Felix Leopold Sandell
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Leopold Sandell
Institute of Computational Biology
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Email felix.sandell@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-79164
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Back to the roots: Phylogeny of wild and cultivated beets
Autoren: Wascher, FL; Himmelbauer, H; Dohm, JC
31st Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology / 22nd European Conference on Computational Biology
(2022) Genetic diversity in Amaranthaceae crops
Autoren: Wascher, FL; Himmelbauer, H; Dohm, JC
21st European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2022
(2022) What we can learn from Beta re-sequencing data
Autoren: Wascher, FL; Himmelbauer, H; Dohm, JC
2nd Beet Resources Conference 2022
(2022) K-mer based phylogeny of wild and cultivated beets
Autoren: Wascher, FL; Nancy Stralis-Pavese, N; Himmelbauer, H; Dohm, JC
200 years Gregor Mendel: of peas, cows and people 2022
(2021) K-mer-based phylogeny of wild and cultivated beets
Autoren: Wascher, F; Stralis-Pavese, N; Schulz, B; Himmelbauer, H; Dohm, JC
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2021
(2020) Quinoa sequencing and detection of haplotype blocks for genome scaffolding
Autoren: Himmelbauer, H; Bodrug, A; Wascher, FL; Stralis-Pavese, N; Bürstmayr, H; Dohm, JC
"Digital Breeding". Internationales Symposium der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. (GPZ)
(2020) Population analysis of sugar beet and wild beets
Autoren: Wascher, FL; Felkel, S; Stralis-Pavese, N; Schulz, B; Dohm, JC; Himmelbauer, H
"Digital Breeding". Internationales Symposium der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. (GPZ)
(2018) Population structure and allele frequency clines in wild and cultivated beets (Beta vulgaris)
Autoren: McCann, J; Wascher, F; Stralis Pavese, N; Schulz, B; Dohm, JC; Himmelbauer, H
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2018