Harald Rieder
Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Harald Rieder
Institute of Meteorology and Climatology
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Email harald.rieder@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-81401, 81411
ORCID: 0000-0003-2705-0801
Y-8951-2019: ResearcherId
35766719400: AuthorId
- 2019 Professor for Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2013 - 2019 Assistent Professor for Environmental Meteorology and Climate Processes, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz, Habilitation in Environmental System Sciences and Meteorology (2019)
- 2013 Group Leader and Faculty Member, Austrian Polar Research Institute
- 2011 - 2013 Postdoc, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Department of Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics, Columbia University, New York
- 2010 - 2011 Postdoc, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich
- 2007 - 2010 PhD Student, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich
- 2007 - 2007 Research Associate, Institute of Meteorology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Future Capacity. Social vulnerability and adaptive capacity to risks from the impacts of future heat waves and air pollution
Autoren: Formayer, H; Rieder, H; Thaler, T; Moshammer, H; Hohenwallner-Ries, H; Friesenecker, M; Schmidt, Ch; Lehner, F; König, B; Mayer, M; Krimm, H; Kristian, A
(2022) On the Processes causing Stratospheric Contraction and its Implications
Autoren: Roland Eichinger, Petr Pisoft, Petr Šácha, Juan A. Añel, Harald E Rieder, Michal Zak, Jan Karlicky, Lorenzo M Polvani, Ales Kuchar, Laura de la Torre Ramos, Ulrich Foelsche, Peter Huszar, Christoph Jacobi, Jiri Miksovsky and Radek Zajicek
AGU Fall Meeting 2022
(2022) Exploring the importance of interactive ozone chemistry under different GHG and ODS levels
Autoren: Kult-Herdin, J; Sukhodolov, T; Chiodo, G; Rieder, H
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
(2021) X-Band-Radarbeobachtungen von Schwergewittern im Wiener Raum im Sommer 2020
Autoren: Klaus, V; Rieder, H
Disaster Research Days 2021
(2021) 30 years of surface ozone measurements in Austria: long-term trends, attainment statistics, and changes in the temperature sensitivity of surface ozone production
Autoren: Christoph Stähle, Monika Mayer, Christian Schmidt, Jessica Kult, Vinzent Klaus, Heidelinde Trimmel, Stefan Schreier, Jan Karlicky, Michael Alexander, and Harald Rieder
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
(2019) Changes in surface ozone abundances in Austria
Autoren: Monika Mayer, Wolfgang Spangl, Johann Hiebl, Marc Olefs, and Harald E. Rieder
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Potential climate penalties for ambient air quality
Autoren: Harald E. Rieder
Europe-Korea Conference on Science and technology (EKC)
(2019) Current and future challenges in attaining air quality targets: the roles of precursor emissions, ambient meteorology and climate warming
Autoren: Harald E. Rieder
Meteorologisches Kolloquium
(2019) Current and future challenges in attaining air quality targets: the roles of precursor emissions, ambient meteorology and climate warming
Autoren: Harald E. Rieder
ACCIN Kolloquium
(2019) Potentielle Änderungen der Ozonbelastung bodennaher Luft in Österreich
Autoren: Stähle, C; Rieder, H; Mayer, M; Fiore, A
Österreichischer MeteorologInnentag
(2019) Are springtime Arctic ozone concentrations predictable from wintertimeobservations?
Autoren: Harald E. Rieder, Johannes Fritzer, Lorenzo M. Polvani, and Susan Solomon
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2019) Decadal changes in PM pollution in urban cores in the light of emissionchanges and meteorological variability: a case study for the cities of Graz (Austria) and Prague (Czech Republic)
Autoren: Christian A. Schmidt, Peter Huszar, Monika Mayer, Johannes Fritzer, Harald E. Rieder
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
(2016) The Austrian radiation monitoring network ARAD – best practice and added value
Autoren: Marc Olefs, Dietmar Baumgartner, Friedrich Obleitner, Christoph Bichler, Ulrich Foelsche, Helga Pietsch, Harald Rieder, Philipp Weihs, Florian Geyer, Thomas Haiden, Wolfgang Schöner
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2016
(2011) Extreme events in total ozone on local, regional and global scale
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, J. Staehelin, J.A. Maeder, M. Ribatet, S. Di Rocco, L.M. Jancso, L. Frossard, T. Peter, A.C. Davison, R. Stübi, P. Weihs, F. Holawe, H. De Backer, U. Koehler, J. Krzyscin, K. Vanicek
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute CHMI 2011
(2011) Prediction of future erythemal UV-radiation for Austria
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Harald E. Rieder, Jochen E. Wagner, Stana Simic, Martin Dameris, Eugene Rozanov
12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2011) A comparison of spatial patterns in mean and extreme values of total ozone at mid-latitudes and the relationship to atmospheric dynamics and chemistry
Autoren: Harald Rieder, Linda Frossard, Johannes Staehelin, Mathieu Ribatet, Stefania Di Rocco, Jörg A. Maeder, Thomas Peter, Anthony C. Davison, Philipp Weihs, and Franz Holawe
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2011
(2011) Extreme events in total ozone on local, regional and global scale, Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, J. Staehelin, J.A. Maeder, M. Ribatet, S. Di Rocco, L.M. Jancso, L. Frossard, T. Peter, A.C. Davison, R. Stübi, P. Weihs, F. Holawe, H. De Backer, U. Koehler, J. Krzyscin, K. Vanicek
Charles University Prague 2011
(2011) Prediction of future erythemal UV-radiation for Austria
Autoren: Harald Rieder, Philipp Weihs, Jochen E. Wagner, Stana Simic, Martin Dameris, Eugene Rozanov
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2011
(2011) Spatial patterns in extreme and mean values of total ozone at mid-latitudes and the relationship to atmospheric dynamics and chemistry
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, L. Frossard, J. Staehelin, J.A. Maeder, M. Ribatet, S. Di Rocco, L.M. Jancso, T. Peter, A.C. Davison, P. Weihs, F. Holawe
Annual Meeting CCES Extremes 2011
(2010) Investigation of the three-dimensional actinic flux field in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, F. Angelini, M. Blumthaler, M. Fitzka, J.P. Gobbi, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H. E. Rieder, A. Webb, and P. Weihs
10th EMS Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology ECAC 2010
(2010) Extreme events in total ozone over Arosa: Application of extreme value theory and fingerprints of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and their effects on mean values and long-term changes
Autoren: Harald E. Rieder, Johannes Staehelin, Jörg A. Maeder, Thomas Peter, Mathieu Ribatet, Anthony C. Davison, Rene Stübi, Philipp Weihs, and Franz Holawe
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2010
(2010) Reconstruction of past and prediction of future erythemal UV-radiation at two sites in Austria
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Harald Rieder, Jochen Wagner, Stana Simic, and Martin Dameris
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2010
(2010) Investigation of the three-dimensional actinic flux field in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, F. Angelini, M. Blumthaler, M. Fitzka, J.P. Gobbi, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H. E. Rieder, A. Webb, and P. Weihs
10th EMS Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology ECAC 2010
(2009) The Austrian UVB monitoring network: 12 years of observations and 25 years of reconstructed data
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, P. Weihs, M. Blumthaler, S. Simic, A.W. Schmalwieser, J.E. Wagner, B. Schallhart, G. Schauberger, M. Fitzka, F. Holawe, and W. Laube
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2009) Comparison of ground-based UV irradiance measurements with satellite-derived values and 1-D- and 3-D-radiative transfer model calculations in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, A. Arola, M. Blumthaler, M., Fitzka, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H.E. Rieder, S. Simic, A. Webb, P. Weihs
30th ICAM 2009
(2009) Reconstruction technique of erythemal UV-radiation and future UV prediction
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, H.E. Rieder, S. Simic, P. Weihs
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2009) Comparison of ground-based UV irradiance measurements with satellite-derived values and 1-D and 3-D radiative transfer model calculations in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, A. Arola, M. Blumthaler, M., Fitzka, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H.E. Rieder, S. Simic, A. Webb, P. Weihs
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2009) Reconstruction and prediction of erythemal UV doses at two stations in Austria
SCOUT 2009 Final Meeting - Schliersee
(2009) Extreme Events: low and high total ozone over Arosa, Switzerland
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, J. Staehelin, J.A. Maeder, M. Ribatet, R. Stübi, P. Weihs, F. Holawe, T. Peter, and A.C. Davison
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2009) Reconstruction of erythemal UV-radiation and prediction of future UV at two sites in Austria
Autoren: Weihs, P., Rieder, H.E., Wagner, J.E., Simic, S.
15th Workshop on Energy and Environment 2009
(2009) Links between extreme UV-radiation, total ozone, surface albedo and cloudiness: An analysis of 30 years of data from Switzerland and Austria
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, J. Staehelin, P. Weihs, L. Vuilleumier, M. Blumthaler, F. Holawe, A. Lindfors, J.A. Maeder, S. Simic, J.E. Wagner, D. Walker, and M. Ribatet
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2009) From ozone mini-holes and mini-highs towards extreme value theory: New insights from extreme events and non-stationarity
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, J. Staehelin, J.A. Maeder, M. Ribatet, R. Stübi, P. Weihs, F. Holawe, T. Peter, and A.C. Davison
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2008) Comparison between high quality UV measurements and 3-D-Monte-Carlo radiative transfer calculations around Innsbruck
Autoren: Wagner, J.E.; Weihs, P.; Blumthaler, M.; Webb, A.; Gobbi, G.P.; Kift, R.; Kreuter, A.; Simic, S.; Rieder, H.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2008
(2008) Rekonstruktion der erythemwirksamen UV-Bestrahlungsstärke in Österreich: ein Vergleich zwischen Hochgebirge und Wiener Ballungsraum
Autoren: Rieder, H.E., Holawe, F., Simic, S., Blumthaler, M., Krzyscin, J.W. Wagner, J., Schmalwieser, A., Weihs, P.
10. Österreichischer Klimatag 2008 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2008) Determination and distribution of extreme events in total ozone using the world’s longest total ozone record from Arosa, Switzerland
Autoren: Rieder, H.E.; Staehelin, J.; Bodeker, G.E.; Stuebi, R.; Maeder, J.; Divis, L.; Weihs, P.; Holawe, F.; Simic, S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2008
(2008) Rekonstruktion der erythemwirksamen UV-Bestrahlungsstärke in Österreich: Ein Vergleich zwischen Hochgebirge und Wiener Ballungsraum
Autoren: Rieder, H.E., Holawe, F., Simic, S., Blumthaler, M., Krzyscin, J.W., Wagner, J., Schmalwieser, A.W., Weihs, P.
Symposium UV-Strahlung und Gesundheit in Österreich 2008
(2008) Measurements of UV irradiance within the area of one satellite pixel
Autoren: Weihs, P. ; Rieder, H.E; Blumthaler, M. ; Simic, S.; Schmalwieser, A. ; Tanskanen, A.; Kreuter, A.; Wagner, J.; Laube, W.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2008
(2008) Validation of OMI UV products:results of two ground UVmeasurement campaigns in Austria
Autoren: P. Weihs, M. Blumthaler, H. E. Rieder, A. Kreuter, S. Simic, W. Laube, A. W. Schmalwieser, J. Wagner , A. Tanskanen , A. Webb, R. Kift, G.P. Gobbi, and A. Arola
OMI Science Meeting 2008
(2008) UV-changes in Austria: A comparison between alpine and urban regions
Autoren: Rieder, H.E., Holawe F., Simic S., Blumthaler M., Krzyscin J.W., Schmalwieser A.W., Wagner J.E., Weihs P.
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2008
(2008) Extreme events in total ozone and erythemal UV in Switzerland and Austria
Autoren: Rieder, H.E.; Staehelin, J.; Bodeker, G.E.; Stuebi, R.; Maeder, J.; Divis, L.; Weihs, P.; Holawe, F.; Simic, S.; Blumthaler, M.; Lindfors, A.; Maeder, J., and Ribatet, M.
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2008
(2008) Determination and distribution of extreme events in total ozone using the world's longest total ozone record from Arosa, Switzerland,
Autoren: Rieder, H.E.; Staehelin, J.; Vuilleumier, L.; Weihs, P.; Walker, D.;Holawe, F.; Simic, S. and Ribatet, M.
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2008
(2007) Reconstruction of past UV levels in Austria: A comparison between Alpine and Urban regions
Autoren: Rieder, H., Holawe, F., Simic, S., Weihs, P.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2007
(2007) Validation of OMI UV products: first results of comparisons with two Austrian stations
Autoren: Simic, S., Weihs, P. Rieder, H.
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2007
(2007) Aktuelles aus dem Themenbereich „Atmosphärische Strahlung“
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Stana Simic, Jochen Wagner, Katja Richter, Michael Fitzka, Harald Rieder, Andreas Vacek, Wolfgang Laube
Meteorologentag 2007
(2007) Reconstruction of past UV levels in Austria: a comparison between Alpine and urban regions
Autoren: Rieder H. Holawe, F., Simic, S., Blumthaler, M., Kryscin, J., Weihs P.,
13th Workshop on Energy and Environment 2007
(2006) Reconstruction exercise of UV daily doses: Results and state of the art of investigations performed by BOKU
Autoren: P. Weihs, H. Rieder
COST 726 MCM meeting 2006
(2006) Validation of OMI UV products: first results of comparisons with two Austrian ground stations
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Stana Simic, Harald Rieder
11th SPIE Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere 2006
An assessment of the performance of bias correction techniques for surface ozone burdens simulated by global chemistry-climate models
Autoren: Stähle, C; Checa-Garcia, R; Fiore, AM; Rieder HE
An evaluation of global chemistry-climate model output bias correction techniques for surface ozone burdens
Autoren: Stähle, C; Mayer, M; Checa-Garcia, R; Rieder H.
Analysis of the dependency of atmospheric formaldehyde - as a proxy for bVOC emissions - on vegetation status over a Central European city and potential implications for surface ozone exceedances
Autoren: Heidelinde Trimmel, Monika Mayer, Harald Rieder, Stefan Schreier, Christian Schmidt, Ramiro Checa-Garcia, Josef Eitzinger, Anne Charlott Fitzky, Thomas Karl, Peter Huszár, Jan Karlický, Paul Hamer, Philipp Koehler, and Christian Frankenberg
Rapid-update X-band radar observations of two severe storms in Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Klaus,V; Kaltenböck, R; Rieder, H.E.