Christian Schimper
DDipl.Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Christian Schimper
Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources
Location Konrad Lorenz-Straße 24, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2016 - Green Chemicals for the Textile Industry
Autoren: Hettegger, H; Schimper, C
Event: Fachtagung Patentrezept Bioökonomie
Year: 2015 - Structure-mechanics relationship of cellulose II aerogels
Autoren: Pircher, N; Carbajal, L; Schimper, C; Rennhofer, H; Nedelec, J.-M; Lichtenegger, H; Rosenau, T; Liebner, F
Event: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society and the Swiss Physical Society 2015
Year: 2015 - Tailoring of cellulosic aerogels for cell scaffolding applications
Autoren: Liebner, F., Pircher, N., Schimper, C., Maitz, M., Werner, C., Strauss, C., Kasper, C., Carbajal-Galan, L., Nedelec, J.-M., Rosenau, T.
Event: 14th Brazil Material Research Society Conference (XIV SBPMat)
Year: 2013 - Cellulosic cell scaffolding materials for in-vitro generation of bone tissue: State of research and unresolved issues.
Autoren: Liebner, F., Schimper, C., Pircher, N., Maitz, M., Seib, P., Werner, C., Neouze, M.-A., Nedelec, J.-M., Potthast, A., Rosenau, T.
Event: 17th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2013
Year: 2013 - Bacterial cellulose aerogels: From dietary food to functional materials
Autoren: Liebner, F, Aigner, N, Schimper, C, Pircher, N, Potthast, A, Rosenau, T
Event: 245th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2013
Year: 2013 - Cellulosic aerogels: State of research and potential applications
Autoren: Liebner, F; Pircher, N; Schimper, C; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: 20th New Orleans Carbohydrate Symposium NOCS 2013
Year: 2012 - Cellulosic aerogels: state of research and potential applications.
Autoren: Liebner, F.; Schimper, C.; Pircher, N.; Bui, H. M.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.
Event: 3rd International Cellulose Conference ICC 2012
Year: 2012 - Cell-scaffolding, hemocompatible cellulose phosphate aerogels for in vivo preparation of bone tissue.
Autoren: Liebner, F.; Schimper, C.; Wendland, M.; Maitz, M.; Werner, C.; Neouze, M.-A.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.
Event: 12th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2012
Year: 2012 - Aerogels from regenerated cellulose: Pros and cons of selected cellulose solvents
Autoren: Pircher, N; Schimper, C; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T; Liebner, F
Event: ISASF Interantional Seminar on Aerogels 2012
Year: 2012 - Cellulose-based aerogels as promising materials in tissue engineering
Autoren: Liebner, F; Schimper, C; Pircher, N; Maitz, M; Werner, C; Neouze, M.-A; Nedelec, J.-M; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: 5th Vienna Biomaterials Symposium 2012
Year: 2012 - Cellulose-based aerogels as promising materials in tissue engineering.
Autoren: Liebner, F.; Schimper, C.; Pircher, N.; Maitz, M.; Werner, C.; Neouze, M.-A.; Nedelec, J.-M.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.
Event: 5th Vienna Biomaterials Symposium 2012
Year: 2012 - Utilization of scCO2 in the preparation of hemocompatible, cell scaffolding cellulose phosphate aerogels for in vivo preparation of bone tissue.
Autoren: Schimper, C.; Dunareanu, R.; Haimer, E.; Wendland, M.; Loidl, D.; Maitz, M.; Seib, P.; Werner, C.; Neouze, M. A.; Nedelec, J. M.; Hardy-Dessources, A.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.; Liebner, F.
Event: 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids ISSF 2012
Year: 2012 - Aerogels from regenerated cellulose: Assets and drawbacks of selected cellulose solvents with regard to density, porosity, morphology, and purity of the aerogels.
Autoren: Pircher, N.; Schimper, C.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.; Liebner, F.
Event: ISASF Symposium on Aerogels: Properties, Manufacture, and Applications
Year: 2011 - Shaped hemocompatible aerogels from cellulose phosphates: Preparation and properties.
Autoren: Liebner, F.; Schimper, C.; Maitz, M.; Seib, P.; Werner, C.; Potthast, P.; Rosenau, T.
Event: Symposium Hemocompatibility of Biomaterials 2011 – State of the Knowledge and New Developments
Year: 2011 - Neue Materialien aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Autoren: Liebner, F., Pour, G., Schimper, C., Potthast, A., Rosenau, T.
Event: Ringvorlesung BOKU Forschungspool 2011
Year: 2011 - Matériaux Fonctionnels à partir de Matières Premières Renouvelables
Autoren: Liebner, F., Pour, G., Schimper, C., Potthast, A., Rosenau, T.
Event: Colloque à Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand
Year: 2011 - Supercritical carbon dioxide: a powerful tool for manufacturing value-added products from native carbohydrates
Autoren: Schimper, C.; Haimer, E.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.; Liebner, F.
Event: International Conference Renewable Wood and Plant Resources RR 2011 - Chemistry, Technology, Pharmacology, Medicine
Year: 2011 - One-Step preparation and loading of bacterial cellulose aerogels with bioactive compounds for slow-release applications.
Autoren: Haimer, E.; Schimper, C.; Aigner, N.; Wendland, M.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.; Liebner, F.
Event: 16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2011
Year: 2011 - Preparation and characterization of shaped cellulose phosphate cell scaffolds
Autoren: Dunareanu, R., Schimper, C. B., Haimer, E., Wendland, M., Werner, C., Maitz, M., Seib, P., Potthast, A., Rosenau, T., Liebner, F.
Event: ProcessNet 2011
Year: 2010 - Dimensional stability of shaped cellulose aerogels depending on moisture content
Autoren: Schimper, C., Aigner, N., Haimer, E., Potthast, A., Henniges, U., Rosenau, T., Liebner, F.
Event: Final Meeting of STEP-ITN
Year: 2010 - Cellulose phosphate aerogels: Novel promising cell scaffolding materials
Autoren: Schimper, C., Aigner, N., Haimer, E., Wendland, M., Loidl, D., Neouze, M., Nedelec, J.-M., Hardy-Dessources, A., Werner, C., Maitz, M., Seib, P., Potthast, A., Rosenau, T., Liebner, F.
Event: 8. Internationales Symposium Werkstoffe aus Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen 2010
Year: 2010 - Cellulose aerogels: Highly porous, ultra-lightweight biomaterials
Event: COST Strategic Workshop 2010 - Principles and Development of Bio-inspired Materials
Year: 2010 - Moisture-dependent dimensional stability of cellulosic aerogels
Autoren: Schimper, C.B., Aigner, N., Haimer, E., Potthast, A., Henniges, U., Rosenau, T., Liebner, F.
Event: 11th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2010
Year: 2010 - Dimensional stability of shaped cellulose aerogels depending on moisture content.
Autoren: Schimper, C.B.; Aigner, N.; Haimer, E.; Potthast, A.; Henniges, U.; Rosenau, T.; Liebner, F.
Event: 2nd meeting of STEP-ITN