Adriane Hövel
Adriane Hövel M.Sc.
Institute of Soil Physics and Rural Water Management
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81554
classifications according to Statistics Austria
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Panel 1: Extreme Hazard and Climate Change - Intro
Autoren: Laaha, G; Junger, L; Hövel, A
Event: Austria: Waters 2040 3rd National Participation Day 2024
Year: 2023 - Similarity of Precipitation and Catchment Wetness Conditions Based on Repeating Patterns in Runoff: A Comparison of Three Catchments
Autoren: Hövel, A; Stumpp, C; Bogena, H; Lücke, A; Strauss, P; Blöschl, G; Stockinger, M
Event: AGU General Assembly
Year: 2023 - Characterizing hydrologic similarity of precipitation and catchment wetness using repeating patterns in runoff
Autoren: Hövel, A; Bogena, H; Lücke, A; Stumpp, C; Stockinger, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023