Fridolin Krausmann
Univ.Prof. Dr. Fridolin Krausmann
Institute of Social Ecology
Location Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73713
ORCID: 0000-0002-9995-2372
AuthorId : 6602183651
ResearcherId : N-1918-2015
- 2020 - 2022 Head of the Institute of Social Ecology
- 2018 - 2018 Transfer Institute of Social Ecology to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2016 - 2018 Vice dean for research, Faculty for Interdiciplinary Studies (IFF) Alpen Adria University
- 2009 - 2015 Deputy head, Institute of Social Ecology
- 2009 Professor of Sustainable Resource Use
- 2007 - 2009 Associate Professor for sustainable resource use at Klagenfurt University
- 2007 - 2010 Coordinator of the research area social metabolism
- 2004 - 2007 Coordinator of the research area historical sustainability science
- 2004 Habilitation (venia docendi) in Social Ecology, Klagenfurt University
- 2001 Dr. in Ecology, University of Vienna
- 1999 - 2018 Researcher Institute of Social Ecology
- 1994 Mag. in Biology, University of Vienna
- Year: 2022 Awards: 2021 Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science)
- Year: 2021 Awards: 2020 Best Paper Award of the Journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling
- Year: 2020 Awards: 2019 Graedel Prize: Journal of Industrial Ecology (JIE) Senior Author Best Paper Prize
- Year: 2020 Awards: 2020 Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science)
- Year: 2019 Awards: Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science)
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
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Year: 2024 - Steps towards an integrated Material and Energy Metabolism Model for Economies (Talk)
Autoren: Felício, L; Krausmann, F; Sousa, T
Event: 10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2024
Period: 18.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 | Location: Pontevedra, Spain | Organizer:
University of Vigo
Year: 2023 - Socio-Metabolic Transitions: Long-term Changes in the Use of Energy, Land, and Materials (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Extractive Regimes and Energy Transitions: Historizing Extractivism
Period: 05.10.2023 | Location: Universität Kassel, Germany
Year: 2023 - Towards a Circular Economy: A socio-metabolic perspective (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems 2023
Period: 28.07.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Towards a system-wide and consistent understanding of material use in product- and sectoral stocks – insights from economy-wide, dynamic material flow analysis (Talk)
Autoren: Streeck, J; Wieland, H; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Plank, B; Pauliuk, S; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 2023: Transitions in a world in turmoil
Period: 02.07.2023 - 05.07.2023 | Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Year: 2023 - Globale Nahrungsregime – eine historisch-sozialökologische Perspektive (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Langthaler, E
Event: Nachhaltig in die Katastrophe – Historische Perspektiven auf aktuelle Umweltdebatten
Period: 07.11.2023 | Location: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe
Year: 2023 - Research Frontiers at the Vienna School of Social Metabolism Research (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Workshop Agro-Ecosystems History, Pablo Olavide University
Period: 27.11.2023 | Location: Sevilla, Spain
Year: 2022 - Global mobility infrastructure, resource use and emissions for high wellbeing for all? (Poster)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Baumgart, A; Virág, D; Matej, S; Min, J; Rao, N; Tingsley, D; Guo, J; Liu, Z; Lanau, M; Tanikawa, H; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H;
Event: Advancing the Circular Economy for Human and Planetary Wellbeing
Period: 12.06.2022 - 16.06.2022 | Location: Newry, Maine
Year: 2022 - A socio-ecological perspective on food regimes (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F.
Event: Agrobiodiversity and Food Systems 2022 - Entangled Questions
Period: 27.10.2022 - 28.10.2022 | Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Year: 2022 - Reflections on genesis and impacts of our 2015 article: How circular is the global economy? (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Krausmann, F; Wiedenhofer, D; Heinz, M
Event: International Industrial Ecology Day 2022
Period: 30.11.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2022 - From resource extraction to manufacturing & construction: Flows of stock-building materials in 177 countries from 1900 to 2016 (Talk)
Autoren: Plank, B; Streeck, J; Virág, D; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 14th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2022 - Will Achilles catch up with the Tortoise?
Period: 14.06.2022 - 17.06.2022 | Location: Pisa, Italy
Year: 2022 - Concrete world:a socio-metabolic perspective (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F.
Event: Greenwashed Concrete. International Workshop at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Period: 01.04.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Can we operationalize the stock-flow-service nexus for economy-wide material flow accounting? An attempt for the USA (Talk)
Autoren: Streeck, J; Wiedenhofer, D; Pauliuk, S; Wieland, H; Plank, B; Nakajima, K; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Period: 19.09.2022 - 21.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Year: 2022 - Modelling economy-wide material stocks of buildings, infrastructure and machinery for multiple material cycles and end-uses around the world (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Streeck, J; Plank, B; Virag, D; Grammer, B; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Period: 19.09.2022 - 21.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Year: 2022 - From resource extraction to manufacturing and construction: flows of stock-building materials in 177 countries from 1900 to 2016 (Talk)
Autoren: Plank, B; Streeck, J; Virág, D; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Period: 19.09.2022 - 21.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Year: 2022 - The urban biomass sprawl: An analysis of Vienna's biomass metabolism and its global environmental impacts (Talk)
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Semenchuk, P; Matej, S; Kalt, G; Kastner, T; Erb, KH; Dullinger, S; Krausmann, F
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Period: 19.09.2022 - 21.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Year: 2021 - We want it all. But do we need it all? Material stocks of societies and their interrelation with economic growth and wellbeing (Talk)
Autoren: Plank, B; Wiedenhofer, D; Streeck, J; Krausmann, F; Virág, D; Haberl, H
Event: 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2021 - Materializing Sustainability Visions: Fostering Partnerships with Life Cycle Thinking
Period: 04.03.2021 - 05.03.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Potentials for an ecological transition of urban food systems – the case of Vienna (Talk)
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Lauk, C; Theurl, MC; Smetschka, B; Krausmann, F
Event: 2021 Joint Conference of ISEE, ESEE and DEGROWTH: Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis
Period: 05.07.2021 - 08.07.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - The materiality of mobility. A case study for the City of Vienna, Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Virág, D; Wiedenhofer, D; Haas, W; Haberl, H; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F
Event: 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2021 - Materializing Sustainability Visions: Fostering Partnerships with Life Cycle Thinking
Period: 04.03.2021 - 05.03.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - A socio-metabolic analysis of bulk materials in electricity systems: Insights from a stock-flow-service nexus perspective and outlook to 2050 (Talk)
Autoren: Thunshirn, P; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Wiedenhofer, D; Haas, W; Haberl, H
Event: 12. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung 2021 (IEWT 2021) - Das Energiesystem nach Corona: Irreversible Strukturänderungen - Wie?
Period: 08.09.2021 - 10.09.2021 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2021 - The global socio-metabolic transition: Long term changes in the use of energy, materials and land (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: ¿Cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí? Transiciones ecológicas en perspectiva histórica (siglos XIX y XX)
Period: 30.06.2021 - 02.07.2021 | Location: Jaca, Spain
Year: 2021 - Demand-side strategies and their effect on greenhouse gas emissions and the land footprint of urban food systems - the case of Vienna (Talk)
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Lauk, C; Theurl, MC; Krausmann, F
Event: 2nd Annual EPICUR FORUM 2021 - Innovation & Inclusion
Period: 24.11.2021 - 26.11.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Modelling economy-wide material stocks and flows for 14 materials, 177 countries and 200 years: the ODYM-MISO-2.0 model (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Streeck, J; Plank, B; Virág, D; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: International Industrial Ecology Day 2021, Special Session: Community Modelling in Dynamic Material Flow Analysis: Transparency, Reproducibility and Comparability
Period: 21.06.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - The transition potential of personal mobility in an urban context: Vienna, Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Virág, D; Wiedenhofer, D; Haas, W; Haberl, H; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F
Event: 6th Network for Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) Conference 2021
Period: 08.04.2021 - 09.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Der Stock-Flow-Service Nexus von Mobilität in Wien (Talk)
Autoren: Virág, D; Wiedenhofer, D; Haas, W; Haberl, H; Kalt G; Krausmann, F
Event: Workshopreihe der Arbeiterkammer & Degrowth Vienna: Degrowth – Zukunftspfad oder Illusion
Period: 28.06.2021 | Location: Online | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - The global metabolic transition (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Un balance del metabolismo social: Metodos, estudios de casa y perspectivas futuras
Period: 05.05.2021 - 20.05.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Material stocks and their role in reducing resource use in the United States of America (Talk)
Autoren: Streeck, J; Dammerer, Q; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2021 - Materializing Sustainability Visions: Fostering Partnerships with Life Cycle Thinking
Period: 04.03.2021 - 05.03.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Lessons for crisis recovery from a systematic review of the evidence on decoupling (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Virág, D; Brockway, P; Fishman, T; Hausknost, D; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, B; Schaffartzik, A; Sousa,T; Streeck, J; Creutzig, F
Event: The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference (Session 1: SEM and Covid-19)
Period: 09.07.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - The Franziscean Cadastre as a source for long-term socioecological research: Agro-ecological investigations of 19th century farming systems (Talk)
Autoren: Güldner, D; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: Conference Historic cadastres in Europe: source material and state of research 2020
Period: 26.02.2020 - 28.02.2020 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2019 - The stock-flow-service nexus approach: Conceptual advances and first empirical examples in tackling systemic interactions between the SDGs (Poster)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Kalt, G; Görg, C; Krausmann, F
Event: International Symposium Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World 2019
Period: 04.04.2019 - 05.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - A century of global material stock accumulation: implications for sustainability transformations (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: 2nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics 2019 - Resources for a social-ecological transformation
Period: 28.02.2019 - 02.03.2019 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria | Organizer:
University of Innsbruck | Organizer:
Universität Innsbruck (Institut für Geographie), Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (ÖFSE), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Institut für Soziale Ökologie), Universität Wien (Institut für Politikwissenschaft)
Year: 2019 - The stock-flow-service nexus approach to social metabolism research: Material stocks as drivers of future greenhouse gas emissions (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019 - Industrial Ecology for Eco-civilization
Period: 07.07.2019 - 11.07.2019 | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2019 - Quantifying and analysing global spatio-temporal patterns of land-use change: the role of natural vs. anthropogenic changes for the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (Talk)
Autoren: Matej, S; Kastner, T; Niedertscheider, M; Forrest, M; Hickler, T; Steinkamp, J; Lauk, C; Plutzar, C; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Erb, KH
Event: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Period: 24.04.2019 - 26.04.2019 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2019 - Modelling dietary scenarios for a sustainable food provision system of Vienna (Talk)
Autoren: Wittmann, F; Lauk, C; Theurl, M; Eder, M; Krausmann, F
Event: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Period: 24.04.2019 - 26.04.2019 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2019 - Material stocks as drivers of global greenhouse gas emissions: Results from a scenario analysis for 2050 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019
Period: 13.05.2019 - 15.05.2019 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2019 - Introductory talk to the session on social metabolism and land-system science (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Period: 24.04.2019 - 26.04.2019 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2019 - Green growth or degrowth? A systematic review of potentials to decouple resource use and emissions from economic growth (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Virág, D; Brockway, P; Fishman, T; Hausknost, D; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, B; Schaffartzik, A; Sousa, T; Streeck, J; Creutzig, F
Event: Kosmos Conference: Navigating the sustainability transformation in the 21st century. From Alexander von Humboldt's cosmos to today's global challenges
Period: 28.08.2019 - 30.08.2019 | Location: Berlin, Germany | Location: Berlin, Germany | Organizer:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Year: 2019 - Socio-metabolic analysis of economy-wide material flows, stock accumulation and service provision in the United Kingdom 1800-2015 (Talk)
Autoren: Streeck, J; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: @The Use | Less Group, Cambridge University
Period: 10.06.2019 | Location: Cambridge, UK
Year: 2019 - Socio-metabolic analysis of economy-wide material flows, stock accumulation and service provision in the United Kingdom (Talk)
Autoren: Streeck, J; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019
Period: 13.05.2019 - 15.05.2019 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2019 - Material stocks as drivers of global GHG emissions. New insights from analyzing the stock-flow-service nexus (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: 12th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics (CANSEE): Engaging Economies of Change
Period: 22.05.2019 - 25.05.2019 | Location: Waterloo, Canada
Year: 2019 - The stock-flow-service nexus approach to socio-metabolic research: conceptual advances and first empirical examples (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Kalt, G; Görg, C; Krausmann, F
Event: 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE): Co-Creation - Making Ecological Economics Matter
Period: 18.06.2019 - 21.06.2019 | Location: Turku, Finland
Year: 2019 - Food regimes, global trade flows and natural resource use 1850–2016 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Langthaler, E
Event: 2nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics 2019 - Resources for a social-ecological transformation
Period: 28.02.2019 - 02.03.2019 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria | Organizer:
University of Innsbruck | Organizer:
Universität Innsbruck (Institut für Geographie), Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (ÖFSE), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Institut für Soziale Ökologie), Universität Wien (Institut für Politikwissenschaft)
Year: 2018 - Vienna’s Biodiversity Footprint. A multi-scale analysis outlining options to reduce urban pressures on biodiversity (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Plank, C; Krausmann, F
Event: Projektpräsentation Stadt Wien
Period: 11.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Nahrungsregime und Umwelt in der Globalisierung (1870–2010) (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Ringvorlesung Rohstoffe und Entwicklung, Universität Wien
Period: 30.05.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Energy Transitions and Social Revolutions (Poster)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Rovenskaya, E; Krausmann, F; Pallua, I; McNeill, J
Event: Gordon Research Conference: The Role of Industrial Ecology in Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals
Period: 20.05.2018 - 25.05.2018 | Location: Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Year: 2018 - Expansion, maintenance and saturation: The role of in-use stocks for the socio-economic metabolism in 9 world-regions from 1900-2015 (Poster)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Haas, W; Plank, B; Krausmann, F
Event: Gordon Research Conference: The Role of Industrial Ecology in Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals
Period: 20.05.2018 - 25.05.2018 | Location: Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Year: 2018 - Measuring progress towards a circular economy in Europe: A monitoring framework for economy-wide resource use, waste and circularity (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Mayer, A; Krausmann, K; Haas, W
Event: International Symposium Science to Support Circular Economy 2018
Period: 19.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - The stock-flow-service nexus: new directions for socio-ecological transformation research (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Görg, C; Krausmann, F; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Period: 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - The industrialization of Austrian agroecosystems: a long-term socio-ecological approach. Workshop "Research laboratory about agroecological intensification. Learnings from past and proposals to the future" (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: Revolta rede de agroecoloxia at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Period: 19.10.2018 | Location: Santiago de Compostella, Spain
Year: 2018 - Vom Wirtschaftskreislauf zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Kreise, Zyklen, Lebensdauern aus der Perspektive der Forschung zum gesellschaftlichen Stoffwechsel (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Internationaler Workshop Kreise, Zyklen, Lebensdauer: Epistemologie und Repräsentation zeitlicher Strukturen in Technik- und Umweltkonzepten", Institute for Technology (KIT)
Period: 11.10.2018 - 12.10.2018 | Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Year: 2018 - Analysing Great Acceleration(s). Analytic challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations (Talk)
Autoren: Görg, C, Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, C; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop Transition Impossible? 2018 - Ambiguous Transformations and the Resilience of Unsustainability
Period: 19.09.2018 - 21.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - The state of circularity within the EU 28: Challenging but also stimulating (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Krausmann, F; Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Mayer, A; Nuss, P; Blengini, GA
Event: Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference 2017 - One year after adoption, working together for the future
Period: 09.03.2017 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2017 - The stock-flow-service nexus: new directions for Ecological Economics? (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Erb, KH; Görg, C; Krausmann, F
Event: Conference of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics and Economics for the Anthropocene Partnership (CANSEE)
Period: 19.10.2018 - 22.10.2018 | Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
Year: 2017 - Sustainable Farm Systems: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Metabolism in Western Agriculture (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Cunfer, G
Event: Austrian-Canadian Science and Innovation Days
Period: 21.09.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Comparative Energy—Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA) in Past and Present Agroecosystems of Europe and America (Talk)
Autoren: Domene, E; Marull, J; Cattaneo, C; Font, C; Padró, R; Tello, E; Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S
Event: European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Biennial Conference 2017 "Natures in between. Environments in areas of contact among states, economic systems, cultures and religions"
Period: 28.06.2017 | Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Year: 2017 - A Central European Trajectory of Land-Use Intensification: the Case of Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Güldner, DL; Krausmann, F
Event: 8th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH): "Natures in between. Environments in areas of contact among states, economic systems, cultures and religions"
Period: 29.06.2017 | Location: Zagreb, Croatia | Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Year: 2017 - Extending the economy-wide material flow accounting framework towards systematically covering in-use stock dynamics: applications to the global scale and to 9 world regions (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, W; Lauk, C; Haas, W; Krausmann, F
Event: COST-Action Workshop “Mining the European Anthroposphere (MINEA)”
Period: 14.12.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Well-being and sustainability in the Twentieth Century 1910-1970 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop: Well-Being and Sustainability in the Netherlands, 1850-2050
Period: 03.03.2017 | Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Year: 2017 - Has there been an energy trap in the Green Revolution? Insights from a long term perspective across the world (Talk)
Autoren: Cattaneo, C; Tello, E; Padró, R; Marco, I; Caravaca, J; Diez, L; Fullana, N; Parcerissas, L; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Soto, D; Gonzalez de Molina, M; Guzmán, GI; Infante, J; Aguilera, E; Picado, W; Fraňková, E; Watson, A; Cunfer, G; McFaiden, J
Event: 12th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2017
Period: 21.06.2017 - 22.06.2017 | Location: Budapest, Hungary | Location: Budapest, Hungary
Year: 2017 - An energy perspective on the forest transition: energy use, agricultural modernization, and forest expansion in Austria, 1830-2010 (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: Conference of the European Rural History Organization
Period: 14.09.2017 | Location: Leuven, Belgium
Year: 2017 - Socio-economic metabolism: Changing patterns of resource use during industrialization (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 20 year anniversary of the Faculty of Environmental and Rural Studies
Period: 25.10.2017 | Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Year: 2016 - Development and dematerialization: an analysis of timeseries trends across countries (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Steinberger, S; Getzner, M; Schandl, H; West, J
Event: Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2013
Period: 28.06.2013 - 30.06.2013 | Location: Lille, France
Year: 2016 - The global metabolic transition: Modelling stock- flows dynamics in the 20th century (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Material Stock Analysis and Sustainable Material Use, Academic meeting about Material Stock Analysis
Period: 07.03.2016 | Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year: 2016 - Towards A Circular Economy? Understanding economy-wide global dynamics of material use and in-use stocks of buildings and infrastructure, 1900-2010 (Poster)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F; Lauk, C; Fishman, T; Miatto, A; Tanikawa, H
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2016 - Opportunities for the Critical Decade – Decoupling Well-Being from Environmental Pressures and Impacts
Period: 18.06.2016 - 23.06.2016 | Location: Stowe, VT, USA
Year: 2016 - The global economy’s circularity. Current state and future options (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop "Material stocks and quality of life"
Period: 08.03.2016 | Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year: 2016 - Ressourcen in globalen Nahrungsregimes (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Langthaler, E
Event: Forschungswerkstatt Nahrungsregime (Ein Workshop des Forschungsschwerpunktes „Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft aus historisch - kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive“ der Universität Wien und des Instituts für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes, St. Pölten)
Period: 15.04.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Metabolic transitions (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Économie, société, matérialité(s)
Period: 07.12.2016 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2016 - The global metabolic transition: Modelling stock- flows dynamics in the 20th century (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop of Material Stock Analysis and Sustainable Material Use, PreWorkshop of ISIE SEM-AP 2016
Period: 09.03.2016 | Location: Nagoya, Japan
Year: 2016 - Global economy’s circularity: Current state and future options (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Krausmann, F; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: Industrial Ecology: Science, the Environment and the Cirucular Economy
Period: 25.04.2016 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2015 - Global material use scenarios in the context of resource efficiency programs and targets (Talk)
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Haas, W; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Period: 02.07.2015 - 03.07.2015 | Location: Leeds, UK
Year: 2015 - The global metabolic transition: Resource use and economic development during industrialization (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 17th World Economic History Congress 2015 - Diversity in Development
Period: 04.08.2015 - 06.08.2016 | Location: Kyoto, Japan
Year: 2015 - Towards a circular economy? Global long-term dynamics of material stocks and flows in infrastructure and buildings, from 1900-2010 (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Fishman, T; Tanikawa, T; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: Conference on Industrial Ecology "Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology", 2015
Period: 08.07.2015 - 10.07.2015 | Location: Guildford, UK
Year: 2015 - Global Resource Use in 2050: Insights from Material Flow Analysis (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Schaffartzik, A; Fischer-Kowalski, M, Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2015 - Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Period: 08.07.2015 - 10.07.2015 | Location: Guildford, UK
Year: 2015 - Centennial perspectives on European land-use change (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Niedertscheider, M; Kastner, T; Haberl, H; Cosor, G; Krausmann, F; Kuemmerle, K; Müller, D; Reith-Musel, A; Rudbeck Jepsen, M; Vadineanu, A; Erb, KH
Event: 8th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Environmental History ESEH 2015 - Greening History: Studying the Environment across Disciplines, Past, Present and Future
Period: 02.07.2015 - 03.07.2015 | Location: Versailles, France
Year: 2015 - Societies´ energy metabolism, revolutions, and the transition to modernity (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Rovenskaya, E; Krausmann, F; Pallua, I; McNeill, J
Event: 17th World Economic History Congress 2015 - Diversity in Development
Period: 04.08.2015 - 06.08.2016 | Location: Kyoto, Japan
Year: 2015 - Global providers and consumers of metals – an analysis of trade patterns (Talk)
Autoren: Mayer, A; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Period: 02.07.2015 - 03.07.2015 | Location: Leeds, UK
Year: 2015 - The development of the agricultural sector in the transition economies of the European semi-periphery: A material flow analysis of the past half-century (Talk)
Autoren: Mayer, A; Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F
Event: IAMO Forum 2015 "Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies"
Period: 17.06.2015 | Location: Halle, Germany
Year: 2015 - Energy transitions and revolutions (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Rovenskaya, E; Krausmann, F; Pallua, I; McNeill, J
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Period: 02.07.2015 - 03.07.2015 | Location: Leeds, UK
Year: 2014 - The role of global in-use material stocks in the course of the socio-metabolic transition, from 1900 -2009 (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Fishman, T; Tanikawa, H; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Period: 27.04.2014 - 02.05.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2014 - Human biomass use and HANPP: A global long term analysis of biomass use and NPP related planetary boundaries (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Gingrich, S; Erb, KH
Event: International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
Period: 13.08.2014 - 18.08.2014 | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2014 - Energy in 19th Century Austrian Agriculture: A Socio-ecological Perspective on Regional Diversity and Change over Time (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Neundlinger, M; Güldner, DL
Event: 2nd World Congress of Environmental History WCEH 2014 - Environmental History in the Making
Period: 09.07.2014 - 11.07.2014 | Location: Guimaraes, Portugal | Location: Guimaraes, Portugal
Year: 2014 - The social metabolism in the Anthropocene: modes of subsistence, population size, and human impact on Earth (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Pallua, I
Event: Fate of the Earth Inaugural Symposium: Human Well-Being and the Environment
Period: 03.04.2014 | Location: East Lansing, MI, USA
Year: 2014 - Causal determinants of international ecological distribution (Talk)
Autoren: Teixidó-Figueras, J; Steinberger, JK; Haberl, H; Wiedmann, T; Wood, R; Krausmann, F
Event: International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
Period: 13.08.2014 - 18.08.2014 | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2014 - Current state and future options for the global economy´s circularity (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Heinz, M; Krausmann, F; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
Period: 13.08.2014 - 18.08.2014 | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2014 - "The Anthropocene: Humans Lock-in With Fossil Fuels and Need to Change Paths (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Pallua, I
Event: Fate of the Earth Inaugural Symposium: Human Well-Being and the Environment
Period: 03.04.2014 | Location: East Lansing, MI, USA
Year: 2014 - The social metabolism in the Anthropocene: Modes of subsistence, population size, and human impact on Earth (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Pallua, I
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Period: 27.04.2014 - 02.05.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2014 - The Concept of Social Metabolism and its Application in Sustainability Science and Environmental History (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: III Seminario International de Metabolismo Social
Period: 27.01.2014 | Location: Puebla, Unknown
Year: 2014 - Food, Feed, Fuel and Fiber: The Changing Role of Biomass in Social Metabolism during industrialization (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S
Event: Conference of the European Society for Environmental History
Period: 24.08.2014 | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2014 - The global metabolic transition. Patterns and trends in global material use (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Economic History Research Seminar
Period: 28.04.2014 | Location: Zaragoza, Spain
Year: 2013 - Kreislaufwirtschaft und Klimaschutz: Synergien, Potenzial und Limitierungen (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Heinz, M; Krausmann, F Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Period: 04.04.2013 - 05.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2013 - An integrated land-use indicator: the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (Talk)
Autoren: Tamara Fetzel; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H; Kroisleitner; C; Gaube, V; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C
Event: Invited talk at the Joint Research Centre
Period: 27.06.2013 | Location: Ispra, Italy
Year: 2013 - The metabolic transition: From the agricultural to the industrial society. An introduction to social metabolism and material flow accounting (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: DIAnet International Schools 2013
Period: 13.04.2013 - 22.04.2013 | Location: Gorizia, Italy
Year: 2013 - Modelling socio-metabolic transitions: The historical take-off, the acceleration of fossil fuel use, and the 1970s oil price shock - the first trigger of a future decline? (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Rovenskaya, E; Krausmann, F; Haas, W; Fischer-Kowalski, M;
Event: European Geophysical Union EGU General Assembly 2013
Period: 09.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2013 - The global metabolic trends and patterns in global material use (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013
Period: 01.04.2013 - 05.04.2013 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2012 - The transformation of a socio-natural site: urban development and river transport on the Viennese Danube (19th, early 20th century) (Talk)
Autoren: Gierlinger, S; Haidvogl, G; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: 11th International Conference on Urban History of the European Association for Urban History EAUH 2012 - Cities & Societies in Comparative Perspective
Period: 29.08.2012 - 01.09.2012 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2012 - Regional Patterns of Global Material Flows 1950-2005 (Talk)
Autoren: Mayer, A; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Period: 26.09.2012 - 28.09.2012 | Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2012 - Landwirtschaft und Industrialisierung. Eine sozialökologische Perspektive auf die Transformation der Landwirtschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Symposiums Umweltgeschichte des ländlichen Raumes in Wissenschaft, Museum und Schule 2012
Period: 21.06.2012 | Location: Osnabrück, Germany
Year: 2012 - Umweltgesamtrechnung - Materialflussrechnung (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Fachbeirat Umweltsatistik Statistik Austria 2012
Period: 12.11.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Adaptation on an Agricultural Frontier: The Socio-Ecological Metábolism of Great Plaíns Homesteading, 1870-1940 (Talk)
Autoren: Cunfer, J; Krausmann, F
Event: 6th Symposium of the Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribena de Historia Ambiental SOLCHA 2012
Period: 07.06.2012 | Location: Villa de Leyva, Colombia
Year: 2012 - Human appropriation of net primary production in Africa: Patterns, trajectories, processes and polica implications (Poster)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Tamara Fetzel; Niedertscheider, M; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: 40th Anniversary Conference of IIASA 2012 - Worlds Within Reach: From Science to Policy
Period: 24.10.2012 - 26.10.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Socio-metabolic transitions and social movements: a statistical analysis (Talk)
Autoren: Heinz, M; Pallua, I; Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M
Event: Gordon Research Conference GRC Industrial Ecology 2012 - The Role of Industrial Ecology in Addressing Sustainability Imperatives
Period: 20.06.2012 | Location: Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Year: 2012 - From Local to Global … and back: An Environmental History of the Danube 1500-1900 (Talk)
Autoren: Schmid, M., Hohensinner, S., Sonnlechner, C., Gierlinger, S., Haidvogl, G., Gingrich, S., Krausmann, F., Winiwarter, V.
Event: Conference of the American Society for Environmental History ASEH 2012 - From the Local to the Global: Ethics, Environmentalism, and Environmental History in an Interdependent World
Period: 28.03.2012 - 31.03.2012 | Location: Madison, WI, USA
Year: 2012 - Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Austrian Trade Flows (Talk)
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F; Weisz, H
Event: Joint EEA-Eurostat technical workshop: Global Material Resource Footprint of Europe. On methods and approaches to estimate material resource use
Period: 26.04.2012 - 27.04.2012 | Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2012 - Is there a material stock saturation of nations? (Talk)
Autoren: Tanikawa H; Fishman T; Shi, F; Han, J; Schandl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Period: 26.09.2012 - 28.09.2012 | Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2012 - Systemic interdependencies between food, cropland yields and lifestock efficiencies. An integrated analysis for the year 2050 (Talk)
Autoren: Plutzar, C; Mayer, A; Lauk, C; Kastner, T; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Erb, KH
Event: EU workshop-hearing Feeding the planet sustainability 2012 - from foresight to better integrated policies
Period: 19.11.2012 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2012 - Socio-metabolic transitions during the 20th century and their impacts on the scale of human resource use (Talk)
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Haas, W; Krausmann, F
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Period: 22.04.2012 - 27.04.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2012 - The transformation of a socio-natural site: Urban development and river transport on the Viennese Danube (Talk)
Autoren: Gierlinger S., Krausmann F., Gingrich S., Haidvogl G.
Event: 11th International Conference on Urban History of the European Association for Urban History EAUH 2012 - Cities & Societies in Comparative Perspective
Period: 29.08.2012 - 01.09.2012 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2012 - The global metabolic transition. Long term changes in energy, land and material use (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: CIRAD lecture series 2012 - L´histoire et l´évolution de la notion de dévelopement
Period: 22.10.2012 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2012 - India's biophysical economy, 1961-2008: Sustainability in a national and global context (Talk)
Autoren: Singh, SJ; Krausmann, F
Event: ISEE Conference Ecological Economics and Rio20+ 2012 - Challenges and Contributions for a Green Economy
Period: 16.06.2012 - 19.06.2012 | Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Year: 2012 - Development and dematerialization: An analysis of time-series trends across countries (Talk)
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Getzner, M; Schandl, H; West J
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Period: 26.09.2012 - 28.09.2012 | Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2012 - Longterm trends in resource efficiency - hinsight, insight, foresight (Talk)
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F; Schaffartzik, A; Mayer, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Period: 26.09.2012 - 28.09.2012 | Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2011 - Resource efficiency? Material flow analysis on the edge between accounting practice and political implementation (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology ISIE 2011
Period: 07.06.2011 - 10.06.2011 | Location: Berkeley, CA, USA
Year: 2011 - Material and energy flow analysis (MEFA) - a basic tool of measuring progress towards low carbon. (Talk)
Autoren: Haas, W; Krausmann, F
Event: Workshop Interdisciplinary and intercultural analysis of experiences of good practice and progress in low carbon regional development in Taiwan and Austria 2011
Period: 08.07.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - The global metabolic transition: Changes in material use in Asia, Europa and North America (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Gierlinger, S; Gingrich, S
Event: 6th International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History ESEH 2011 - Encounters of Sea and Land
Period: 28.06.2011 - 02.07.2011 | Location: Turku, Finland
Year: 2011 - The global metabolic transition. Changes in Material Use in Japan, the USA and the UK during the 19 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International workshop of the Energy Growth and Pollution Network 2011
Period: 21.10.2011 | Location: Lund, Sweden
Year: 2011 - From the Socio-metabolic Toolbox: The case of transport as a constraint (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Smetschka, B
Event: International Workshop Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years 2011 - The Creation of Landscapes II
Period: 14.03.2011 - 18.03.2011 | Location: Kiel, Germany
Year: 2011 - The Role of Trade in Domestic Resource Use and Resource Efficiency. Raw Material Equivalents of Austria´s Trade Flows (Talk)
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2011
Period: 15.06.2011 - 17.06.2011 | Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Year: 2011 - The metabolic transition: Changes in material use in Japan and the USA during the last century (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Gierlinger, S; Krausmann, F
Event: 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2011
Period: 15.06.2011 - 17.06.2011 | Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Year: 2011 - Vienna's nitrogen metabolism: food, feed, waste and sewage in the early phase of industrialisation (1869-1910) (Talk)
Autoren: Gierlinger, S; Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S
Event: Nitrogen and global change conference 2011
Period: 12.04.2011 | Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Year: 2011 - The social metabolism of European industrialisation: changes in the relation of energy and land use from the 18th to the 20th century (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Peter Wall Institute Conference 2011 - Continuity in Energy Regimes
Period: 27.10.2011 | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2011 - The global metabolic transition: Changes in material use in Asia, Europa and North America (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S; Gierlinger, S
Event: Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2011
Period: 30.06.2011 | Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Year: 2010 - Raw Material Equivalents of Austrian Trade Flows: An Input-Output Approach (Poster)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology 2010 - From Analysis to Design
Period: 11.07.2010 - 12.07.2010 | Location: New London, NH, USA
Year: 2010 - The worlds bioenergy potential in the context of global food and farming trends: A scenario analysis for 2050 (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Lauk, C; Plutzar, C; Steinberger, JK
Event: 11th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2010 - Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis
Period: 22.08.2010 - 25.08.2010 | Location: Oldenburg, Germany
Year: 2010 - Das Energiesystem und die Landschaft: Die Donau als Verkehrsweg im 19. Jahrhundert (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: 30. Symposium des NÖ Instituts für Landeskunde 2010 - Umwelt Donau - Eine andere Geschichte
Period: 06.07.2010 - 08.07.2010 | Location: Ardagger, Austria
Year: 2010 - Socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity: The HANPP approach (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Plutzar, C; Erb, KH; Gaube, V
Event: ALTER-Net Conference 2010 - Ecosystem services and biodiversity: what is the link between the two?
Period: 02.11.2010 - 03.11.2010 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2010 - Progress in economy wide material flow accounting: How robust are international MFA data? (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Giljum S; Lutter, S; Mayer, A
Event: Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Meeting and MFA-ConAccount Meeting of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
Period: 07.11.2010 | Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year: 2010 - What do economic resource productivities measure? (Talk)
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 11th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2010 - Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis
Period: 22.08.2010 - 25.08.2010 | Location: Oldenburg, Germany
Year: 2010 - The world´s bioenergy potential in the context of global food and farming trends (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Lauk, C; Plutzar, C, Steinberger, JK
Event: Biomass resource assessment for biofuels / bioenergy and competition with other biomass uses, Workshop of the Joint Research Center / University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde / European Environment Agency
Period: 09.12.2010 | Location: Eberswalde, Germany
Year: 2010 - On the End of Past Organic Agricultural Systems: The First Globalization in European Socio-Ecological Transition (1870-1939) (Talk)
Autoren: Tello, E; Gonzalez de Molina, M; Krausmann, F; Billen, G; Cunfer, G
Event: 1st Boserup Conference 2010 – A Centennial Tribute. Long-term trajectories in population, gender relations, land use, and the environment
Period: 15.11.2010 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2010 - Der Franziszeische Kataster als Quelle für sozial-ökologische Langzeitforschung: Rekonstruktion von materiellen und energetischen Austauschbeziehungen in Agrarökosystemen (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops "Der Franziszeische Katatster als Agrarhistorische Quelle"
Period: 18.06.2010 | Location: St. Pölten, Austria
Year: 2010 - Understanding energy and material productivity (Talk)
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F
Event: Presentation at the Asia-Pacific Meeting and MFA-ConAccount Meeting of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
Period: 07.11.2010 | Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year: 2010 - How can Long-term Socioecological Research be linked with environmental history in the study of rural societies: the Austrian Eisenwurzen region (Talk)
Autoren: Schmid, M; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: Workshop on Social Metabolism of Agricultural Systems 2010
Period: 27.05.2010 | Location: Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2010 - Long term changes in the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: An analysis of trends and patterns from national (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Schwarzlmüller, E; Kohlheb, N; Kastner, T; Musel, A
Event: GLP 2010 - Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Project: Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability
Period: 17.10.2010 - 19.10.2010 | Location: Tempe, AZ, USA
Year: 2010 - Urban Metabolism and Sustainable Development (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International Conference City and Environment Programme
Period: 11.03.2010 | Location: Lyon, France
Year: 2010 - India's future in a global context: What does this mean in a biophysical sense? (Talk)
Autoren: Singh, SJ; Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S
Event: 11th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2010 - Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis
Period: 22.08.2010 - 25.08.2010 | Location: Oldenburg, Germany
Year: 2010 - Soziale Ökologie: Konzepte, Methoden, Forschung (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Mayer, A
Event: Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung "Soziale Ökologie im Forschungscluster Hydrosphäre"
Period: 15.04.2010 | Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Year: 2010 - Genug für Alle(s)? Biophysische Grenzen der Nutzung von Bioenergie im Kontext verschiedener Szenarien für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (Talk)
Autoren: Lauk, C; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C; Steinberger, JK; Haberl, H
Event: Fachtagung "Energie ohne Übersee-Biomasse?"
Period: 19.03.2010 | Location: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Year: 2010 - Driving force or phase-out model? Danube transport and resource supply in the industrialising city of Vienna 1800-1920 (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Haidvogl, G; Krausmann, F
Event: Water History Conference 2010
Period: 16.06.2010 - 19.06.2010 | Location: Delft, Netherlands
Year: 2010 - An integrated analysis of the interrelation between food, livestock, bioenergy and climate change for the year 2050 (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Lauk, C; Plutzar, C; Steinberger, JK
Event: GLP 2010 - Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Project: Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability
Period: 17.10.2010 - 19.10.2010 | Location: Tempe, AZ, USA
Year: 2009 - Determinants of global HANPP patterns: Where do we stand? (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Plutzar, C; Steinberger, JK; Wiesinger, M
Event: 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP OPen Meeting, 2009 - The Social Challenges of Global Change
Period: 26.04.2009 - 30.04.2009 | Location: Bonn, Germany
Year: 2009 - Energy use and economic development: A comparative analysis of useful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the USA during 100 years of economic growth (Talk)
Autoren: Ayres, B; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Warr, B; Schandl, H
Event: World Economic History Congress 2009
Period: 03.08.2009 | Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Year: 2009 - Raw Material Equivalents of Austrian Trade Flows: An Input-Output Approach (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Weisz, H; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Period: 21.06.2009 | Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Year: 2009 - A socio-ecological perspective on landscape change: natural and societal carbon flows in Austria, 1850-2000 (Poster)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Environmental History ASEH 2009 - Paradise Lost, Found and Reconstructed: Conceptualizing and Transforming Landscapes through History
Period: 25.02.2009 | Location: Tallahassee, FL, USA
Year: 2009 - Analyzing and modeling socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity: The utility of resource use indicators (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C; Gaube, V
Event: 2nd Open Science Conference DIVERSITAS 2009 - Biodiversity and Society, Understanding Connections, Adapting to Change
Period: 13.10.2009 - 16.10.2009 | Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Year: 2009 - Globale Landnutzungsdynamiken. Biophysische Szenarien für Landwirtschaft, Ernährung und Bioenergie im Jahr 2050 (Talk)
Autoren: Plutzar, C; Lauk, C; Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Erb, KH
Event: Die knappe Ressource Land - Wie wird sie genutzt? Wie sollte sie genutzt werden? Kolloquium 2009
Period: 25.01.2009 | Location: Kiel, Germany
Year: 2009 - Drivers of spatial patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP): Towards a conceptual framework (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP OPen Meeting, 2009 - The Social Challenges of Global Change
Period: 26.04.2009 - 30.04.2009 | Location: Bonn, Germany
Year: 2009 - Implications of global biomass trade on the human appropriation of net primary production (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Wiesinger, M
Event: 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP OPen Meeting, 2009 - The Social Challenges of Global Change
Period: 26.04.2009 - 30.04.2009 | Location: Bonn, Germany
Year: 2009 - Diet, trade and land use. The social Ecology of the food system. Case study olive oil (Talk)
Autoren: Scheidl, A; Krausmann, F
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Period: 21.06.2009 | Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Year: 2009 - Environmental history of a city and its river: the spatial and physical dimensions of the Viennese Danube, 1501-1900 (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: Workshop on Urban Ecological Imprint 2009
Period: 10.09.2009 - 11.09.2009 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2009 - Am Beginn des Zweiten Solarzeitalters. Über Aufstieg und Niedergang der fossilen Epoche (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Toblacher Gespräche 2009 - Mehr Autarkie wagen: Dezentrale Energie als Baustein für nach-fossile Regionalwirtschaften
Period: 19.06.2009 | Location: Toblach, Italy
Year: 2009 - The metabolic scale of the world economy in the past century - dynamics, drivers, impacts (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Steinberger, JK; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Period: 21.06.2009 | Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Year: 2009 - Future Scenarios for Global Material Flows (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F
Event: World Resources Forum Davos together with R'09 Twin World Congress 2009 - Resource Management and Technology for Material and Energy Efficiency
Period: 14.09.2009 - 16.09.2009 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2009 - Global patterns of material use: the impact of economic development, population and technology on cross country differences of material consumption (Talk)
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Period: 21.06.2009 | Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Year: 2009 - Reviewing the world's bioenergy potential in the context of global food and farming trends (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop Biomass resource assessment for biofuels 2009 - bioenergy and competition with other biomass uses
Period: 08.12.2009 | Location: Eberswalde, Germany
Year: 2009 - Agroecosystems on the American frontier: Material and energy systems and sustainability (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Cunfer, G
Event: 1st International World Congress of Environmental History 2009
Period: 04.08.2009 - 08.08.2009 | Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2009 - Environmental history of a city and its river: the spatial the physical dimensions of the Viennese Danube, 1501-1900 (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Haidvogl, G; Krausmann, F
Event: Workshop on Urban Ecological Imprint 2009
Period: 10.09.2009 - 11.09.2009 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2008 - Biomass use, trade and HANPP: The global perspective (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Gingrich, S; Gaube, V
Event: MEFA Seminar, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Period: 21.04.2008 | Location: Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2008 - Enery use and economic development. A comparative analysis ofuseful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the USA during 110 years of economic growth (Talk)
Autoren: Ayres, R; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F; Schandl, H; Warr, B
Event: Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics SURED 2008
Period: 02.06.2008 - 05.06.2008 | Location: Ascona, Switzerland
Year: 2008 - Globale Biomasseproduktion und deren Nutzung (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Industrielle Biotechnologie mit Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen 2008
Period: 11.06.2008 | Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Year: 2008 - Global human appropriation of net primary production in the year 2000: patterns and magnitude (Poster)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Gaube, V; Bondeau, A; Plutzar, C; Lucht, W; Fischer-Kowalski, M
Event: 4th IGBP Congress 2008 - Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System
Period: 05.05.2008 - 06.05.2008 | Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Year: 2008 - Resource Use in the World Economy 1960-2005. A preliminary assessment (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: International Seminar on Energy and Resource Productivity 2008
Period: 17.11.2008 - 20.11.2008 | Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Year: 2008 - The evolution of material and energy flows in the EU-15: 1970-2004 (Talk)
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Weisz, H
Event: ConAccount Conference: Urban metablism: measuring the ecological city. 2008
Period: 12.09.2008 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2008 - Biomass consumption, international trade and global patterns of human appropriation of net primary production (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Erb, KH
Event: Globalisation and the local landscape. International workshop of the Global Land Project
Period: 21.11.2008 - 22.11.2008 | Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2008 - Material and energy flows in the EU-15: 1970-2004 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Weisz, H; Eisenmenger, N; Steinberger, JK
Event: Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology 2008
Period: 17.08.2008 - 18.08.2008 | Location: New London, NH, USA
Year: 2008 - The River and the City. Urban metabolism and its role for the social-ecology of a watershed (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop: Towards an Environmental History of the Danube´s Riverine Landscapes (ENVIRDANUBE)
Period: 27.02.2008 - 28.02.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Mining or Maintaining Soil Fertility? Agricultural Practice in the Old and New World (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Cunfer, G
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Environmental History
Period: 12.03.2008 - 15.03.2008 | Location: Boise, ID, USA
Year: 2007 - The challenge of China´s transition from an agrarian socio-ecological regime to an industrial "circular economy" (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F
Event: Beijing International Conference on Environmental Sociology 2007
Period: 01.07.2007 | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2007 - Historical Sustainability Research: Past processes and present challenges (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S
Event: International Workshop on Trends in Research and Teaching of Historical Ecology in Central Europe 2007
Period: 26.10.2007 - 27.10.2007 | Location: Budapest, Hungary
Year: 2007 - The Industrial Revolution, material and energy flows and the transformation of agriculture (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Kerner von Marilaum Workshop der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2007 - The challenge of sustaining soils
Period: 09.11.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Analyzing impacts of the global socio-economic biomass metabolism on terrestrial ecosystems (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S
Event: Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
Period: 17.07.2007 | Location: Unknown, Canada
Year: 2007 - The global metabolic transition. Empirical evidence of an ongoing process (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S; Erb, KH
Event: 4th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2007
Period: 16.06.2007 - 19.06.2007 | Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Year: 2007 - Transition to a sustainable social metabolism. Facing the global challenge (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F
Event: 4th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2007
Period: 16.06.2007 - 19.06.2007 | Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Year: 2007 - Global human appropriation of net primary production: Population, affluence, technology, trade - and biodiversity (Talk)
Autoren: Wiesinger, M; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Erb, KH; Haberl, H
Event: Presentation at the 3rd LaSyS Workshop "Land System Science: Handling complex series of natural and socio-economic processes", Danish Network for Land System Science
Period: 25.10.2007 | Location: Tune, Denmark
Year: 2007 - Austria´s carbon metabolism 1830-2000: Implications of the agrarian-industrial transition (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Gaube, V; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: 4th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2007
Period: 16.06.2007 - 19.06.2007 | Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Year: 2007 - Early birds and latecomers: Foreign trade, industrialization and the environment in the United Kingdom and the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1800-1915 (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Schandl, H
Event: 4th Conference of the European Society of Environmental History ESEH 2007
Period: 05.06.2007 - 09.06.2007 | Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Year: 2007 - Nutzvieh zwischen Multifunktionalität und Produktionsmaschine. Historische Entwicklung und globale Muster (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Tier und Menschen als Motoren der Industrialisierung
Period: 28.09.2007 | Location: Mannheim, Germany
Year: 2006 - Historical Sustainability Research: Out of the frying pan into the fire: Industrialization as a socio-ecological transition process (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics
Period: 15.12.2006 - 18.12.2006 | Location: New Delhi, India
Year: 2006 - A Global Comprehensive 5min Land Use Dataset for the Year 2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Gaube, V; Krausmann, F; Plutzar, C; Bondeau, A; Haberl, H
Event: Earth System Science Partnership Conference ESSP 2006 - Global Environemental Change: Regional Challenges
Period: 09.11.2006 - 12.11.2006 | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2006 - The Social Metabolism of European Industrialization: Energy and Land in the United Kingdom and Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: III Simposio Latinoamerico y Caribeno de Historia AmbientalIII Simposio Latinoamerico y Caribeno de Historia Ambiental, 6-8 April, Carmona, Spain
Period: 06.04.2006 | Location: Carmona, Spain
Year: 2006 - Historical Sustaibability Research: Out of the frying pan into the fire: Industrialisation as a socio-ecological transition process (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 9th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2006
Period: 15.12.2006 - 18.12.2006 | Location: New Delhi, India
Year: 2006 - The MEFASPACE-hist. model, Material flows and transport in agrarian societies (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Rainer, G
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2006
Period: 06.08.2006 - 11.08.2006 | Location: Oxford, UK
Year: 2006 - The global metabolic transition. Growth vs. decoupling (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: ConAccount-Conference 2006 - Dematerialisation across scales: Measuremant, empirical evidence, future options
Period: 12.09.2006 - 13.09.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2006 - Global human appropriation of net primary production. Spatial patterns, trends during the 20th century, and implications for biodiversity (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Gaube V; Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F; Bondeau, A; Plutzar, C
Event: Earth System Science Partnership Conference ESSP 2006 - Global Environemental Change: Regional Challenges
Period: 09.11.2006 - 12.11.2006 | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2006 - The forest transition in Central Europe. A socio-ecological perspective (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 3rd IGU-LUCC Workshop 2006
Period: 22.04.2006 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2006 - The global metabolic transition – a hundred year database to account for human interventions in the global carbon cycle (Poster)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H
Event: Earth System Science Partnership Conference ESSP 2006 - Global Environemental Change: Regional Challenges
Period: 09.11.2006 - 12.11.2006 | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2005 - DMC as an indicator for sustainable use of resources and its different interpretations (Talk)
Autoren: Weisz, H; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Environmental Accounting and Sustainable Development Indicators 2005
Period: 25.09.2005 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2005 - Ein sozial-ökologischer Blick auf die Industrialisierung: Das Vereinigte Königreich und Österreich 1830 bis 2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Herausgebertreffen der Zeitschrift GAIA 2005
Period: 29.04.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Nachhaltigkeit, Landnutzung und Kolonisierung natürlicher Systeme (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Krausmann, F
Event: Forschungstag der IFF 2005
Period: 21.11.2005 | Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Year: 2005 - Ein sozial-ökologischer Blick auf die Industrialisierung: Das Vereinigte Königreich und Österreich 1830 bis 2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Herausgebertreffen der GAIA
Period: 29.04.2005 - 30.04.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Transitions in the North, Transitions in the South. Towards identifying and comparing transitions of coupled socio-ecological systems (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Schandl, H;
Event: 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community 2005
Period: 10.10.2005 - 13.10.2005 | Location: Bonn, Germany | Location: Bonn, Germany
Year: 2005 - The Transformation of Societies Natural Relations: Changes in the Social Metabolism of Austria and the United Kingdom since 1800 (Talk)
Autoren: Grünbühel, C; Schandl, H; Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M
Event: Conference of the European Society for Environmental History - History and Sustainability 2005
Period: 16.02.2005 | Location: Florence, Italy
Year: 2005 - A city and its hinterland: The social metabolism of Vienna 1800-2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Conference of the European Society for Environmental History - History and Sustainability 2005
Period: 16.02.2005 | Location: Florence, Italy
Year: 2005 - The Transformation of Societies Natural Relations: Changes in the Social Metabolism of Austria and the United Kingdom since 1800 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Grünbühel, C; Schandl, H
Event: Energy, Space and Time. Conference of the American Society for Environmental History
Period: 16.03.2005 | Location: Houston, TX, USA
Year: 2005 - Gesellschaftlicher Metabolismus, Landnutzung und räumliche Muster im Vergleich (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Internationaler Workshop "Sozialökologische Interaktionsmodelle und Systemtheorien - Ansätze einer theoretischen Begründung integrativer Projekte in der Geographie?
Period: 06.06.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Land use change and social metabolism. Research activities and approaches at the Institute of Social Ecology (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: IGU-LUCC Workshop on comparative land use history 2005, International Geographical Union, Study Group on Land Use and Land Cover Change
Period: 05.03.2005 | Location: Mikulov, Czech Republic
Year: 2005 - Social metabolism and land resources. Concepts, methods, applications (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Erb, KH
Event: Environmental Accounting
Period: 25.09.2005 - 26.09.2005 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2005 - Linking land use and social metabolism: concepts, indicators and empirical application (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Erb, KH
Event: Environmental Accounting and Sustainable Development Indicators 2005
Period: 25.09.2005 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2005 - Global patterns in socio-economic biomass metabolism. A new estimate (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future ISIE 2005
Period: 12.06.2005 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2005 - The transition from agrarian to industrial metabolism and implications for climate change: comparing Austria and the UK (Talk)
Autoren: Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Schandl, H
Event: Workshop Zero Carbon City: Reacting to Climate Change, British Council and Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Period: 07.09.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2004 - Langfristige Veränderungen im gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit Natur: Eine sozialökologische Perspektive der Agrarmodernisierung (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Habilitationskolloquium 2004
Period: 22.10.2004 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2004 - Energy in early and late industrialization in Austria and the UK (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schandl, H
Event: Colloquium on Energy, Economic Growth and Population
Period: 02.10.2004 | Location: Naples, Italy
Year: 2004 - Historical patterns of biomass flows: The development of biomass harvest and trade in relation to land use and transport in Austria 1920-2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: ConAccount Meeting 2004 - A future research agenda for MFA - Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use
Period: 10.10.2004 | Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Year: 2004 - The Transformation from a Land Based to a Fossil Fuel Based Energy System. The Case of Austria 1800-2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2004
Period: 01.08.2004 | Location: Oxford, UK
Year: 2004 - Monitoring the Physical Economy: Material Flow Trends and Patterns of European Union Countries. Ecological Engineering for Homeostatic Human Activities (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop on Sustainable Social Systems
Period: 27.02.2004 | Location: Toyohashi, Japan
Year: 2004 - Sozialökologische Aspekte des Ernährungssystems (Talk)
Autoren: Gaube, V; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: ESSKULTUR Symposium
Period: 22.11.2004 | Location: Klosterneuburg, Austria
Year: 2004 - Landnutzung und gesellschaftlicher Metabolismus in dörflichen Agrarsystemen. Eine sozial-ökologische Perspektive zur Agrarmodernisierung in Österreich. Umweltgeschichte der Landwirtschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Sommertagung des Arbeitskreises für Agrargeschichte
Period: 25.06.2004 | Location: Bielefeld, Germany
Year: 2003 - From LTER to LTSER: The socioeconomic dimension of long-term socio-ecological research (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Amann, C; Haberl, H
Event: European-American Workshop on Long term socio-environmentlal research
Period: 01.07.2003 - 05.07.2003 | Location: Motz, France
Year: 2003 - European Material Matters. Trends and Patterns in Material Flows in the European Union Countries 1970-2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Weisz, H; Amann, C; Eisenmenger, N; Erb, KH; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Hunbacek, K
Event: 2nd Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
Period: 29.06.2003 - 03.07.2003 | Location: Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Year: 2003 - Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism: an approach to analyze coupled human environment systems (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Krausmann, F
Event: LAND Open Science Conference 2003 - Global change and the terrestrial human-environment system, Integrated Research Coupled on Human Envrionmental Systems
Period: 01.12.2003 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2003 - Land Use and Societal Metabolism in 19th Century Austrian Villages (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 2nd Conference of the European Society of Environmental History: Dealing with Diversity
Period: 03.09.2003 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2003 - The Transformation of European Land Use Systems During Industrial Modernization. A biophysical analysis of the development in Austrian villages since 1830 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Environmental History Conference: The Regional Tendencies of the Interaction of Human Being and Nature in the Process of the Transition from the Agrarian Society
Period: 19.03.2003 | Location: Tver, Russian Federation
Year: 2003 - Designing multifunctional research platforms. Integration of socio-economic approaches and LTER in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: European-American Workshop on "Long-Term Socio-Environmental Research", organized by the INSU Division " Societies et Environnements"
Period: 01.07.2003 | Location: Motz, France
Year: 2003 - The transformation of pre-industrial land use systems in Central Europe - a biophysical perspective: Methodological aspects and results from Austrian case studies (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 16th Seminari d´Historia Economica I Social: Paisatge, Territori I Societat". Una Perspectiva Historica 2003
Period: 27.11.2003 | Location: Girona, Spain
Year: 2003 - Long term changes in land use patterns, socio-economic driving forces and environmental change. A central European case study (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: Conference of the International Geographical Union: Global and Regional Land Use/Cover Changes
Period: 17.07.2003 | Location: Moscow, Russian Federation
Year: 2002 - Socio-economic development and environmental change in the United Kingdom and Austria from 1830 until present (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schandl, H; Schulz, NB
Event: Conference of the American Society of Environmental History: Producing and Consuming Natures
Period: 20.03.2002 | Location: Denver, CO, USA
Year: 2002 - Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism: A Research approach (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Landscape Tomorrow: Sustainable Development of Multifunctional Landscapes
Period: 19.04.2002 | Location: Müncheberg, Germany
Year: 2002 - Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur langfristigen Entwicklung von gesellschaftlichem Metabolismus und Landnutzung in Österreich und VK (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schandl, H; Schulz, NB
Event: Tagung "Der Europäische Sonderweg: Die sozialmetabolische Transformation vom Agrarsystem zur Industrialisierung
Period: 25.04.2002 | Location: Dietramszell, Germany | Location: Dietramszell, Germany
Year: 2002 - The Franziscean Cadastre as a source to analyze pre-industrial agro-ecosystems (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: 2nd Central European LUCC Workshop: Towards common LUCC research based on Franciscean Cadastre cartographic and written data
Period: 13.02.2002 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2002 - Accounting for the Socio-Economic Energy System. A comparative analysis of the development of socio-economic energy flows in the UK and Austria since the early 19th century (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schulz, NB
Event: 29th Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Period: 24.09.2002 | Location: Granada, Spain
Year: 2002 - Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism: towards an integrated analysis of the „human dimensions" of global environmental change (Poster)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Erb, KH; Haberl, H
Event: 3rd international workshop Advances in Energy Studies on "Reconsidering the Importance of Energy
Period: 24.09.2002 | Location: Porto Venere, Italy
Year: 2002 - Land Use Related Changes of the Aboveground Carbon Storage and Turnover in Terrestrial Ecosystems. The Case of Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Poster Presentation at the COST 627 Meeting "Carbon sequestration in European Grasslands"
Period: 18.09.2002 - 30.09.2002 | Location: Foulum, Denmark
Year: 2001 - Human Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning and Species Diversity in Cultural Landscapes: Empirical Analyses for an Austrian Transect (Poster)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Schulz, NB; Plutzar, C; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F; Loibl, W; Sauberer, N; Weisz, H
Event: Global Change Open Science Conference 2001 - Challenges of a Changing Earth, organized by the IGBP
Period: 10.07.2001 | Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Year: 2001 - Landscape Change as a Consequence of Changing Social Metabolism. The Case of Austria 1830-2000 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: Conference of the American Society of Environmental History: Making Environmental History relevant in the 21st Century
Period: 28.03.2001 - 01.04.2001 | Location: Durham, NC, USA
Year: 2001 - Land Use and the Socio-Economic Energy System. 200 Years of Industrial Modernization in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: ESEH St. Andrews 2001: First International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History. Environmental History: problems and potential
Period: 05.09.2001 | Location: St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
Year: 2001 - Land Use and Socioeconomic Metabolism. The Case of Austria 1830-1995 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: IGU-LUCC Prague 2001: Conference of the International Geographical Union, Study Gropu on Land Use and Land Cover Change: Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Period of Globalization"
Period: 14.07.2001 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2001 - Land-Use Change and Socioeconomic Metabolism: The Case of Austria 1950-2020 (Poster)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Erb, KH; Adensam, H; Schulz, NB; Haberl, H
Event: Global Change Open Science Conference 2001 - Challenges of a Changing Earth, organized by the IGBP
Period: 10.07.2001 | Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Year: 2001 - Die Bedeutung der Flächeninanspruchnahme durch Gebäude und Infrastruktur für ökosystemare Prozesse am Beispiel der gesellschaftlichen Aneignung von Nettoprimärproduktion, Österreich 1830-2020 (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Schulz, NB; Krausmann, F;
Event: Versiegelt Österreich? - Der Flächenverbrauch und seine Eignung als Indikator für Umweltbeeinträchtigungen, Tagung 2001
Period: 15.03.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2000 - The Process of Industrialization from an Ecological Footprint Perspective - The Case of Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F
Event: 3rd Biennial Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2000 - Transitions Towards a Sustainable Europe. Ecology - Economy - Policy
Period: 02.05.2000 - 06.05.2000 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2000 - From Wood and Rye to Paper and Beef: Changes in the Socio-Economic Biomass and Energy Metabolism during 200 Years of Industrial Modernisation in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Haberl, H
Event: 3rd Biennial Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2000 - Transitions Towards a Sustainable Europe. Ecology - Economy - Policy
Period: 02.05.2000 - 06.05.2000 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2000 - Theoretische Grundlagen für die gesellschaftliche Beobachtung nachhaltiger Entwicklung am Beispiel langfristiger Veränderungen der Landnutzung (Talk)
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H; Schandl, H; Weisz, H; Winiwarter, V
Event: Tagung "Lanschaft unter Druck, die treibenden Kräfte der Landnutzung", 5 Jahre Kulturlandschaftsforschung
Period: 12.10.2000 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 1999 - Colonizing Landscapes: Land-Use Induced Changes in Ecological Energy Flows and Consequences for Biomass and Carbon Storage in the Aboveground Vegetation - The Case of Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Krausmann, F
Event: 1999 Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, International Scientific Planning Committee (ISPC) / International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP)
Period: 24.06.1999 | Location: Shonan, Japan
Year: 1999 - Terrestrial Ecosystems and Industrial Transformation: Long Term Dynamics of Social Biomass-Metabolism, Land-Use and Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production in Austria 1830 - 1995 (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F
Event: Conference Nature, Society and History: Long Term Dynamics of Social Metabolism 1999
Period: 30.09.1999 - 02.10.1999 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Institute für Soziale Ökologie
Year: 1998 - Colonizing Landscapes: A theoretical concept and an empirical case study to analyze the dynamics of land use change (Talk)
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Weisz, H
Event: GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference: Earth´s Changing Land
Period: 14.03.1998 - 18.03.1998 | Location: Barcelona, Spain
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