Franziska Hesser
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franziska Hesser M.Sc.
Institute of Marketing and Innovation
Location Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
ORCID: 0000-0002-0070-4695
55927690700: AuthorId
Research Focus
Contribution to sustainability research in the context of innovation processes of bio-based production systems. Methodological challenges of sustainability assessment of bio-based products and processes and in the R&D stage:
- Research on the applicability and informative value of quantified sustainability assessment in the context of technology R&D due to methodological options, societal discourses and lack in scientific consensus in order to detect potential of reducing environmental burdens during R&D and define the scope for further material research activities
- Illustration of data gaps for techno-economic/environmantal/social assessments during R&D due to technology readiness level and implementation of supportive investigation considering additional dimensions of sustainability +Combination of environmental, economic, and social sustainability assessment with technology foresight to elaborate on eco-efficiency, trade-offs and anticipation of unintended side effects +Integration of stakeholders and societal perceptions of bio- and wood-based innovations for environmental, social and economic modelling of value chains of wood-based materials +Investigation on sustainability conceptualization and knowledge transfer in R&D Projects.
- 2023 Team Leader Sustainable Innovation and Impact Assessment (Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH); Funding period 2023-2026
- 2019 - 2022 Team leader Market Analysis and Innovation Research, Wood K plus (Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH); Funding period 2019-2022
- 2016 - 2018 Team leader Market Analysis and Innovation Research, Wood K plus (Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH); Funding period 2015-2018
- 2013 - 2016 Doctoral Degree University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2008 - 2012 Graduation Dipl.-Ing., Management of Environment and Bio Resources, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2007 - 2011 Graduation MSc, Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) BIG Bio – Ex-ante LCA
Autoren: Hesser, F
Big-Bio Projekt kick-off
(2023) Impulsvortrag -Ökologische Potentiale von AM Befund aus der Studie
Autoren: Hesser, F
Spotlight Beirat Produktion und Material BMK
(2023) Ökologische Bewertung von Supertsraw
Autoren: Leiter, H; Hesser, F
Austausch mit NDU
(2023) Seven Steps Towards Ecodesign
Autoren: Hesser, F
FUR4Sustain Aveiro Training School - Polymers and sustainability frontiers: pushing the edge. E-COST-TRAINING_SCHOOL-CA18220-260722-8e5504b0
(2022) Life Cycle Sustainability assessment: Conception and Experiences of an Innovation Project
Autoren: Hesser, F.; Perdomo, E.; Fürtner, D.
Dresden Nexus Conference 2022
(2022) Life Cycle Sustainability assessment: Conception and Experiences of an Innovation Project
Autoren: Hesser, F; Perdomo, E; Fürtner, D
Dresden Nexus Conference 2022
(2022) Normenvorhaben „Carbon Balance in der Holzindustrie“
Autoren: Hesser, F
Austrian Standards Institute Komitee 087 „Holz“ — 168. Sitzung
(2022) Bioeconomy: Environment for Innovation and Sustainability Assessment
Autoren: Hesser, F
FUR4Sustain Aveiro Training School - Polymers and sustainability frontiers: pushing the edge. E-COST-TRAINING_SCHOOL-CA18220-260722-8e5504b0
(2022) Life Cycle Sustainablity Assessment of Dendromass4Europe
Autoren: Hesser, F; Maier-Bauernfeind, C
CrOpportunity - Perennial Crops for Bioeconomy, Bioeconomy Conference
(2022) Analyzing the consequences of sharing principles on different economies: a case study of wood panel production value chain
Autoren: Echenique, EAP; Ryberg, M; Vea, EB; Schwarzbauer, P; Hesser F
Dresden Nexus Conference 2022
(2021) „Good cop bad cop" in a circular economy Which role do wood and plastics play?
Autoren: Hesser, F
Interreg SL-AT Start Circles Final Conference
(2021) Barriers and incentives for the market diffusion of biorefineries in a circular economy
Autoren: Hilz, X; Stern, T; Hesser F
IEA Bioenergy Conference 2021
(2021) Regional value creation in Western Slovakia through the establishment of poplar-based innovations
Autoren: Fürtner, D; Hesser, F
26th Session of The International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC)
(2021) Life Cycle Assesssment for the start circles project.
Autoren: Hesser, F
Interreg SL-AT Start Circles Workshop: LCA as tool for environmantal product design 2021
(2021) Optimizing an Agricultural Wood Production Supply Chain Within Planetary Boundaries: Exploring a Cradle to Grave Life Cycle Assessment of a Short Rotation Coppice Case Study
Autoren: Perdomo E. E. Alejandro; Hesser, Franziska
(2021) Implementing ecodesign during product development for the start circles project.
Autoren: Brunnhuber, N; Hesser, F
Interreg SL-AT Start Circles Workshop: LCA as tool for environmantal product design 2021
(2021) Life Cycle Assessment for the Start Circles Project
Autoren: Hesser, F
Interreg SL-AT Start Circles Workshop: LCA as tool for environmantal product design 2021
(2021) Analysis of the Multi-Stakeholder project “Carbon Removals and Land Sector Initiative” participants and their key forest-related topics
Autoren: Stiefmann, M; Stern, T; Hesser, F
Contested Society-Nature-Relations
(2020) Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Integrated Biorefineries -Example Case LignoBoost
Autoren: Hesser, F; Lindorfer J; Mandl M
International Nordic wood biorefinery conference
(2020) A methodological framework for Environmental and Social Life Cycle Assessment of bio-based value chains during R&D
Autoren: Fürtner, D; Perdomo, E A; Ranacher, L; Schwarzbauer, P; Hesser F
Central European Biomass Conference 2020
(2019) Integration of market-related and environmental aspects into technical-driven R&D via the concept of sustainable innovation readiness level – The case of lignin-based resins
Autoren: Lettner, M; Hesser, F
Life Cycle Management Conference
(2019) Wood mobilisation for new forest owners: The need for "post-purchase marketing"
Autoren: Tretzmüller, F; Ranacher, L; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie 2019
(2019) Effects of changing conditions for biomass use: Results of system-dynamics based scenarios in Austria
Autoren: Stern, T; Braun, M; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
International Microsimulation Association 7th World Congress
(2019) Iterative Ökobilanz entlang der Entwicklung von Technologien
Autoren: Lettner, M; Hesser, F
Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2019
(2019) Modelling Austrian forest seedling demand under different adaptation management strategies
Autoren: Braun, M; Lapin, K; Schwarzbauer, P; Koller, T; Hesser, F; Dobes, C; Schüler, S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2018) Levels of digitalization of small and medium-sized sawmills in Austria
Autoren: Stocker, R; Ranacher, L; Hesser, F
5th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and biobased Products Industry
(2018) Barriers and incentives on the market diffusion of lignin composites – A Delphi-SWOT analysis
Autoren: Schmelzenbart, A; Lettner, M; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
5th International Conference on Processing Technlogies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries 2018
(2018) It is about a destination, not about a journey! Critical analysis of arguments for selection of biodiversity reference states in LCSA.
Autoren: Šimunović, N; Hesser, F
24th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium 2018
(2018) CareforParis
Autoren: Braun, M; Fritz, D; Gschwantner, T; Hesser, F; Jandl, R; Kindermann, G; Ledermann, T; Ludvig, A; Pölz, W; Schadauer, K; Schmid, C; Schwarzbauer, P; Weiss, G; Weiss, P
19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2018) Marginal lands for short rotation plantation: Identification of Incentives & Barriers for Austrian and Slovak farmers with qualitative interviews
Autoren: Pollakova, B; Buber, K; Ranacher, L; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
Jahrestagung der Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie 2018
(2018) Integrating environmental and market assessments into technical R&D projects
Autoren: Lettner, M; Hesser, F
5th International Conference on Processing Technlogies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries 2018
(2018) On the pathway towards transparency – The case of an open access platform for biorefinery assessment and characterization
Autoren: Hesser, F; Lettner, M; Lindorfer J
24th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium 2018
(2018) MoreSeedsAdapt - Bedarf und Angebot an Forstsaat- und Pflanzgut im Klimawandel
Autoren: Silvio Schüler, Martin Braun, Christoph Dobes, Franziska Hesser, Georg Kindermann, Theo Koller, Peter Schwarzbauer
19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2018) Utilising forestry data to explain and forecast forest seedling demand
Autoren: Koller, T.; Braun, M.; Hesser, F.; Schwarzbauer, P.; Stern, T.; Dobes, C.
18th The International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA Conference 2018 - - Cool Forests at Risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate
(2018) Frame analysis of the ENGO discourse on sus-tainability of forest biomass. Lessons for social acceptance of forest biomass
Autoren: Simunovic, N; Hesser, F; Stern, T
5th International Conference on Processing Technlogies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries 2018
(2018) MoreSeedsAdapt. Projektpräsentation im Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus (BMNT), Forstsektion
Autoren: Braun, M; Dobes, Ch; Hesser, F; Koller, T; Schüler, S; Schwarzbauer, P
Klimafittes Pflanz- und Saatgut
(2018) Scenario-based eco-efficiency analysis of lignin valorisation pathways
Autoren: Bonell, E; Lettner, M; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
5th International Conference on Processing Technlogies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries 2018
(2018) ERIFORE - a project dedicated to foster a forest-based bioeconomy
Autoren: Hedeler, B; Hesser, F; Stern, T; Schwarzbauer, P
Paper & Biorefinery Conference 2018
(2018) Levels of digitalization of small and medium-sized sawmills in Austria
Autoren: Stocker, R; Ranacher, L; Hesser, F
5th International Conference on Processing Technlogies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries 2018
(2018) Utilising forestry data to explain and forecast forest seedling demand
Autoren: Koller, T; Braun, M; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
18th The International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA Conference 2018 - - Cool Forests at Risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate
(2018) CAREFORPARIS: Adaptation for CARbon Efficient FORests and the entire wood value chain (including a policy decision support tool) - Evaluating pathways supporting the PARIS Agreement
Autoren: Braun, M; Fritz, D; Gschwantner, T; Hesser, F; Jandl, R; Kindermann, G; Ledermann, T; Ludvig, A; Pölz, W; Schadaue, Kr, Carmen Schmid, Peter Schwarzbauer, Gerhard Weiss, Peter Weiss
19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2017) Stepping up co-operation in the Circular Forest Bioeconomy
Autoren: Hedeler, B.; Giesecke, K.; Hesser, F.; Stern, T.
Paper & Biorefinery Conference 2017
(2017) Fostering a Circular Forest Bioeconomy
Autoren: Hedeler, B.; Giesecke, K.; Hesser, F.; Stern, T.
5th Central European Biomass Conference, Austrian Biomass Association 2017
(2017) How are Environmantal Product Declarations used in practice? Perspectives of the Austrian construction sector.
Autoren: Schrank, G; Stern, T; Smutny, R; Hesser, F
8th International Conference on Life Cycle Management LCM 2017
(2017) Global goal on a continental level. How does the geographical scope impact research foci of sustainable forest management?
Autoren: Nenad Šimunović, Franziska Hesser
GAIA Jahrestreffen 2017 - Die Rolle der Universitäten für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
(2017) Integrated market orientation in technical R&D processes - Opportunities and challenges for bio-based resins
Autoren: Lettner, M.; Stern, T.; Hesser, F.
8th International Conference on Life Cycle Management LCM 2017
(2017) Accompanying innovation process of lignin based products - Life Cycle Assessment in line with Technologie Readiness Levels.
Autoren: Lettner, M; Hesser F.
avniR Conference
(2016) Bottlenecks in the development of new biorefinery processing lines. Insights from researchers along the value chain
Autoren: Hedeler, B.; Hampel, N.; Hesser, F.
4th Doc Day 2016
(2016) Barriers and Incentives for the Market Diffusion of Lignin Based Products
Autoren: Lettner, M; Zins F; Hesser, F; Stern, T
12th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering WSE 2016
(2016) Getting there - Identified needs on the way to a European research infrastructure for circular forest bioeconomy
Autoren: Hesser, F.; Hedeler, B.
(2016) Techno-economic Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Lignin Based Products
Autoren: Lettner, M; Hesser, F; Stern, T.
4th Doc Day 2016
(2016) Langfristige Auswirkungen veränderter Rahmenbedingungen für die energetische Biomassenutzung - Ergebnisse von System-Dynamics basierten Szenarien
Autoren: Stern, T; Braun, M; Hesser, F; Schwarzbauer, P
14. Symposium Energieinnovation 2016
(2016) Life Cycle Assessment in R&D Projects - Assessing Technologies for the Conversion of Industrial Lignins into Biobased Materials
Autoren: Lettner, M; Hesser, F
12. Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2016
(2016) Forest timber products and sustainability of forests and forestry. Insights from content analysis of scientific discussion
Autoren: Nenad Šimnović, Franziska Hesser
DocDay Conference 2016
(2015) Spezifischer Energiebedarf beim Spritzgussprozess: Einfluss von Formmasse und Upscaling
Autoren: Wagner, M; Hesser, F; Sobczak, L; Stern, T; Schwarzbauer, P
Symposium Ökobilanzierung 2015, Strategische Kooperation BOKU - Umweltbundesamt
(2015) Injection Molding as Unit Process for LCA: Energy Intensity of Injection Molding Different Materials at Different Scales
Autoren: Hesser, F; Mihalic, M; Paichl, B J; Wagner, M
International Conference on Innovative Natural Fibre Composites for Industrial Applications
(2015) Neue Materialien: kraftfaserverstärkter Kunststoff
Autoren: Hesser, F
Symposium Ökobilanzierung 2015, Strategische Kooperation BOKU - Umweltbundesamt
(2015) Vertiefte Datenanalyse
Autoren: Ettwein Frederike Schwarzbauer Peter Hesser Franziska Stern Tobias
FHP Sitzung 3/5 AK Datenservice & Holzbilanz
(2015) Forest – Wood – Fiber: From the Perspective of Sustainability Assessment and Communication
Autoren: Hesser, F
Man-made Fibers Congress
(2014) Ökologische Amortisation eines modifizieren Holzfußbodens
Autoren: Hesser, F
10. Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2014
(2014) Rationalität – Umwelt - Wertschöpfung - Beispiel eines kommunalen Funktionsbaues
Autoren: Hesser, F; Seebacher, E;
(2014) The potential impact of biorefineries on the forest based sector in AUSTRIA: a system dynamics approach
Autoren: Tobias Stern, Martin Braun, Franziska Hesser and Peter Schwarzbaue
Österreichische Papierfachtagung 2014
(2014) Pitfall of Carbon Accounting of Bio-based Materials in B-2-B Communication
Autoren: Hesser, F
International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries PTF BPI 2014
(2013) Aus dem eigenen Holz - Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte beim Bau des Feuerwehrhauses in Steinbach am Ziehberg
Autoren: Hesser, F; Seebacher, E;
11. Internationales Branchenforum für Frauen (IBF 2013) des Holzbaus und Innenausbaus
(2013) Kraftzellstofffasern als Kunststoffverstärkung: CO2-Fußabdruck, Ressourcenverbrauch und Ressourceneffizienz bei Anwendung und Entsorgung in der Automobilindustrie
Autoren: Hesser, F
Die Österreichische Papierfachtagung 2013
(2013) Aus dem eigenen Holz - Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte beim Bau des Feuerwehrhauses in Steinbach am Ziehberg
Autoren: Hesser, F; Seebacher, E
11. Internationales Branchenforum für Frauen (IBF 2013) des Holzbaus und Innenausbaus
Is climate change adaptation in alpine mountain forests constrained by forest seed production and its climatic triggers?
Autoren: Lapin, K; Braun, M; Schwarzbauer, P; Koller, T; Hesser, F; Dobeš, Ch; Schueler, S
Social Life Cycle Assessment: a forecasting approach to assess the socio-economic improvement potential during the R&D phase. A case study on agricultural wood-based innovations
Autoren: Fürtner, D; Hesser, F
The contribution of the Austrian forest-based sector to climate change mitigation with regard to climate change impacts and adaptation measures in Austrian forests
Autoren: Braun, M; Schwarzbauer, P; Hesser, F; Ledermann, T; Gschwantner, T; Kindermann, G; Schadauer, K; Jandl, R; Ludvig, A; Weiss, G; Fritz, D; Pölz, W; Schmid, C; Weiss, P
Implications of forest mast seeding for the projected supply of forest seeds and seedling s of the Austrian forest-based sector
Autoren: Lapin, K; Braun, M; Schwarzbauer, P; Koller, T; Hesser, F; Dobes, Ch; Kindermann, G; Schüler, S