Klaus Salhofer
Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr. Klaus Salhofer
Institute of Sustainable Economic Development
Location Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
Email klaus.salhofer@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-73129
ORCID: 0000-0002-4119-648X
6506573334: AuthorId
- 2015 Professor, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2013 - 2013 Visiting Professor, Oregon State University
- 2003 - 2015 Professor (C4), Technische Universität München
- 2001 - 2003 Lecturer, Free University of Bolzano
- 1999 - 2000 Lecturer, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
- 1998 - 1999 Visiting Scholar, University of California Davis
- 1996 - 1996 Visiting Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 1996 - 1966 PhD, Agricultural Economics, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1994 - 1994 Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 1992 - 2003 Research Associate, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1992 - 1998 Lecturer, J. Kepler University Linz
- 1992 Master (Economics), J. Kepler University Linz
- Year: 2015 Awards: ARER Advisor Award 2015
- Year: 2002 Awards: AGRANA-Forschungs-Förderungspreis
- Year: 2000 Awards: ÖGA Preis
- Year: 1997 Awards: Winner of the Prize Essay Competition of the Agricultural Economics Society
- Year: 1997 Awards: Preis der Prof. Anton Kurir-Stiftung
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Crop diversification, labor productivity and climatic shocks
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Event: 34. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie (ÖGA) 2024
Year: 2023 - The long-term impact of partible inheritance on farmland fragmentation
Autoren: Gatterer, M.; Leonhardt. H.; Morawetz, U.; Salhofer, K.
Event: 17th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists 2023
Year: 2023 - Crop diversification, agricultural productivity and resilience to meteorological conditions
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Event: NOeG 2023 - Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association
Year: 2023 - Analysing Austrian wine exports using a gravity model approach
Autoren: Camus, F; Salhofer, K
Event: 33. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie 2023
Year: 2023 - Effect of land fragmentation on techncial and scale efficiency of Austrian crop farms
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Event: FORLand Seminar
Year: 2023 - Environmental and economic trade-offs under land fragmentation and climatic conditions
Autoren: Klaus, S.; Lakes, T; Müller, D; Eder, A; Leonhardt, H.; Wesemeyer, M.
Event: 63. GEWISOLA-Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.
Year: 2022 - Crop diversification and resilience of cereal crop farms to meteorolgical conditions - Evidence from Austria
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Leonhardt, H; Quddos, A
Event: FORLand Seminar 2022
Year: 2022 - Evaluating the relation between crop diversity and productivity of Austrian crop farms
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Eder, A
Event: Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists DAES and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists ÖGA - Societal changes and their implicationson agri-food systems and rural areas 2022
Year: 2022 - The Impact of Size, Intensity and Natural Conditions on Productivity in Dairy Farming
Autoren: Scheichel, E.; Morawetz, U.; Salhofer, K.
Event: SMART Seminar
Year: 2022 - The long-term impact of partible inheritance on farmland fragmentation: evidence from Austria
Autoren: Gatterer, M; Leonhardt, H; Morawetz, U; Salhofer, K
Event: Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists DAES and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists ÖGA - Societal changes and their implicationson agri-food systems and rural areas 2022
Year: 2022 - Land use fragmentation and technical efficiency of Austrian crop farms
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K
Event: Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists DAES and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists ÖGA - Societal changes and their implicationson agri-food systems and rural areas 2022
Year: 2021 - Spatial competition in a mixed market – the case of milk processors
Autoren: Tribl, C; Salhofer, K; Morawetz,U
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2021
Year: 2021 - The Impact of Size, Intensity and Natural Conditions on Productivity in Dairy Farming
Autoren: Scheichel, E; Salhofer, K; Morawetz, U
Event: 179th EAAE Seminar, Food Policy Modelling as an Effective and Expeditious Response to Today’s Urgent Issues
Year: 2021 - Evaluating Productivity Growth of Austrian Crop Farms By Semiparametric Estimation
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Eder, A
Event: International Conference of Agricultural Economists
Year: 2021 - Evaluating Productivity Growth of Austrian Crop Farms by Semiparametric Estimation
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Eder, A
Event: Virtual North American Productivity Workshop 2021
Year: 2021 - A Line in Space: Pricing and Location in Agricultural Product Markets
Autoren: Graubner, M; Salhofer, K; Tribl, C
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2021
Year: 2021 - Considering Heterogeneity Bias and the Determinants of Transient and Persistent Efficiency: A case of Austrian Crop Farms.
Autoren: Addo, F; Salhofer, K.
Event: Virtual African Productivity Workshop
Year: 2020 - Investigating the relationship between technical efficient and eco-efficient farming
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
Year: 2020 - Productivity Dynamics of Conventional and Organic Crop Farms
Autoren: Addo, Felicity; Salhofer, Klaus
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
Year: 2020 - Rented land and managerial soil use efficiency of Austrian crop farmers
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Event: IDHEAS Workshop - Data Envelopment Analysis
Year: 2020 - Productivity Dynamics of Crop Farms: The Role of Farm Technology and Organisational Structure
Autoren: Addo,Felicity; Salhofer, Klaus
Event: North American Productivity Workshop XI
Year: 2020 - Investigating the relationship between technical efficient and eco-efficient farming
Autoren: Eder, A; Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
Year: 2019 - Markups and Advertising Expenditure in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Pröll, S; Karagiannis, G; Salhofer, S
Event: 13th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economics
Year: 2019 - The Common Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Land Markets
Autoren: Salhofer, K
Event: 165th EAAE Seminar 2019
Year: 2019 - Persistent and Transient Inefficiency of Austrian Wine (Grape) Growers
Autoren: Scheichel, E; Salhofer, K
Event: 13th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economics
Year: 2019 - Determinants of Transient and Persistent Technical Efficiency of Austrian Crop Farms
Autoren: Addo, F; Salhofer, K
Event: 16th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis 2019
Year: 2019 - Econometric Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture: From Regional Averages to Farm Level Data
Autoren: Quddoos, A; Salhofer, K; Morawetz, U. B
Event: 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Year: 2019 - Wine, Soil and Subsidies: What Determines Wine Farmers’ Participation in Soil Erosion Prevention Measures?
Autoren: Leonhardt, H; Salhofer, K
Event: 13th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economics
Year: 2019 - Overrated or Undervalued: How to Find the Best Craft Beer Deal?
Autoren: Salhofer, K
Event: 6th Beeronomics Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - 16.04.2019 Productivity in Dairy Farming – Long-term Dynamics and Determinants
Autoren: Scheichel, E; Salhofer, K
Event: 93rd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society
Year: 2019 - Markup and Advertising Expenditure in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G
Event: Beeronomics
Year: 2019 - Wine, soil and subsidies: which winegrowers participate in soil conservation measures?
Autoren: Leonhardt, H; Salhofer, K
Event: 29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie 2019
Year: 2019 - Determinants of Transient and Persistent Technical Efficiency of Austrian Crop Farms
Autoren: Addo, F; Salhofer, K
Event: 59. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues
Year: 2019 - Productivity in Dairy Farming: Does Size Matter?
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Scheichel, E
Event: IAMO Forum 2019: Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth?
Year: 2018 - Decomposing Total Factor Productivity Growth of Austrian Crop Farms
Autoren: Addo, F; Salhofer, K;
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2018 - Markups and Advertising Expenditure in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2018 - Productivity Dynamics of Austrian Dairy Farms
Autoren: Bauer, E; Salhofer, K;
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2018 - Do Farmers Care About Rented Land? A Multi-Method Study on Austrian Cropland
Autoren: Leonhardt, H; Salhofer, K;
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2018 - Decoupled Single Farm payments of the CAP and Land Rental Prices
Autoren: Feichtinger, P; Salhofer, K
Event: 7th AIEAA Conference, Evidence-based policies to face new challenges for agri-food systems
Year: 2018 - Adoption of SFTs: the Case of GPS-guided agriculture in Lower Austria
Autoren: Stöckl, F; Morawetz, U. B; Salhofer, K;
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2018 - Farm level econometric assessment of climate change in Austrian agriculture: preliminary results
Autoren: Quddoos, A; Salhofer, K; Morawetz, U. B;
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2018 - Markups and Advertising Expenditure in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Pröll, S; Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M;
Event: 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
Year: 2017 - Spatial Competition in a Pure Market of Food Processing Cooperatives
Autoren: Tribl, C; Salhofer, K
Event: 15th EAAE Congress Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems 2017 - Balancing Between Markets and Society
Year: 2017 - Spatial Competition in a Mixed Market – The Case of Milk Processors
Autoren: Tribl, C; Morawetz, U; Salhofer, K
Event: 15th EAAE Congress Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems 2017 - Balancing Between Markets and Society
Year: 2017 - Markup And Product Differentiation In The German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M; Pröll, S; Salhofer, K
Event: 57. Jahrestagung der GEWISOLA 2017 und 27. Jahrestagung der ÖGA 2017
Year: 2017 - Markup And Product Differentiation In The German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M; Pröll, S; Salhofer, K
Event: NOeg Jahrestagung 2017
Year: 2016 - Market Power and Product Differentiation in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Event: 113th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists
Year: 2015 - Dairy Farming on Permanent Grassland: Can They Keep Up?
Autoren: Kellermann, M., Salhofer, K.
Event: nternational Conference on Food in the Bio-based Economy; Sustainable Provision and Access
Year: 2015 - Capitalization of the SPS into Agricultural Land Rental Prices under Harmonization of Payments
Autoren: Klaiber, A., Salhofer, K., Thompson, S.
Event: 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists 2015
Year: 2015 - Explaining Productivity Differences: The Case of Conventional and Organic Farms
Autoren: Karagiannis, G., Salhofer, K., Sinabell, F.
Event: Workshop of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
Year: 2015 - Capitalization of Farm Payments into Farmland Rental Rates under the 2013 CAP Reform
Autoren: Klaiber, A., Salhofer, K., Thompson, S.
Event: 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists 2015
Year: 2015 - Single Farm Payments of the CAP and Land Rental Prices
Autoren: Feichtinger, P., Salhofer, K.
Event: Research Seminar, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University
Year: 2015 - Single Farm Payments of the CAP and Land Rental Prices
Autoren: Feichtinger, P., Salhofer, K.
Event: Research Seminar, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wyoming
Year: 2015 - Decomposing Labor Productivity Growth: The Case of Small and Medium-sized Breweries in Germany
Autoren: Karagiannis, G., Kellermann, M., Salhofer, K.
Event: Annual Meeting of Austrian Economic Association
Year: 2015 - Decomposing Productivity Growth under Imperfect Competition: The Case of the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Karagiannis, G., Kellermann, M., Salhofer, K.
Event: 4th Beeronomics Conference 2015
Year: 2014 - The Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and Agricultural Land Prices - a Spatial Econometric Approach for Bavaria
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Feichtinger, P;
Event: 14th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2014
Year: 2014 - Decomposing Labor Productivity Growth: the Case of Small and Medium-sized Breweries in Germany
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M; Kilian, St;
Event: 14th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2014
Year: 2014 - Decomposing Labor Productivity Growth: the Case of Small and Medium-sized Breweries in Germany
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M; Kilian, St;
Event: Research Fest
Year: 2013 - Labour Productivity Development and Labour Reallocation in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M; Kilian, St;
Event: 3rd Beeronomics Conference
Year: 2013 - A Spatial Analysis of Agricultural Land Prices in Bavaria
Autoren: Feichtinger, P; Salhofer, K;
Event: 2013 IATRC Symposium
Year: 2013 - A Spatial Analysis of Agricultural Land Prices in Bavaria
Autoren: Feichtinger, P; Salhofer, K;
Event: Joint Annual Meetings of the Swiss Association of Agricultural Economists and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists
Year: 2013 - The Uniformity of Demand for Different Food Retail Formats
Autoren: Widenhorn, A; Salhofer, K;
Event: Joint Annual Meetings of the Swiss Association of Agricultural Economists and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists
Year: 2013 - Comparing Productivity and Productivity Growth in Conventional and Grassland Dairy Farms
Autoren: Kellermann, M; Salhofer, K;
Event: 7th North American Productivity Workshop
Year: 2013 - Output Price Deflators and the Sources of Productivity Growth
Autoren: Karagiannis, G; Kellermann, M; Salhofer, K;
Event: 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis 2013
Year: 2012 - Towards a Theory of Policy Timing
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Mittenzwei, K; Bullock, D; Kola, J;
Event: Agrar- und Ernährungsökonomisches Kolloquium der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 2012
Year: 2012 - Scale Efficiency in Organic and Conventional Dairy Farming
Autoren: Karagiannis, G; Sinabell, F; Salhofer, K;
Event: 1st Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics 2012
Year: 2012 - Spatial Competition in the German Milk Processing Sector
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Balmann, A; Graubner, M; Koller, I;
Event: Seminar at the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics 2012
Year: 2012 - Price Sensitivity within and across Retail Formats
Autoren: Widenhorn, A; Salhofer, K;
Event: 1st Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics 2012
Year: 2012 - Ricardian Land Rent and the Common Agricultural Policy
Autoren: Feichtinger, P; Salhofer, K;
Event: 1st Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics 2012
Year: 2012 - Spatial Competition for Milk
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Balmann, A; Graubner, M; Koller, I; Tribl, Ch;
Event: Seminar at the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute 2012
Year: 2011 - Comparing Productivity Growth in Conventional and Grassland Dairy Farms
Autoren: Kellermann, M; Salhofer, K;
Event: 13th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2011 - Change and Uncertainty
Year: 2011 - Bedarf der Bodenmarkt staatlicher Regulierung?
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Feichtinger, P;
Event: Prä-Konferenz Workshop der 51. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues 2011 Agricultural Development in Central Asia
Year: 2011 - Scale Efficiency in Organic and Conventional Dairy Farming
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Sinabell, F;
Event: 12th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis 2011
Year: 2011 - Development of Productivity and Efficiency in the German Brewing Sector
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Kellermann, M; Karagiannis, G; Kilian, St;
Event: 2nd Beeronomics 2011 - The Economics of Beer and Brewing Conference
Year: 2011 - Spatial competition in the German raw milk market: Price discrimination and cooperative behaviour
Autoren: Graubner, M; Balmann, A; Koller, I; Sexton, R; Salhofer, K;
Event: 13th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2011 - Change and Uncertainty
Year: 2011 - Impacts of 2003 CAP Reform on Land Values and Capitalization
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Kilian, S; Antón, J; Röder, N;
Event: 13th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2011 - Change and Uncertainty
Year: 2011 - License to Govern: The Institution of Agricultural Policy Making in Norway
Autoren: Mittenzwei, K; Veggeland, F; Bullock, D; Salhofer, K;
Event: 15th Annual Conference of The International Society for New Institutional Economics 2011
Year: 2011 - Towards a Theory of Policy Timing
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Mittenzwei, K; Bullock, D; Kola, J;
Event: 13th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2011 - Change and Uncertainty
Year: 2010 - Schätzung von Marktmacht des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels: Milchprodukte in Österreich
Autoren: Tribl, Ch; Sinabell, F; Salhofer, K;
Event: 20. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2010 - Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft 2020
Year: 2010 - Towards a Theory of Policy Timing
Autoren: Mittenzwei, K; Bullock, D; Kola, J; Salhofer, K;
Event: 14th Annual Conference of The International Society for New Institutional Economics 2010
Year: 2010 - The Economics of Delaying Policy Change: An Application to the 1992 CAP Reform
Autoren: Mittenzwei, K; Bullock, D; Kola, J; Salhofer, K;
Event: 32. Annual Conference of the Norwegian Association of Economists 2010
Year: 2010 - Estimating Market Power in Food Retailing: The Case of Milk Products in Austria
Autoren: Tribl, Ch; Sinabell, F; Salhofer, K;
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2010
Year: 2010 - Estimating Market Power in Food Retailing: The Case of Milk Products in Austria
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Tribl, Ch; Sinabell, F;
Event: Seminar at the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Year: 2009 - Cooperative vs. non-cooperative spatial competition for milk in the presence of farm marketing cooperatives
Autoren: Graubner, M; Koller, I; Balmann, A; Salhofer, K;
Event: 113th EAAE Conference 2009
Year: 2009 - What to Choose and When to Coose it - The Economics of Delaying Policy Reforms: An Application to the 1992 CAP Reform
Autoren: Mittenzwei, K; Bullock, D; Kola, J; Salhofer, K;
Event: 31. Annual Conference of the Norwegian Association of Economists 2009
Year: 2009 - The Economics of Delaying Policy Change: An Application to the 1992 CAP Reform
Autoren: Mittenzwei, K; Bullock, D; Kola, J; Salhofer, K;
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association 2009
Year: 2009 - The Importance of Region-of-Origin-Labelling and Country-Image in the German Beer Market
Autoren: Profeta, A; Balling, R; Enneking, U; Salhofer, K;
Event: The Economics of Beer and Breewing Conference Beeronomics 2009
Year: 2009 - Land Markets and the EU Single-Payment Scheme
Autoren: Glebe, T; Henter, S; Kilian, St; Röder, N; Zirnbauer, M; Salhofer, K;
Event: OECD Seminar 2009 - Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Policies
Year: 2009 - Modelling decoupled payments in PEM
Autoren: Glebe, T; Salhofer, K;
Event: OECD PEM Workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Kontingentierungsregelungen im Agrarwirtschaftsrecht aus ökonomischer Sicht
Autoren: Kellermann, M. A; Salhofer, K;
Event: 1. Luzerner Agrarrechtstage
Year: 2009 - Zur Qualität agrarökonomisch relevanter Zeitschriften: Das GEWISOLA/ÖGA-Journal Ranking
Autoren: Berg, E; Dabbert, S; Herrmann, R; Pöchtrager, S; Salhofer, K;
Event: 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.
Year: 2009 - Der „Restaurant Table“ Effekt der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Glebe, T;
Event: Agrarpolitisches Symposion zu Ehren von Winfried von Urff 2009 - Landwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
Year: 2009 - Determinants of land sales prices in Bavaria: In general and government payments in particular
Autoren: Kilian, St; Salhofer, K;
Event: 19. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2009 - Rollen der Landwirtschaft in benachteiligten Regionen
Year: 2009 - Market Power in the Austrian Retailing Sector - The Example of Milk
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Tribl, Ch; Sinabell, F;
Event: Conference Mediating Consumption 2009
Year: 2008 - Explaining productivity differences between conventional and organic fodder crop farms in Austria
Autoren: Karagiannis, G; Sinabell, F.; Salhofer, K;
Event: 2nd Halle Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis HAWEPA 2008 - Dynamics, Risk, and Firm Heterogeneity
Year: 2008 - Impacts of 2003 CAP Reform on Land Prices: From Theory to Empirical Results
Autoren: Kilian, St; Antón, J; Röder, N; Salhofer, K;
Event: 109th European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE Seminar 2008 - The CAP after the Fischler Reform: National Implementations, Impact Assessment and the Agenda for Future Reforms
Year: 2008 - Testing for the Efficiency of a Policy Intended to Meet Objectives: General Model and Application
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Schmid, E., and Streicher, G.
Event: Seminar of the Department of Economics, University of Mazedonia
Year: 2008 - The GEWISOLA/ÖGA ranking: a survey-based journal ranking for agricultural economists
Autoren: Berg, E; Dabbert, St; Hermann, R; Pöchtrager, S; Salhofer, K;
Event: 12th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists 2008 - People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies
Year: 2008 - Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) in der Wertschöpfungskette in der Ernährungswirtschaft in Europa und den USA.
Autoren: Pöchtrager, S.; Berg, E.; Dabbert, S.; Herrmann, R.; Salhofer, K.
Event: 18. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2008 - Neue Impulse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?!
Year: 2008 - Scale efficiency in organic and conventional dairy farming
Autoren: Karagiannis, G; Sinabell, F; Salhofer, K;
Event: 12th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists 2008 - People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies
Year: 2008 - Zur Qualität agrarökonomisch relevanter Zeitschriften: das GEWISOLA/ÖGA-Journal Ranking
Autoren: Pöchtrager, S; Berg. E;. Dabbert. S; Herrmann, R; Salhofer, K;
Event: 18. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2008 - Neue Impulse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?!
Year: 2007 - Spatial Competition among Cooperatives: The Case of Milk Processors in Northern Germany
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Huck, P; Tribl, Ch.
Event: Ökonomisches Forschungsseminar der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Year: 2007 - Single Payments of the CAP: Where Do the Rents Go?
Autoren: Kilian, S; Salhofer, K;
Event: 47. GEWISOLA und 17. ÖGA Jahrestagung 2007 - Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Umbruch
Year: 2006 - Spatial Competition of Milk Processing Cooperatives in Northern Germany
Autoren: Hauck, P; Tribl, Ch; Salhofer, K;
Event: 26th Meeting of the International Association of Agricultural Economists IAAE 2006
Year: 2006 - Testing for the Efficiency of a Policy Intended to Meet Objectives: General Model and Application
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Schmid, E; Streicher, G;
Event: Econometric Research Seminar 2006
Year: 2006 - Technical Efficiency of Conventional and Organic Farms: Some Evidence for Milk Production
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Sinabell, F;
Event: 16. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2006 - Ländliche Betriebe und Agrarökonomie auf neuen Pfaden
Year: 2006 - National Differences in the Uptake of EU Agri-environmental Schemes: An Explanation
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Glebe, T;
Event: 26th Meeting of the International Association of Agricultural Economists IAAE 2006
Year: 2005 - Spatial Competition in the Milk Processing Industry: Some Empirical Evidence
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Huck, P;, Tribl, Ch;
Event: 47th Georgikon Scientific Conference, 15th. ÖGA Annual Meeting 2005 - Agriculture in Central Europe - Potentials and Risks
Year: 2005 - Structural Change in EU Agriculture and the Supply of Environmental Attributes
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Karagiannis, G; Sinabell, F;
Event: 11th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2005 - The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food systems
Year: 2005 - Spatial Competition among Cooperatives: The Case of Milk Processors in Northern Germany
Autoren: Huck, P; Tribl, Ch; Salhofer, K;
Event: 7th INFER Annual Conference in Economic Research: Regional Economics: New challenges for theory, empirics and policy
Year: 2005 - Production Effects of Agri-Environmental "Green Box" Payments: Empirical Results for the EU
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Streicher, G;
Event: 11th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2005 - The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food systems
Year: 2005 - National differences in the Uptake of EU Agri-environmental Schemes: An explanation
Autoren: Glebe, T; Salhofer, K;
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association 2004
Year: 2005 - Spatial Competition in Milk Processing: The Case of Cooperatives in Northern Germany
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Huck, P; Tribl, Ch;
Event: Seminar at University of Macedonia, Department of International and European Economic and Political Studies
Year: 2005 - Testing for the Efficiency: A Policy Analysis with Probability Distribution
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Schmid, E., Streicher, G., Schneider, F.
Event: 89th European Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2005 - Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges
Year: 2005 - Promoting Organic Food: Information Policy versus Production Subsidy
Autoren: Tribl, Ch; Salhofer, K;
Event: 11th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE 2005 - The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food systems
Year: 2004 - Anders, S., Harsche, J., Hermmann, R. und Salhofer. K. (2005): Interregionale Einkommenstransfers in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik
Autoren: Anders, S; Harsche, J; Hermann, R; Salhofer, K;
Event: 40. GEWISOLA-Jahrestagung 2004 - Umwelt- und Produktqualität im Agrarbereich
Year: 2004 - Consumer´s Perception of Credence Attributes in Quality Labelling of Food
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Gimplinger, Ch., Vogel, St.
Event: EAAE-Seminar: Food safety in a dynamic world
Year: 2004 - Preisabsicherung durch Warenterminhandel: Eine empirische Analyse für den deutschen Schweinemarkt
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Zoll, M;
Event: 14. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2004 - Standards in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Lokale und globale Herausforderungen
Year: 2004 - National Differences in the Uptake of EU Agri-environmental schemes: An explanation
Autoren: Glebe, T; Salhofer, K;
Event: 87th EAAE-Seminar 2004 - Assessing rural development policies of the CAP
Year: 2004 - Self-selection as a Problem in Evaluating Agri-environmental Programs
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Streicher, G;
Event: 87th EAAE-Seminar 2004 - Assessing rural development policies of the CAP
Year: 2003 - Testing for Efficiency: A Policy Analysis with Probability Distributions
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Schmid, E; Streicher, G; Schneider, F;
Event: Triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists
Year: 2003 - Consumer´s Perception of Credence Attributes in Quality Labelling of Food
Autoren: Gimplinger A., Salhofer, K., Vogel, St.
Event: DAES/ÖGA, Europäische Integration - Chancen und Risiken für den ländlichen Raum 2003
Year: 2003 - Testing for Efficiency: A Policy Analysis with Probability Distributions
Autoren: Salhofer K., Schmid E., Schneider F., Streicher G.
Event: 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Agricultural Economists IAAE 2003
Year: 2003 - Selbstselektionseffekte bei Agrarumweltprogrammen: Eine Empirische Untersuchung
Autoren: Salhofer, K; Streicher, G;
Event: Agrarökonomische Kolloquium
Year: 2003 - Quantifizierung von Ertragseffekten von Agrar-Umweltprogrammen – ein ökonometrischer Simulationsansatz
Autoren: Salhofer, K;, Streicher, G;
Event: Agrarökonomisches Kolloquium, Institut für Agrarökonomie und Institut für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Year: 2002 - Normative Ökonomie der Agrarpolitik
Autoren: Salhofer, K;
Event: Berufungsvortrag um den Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Agrarpolitik, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Year: 2002 - Normative Ökonomie der Agrarpolitik
Autoren: Salhofer, K;
Event: Berufungsvortrag um den Lehrstuhl für Landwirtschaftliche Marktlehre, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Year: 2002 - Output Effects of Agri-environmental Programmes of the EU
Autoren: Salhofer, K;, Streicher, G;
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association 2002
Year: 2001 - Ziele, Instrumente und Trade-offs in der Agrarpolitik am Beispiel von Agrarumweltprogrammen
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Event: 11. ÖGA-Jahrestagung 2001 - Wie steuerbar ist die Landwirtschaft? Erfordernisse, Potentiale und Instrumente zur Ökologisierung der Landwirtschaft
Year: 2001 - Normative Ökonomie der Agrarpolitik: Theorie und Anwendung
Autoren: Salhofer, K;
Event: Habilitationskolloquium 2001
Year: 1999 - Schätzung der Effekte von ÖPUL-Maßnahmen auf die physischen Erträge wichtiger Kulturen
Autoren: Salhofer, K;, Streicher, G;
Event: Fachbeiratstagung zum Forschungsprojekt “Modellanalyse von ökonomischen Instrumenten zum Grundwasserschutz im Zusammenhang mit dem ÖPUL-Programm.“
Ertragseffekte von ÖPUL-Maßnahmen auf der Basis von ökonometrischen Untersuchungen.
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Streicher, G.
Distributive Leakages from Agricultural Support: Some Empirical Evidence from Austria.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Distributive Leakages of Agricultural Support. Some Empirical Evidence from Austria.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Die Effizienz agrarpolitischer Maßnahmen: Eine Analyse der Transfereffizienz für den österreichischen Roggenmarkt
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Agricultural Protection and Political Power in Austria.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.; Hofreither, M. F.; Sinabell, F.
Least Cost Efficiency of Agricultural Programs: An Empirical Investigation.
Autoren: Salhofer,K., Schneider, F., Streicher, G.
Economic Effects of European Union GMO Labeling Policy.
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Bullock, D.S., Desquilbet, M.
Explicit vs Implicit Policy Goals: Agribusiness and Agricultural Policy.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Transfer Efficiencies of Agricultural Policies: A Review.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Measuring Social Costs of Inefficient Combination of Policy Instruments - The Case of the U.S. Agricultural Policy.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Statistische Wohlfahrtsanalyse der österreichischen Brotgetreidepolitik.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Effiziente Einkommensumverteilung mit einfachen und kombinierten Instrumenten
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Normative (Agricultural) Policy Analysis. A General Framework and a Review.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Market Effects of Countryside Stewardship Policies: Results from an Equilibrium-Displacement Model.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.; Sinabell, F.
Promotion of the Agricultural Sector and Political Power in a Corporatist Model.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.; Hofreither, M. F.; Sinabell, F.
Ziel, Instrumente und Trade-offs in der Agrarpolitik(analyse) am Beispiel von Agrarumweltprogrammen
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Agribusiness and the Efficiency of Agricultural Policy.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Empirical Policy Analysis with Parameter Uncertainty: The Case of Austrian Agricultural Policy.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Efficient Income Redistribution for a Highly-Subsidizing, Small-Country Exporter: The Case of the Austrian Bread Grains Market.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Judging Agricultural Policies: A Framework for Understanding How We Have Done it in the Past and Suggestions as to How We Should Do It in the Future.
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Bullock, D.S.
Theorie normativer (Agrar)politikanalyse.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Agribusiness and the Efficiency of Agricultural Policy.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Agenda 2000 - Eine empirische Analyse für ausgewählte Agrarmärkte.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Market effects of countryside stewardship policies: results from a market displacement model.
Autoren: Sinabell, F.; Salhofer, K.
Normative Analyse von Agrarpolitik: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Bullock, D.S., Kola, J.
Normative (Agricultural) Policy Analysis. A General Framework and a Review.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Normative (Agricultural) Policy Analysis. A General Framework and a Review.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Promotion of the Agricultural Sector and Political Power in Austria.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.; Hofreither, M. F.; Sinabell, F.
A Summary of Findings from Studies of Agricultural Production Response in European Countries: Implications for PEM.
Autoren: Salhofer, K.
Normative Analyse von Agrarpolitik: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.
Autoren: Salhofer, K., Bullock, D.S., Kola, J.