Helga Pülzl
Mag.Dr. Helga Pülzl
Forest Policy
Location Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
Email helga.puelzl@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-73221
ORCID: 0000-0001-7920-5903
24832318900: AuthorId
AAH-3500-2019: ResearcherId
- 1999 - 2005 Dr.phil.
- 1992 - 1998 Mag.phil.
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Understanding forest related conflicts and solutions based on local realities: Gällivare, Sweden
Autoren: Elomina, J; Zivojinovic, I; Pülzl, H
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2022 - Playfully protecting the climate: co-creation of a climate policy negotiation serious game with school students for the city of Vienna
Autoren: Elomina, J.;Nash, S. L.; Hofbauer, H.; Wagner, L.; Toth, K.; Pülzl, H.
Event: ECPR General Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - Vienna Climate Games
Autoren: Elomina, J., Toth, K., Hofbauer, H., Nash, S., Wagner, L., Pülzl, H
Event: Werte im Wandel. Bildung, Diversität, Nachhaltigkeit. Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2022
Year: 2021 - Climte Games in the City of Vienna
Autoren: Elomina, J., Giurca, A., Hofbauer, H., Nash, S., Toth, K., Wagner, L., Pülzl, H.
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Year: 2021 - Holzpolitik in Europa: Holzrelevante Politik, institutioneller Rahmen und Akteurslandschaft auf EU-Ebene
Autoren: Weiss, G, Pülzl, H
Event: 23. Waldforum des österreichischen Walddialogs 2021
Year: 2021 - The future of pan-European Forest Policy. Finnish Network on International Forest Policy Cooperation
Autoren: Pülzl, H.,
Event: Kv-metsäverkosto
Year: 2021 - The politics of FES in Europe. Conflicting views, policies and changing societal per-ceptions
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Winkel. G.
Event: SINCERE-NOBEL Final Conference: Incentives for Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe: connecting science, practice and policy
Year: 2021 - Climate Games in the City of Vienna
Autoren: Elomina, J.; Giurca, A.; Hofbauer, H.; Nash, S.; Toth, K.; Wagner, L.; Pülzl, H.
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Year: 2021 - Forest Europe and the future of pan-European forest policy-making
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Sobiao Days
Year: 2020 - Clash or concert in European forests? Integration and coherence of Forest Ecosystem Service related national policy
Autoren: Beland Lindahl, K., Pecurul-Botines, M., Sotirov, M., Tebenkova, D., Pülzl, H., Widmark, C.
Event: Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe 2020
Year: 2020 - How do citizens perceive and value forest ecosystem services?
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Aggestam, F., Pecurul-Botines, M., Lukina, N. V., Sotirov, M.,Tebenkova, D., Widmark, C. and Rosinger, C.
Event: Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe 2020
Year: 2020 - Identifying successful mechanisms for the implementation of payment for ecosystem services in forest management
Autoren: Nazari, M; Pülzl, H; Vacik, H
Event: Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe 2020
Year: 2019 - Die Schaffung von Werten in der Gesellschaft? ‐ Eine systematische Analyse der Bedeutung von Waldökosystemdienstleistungen und deren Auswirkungen
Autoren: Mallow, M., Pülzl, H.
Event: 50. Forstpolitikwissenschaftstreffen 2019
Year: 2019 - What’s all the fuss about? Bioeconomy as perceived by Austrian next genernation stakeholders
Autoren: Pülzl, H.; Ranacher, L.
Event: PERFORM Bioeconomy and European Forests Conference
Year: 2019 - Framing forest ecosystem services across country policies - conflicting perspectives on synergies and trade-offs
Autoren: Mallow, M; Pecurul, M; Pülzl H
Event: CASEE Conference 2019 - The role of life science universities in redirecting land use from threat to guardian of ecosystems
Year: 2019 - The meaning-making of Forest Ecosystem Services across countries: a policy frame analysis
Autoren: Mallow M, Pülzl H
Event: 14th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference: Social Science in Our time
Year: 2019 - Ready to govern? The bioeconomy frontier
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: VET4BioECONOMYC1 2019 - short term join staff training event
Year: 2019 - Werte der Zukunft. Eine quantitative Erhebung und Analyse der Wahrnehmungen und Werte zu Waldökosystemdienstleistungen
Autoren: Mallow, M., Kupetz, M., Pülzl, H.
Event: 50. Forstpolitikwissenschaftstreffen 2019
Year: 2019 - Wahrnehmung der Bioökonomie durch zukünftige Forstakteure
Autoren: Ranacher, L., Pülzl, H.
Event: 50. Forstpolitikwissenschaftstreffen 2019
Year: 2019 - International forest policy: an example for output convergence?
Autoren: Pülzl, H.; Ohler, C.
Event: IUFRO 2019
Year: 2019 - Draft results: MDTF Forest-policy post-2020 study
Autoren: Pülzl, H.; Kleinschmit, D.; Winkel, G.
Event: Workshop: „Europe’s future policy after 2020 – pathways for the future”
Year: 2019 - What’all about the fuss? Bioeconomy as perceived by Austrian next generation stakeholders
Autoren: Pülzl, H.; Ranacher, L.
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - The SDGS, bioeconomy and forests: a nexus for Global sustainability?
Autoren: Edwards, P.; Pülzl, H.
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - NOBEL - Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services
Autoren: Vacik, H; Abildtrup, J; Borges, J; Dorfstetter, Y; Eggers, J; Garcia, J; Gobakken, T; Kindu, M; Knoke, T; Lexer, MJ; Pülzl, H; Sandström, P; Stenger-Letheux, A; Wolfslehner, B;
Event: ForestValue Research Programme, Kick-Off Seminar
Year: 2019 - Trends for forest governance in EUrope
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Think Tank Meeting - Climate change and sustainable supply of softwood -A future outlook for the 21st century. The Case of Central Europe
Year: 2019 - Bioeconomy – the political framework
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: VET4BioECONOMYC1 2019 - short term join staff training event
Year: 2018 - Ready to govern? Ideas, Interests and Institutions- the bioeconomy frontier .
Autoren: Pülzl, H.; Kleinschmit, D.; Arts, B.; Giurca, A.
Event: HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG 2018 „Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Connecting Research, Education, Policy and Practice“
Year: 2018 - Navigating the value jungle – societal perceptions of forest ecosystem services and its policy implications
Autoren: Mallow, M; Pülzl, H
Event: 2nd International Forest Policy Meeting 2IFPM 2018
Year: 2018 - Forests between bio- and circular economy: connecting sustainable management and use
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: 7th European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum: The impact of evaluating environment and climate policies
Year: 2018 - Piecemeal integration: Explaining and understanding 60 Years of EU Forest-Policy Making
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: EUSTAFOR ExCOM Strategy (Review) Meeting
Year: 2018 - Ready to govern? Ideas, Interests and Institutions- the bioeconomy frontier
Autoren: Pülzl, H.; Kleinschmit, D.; Arts, B.; Giurca, A.
Event: HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG 2018 „Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Connecting Research, Education, Policy and Practice“
Year: 2018 - Navigating the value jungle – societal perceptions of forest ES and its policy implications
Autoren: Mallow, M.; Pülzl, H.
Event: 2nd International Forest Policy Meeting 2IFPM 2018
Year: 2017 - Bioeconomy - The political framework
Autoren: Helga Pülzl, Georg Winkel, Filip Aggestam, Bas Arts, Daniela Kleinschmit, Alexandru Giurca, Metodi Sotirov
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Indicators - a task for citizen's science?
Autoren: Pülzl H., Wolfslehner B.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - The Bioeconomy Frontier
Autoren: Helga Pülzl, Daniela Kleinschmit, Bas Arts, Alexandru Giurca
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Forest sustainability indicators in the new light of a bioeconomy
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S., Pülzl H., Bastrup-Birk A., Camia A., Marchetti M.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2016 - The development of the pan-European Indicators for SFM and and their further conditioning towards emerging policy needs
Autoren: Linser, S; Wolfslehner, B; Puelzl, H
Event: 1st International Forest Policy Meeting
Year: 2016 - Needs and innovation in monitoring resilient bioeconomy development: A new EFI study
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Linser S., Pülzl H., Bastrup-Birk A., Camia A., Marchetti M.
Event: Think Forest Event: Building an innovative and resilient forest bioeconomy
Year: 2015 - EU Waldpolitik zwischen Interessen, Institutionen und Diskursen
Autoren: Pülzl, H; Wydra, D; Hogl, K
Event: Forstpolitiktreffen 2015
Year: 2015 - Integrating Environmental Concerns in the Bioeconomy Discourse
Autoren: Kleinschmit, D; Arts,B; Giurca, A; Mustalathi, I; Pülzl, H; Sergent, A
Event: Global Bioeconomy Summit 2015
Year: 2015 - Most recent global and regional forest-related decisions
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Policy Second Meeting
Year: 2015 - The genesis of the pan- European criteria and indicators and their further development towards emerging policy needs
Autoren: Linser S., Wolfslehner B., Pülzl H.
Year: 2015 - Waldpolitik in EUropa
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: Südtiroler Forstvereinstagung
Year: 2015 - Forest-related multi-lateral processes
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: Liasion Unit Bratislava (FORESTEUROPE)
Year: 2015 - Global and regional forest-related developments: Relevance to the ECE region
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: Silva2015 - joint session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the FAO European Forestry Commission
Year: 2015 - The National Forest Programmes in Shaping Forestry of the XXI Century
Autoren: Buck, A; Pülzl, H; Rametsteiner, E
Event: Challenges and Opportunities of Forestry in 21st Century
Year: 2015 - Bio-economy discourse: understanding discursive emergence
Autoren: Pülzl,H; Kleinschmit, D; Arts,B; Holmgren, S
Event: International Conference on Public Policy
Year: 2015 - SUSTAINABILITY – a "selling point for the bioeconomy"?
Autoren: Ramcilovic-Suominen, S; Pülzl, H
Event: Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy 2015 - Innovative Methods and Solutions for the Agriculture and Forest Sectors
Year: 2014 - "European Forest Governance: Issues at Stake and the Way Forward"
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: 132nd meeting of the Standing Forestry Committee
Year: 2014 - Same-same, but different ? Bio-economy and forests
Autoren: Pülzl, H; Kleinschmit, D.; Arts, B
Event: Bioeconomy seminar @ IUFRO World Congress
Year: 2014 - Natural Resource Management - the European dimension
Autoren: Wolfslehner B., Pülzl H. , Aggestam F.
Event: Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development
Year: 2014 - Discursive change or how Bioeconomy came to matter in Western Societies
Autoren: Kleinschmit, D; Pülzl, D.
Event: Auhtors workshop
Year: 2014 - Thinkforest Evaluation
Autoren: Aggestam, F; Puelzl, H.
Event: Thinkforest
Year: 2014 - Introduction to the European Union matters including international and European Forest Policy
Autoren: Pülzl, H
Event: MSc European Forestry - Course trends in European Forestry
Year: 2014 - European Forest Governance how decision-making works in the EU and Pan-Europe
Autoren: Pülzl, H;
Year: 2013 - European forest governance
Autoren: Helga Pülzl
Event: Regional water and forest management in South Eastern Europe - Future Regional Actions in SEE
Year: 2013 - European Forest Governance: issues at stake and the way forward
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: EFI Annual Conference 2013
Year: 2013 - Forest Governance in Europe
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: EFI Summerschool on Russian Forest Governance
Year: 2013 - European Forest Governance: issues at stake and the way forward.
Autoren: Helga Pülzl
Event: Forstpolitikertreffen 2013
Year: 2013 - Bio-economy – discourse an emerging meta-discourse affecting forest discourses?
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Kleinschmit, D., Arts, B.
Event: Nordic Workshop 2013 - The Forest Sector in the Biobased Economy-perspectives from policy and economic sciences
Year: 2013 - European Forest Governance: issues at stake and the way forward
Autoren: Karl Hogl, Helga Pülzl
Event: ThinkForest high-level seminar: European Forest Governance: Issues at Stake and the Way Forward
Year: 2013 - Rescuing the Union: Discourses on solidarity and austarity in the German and Austrian Parliaments
Autoren: Doris Wydra, Helga Pülzl
Event: 1st International Conference on Public Policy ICPP 2013
Year: 2013 - What Parliaments Think? The European Financial Crises Hits Home
Autoren: Wydra, Doris, Helga Pülzl
Event: ECPR Conference
Year: 2013 - Introduction to international, pan-European and EU forest policy analysis
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Erasmus Mundus Programme MSc European Forestry
Year: 2013 - Bio-economy - an emerging meta-discourse affecting forest discourses?
Autoren: Pülzl, H; Kleinschmit, D.; Arts, B.
Event: Nordic Workshop 2013 - The Forest Sector in the Biobased Economy-perspectives from policy and economic sciences
Year: 2013 - The future of European forest governance
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: ThinkForest Dinner: Future of European Forest Governance
Year: 2013 - European Governance and the way forward
Autoren: Helga PÜlzl
Event: COST Action Orchestrating forest-related policy analysis in Europe (ORCHESTRA)
Year: 2012 - European Forest Governance
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: International Seminar Forests and Society 2012
Year: 2011 - Indicator development in Sustainability Impact Assessment: balancing theory and practice
Autoren: Pülzl H., Prokofieva I., Berg S., Rametsteiner E., Aggestam F., Wolfslehner B.
Event: Österreichischer Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2011
Year: 2009 - The Politics of Forests: the (non)governance of natural resources within the United Nations
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: 13th World Forestry Congress FAO 2009
Year: 2009 - Sustainability indicator development - science or political negotiation? Final EFORWOOD conference
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner, E., Bach, H., Alkan-Olsson J.
Event: Shape your sustainabilty tools - and let your tools shape you 2009
Year: 2008 - Sustainability indicator development - science or political negotiation?
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Pülzl, H., Alkan-Olsson, J., Frederiksen, P.
Event: International Conference Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes 2008
Year: 2008 - Indicator development as "boundary spanning" between scientists and policy-makers
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner, E.
Event: Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change IHDP Conference 2008
Year: 2007 - “The reform of PhD-Programmes: educational policy in Austria and the Netherlands”
Autoren: Kritzinger, S., Pülzl, H., Prainsack, B.
Event: 10th Biennial International EUSA Conference 2007
Year: 2007 - “The Politics of Forests: The (non-)governance of natural resources within the United Nations”
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Year: 2006 - The Open Method of Coordination. A new governing method for forest policy in Europe
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Meeting of Directors General of Forestry
Year: 2005 - Pros and cons of a legally binding instrument for forests in Europe?
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: A coordinated forest land use policy in Eastern Europe
Year: 2005 - Was waldrelevante Übereinkommen bezüglich internationaler Kooperation von Österreich fordern (mit Schwerpunkt bei UNFF und CBD)
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Workshop for the Austrian Forest Programme, 22 June at the Diplomatic Academy
Year: 2004 - Policy advice on options for a legally binding instrument for all forests, Presentation of final results
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Final results, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
Year: 2004 - A methodical tool for the evaluation of the implementation of international commitments on national and sub-national levels
Autoren: Pülzl, H. (vorgetragen von Rametsteiner, E.)
Event: International Symposíum "The Evaluation of Forest Policies and Programmes"
Year: 2004 - Was waldrelevante Übereinkommen bezüglich internationaler Kooperation von Österreich fordern (mit Schwerpunkt bei UNFF und CBD)
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Workshop for the Austrian Forest Programme
Year: 2003 - Evaluierung der Umsetzung des CBD Arbeitsprogramms und der IPF/IFF Aktionsvorschläge in Österreich
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Austrian Biodiversity Commission
Year: 2003 - Evaluating the implementation of the expanded programme of work on forest biological diversity and the IPF/IFF Proposals for Action. Case-study of Austria
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: 3rd meeting of the United Nations forum on forests
Year: 2003 - Institutionalising Policy Discourse, Narratives, Stories on Forests and Trees within United Nations Policy Deliberations. The Convention Idea
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: 2nd ECPR Conference, Section No 9. Theoretical Perspectives on Policy Analyses
Year: 2003 - Evaluierung der Umsetzung des erweiterten Arbeitsprogramms für biologische Vielfalt der Wälder und der IPF- und IFF-Aktionsvorschläge in Österreich
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: Workshop BMLFUW
Year: 2002 - IPF/IFF Proposals and their implementation by national forest programmes by national states and the European Union
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Event: International IUFRO Meeting and COST E19 MG and WG meetings 2002 - Cross-Sectoral Policy Impacts on Forests
IPF/IFF Proposals for Action and their Implementation by National Forest Programmes by National States and the European Union
Autoren: Helga Pülzl
Evaluating the implementation of the IPF and IFF Proposals for ACtion & How to approach it
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner E.
IPF/ IFF Proposals for Action and their Implementation by National Forest Programmes by National states and the European Community
Autoren: Pülzl, H.
Die Evaluierung der Umsetzung der IPF- und IFF-Aktionsvorschläge durch Österreich und die Europäische Gemeinschaft Erfahrungen mit dem methodischen Zugang
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner, E.