Johannes Stadlmann
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johannes Stadlmann
Institute of Biochemistry (DCH/BC)
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-77256
- 2020 Universitaetsassistent - Institute of Biochemistry (DCH/BC), Department of Chemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna.
- 2015 - 2020 Staff Scientist - Institute of Moelcular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA), Vienna, Austria.
- 2010 - 2013 Post-Doctoral Fellow - Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, Austria.
- 2009 - 2010 Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.
- 2004 - 2009 Doctorate (Dr. nat. techn.) - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Elucidating the O-glycan structure of the novel periodontal health-associated bacterium Tannerella serpentiformis
Autoren: Walcher Stephanie, Hager-Mair Fiona F., Stadlmann Johannes, Kählig Hanspeter, Schäffer Christina
Event: Beilstein Symposium Glycobioinformatics
Year: 2022 - Elucidating the O-glycan structure of the novel periodontal health-associated bacterium Tannerella serpentiformis
Autoren: Walcher, Sephanie, Fiona F. Hager-Mair, Hanspeter Kählig, Johannes Stadlmann, Christina Schäffer
Event: 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop 2022
Year: 2022 - Structural diversity of N-glycans in green algae
Autoren: Mócsai, RT; Blaukopf, M; Stadlmann, J; Altmann, F
Event: 15th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides 15BSS 2022
Year: 2012 - Stabilization of the Fc fragment of human IgG1 by engineered interdomain disulfide bonds
Autoren: Wozniak-Knopp, G; Stadlmann, J; Rüker, F;
Event: 9th International Conference on Protein Stability 2012 - From molecular level to market applications
Year: 2012 - Strategies for the stabilization of Fc fragments
Autoren: Gordana Wozniak-Knopp, Johannes Stadlmann, Florian Rüker
Event: FA0804 COST Action Molecular farming 2012 -Plants as a production platform for high value proteins
Year: 2012 - Human cathepsin O: glycosylation, processing and cellular activity
Autoren: Aufy, M; Porodko, A; Stadlmann, J; Gruber, C; Mach, L
Event: 13th International Symposium on Proteinases, Inhibitors and Biological Control 2012
Year: 2011 - The cherry on the cake: Expression of sialylated human Erythropoietin in plants
Autoren: Jez, J., Castilho, A., Stadlmann, J., Grass, J., Antes, B., Vorauer-Uhl. K., Strasser, R., Altmann, F., Steinkellner, H.
Event: 21st International Symposium on Glycoconjugates GLYCO 21, 2011
Year: 2011 - The human lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin O is N- and O-glycosylated
Autoren: Aufy, M., Porodko, A., Stadlmann, J., Mach, L.
Event: 21st International Symposium on Glycoconjugates GLYCO 21, 2011
Year: 2011 - The cherry on the cake: Expression of sialylated human Erythropoietin in plants
Autoren: J. Jez, A. Castilho, J. Stadlmann, J. Grass, B. Antes, K. Vorauer-Uhl, R. Strasser, F. Altmann, H. Steinkellner
Event: 21st International Symposium on Glycoconjugates GLYCO 21, 2011
Year: 2011 - The two N-glycans of murine Cellular Repressor of E1A-stimulated Genes (CREG) are both engaged in lysosomal sorting of the protein
Autoren: Schähs, P., Schönbacher, A., Steinschauer, V., Porodko, A., Stadlmann, J., Mach, L.
Event: 21st International Symposium on Glycoconjugates GLYCO 21, 2011
Year: 2010 - Systems Biotechnology for Protein Production in Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Graf, A.B., Stadlmann, J., Dragosits, M., Redl, A., Maurer, M., Sauer, M., Altmann, F., Gasser, B..
Event: Systems Biology of Microorganisms
Year: 2010 - Genome sequence, secretome and sugar transport of the protein production host Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Graf, A.B., Stadlmann, J., Dragosits, M., Redl, A., Maurer, M., Sauer, M., Altmann, F., Gasser, B..
Event: Systems Biology of Microorganisms
Year: 2010 - Genome, secretome and glucose transport highlight unique features of the protein production host Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Mattanovich, D., Graf, A.B., Stadlmann, J., Dragosits, M., Redl, A., Maurer, M., Sauer, M., Altmann, F., Gasser, B.
Event: 4th Conference on Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi PYFF4 2010
Year: 2009 - Genome scale engineering of protein production in Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Mattanovich Diethard; Graf Alexandra; Dragosits Martin; Stadlmann Johannes; Redl Andreas; Sauer Michael; Maurer Michael; Altmann Friedrich; Gasser Brigitte
Event: Autumn Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology 2009
Year: 2009 - Proteomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of the Adaption of Pichia pastoris Cells to Various Environmental Conditions
Autoren: Dragosits Martin, Johannes Stadlmann, Alexandra Graf, Joan Albiol, Kristin Baumann, Brigitte Gasser, Michael Sauer, Friedrich Altmann, Pau Ferrer, Diethard Mattanovich
Year: 2009 - Yeast Systems Biotechnology for the Production of Heterologous Proteins
Autoren: Diethard Mattanovich, Martin Dragosits, Alexandra Graf, Andreas Redl, Johannes Stadlmann, Michael Maurer, Kristin Baumann, Joan Sola, Pau Ferrer, Friedrich Altmann, Michael Sauer, Brigitte Gasser
Event: 16th Biochemical Engineering 2009 - Past, Present, and Future of Biochemical Engineering
Year: 2009 - Consistent1,4-galactosylation of monoclonal antibodies produced in plants.
Autoren: Castilho, A., Strasser, R., Stadlmann, J., Kunert, R., Gattinger, P., Altmann, F., Mach, L., Steinkellner, H
Event: 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium 2009
Year: 2009 - Genome sequence, secretome and sugar transport of the protein production host Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Mattanovich, D; Graf, A; Stadlmann, J; Dragosits, M; Redl, A; Maurer, M; Sauer, M; Altmann, F; Gasser, B.
Event: 14th European Congress on Biotechnology 2009
Year: 2009 - Unusual N-glycosylation and subcellular localisation of monoclonal antibodies produces in Arabidopsis seeds.
Autoren: Loos, A., Stadlmann, J., Altmann, F., Hillmer, S., Depicker, A., Strasser, R., Steinkellner, H.
Event: 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium 2009
Year: 2009 - Genome sequence, secretome and sugar transport of the protein production host Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Mattanovich Diethard, Graf Alexandra, Stadlmann Johannes, Dragosits Martin, Redl Andreas, Maurer Michael, Sauer Michael, Altmann Friedrich, Gasser Brigitte
Event: 25th International Conference on Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology 2009
Year: 2008 - Monitoring proteome and transcriptome of recombinant Pichia pastoris at different cultivation temperatures
Autoren: Martin Dragosits, Johannes Stadlmann, Michael Maurer, Kristin Baumann, Joan Albiol Sala, Alexandra Graf, Brigitte Gasser, Michael Sauer, Pau Ferrer, Friedrich Altmann, and Diethard Mattanovich
Event: 5th EFB Meeting on Recombinant Protein Production RPP 2008
Year: 2008 - Characterization of the beta1,3-galactosyltransferase indispensable for the modification of plant N-glycans with Lewis a epitopes
Autoren: Strasser, R., Vavra, U., Schoberer, J., Svoboda, B., Glössl, J., Léonard, R., Stadlmann, J., Altmann, F., Steinkellner, H., Mach, L.
Event: 6th International Conference on Glycosyltransferases GlycoT 2008
Year: 2008 - A proteomics and transcriptomics approach to the study of heterologous protein production in Pichia pastoris under different oxygen conditions
Autoren: Baumann K, Dragosits M, Stadlmann J, Graf A, Maurer M, Gasser B, Altmann F,Mattanovich D, Ferrer P
Event: 5th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production 2008
Year: 2008 - Cellular Repressor of E1A-stimulated Genes (CREG) is a lysosomal protein which undergoes proteolytic maturation during its biosynthesis
Autoren: Schähs, P., Weidinger, P., Probst, O.C., Svoboda, B., Stadlmann, J., Beug, H., Waerner, T., Mach, L.
Event: Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT Life Science 2008
Year: 2008 - On the Use of Porous Graphitic Carbon in the LC-ESI-MS Analysis of Oligosaccharides.
Autoren: Pabst M., Stadlmann J., Dalik T., Altmann F.
Event: MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2008
Year: 2008 - A Chemostat based Study on the Influence of Temperature on the Physiology of Recombinant Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Martin Dragosits, Johannes Stadlmann, Michael Maurer, Brigitte Gasser, Michael Sauer and Diethard Mattanovich
Event: Workshop Functional Genomics and Industrial Biocatalysis 2008
Year: 2008 - Den Zuckern auf der Spur von der GC-MS zur LC-MS
Autoren: Altmann F., Kolarich D., Pabst M., Stadlmann J.
Event: 25. Agilent Forum Analytik 2008
Year: 2008 - Monitoring proteome and transcriptome of recombinant Pichia pastoris at different cultivation temperatures
Autoren: Dragosits M, Stadlmann J, Maurer M, Baumann K, Albiol J, Graf A, Gasser B, Sauer M, Ferrer P, Altmann F, Mattanovich D
Event: 5th International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production
Year: 2008 - Cellular repressor of E1A-stimulated genes is a bona fide lysosomal protein which undergoes proteolytic maturation during its biosynthesis
Autoren: Schähs, P., Weidinger, P., Probst, O.C., Svoboda, B., Stadlmann, J., Beug, H., Waerner, T., Mach, L.
Event: 11th Symposium on Proteinase Inhibitors and Biological Control 2008
Year: 2007 - Generation of N. benthamiana lines for the production of recombinant proteins lacking plant specific N-glyxcans.
Autoren: Steinkellner, H.
Event: Plant Transformation Technologies 2007
Year: 2007 - Proteome regulation of Pichia pastoris expressing recombinant human antibody fragments
Autoren: Martin Dragosits, Johannes Stadlmann, Michael Maurer, Brigitte Gasser, Michael Sauer, Diethard Mattanovich
Event: 13th European Congress on Biotechnology 2007
Autoren: Strasser, R., Bondili, J.S., Vavra, U., Schoberer, J., Svoboda, B., Glössl, J., Léonard, R., Stadlmann, J., Altmann, F., Steinkellner, H., Mach, L.
Event: 4th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2007
Year: 2007 - A novel beta1,3-galactosyltransferase indispensable for the modification of plant N-glycans with Lewis a epitopes
Autoren: Strasser, R., Bondili, J.S., Vavra, U., Schoberer, J., Svoboda, B., Glössl, J., Leonard, R., Stadlmann, J., Altmann, F., Steinkellner, H., Mach, L.
Event: 19th International Symposium on Glycoconjugates Glyco 19 2007
Year: 2006 - Glycoengineered plants for the production of recombinant glycoproteins with humanized N-glycosylation
Autoren: Glossl, J; Strasser, R; Schahs, M; Stadlmann, J; Altmann, F; Mach, L; Steinkellner, H
Event: Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology 2006