Florian Aschauer
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Florian Aschauer
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2015 Scientific researcher, university assistant at the Institute for Transport Studies (IVe)
- 2013 - 2014 graduate assistant at the Institute for Transport Studies (IVe)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2018 - Assessment of a comprehensive data validation of a combined mobility-activity-expenditure survey
Autoren: Aschauer, F; Hössinger, R; Gerike, R
Event: 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation hEART 2018
Year: 2018 - Is Faster Always Better? Results from Joint Time-Use-Expenditure and Mode Choice Model
Autoren: Jokubauskaite, S; Hössinger, R; Aschauer, F; Leisch, F; Gerike, R; Jara-Diaz, S; Peer, S; Schmid, B; Axhausen, K W
Event: 2018 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM2018)
Year: 2018 - Examining mobility licenses and the extent of active and independent mobility of primary school children
Autoren: Stark, J; Frühwirth, J; Aschauer, F
Event: 9th Child in the City World Conference 2018
Year: 2018 - Advanced Continuous-Discrete Model for Joint Time-Use Expenditure and Mode Choice Estimation
Autoren: Jokubauskaite, S; Hössinger, R; Aschauer, F; Leisch, F; Gerike, R; Jara-Diaz, S; Peer, S; Schmid, B; Axhausen, K W
Event: 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research IATBR 2018
Year: 2018 - Öffentliche Hausdurchgänge – Mobilitätserhebungen zu optimierten Fußwegen
Autoren: Meschik, M; Aschauer, F; Doppelbauer, Th; Haas, S
Event: 12. Österreichische Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2018
Year: 2017 - Joint estimation of Discrete Choice and Time-Expenditure Allocation System
Autoren: Jokubauskaite, S; Hössinger, R; Aschauer, F; Leisch, F; Gerike, R; Jara-Diaz, S; Peer, S; Schmid, B; Axhausen, K W
Event: 22nd Young Statisticians Meeting
Year: 2017 - Reporting Quality of Travel and Non-Travel Activities: a Comparison of Three Different Survey Formats
Autoren: Aschauer, F; Hössinger, R; Schmid, B; Gerike, R;
Event: 11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods 2017
Year: 2017 - Joint Estimation of Discrete Choice and Time-Expenditure Allocation System
Autoren: Jokubauskaite, S; Hössinger, R; Aschauer, F; Gerike, R; Jara-Diaz, S; Peer, S; Schmid, B; Axhausen, K W; Leisch, F;
Event: Workshop in Applied Econometrics WUWAETRIX-5, 2017
Year: 2016 - Zu Fuß unterwegs sein als Baustein selbstständiger Mobilität von Volksschulkindern
Autoren: Aschauer, F; Stark, J
Event: X. Österreichische Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2016
Year: 2016 - Travel and activities in different data sources derived from travel surveys, time use surveys and a combined approach
Autoren: Aschauer, F; Hössinger, R; Rösel, I; Gerike R
Event: 5th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
Year: 2015 - Power to the children? Parents’ perceived traffic safety and its influence on mode choice
Autoren: Stark, J; Aschauer, F
Event: Walk21 Vienna 2015
Year: 2015 - Time use, mobility, expenditure: An innovative survey design for understanding individuals’ trade-off processes
Autoren: Rösel, I; Hössinger, R; Kreis, B; Aschauer, F; Gerike, R
Event: 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research IATBR 2015
Year: 2014 - Care, mobility, employment: how do people in rural areas manage this challenge of squaring the circle?
Autoren: Wiebke Unbehaun, Tina Uhlmann, Thomas Hader, Florian Aschauer, Regine Gerike
Event: Transport Research Arena TRA 2014