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Österreich
Autoren: Weber, K; Wernhart, S; Fuchs, B; Stickler, B; Glas, N; Balas, M; Damyanovic, D; Hübl, J
Event: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2017 - Track me! Using mobiles to monitor and reflect everyday physical activity among adolescents
Autoren: Schauppenlehner,T., Bittner, I., Niegl, M., Diketmüller, R. Mairinger, F., Beiser, V., Damyanovic, D.
Event: AGIT - Angewandte Geoinformation
Year: 2017 - Co-Creating theories and research design for an interdisciplinary project dealing with capacity building for people with migration background in Austria
Autoren: Weber, K; Tscharner, S; Stickler, T; Fuchs, B; Damyanovic, D; Hübl, J
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Stärkung von Risikobewusstsein und Eigenvorsorge bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Österreich
Autoren: Tscharner, S; Weber, K; Fuchs, B; Stickler, T; Damyanovic, D; Hübl, J
Event: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2017 - Methods for enabling adolescents in urban fabrics to monitor and reflect everyday physical activity
Autoren: Schauppenlehner, T., Beiser, V., Bittner, I., Damyanovic, D., Diketmüller, R., Mairinger, F., Niegl,M.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Landscape and Human Health 2017 - Forests, Parks and Green Care
Year: 2017 - Innovative future perspectives for the Province of Burgenland’s Agriculture. A transdisciplinary research project.
Autoren: Ruth Bartel-Kratochvil, Brigitte Allex, Christiane Brandenburg, Doris Damyanovic, Isabella Gusenbauer, Andreas Kranzler, Richard Petrasek, Karin Weber, Florian Reinwald
Year: 2016 - Gender Planning in Austrian Cites and Urban Regions – What has been achieved, what is (still) missing?
Autoren: Reinwald, F; Wankiewicz, H; Damyanovic, D
Event: ENGENDERING HABITAT III - Facing the Global Challenges in Cites, Climate Change and Transport
Year: 2016 - A gender+-sensitive analysis of local planning instruments in the context of natural disasters and disaster risk management in Austria
Autoren: Fuchs, Britta; Damyanovic, Doris; Reinwald, Florian; Eisl, Julia (2016):
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Year: 2016 - Sustainable management of urban green infrastructure – A theoretical essay about the challenge of providing high-quality green in multi-storey residential construction
Autoren: Czachs, C; Brandenburg, C; Gantner, B; Hupka, J; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Morawetz, U
Event: 5th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2016
Year: 2016 - Regionaler und lokaler Umgang mit Risiken
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Understanding Risk Austria (URAT)
Year: 2016 - "ActivE Youth" - Possibilities and opportunities of mobile devices to measure and encourage physical activity of adolescents. Online Publication:
Autoren: Dinold, M; Bittner, I; Diketmüller, R; Mairinger, F; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Beiser, V; Schauppenlehner, T; Niegl, M
Event: GoFPEP 2016 – Global Forum for Physical Education: “Technology, Networking and Best Practice in Physical Education and Health: Local to Global”
Year: 2016 - ActivE Youth. Promoting active mobility of adolescent in urban streets and open spaces through mobile devices.
Autoren: Bittner, I; Beiser, V; Niegl, M; Damyanovic, D
Event: International Youth Conference on Environment, Health and Mobility 2016
Year: 2016 - AktivE Jugend – bewegungsaktive Mobilität von Jugendlichen in öffentlichen Räumen in Wien
Autoren: Diketmüller, R; Mairinger, F; Bittner, I; Kolb, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Reinwald, F; Beiser, V; Niegl, M; Damyanovic, D
Event: Bewegung, Raum und Gesundheit – Wechselwirkungen im Spannungsfeld geänderter Lebensbedingungen und Mobilitäten
Year: 2016 - Green and blue infrastructure in urban agglomeration areas - a key to success for liveable towns
Autoren: Christiane Brandenburg, Christina Czachs, Birgit Gantner, Brigitte Allex, Florian Reinwald, Doris Damyanovic, Jürgen Preiss
Event: Qinba Mountain Forum
Year: 2016 - A Gender-sensitive Analysis of Natural Disasters – The Case of St. Lorenzen in Austria
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris; Weber Karin; Fuchs Britta; Brandenburg, Christiane
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Year: 2016 - Bedeutung von öffentlichen Räumen für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen - Unterschiedliche Raumtypen und ihre Qualitäten für NutzerInnen
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: 3. Sitzung Wissensnetzwerk Innenstadt
Year: 2016 - Urban Heat Islands Strategy Plan Vienna – Implementing Urban Green Infrastructure to Reduce Negative Effects of Urban Heat Islands
Autoren: Gantner B., Allex B., Brandenburg Ch., Czachs Ch., Damyanovic D., Reinwald F., Preiss J.
Event: 5th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2016
Year: 2016 - Engendering “The City we need"
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: European Habitat Meeting
Year: 2016 - ActivE youth - active mobility of adolescents in public spaces in Vienna
Autoren: Maringer, F; Kolb, M; Bittner, I; Schauppenlehner, T; Beiser, V; Damyanovic, D; Niegl, M
Event: 9th European Public Health Conference EPH 2016
Year: 2015 - Possibilities and opportunities of mobile devices to measure the physical (in)activity of young citizens – first results of a case study in Vienna
Autoren: Reinwald, F; Schauppenlehner, T; Mairinger, F; Bittner, I; Höglhammer, A; Diketmüller R; Damyanovic, D
Event: REAL CORP 2015 - Plan Together – Right Now – Overall. From Vision to Reality for Vibrant Cities and Regions
Year: 2015 - Urban Heat Island Strategy Plan Vienna - overview and assessment of heat adaptation measures in Vienna
Autoren: Allex, B; Gantner, B; Brandenburg, Ch; Reinwald, F; Damyanovic, D; Czachs, C; Morawetz, U; Preiss, J
Event: European Climate Change Adaptation Conference
Year: 2015 - Fair Shared City - Gender-Sensitive Approach in Urban Planning in Vienna
Autoren: Damyanovic, D
Event: Women Friendly Cities UN JOINT Programme
Year: 2015 - How can a Green Infrastructure Index as Planning Instrument Include Economic Effects? Considerations for Vienna.
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Brandenburg, C; Czachs, C; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F
Event: 1st European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Planning for Fair-Shared Public Spaces
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Biennal Spazio Pubblico 2015, Session Women and Youth for inclusive, safe and accessible public space (UN-Habitat)
Year: 2014 - Städtische Wärmeinseln - Eine Herausforderung für urbane Räume
Autoren: Brandenburg, Ch., Damyanovic, D., Reinwald, F., Allex, B., Czachs, Ch., Gantner, B., Morawetz, U., Kniepert, M.
Event: Geographisches Kolloquium 2014
Year: 2014 - Gender and Cities
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Gender Hub - Promising Practices for Effective Dialogue and Delivering Sustanable Urban Development with a Gender Perspective
Year: 2014 - Gender Studies in Planning Processes – examples from Austria
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Fuchs, Britta
Event: 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education 2014
Year: 2014 - A Gender-sensitive Analysis of Natural Hazards Management in Austria
Autoren: Fuchs, B; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Eisl, J
Event: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2014
Year: 2014 - Bewertung von Hitze-Anpassungsmaßnahmen in der Stadt Wien. Erste Ergebnisse des Projektes „UHI-Strategieplan Wien“
Autoren: Allex, B; Morawetz, U; Brandenburg, C; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Gantner, B; Czachs, C; Kniepert, M; Preiss, J
Event: 15. Österreichischer Klimatag 2014 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2014 - Raum fair teilen - Gender Planning in Salzburg
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Wankiewicz, Heidrun
Event: Architektur Denken und Reden
Year: 2014 - Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart “Green” City
Autoren: Reinwald, F; Damyanovic, D.; Brandenburg, C.; Allex, B.; Gantner, B.; Czachs, C.; Preiss, J.
Event: REAL CORP 2014
Year: 2014 - Rural Development Bottom-up - Village renewal processes as a contribution to strengthen rural municipalities
Autoren: Reinwald, F.; Damyanovic, D
Event: Rural Areas: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities for their Conservation and Development
Year: 2014 - Functional and Social Area Analysis (FSA) – A planning tool to analyse the quality and potential of Public Open Spaces
Autoren: Doris Damanovic, Florian Reinwald, Sonja Gruber
Event: Aesop, From control to co-evolution 2014
Year: 2014 - Reading and understanding landscapes and places as a starting point for sustainable rural development
Autoren: Fuchs, B; Damyanovic, D
Event: Capacity Building for Rural Development. Rural Areas: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities for their Conservation and Development. International Conference, Birzeit University Palestine
Year: 2014 - Gender Studies in Planning Procesesses - examples from Austria
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris; Fuchs, Britta
Event: 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education 2014
Year: 2013 - MehrWert Grün – Planung von qualitätsvollen Freiräumen im und für den Wohnungsbau – Lebensqualität für alle!
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.
Year: 2013 - Functional and social area analysis as a planning approach to design-resilient urban open spaces
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.; Reinwald, F.; Gruber, S.;
Event: 5th AESOP/ACSP Conference 2013 - Planning for Resilient Cities
Year: 2013 - Urban Heat Islands – Strategieplan Wien
Autoren: Allex, B; Brandenburg, Ch; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Gantner, B; Czachs, C; Preiss, J
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Year: 2013 - Mehr Frauen in der Kommunalpolitik sind wichtig für eine zukunftsträchtige Gemeindeentwicklung
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris, Reinwald Florian, Weber Friederike
Event: Frauen am Land 2013 - Potentiale und Perspektiven
Year: 2013 - Urbanes Gärtnern von und mit Frauen - Freiraumplanerische Betrachtungen
Autoren: Bittner, I; Damyanovic, D
Event: 14. Tagung des Netzwerks Frauen in der Geschichte der Gartenkultur 2013
Year: 2013 - From plan to augmented reality - workflow for successful implementation of AR solutions in planning and participation processes
Autoren: Reinwald Florian, Schober Christian, Damyanovic Doris
Event: 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia REAL CORP 2013 - Planning Times
Year: 2013 - Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
Autoren: Czachs Christina, Reinwald Florian, Damyanovic Doris, Brandenburg Christiane, Gantner Birgit, Allex Brigitte, Preiss Jürgen, Liebl Ursula
Event: 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia REAL CORP 2013 - Planning Times
Year: 2013 - Look Closter, Bach and Forth. Teaching ho to Interpret Landscpae Phenomena as a Way towards Sustainable Landscape Planning
Autoren: Fuchs, Britta; Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Landscape & Imagination, Towards a nwe baseline for education in a changing world
Year: 2013 - Adaptation of Urban Green Infrastructure to Urban Heat Islands Effects in Vienna
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic, Christiane Brandenburg, Florian Reinwald, Birgit Gantner, Christina Czachs, Brigitte Allex, Jürgen Preiss
Event: 1st Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology 2013 - Progress in urban ecology and ecological challenges in urban development
Year: 2013 - Planning for Fair Shared Cities
Autoren: Damyanovic, D., Weikmann, A., Reinwald, F., Kail, E
Event: 5th AESOP/ACSP Conference 2013 - Planning for Resilient Cities
Year: 2013 - Nachhaltigkeit im Wohnbau
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.
Event: Oberösterreichischer Umweltkongress 2013
Year: 2012 - Challenges for housing in the Alpine Space
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: DEMOCHANGE Midterm Conference Demographic Challenges in the Alpine Space 2011 - The Search for Transnational Answers
Year: 2012 - Scientific results
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris; Barbara Zibell;
Event: International Scientific Conference with integrated meeting of the European network Gender, Diversity and Urban Sustainability GDUS 2012 - Theorizing and practicing gender sensitive planning in European discourse
Year: 2012 - Anknüpfungspunkte für Web-2.0- und AR-Instrumente in Verkehrsplanungs- und Beteiligungsprozessen und ihre Umsetzung
Autoren: Florian Reinwald, Sandra Murg, Doris Damyanovic
Event: 17th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia REAL CORP 2012 - Re-Mixing the City. Towards sustainability and Resilience?
Year: 2012 - Alltagstaugliche Bau- und WohnformenInnovative Lösungen um den differenziertenAnsprüchen der BewohnerInnen gerecht zu werden
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: ExpertInnendialog Demographischer Wandel, Raumplanung und Regionalentwicklung 2012 - Perspektiven für Siedlungsentwicklung, Wohnen und Infrastruktur
Year: 2012 - Connecting with the mainstream – a true challenge. In: Gender_Archlang, Proceedings Conference “Theorizing and practicing gender sensitive planning in European discourse”
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Kail Eva
Event: International Scientific Conference with integrated meeting of the European network Gender, Diversity and Urban Sustainability GDUS 2012 - Theorizing and practicing gender sensitive planning in European discourse
Year: 2012 - Die umfassende Dorferneuerung im Burgenland, Ein Planungsinstrument zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung und zur Erhaltung der Dauerbesiedlung des ländlichen Raumes
Autoren: Reinwald Florian Damyanovic Doris
Event: Die Rolle und Bedeutung der Landbewirtschaftung Forschung und Lehre in der Entwicklung von Sibirien 2012
Year: 2012 - Gender Planning Practices - Examples from Austria and Germany
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Barbara, Zibell;
Event: On Stage, Valencia
Year: 2012 - Mehrwert von Gender Mainstreaming für die ländliche Räume, Erfahrungen und Perspektiven anhand von Forschungs- und Planungsprojekten in den ländlichen Räumen
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Gender Mainstreaming 2012 – Mehr als nur Frau und Mann
Year: 2011 - Sustainable soil use and sustainable soil management in urban planning. In: P
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Sauerwein, Martin
Event: Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology
Year: 2011 - Qualitätsvolle, flächen-, kosten- und energiesparende Siedlungsentwicklung als gemeinsamer Lernprozess von Politik, Verwaltung, Bauträgern/-innen und Wissenschaftlern/-innen
Autoren: Reinwald Florian Damyanovic Doris
Event: 16th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society REAL CORP 2011 - Change for Stability: Lifecycles of Cities and Regions
Year: 2011 - Gemeinsamden Raum entwickeln, Transdisziplinäre Planungsprozesse als Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe DI6
Year: 2011 - Mehr Lebensqualität im ländlichen Raum durch gelebte Chancengleichheit - Frauen, Männer, Jung und Alt! Erfahrungen und Perspektiven anhand von Projekten in Österreich
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Workshop Niedersächisches Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Verbraucherschutz und Landesentwicklung 2011
Year: 2011 - "Der Wille zur Umsetzung - Entscheidungsprozesse" - Flächen-, kosten- und energiesparendes Bauen in der Gemeinde Wels
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Reinwald, Florian
Event: Weltbodentag Oberösterreich 2011
Year: 2011 - Greenway Planning in the City of Salzburg. A design approach for sustainalbe urban planning
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris; Frohmann, Erwin, Zibell, Barbara
Event: 48th IFLA World Congress 2011 - Scales of Nature. From Urban Landscapes to Alpin Gardens
Year: 2010 - The teaching and research nexus in Landscape Planning - Concepts, Benefits and Challenges
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic, Britta Fuchs, Gerda Schneider
Event: 27th ECLAS Conference 2010 - Cultural Landscapes
Year: 2010 - The village renewal process as a tool to implement landscape ecological knowledge at local level
Autoren: Damyanovic, D.
Event: Implementation of Landscape Ecological Knowledge in Practice, 1st IALE-Europe Thematic Symposium
Year: 2010 - “Mainstreaming space saving strategies” Local space saving settlement strategies as a multilevel and multidisciplinary approach
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris Reinwald Florian
Event: Scaling and Governance Conference 2010 - "Towards a New Knowledge for Scale Sensitive Governance of Complex Systems"
Year: 2010 - Gender Planning for Sustainable Landscape and Spatial Development Two Case Studies from Austria
Autoren: Britta Fuchs, Doris Damyanovic
Event: UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2010
Year: 2010 - Gender justice as a chance for rural areas
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Oedl-Wieser, Theresia, Wotha, Brigitee
Event: Ester Boserup Conference 2010 - A centennial tribute
Year: 2010 - Gender Planning: New Challenges and Chances in Times of Demographic Change?
Autoren: Damyanovic, D., Wankiewicz, H., Zibell, Barbara
Event: 24th Aesop Annual Conference 2010
Year: 2009 - Gender Mainstreaming as a strategy for sustainable urban planning procedures
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: City_futures 2009
Year: 2009 - Capacity building in the municipality as a prerequisite for local governance
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: 1st Internation Conference on Landscape Economics 2009
Year: 2009 - Teaching Gender Equaltiy and Sustainability in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Roither, Antonia, Schneider, Gerda
Event: ECLAS Conference 2009 - Landscape & Ruins, planning and design for the regeneration of derelict places
Year: 2009 - "Together we develop our spaces"
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Sustainable Cities and Regions 2009 Enabling Vision or Empty Talk?
Year: 2009 - The Structuralistic Planning Assessment Method (SLA)
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Roither, Antonia, Schneider, Gerda
Event: European Seminar on Gender awareness and Diversity for Urban Sustainability 2009
Year: 2009 - The "differentiated view" in landscape planning as a planning based approach for sustainable landscape development
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic
Event: European IALE Conference 2009 - 70 Years of Landscape Ecology in Europe
Year: 2009 - Geschlechtergerechtigkeit als Chance für ländliche Räume
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Öedl-Wieser Theresia, Wotha, Brigitte
Event: Vortragsreihe ILAP 2009
Year: 2009 - The Method od Structuralist Planning Assessment
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic und Antonia Roither
Event: Landscape - Great Idea! - X-LArch III 2009
Year: 2009 - Das Örtliche Entwicklungskonzept als Planungsinstrument zur nachhaltigen kommunalen Siedlungsentwicklung
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic, Katharina Gugerell, Florian Reinwald
Event: Unknown
Year: 2008 - „Gemeinsam den Raum entwickeln…“ Flächen- und kostensparende Bauland- und Siedlungsentwicklung für Frauen und Männer, Jung und Alt in der Gemeinde Lengau
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris; Reinwald, Florian
Event: Gemeindeprojekte zur flächensparenden Baulandentwicklung Weltbodentag 2008
Year: 2008 - (De)construction of concepts and identities towards gender equality – opportunities for sustainable regional development
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Nordic Conference on Gender, Intersectionality and Regional Development 2008
Year: 2008 - Wir in der Region - Soziale und kulturelle Bedeutung des Projektes für die Region aus der Sicht der Landschaftsplanung
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Wir in der Region - Neue Wege und PartnerInnenschaften in der regionalen Wertschöpfungskette: Erzeuger – Verarbeiter - Verbraucher
Year: 2008 - Präsentation der Dissertation
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: Präsentation der Schritenreihe "Dissertationen der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien" 2008
Year: 2008 - Gender Planning - Gender in Spatial Planning Concept for the implementation of the European political strategy of Gender Mainstreaming in the spatial planning procedures of municipalities as a contribution to sustainable development
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic
Event: 2nd International Sustainability Conference 2008 - Creating Values for Sustainable Development
Year: 2008 - Concept of Right to Landscape
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic
Event: International Workshop 2008 - The rigth to Landscape: Contesting Landscape and Human Rights
Year: 2008 - Chancengleiche Gemeindeentwicklung im ländlichen Raum Sensibilisierung und Qualifizierung von (politischen) EntscheidungsträgerInnen für die Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming (GM)
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris; Reinwald Florian
Event: 18. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2008 - Neue Impulse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?!
Year: 2008 - "Wem gehört der öffentliche Raum?“ – Wie kann eine demokratische Nutzung des öffentlichen Raums aussehen?
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: DemoLAp, Die Demokratieintitiative der österreichischen Bundesregierung
Year: 2008 - Gender Planning
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic
Event: 2nd International Sustainability Conference 2008 - Creating Values for Sustainable Development
Year: 2007 - Lebenswerte Lebensräume – Umsetzung von Chancengleichheit für Frauen und Männer, Jung und Alt in der räumlichen Planung!
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Chancengleichheits-Kongress 2007
Year: 2007 - Umsetzung von Chancengleicheit für Frauen und Männer, Jung und Alt in der räumlichen Planung
Autoren: Doris Damyanovic
Event: Chancengleichheits-Kongress 2007
Year: 2006 - "Frauen und Männer unterwegs" - Gendersensibler Planungsprozess am Beispiel der Gemeinde Hermagor-Pressegger See
Autoren: Damyanovic Doris
Event: 11. Internationale Konferenz zu Stadtplanung und Regionalentwicklung in der Informationsgesellschaft CORP 2006 & Geomultimedia06
Year: 2006 - Results of Men and Women on the move
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Conspace
Year: 2006 - Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming in der räumlichen Planung und Entwicklung
Autoren: Reinwald Florian, Doris Damyanovic
Event: GenderAlp! Fachtagung „Profitiert Standortentwicklung von Gender Mainstreaming?“
Year: 2005 - Men and women on the move - Results and Methods
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris
Event: Partner Meeting Conspace
Year: 2005 - Manual for the input of Gender Mainstreaming expamples into the good practice database. GenderAlp! Spatial development for women and men
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Schneider, Gerda
Event: Tagung GenderAlp! 2005
Year: 2004 - Fachfrauen - Frauenfach? Frauen in Ausbildung und Praxis der Landschaftsplanung in Österreich
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Fuchs, Britta
Event: 30. Kongress Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik FINUT 2004 - no limits?!
Year: 2004 - FACHFRAUEN-FRAUENFACH? Frauen in Ausbildung und Praxis der Landschaftsplanung in Österreich. Veröffentlichung Ende 2004
Autoren: Britta Fuchs, Doris Damyanovic
Event: 30. Kongress Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik FINUT 2004 - no limits?!
Year: 2002 - Wie feministische Planung den Alltag von Frauen am Land unterstützt.
Autoren: Damyanovic, Doris, Fuxjäger, Renate, Hemmelmeier-Händel, Brigitta, Müller, Gudrun
Event: Kongress von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik