Gerhard Piringer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gerhard Piringer
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Precision Agriculture Technologies – A Case Study of Crop Production in Austria
Autoren: Medel-Jiménez, F; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A; Krexner, T; Kral, I;
Event: EcoBalance 2022
Year: 2021 - Life Cycle Assessment of Fertilization - Precision Soil Modeling Combined with Precision Agriculture
Autoren: Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Neugschwandtner, R; Krexner, T; Kral, I;
Event: 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry
Year: 2020 - Combining LCA and the soil model DNDC to assess the environmental impacts of catch crops
Autoren: Kral, I; Krause, S; Euteneuer, P; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A
Event: 30th Annual Meeting - Open Science for Enhanced Global Environmental Protection SETAC Europe 2007
Year: 2020 - Ökobilanzierung der Holzbereitstellung bis zum Werk unter Einbeziehung neuer Technologien
Autoren: Kühmaier, M; Kanzian, C; Kral, I; Piringer, G
Event: Tagung der Forstaufschließungsreferenten 2020
Year: 2019 - Life cycle assessment (LCA) in forestry
Autoren: Kühmaier, M; Kral, I; Kanzian, C; Piringer, G
Event: FORMEC 2019 – Exceeding the Vision: Forest Mechanisation of the Future
Year: 2019 - Ökobilanzierung der Holzbereitstellung bis zum Werk unter Einbeziehung neuer Technologien
Autoren: Kühmaier, M; Kral, I; Kanzian, C; Piringer, G
Event: Tagung der forstlichen Arbeitslehrer Österreichs 2019
Year: 2018 - Effizienzvergleich von automatischen Lenksystemen (aL) mit manueller Lenkung (mL) während der Grünlandernte auf Basis von Prozessparametern der Zugmaschine
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
Event: Tagung 'Landtechnik im Alpenraum' 2018
Year: 2018 - Environmental Impact Assessment of Steam Explosion Pretreatment in Biogas Production Chains in Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: 24th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium 2018
Year: 2018 - Life-cycle assessment of timber supply chains in Austria
Autoren: Kühmaier, M; Kral, I; Kanzian, C; Gruber, P; Piringer, G
Event: 24th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium 2018
Year: 2018 - Ökobilanzierung neuer Technologien bei der Holzbereitstellung vom Waldort bis zum Werk
Autoren: Kühmaier, M; Kanzian, C; Gruber, P; Kral, I; Piringer, G
Event: Tagung der Forstaufschließungs-Referenten 2018
Year: 2017 - Carbon Footprint of Electricity from Biogas with Steam Explosion Pretreatment
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
Event: 45th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering 2017
Year: 2017 - Carbon Footprint of Table Grape Production in Eastern Austria
Autoren: Mairinger, B; Kral, I; Gronauer, A; Piringer, G
Event: 23rd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium 2017
Year: 2017 - Automated versus manual steering during grassland harvest operations in Western Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Bauerdick, J; Bernhardt, H; Gronauer, A
Event: 8th CASEE Conference Sustainable development in Europe 2017 – cooperation between science and practice - What’s the position of Central and South Eastern Europe?
Year: 2017 - Product Environmental Footprint: Konzept und Umsetzung
Autoren: Zollitsch, W; Hörtenhuber, S; Piringer, G
Event: Österreichische Qualität - Regional und International Österreichische Milchwirtschaftliche Tagung 2017
Year: 2017 - Umweltauswirkungen der Nutzung von agrarischen und kommunalen Reststoffen in einer alpinen Gemeinde
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, G
Event: Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2017
Year: 2017 - Effizienzvergleich von automatischen Lenksystemen mit manueller Lenkung während der Grünlandernte auf Basis von Prozessparametern der Zugmaschine
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Bauerdick, J; Bernhardt, H; Gronauer, A
Event: 37. GIL-Jahrestagung 2017
Year: 2017 - Comparing the Efficiency of Automated Versus Manual Steering During Grassland Harvest Operations in Western Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Piringer, G; Barta, N; Bauer, A; Bauerdick, J; Bernhardt, H; Gronauer, A
Event: 45th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering 2017
Year: 2017 - Carbon footprint of table grape production in Eastern Austria
Autoren: Mairinger, B; Kral, I; Gronauer, A; Piringer, G
Event: 23rd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium 2017
Year: 2016 - Environmental impacts of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K.; Gerhard, P.; Bauer, A.; Gronauer, A;
Event: 22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium 2016
Year: 2016 - Potential for Post-Production Segregation of Blended Fertilisers
Autoren: Moitzi, G; Pichler, J; Hofmair, W; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A
Event: Technical Conference - The International Fertiliser Society
Year: 2016 - Carbon footprint of table grape production in Eastern Austria
Autoren: Mairinger, B; Kral, I; Gronauer, A; Piringer, G
Event: 7th CASEE Conference 2016 - The Role of Life Sciences in Europe’s 2020 Strategy
Year: 2016 - Carbon footprint of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: 7th CASEE Conference 2016 - The Role of Life Sciences in Europe’s 2020 Strategy
Year: 2016 - Environmental impacts of biogas production at the interface of natural systems and infrastructure
Autoren: Piringer, G; Saylor, M K; Kral, I; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
Event: e-nova Internationaler Kongress 2016
Year: 2015 - Carbon footprint of electricity production from innovative biogas systems with steam explosion pretreatment
Autoren: Kral, I; Piringer, G; Saylor, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2015
Year: 2015 - Umweltauswirkungen der Energieproduktion aus Biogas
Autoren: Kral, I; Piringer, G; Saylor, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: Symposium Ökobilanzierung 2015, Strategische Kooperation BOKU - Umweltbundesamt
Year: 2015 - Environmental hot spot analysis in agricultural LCA - three case studies
Autoren: Piringer, G; Saylor, M K; Stampfel, A; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
Event: 6th CASEE Conference 2015 - Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube region
Year: 2015 - Environmental effects of a novel pre-treatment technology for maize stover as a biogas substrate
Autoren: Kral, I; Piringer, G; Saylor, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: Biogas Seminar
Year: 2015 - Environmental Effects of a Novel Pre-treatment Technology for Maize Stover as a Biogas Substrate
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K.; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
Event: 6th CASEE Conference 2015 - Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube region
Year: 2014 - Environmental impacts of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality: Comparing the status quo to local biogas from managed grasslands
Autoren: Piringer, G; Saylor, MK; Kral, I; Frühauf, S; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: SETAC Europe 20th LCA Case Study Symposium - LCA in promoting eco-innovation and sustainability: education, research and application
Year: 2014 - Environmental Effects of a Novel Pre-treatment Technology for Maize Stover as a Substrate in a Typical Austrian Biogas Plant
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, MK; Piringer, G; Nilsen, PJ; Elsenbruch, T; Bauer, A;
Event: Biogas Science 2014
Year: 2014 - Role of Biomass and Biogas For Agro-Municipal Development in the Danube Region
Autoren: Gronauer, A; Aschauer, C; Bauer, A; Piringer, G; Pröll, T; Pfeifer, C;
Event: Scientific Support to the Danube Strategy Danube Bioenergy Nexus 2014
Year: 2014 - Environmental effects of steam explosion pre-treatment on biogas from maize
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, MK; Bauer, A; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A
Event: SETAC Europe 20th LCA Case Study Symposium
Year: 2014 - Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect land use change effects: a global approach and case studies
Autoren: Hörtenhuber, S; Theurl, M; Lindenthal, T; Zollitsch, W; Piringer, G
Event: 9th International Conference on LCA of Food
Year: 2014 - Environmental impacts of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality. Comparing the status quo to local biogas from managed grasslands.
Autoren: Saylor, MK; Kral, I; Bauer, A; Piringer, G;
Event: Biogas Science 2014
Year: 2013 - Optimized alternative fuel production (biogas) in Alpine regions.
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Bauer, A; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A
Event: DocDay 2013
Year: 2013 - Agrartechnische Innovationen im Dienste der Nachhaltigkeit - unabhängig untersucht, bewertet und optimiert
Autoren: Moitzi G., Schulmeister K., Aschauer C., Pieringer G., Wagentristl H., Refenner K., Gronauer A.
Event: Science meets Business 2013 - Die BOKU und ihre Rolle im Innovationsprozess
Year: 2012 - Life Cycle Assessment - Aussagekraft und Grenzen im Kontext tierischer Produktionssysteme.
Autoren: W. Zollitsch, S. Hörtenhuber, G. Piringer
Event: 124. VDLUFA-Kongress 2012 - Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die Landwirtschaft: Bestimmung und Eignung
Year: 2008 - ENVR 17-Delivery and targeting of functional aerosol particle in DNAPL remediation
Autoren: Zhan, JJ; Day, C; Piringer, G; McPherson, GL; Lu, YF; Papadopoulos, K; John, VT
Event: 235th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting 2008