Josef Fürst
Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Josef Fürst
Institute of Hydrology and Watermanagement
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
- 2004 "Habilitation" in hydrology
- 1990 Doctoral degree
- 1989 - 1990 Fellowship at University of Colorado in Boulder/USA
- 1985 Assistant Professor
- 1982 Diploma
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Machbarkeitsstudie für einen WebGIS basierten Hydrologischen Atlas Österreichs | eHAO
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Konold, O; Pulka, T; Fürst, J
Event: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hydrologie (ÖGH): eHydrologie – wenn das Papier knapp wird
Year: 2022 - Event-based runoff simulations show forest roads enhancing floods
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Wesemann, J; Fürst, J; Schulz, K
Event: 18th Biennial Conference of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins ERB 2022
Year: 2022 - Evapotranspiration generates diurnal discharge fluctuations in forested micro-watersheds
Autoren: Stecher, G; Herrnegger, M; Nolz, R; Fürst, J;
Event: HydroCarpath 2022 - Hydrology of the Carpathian Basin: synthesis of data, driving factors and processes across scales
Year: 2022 - Modelling processes leading to diurnal discharge fluctuations in forested microwatersheds
Autoren: Stecher,G; Herrnegger,M; Nolz,R; Fürst,J;
Event: 18th Biennial Conference of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins ERB 2022
Year: 2020 - Possible impacts of a hydropower reservoir on the flood hazard of an Alpine valley
Autoren: Lebiedzinski, K.; Fürst, J.; Schulz, K.; Herrnegger, M.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2018 - Investigation of the influence of forest roads on flow paths and flow times in a small experimental catchment
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Fürst, J; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Forest Roads and their Impact on Flow Time and Runoff Components
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Fürst, J; Schulz, K
Event: HydroCarpath 2018 - Catchment and river processes in regional hydrology: field experiments and modelling in Carpathians basins
Year: 2018 - A forested (hydrological) experimental research watershed to study transport processes in the system of soil, water, plants and atmosphere: Test site Rosalia
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Schulz, K.; Nachtnebel, H.P.; Holzmann, H.
Event: Biennial confernece of ERB Euromediterranian Network of Representative Basins 2018
Year: 2018 - A forested (hydrological) experimental research watershed to study transport processes in the system of soil, water, plants and atmosphere: Test site Rosalia
Autoren: Fürst, J; Schulz, K; Nachtnebel, H P; Holzmann, H
Event: 17th Biennial Conference ERB 2018
Year: 2018 - Forest Roads and their Impact on Flow Time and Runoff Components
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K; Fürst, S
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Year: 2016 - Modeling the impact of development and management options on future water resource use in the Nyangores sub-catchment of the Mara Basin in Kenya
Autoren: Omonge, P; Herrnegger, M; Fürst, J; Olang, L
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Introduction of the experimental basin Rosalia and of related hydrological applications
Autoren: Holzmann, H.; Fürst, J.; Schulz, K.
Event: Biennial confernece of ERB Euromediterranian Network of Representative Basins 2016
Year: 2015 - Application of GIS in Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Autoren: Fürst, J
Event: Stakeholder Meeting MaMa-Hydro
Year: 2014 - Assessment of Water Sources in the Nyangores sub-catchment of the Mara River Basin of Kenya
Autoren: Omonge, P; Ngeno, E; Herrnegger, M; Fürst, J; Gathuru, G; Olang, L
Event: 6th International Conference on Appropriate Technology
Year: 2014 - GIS and cartography in hydrological research and education: The value of national Hydrological Atlases (Keynote lecture)
Autoren: Fürst, Josef
Event: Water sustainability: new challenges and solutions. IGU Commission for Water Sustainability
Year: 2014 - Digital Elevation Models and their Application in Hydrology
Autoren: Fürst, J
Event: Training Workshop on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Year: 2014 - Interpolation of Hydrological Variables
Autoren: Fürst, J
Event: Training Workshop on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Year: 2014 - Hydrological Models and GIS
Autoren: Fürst, J
Event: Training Workshop on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Year: 2013 - The Danube in Vienna – Changes of a near-natural river landscape to an urban area of extensive development with multiple functions
Autoren: Herrnegger, M.; Hohensinner, S.; Fürst, J.
Event: Summer course URBAN LIVING WITH WATER 2013
Year: 2012 - Groundwater Flooding: Practical Methods for the Estimation of Extreme Groundwater Levels
Autoren: Bichler, A.; Fürst, J.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Year: 2011 - The Hydrological Atlas of Austria – A comprehensive source of regional hydrological information for water resources and environmental management
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: 5th Central Asia GIS Conference GISCA’11 2011 - Geoinformatics: Managing Environment, Resources and Risk
Year: 2011 - Hydropower as a restoration opportunity for obstructed river reaches?
Autoren: Alois Lashofer, Tim Cassidy, Werner Hawle, Michael Pucher, Josef Fürst and Bernhard Pelikan.
Event: 2nd HydroECO 2011
Year: 2011 - Hydropower as a restoration opportunity for obstructed river reaches?
Autoren: Lashofer, A; Cassidy, T; Hawle, W; Pucher, M; Fürst, J; Pelikan, B.
Event: HYDRO 2011 - Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Year: 2011 - Wasserkraft zur Sanierung von hydromorphologischen Belastungen?
Autoren: Lashofer, A; Hawle, W; Cassidy, T; Pucher, M; Fürst, J; Pelikan, B.
Event: 14. Internationales Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraftwerke 2011
Year: 2011 - Mitigation opportunities for obstructed river reaches by combining RES-E and WFD objectives
Autoren: Alois Lashofer, Tim Cassidy, Werner Hawle, Michael Pucher, Josef Fürst and Bernhard Pelikan
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2011 - Making comprehensive and consistent country-wide hydrological information available for a wide professional and scientific community: GIS based hydrological atlasses
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: IDE 2011: Application of innovative techniques in engineering
Year: 2010 - Beobachtete Veränderungen in der Wasserbilanz Österreichs
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Kling, H.; Nachtnebel, H. P.; Hörhan, T.
Event: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft in Österreich 2010
Year: 2010 - Effects of land cover change on the hydrological response of the Nyando Basin during storm events: a physically based lumped approach
Autoren: Olang, L. O.; Fürst, J.
Event: HydroPredict 2010
Year: 2009 - Ground Water Quality Concerns for Drinking under Long-term Irrigation: The case Of WSSE in the Upper Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
Autoren: Megersa O, Loiskandl W, Fürst J
Event: WATER POLICY 2009, Joint Conference of APLU and ICA 2009 - Water as a Vulnerable and Exhaustible Resource
Year: 2009 - Effects of deforestation and climate variability on river discharge in the Njoro River catchment, Kenya
Autoren: Mwetu, K. K.; Mutua, B. M.; Kundu, P. M.; Fürst, J.; Loiskandl, W.
Event: SUMAWA Mau Forest Complex Conference 2009
Year: 2009 - Response of river flow regime to land-cover and climate changes in Njoro River Catchment, Rift valley province in Kenya
Autoren: Mwetu K K, Kundu P M, Mutua B M, Fürst J, Loiskandl W
Event: WATER POLICY 2009, Joint Conference of APLU and ICA 2009 - Water as a Vulnerable and Exhaustible Resource
Year: 2009 - Der Hydrologische Atlas Österreichs - Grundstock einer hydrologischen Geodateninfrastruktur für Ingenieure, Planer und die Öffentlichkeit
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Godina, R.; Nachtnebel, H.P.; Nobilis, F.
Event: 21. AGIT Symposium 2009 - Symposium und Fachmesse Angewandte Geoinformatik
Year: 2009 - Estimation of Hydroelectrical Potential
Autoren: Holzmann, H., Fürst, J.
Event: OpenSolar09 2009
Year: 2008 - The Hydrological Atlas of Austria – Comprehensive transfer of hydrological knowledge and data to engineers, water resources managers and the public
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Godina, R.; Nachtnebel, H. P.; Nobilis, F.
Event: UNESCO/IHP Symposium on The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management 2008
Year: 2008 - Education for Water Management – Examples from international cooperations.
Autoren: Holzmann, H., Fürst, J., Nachtnebel, H.P.
Event: 2nd Central Asia GIS Conference GISCA’08 2008 - GIS for the Future of Central Asia
Year: 2008 - Spatial-temporal land cover mapping using imagery in River Njoro catchment, Kenya
Autoren: Mwetu, K. K.; Mutua, B. M.; Kundu, P. M.; Fürst, J.; Loiskandl, W.
Event: 3rd ESRI Eastern Africa User Conference EAUC 2008
Year: 2008 - Der digitale Hydrologische Atlas Österreichs
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: ÖWAV Seminar 2008 - Der Hydrologische Atlas Österreichs: Anwendung in Wasserwirtschaft und Umweltschutz
Year: 2008 - Funktionalität, Inhalte und Datenstrukturen des digitalen HAÖ
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: 25. Sitzung der Österreichischen Kartographischen Kommission 2008
Year: 2008 - The Hydrological Atlas of Austria – comprehensive transfer of hydrological knowledge and data to engineers, water resources managers and the public
Autoren: Fürst, J., Godina, R., Nachtnebel, H. P. & Nobilis, F.
Event: UNESCO/IHP Symposium on The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management 2008
Year: 2008 - Impact of land cover change on flood hydrology of the headwater sub-catchments in the Nyando River Basin (RVB) of Kenya
Autoren: Olang, Luke Omondi; Kundu, Peter; Bauer, Thomas; Fürst, Josef
Event: 12th Biennial Conference on Hydrological Extremes in Small Basins ERB 2008
Year: 2007 - Saisonale Analyse der Trends in den Wasserbilanzkomponenten Österreichs im Lichte des Klimawandels
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: Tagung Fachinformationssysteme und Klimawandel Freiburg
Year: 2007 - Trends in hydrologischen Variablen und in der Wasserbilanz Österreichs
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Kling, H.; Nachtnebel, H. P.; Hörhan, T.
Event: ÖWAV - Arbeitsausschuss Klimawandel und Wasserwirtschaft 2007
Year: 2007 - Der Duale Hydrologische Atlas Österreichs: Konzeption und Erfahrungen
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: HADES 2009+
Year: 2007 - Trends in hydrologischen Variablen und in der Wasserbilanz Österreichs
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: ÖWAV - Arbeitsausschuss Klimawandel und Wasserwirtschaft 2007
Year: 2007 - Saisonale Trends im Niederschlag und Abfluss in Österreich
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: 10. Internationales Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraftwerke 2007
Year: 2006 - Geographische Informationssysteme zur Unterstützung von Regionalisierungsaufgaben in der Hydrologie
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Event: ÖWAV Seminar 2006 - Methoden der Hydrologischen Regionalisierung
Year: 2005 - A methodology for modelling the spatially distributed seasonal water balance in the Danube river basin (poster)
Autoren: Kling H., Nachtnebel H.P., Fürst J.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2005
Year: 2005 - Maps of water balance components for Austria (poster)
Autoren: Kling, H., Fürst, J., Nachtnebel, H.P., Herndler, R.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2005
Year: 2004 - Runoff modeling on mountainous slopes after long-term precipitation
Autoren: Nachtnebel H.P., Leroch K., Fürst J., Kling H., Markart G., Kohl B., Kirnbauer R., Pirkl H.
Event: International conference on Hydrology of Mountain Environments 2004
Year: 2004 - Der Hydrologische Atlas Österreichs - Einfacher Zugang zu hydrologischen Geodaten für die Öffentlichkeit
Autoren: Fürst, J., Godina, R.
Event: Geoinformationstag des BMLFUW
Year: 2004 - Combined use of different geophysical methods to monitor hillslope runoff experiments
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Leroch, K. & Nachtnebel, H. P.
Event: International conference on Hydrology of Mountain Environments 2004
Year: 2003 - Wasserbilanzmodell für den Donauraum. Modellkonzept und Testanwendungen für ausgewählte österreichische Einzugsgebiete
Autoren: Fürst, J., Kling, H.
Event: ÖWAV Seminar 2003 - Wasserhaushalt und Wasserbewirtschaftung in niederschlagsarmen Gebieten
Der hydrologische Atlas Österreichs.
Autoren: Nachtnebel, H.-P., Fürst, J.
GIS applications in water related management in Austria.
Autoren: Nachtnebel, H.P., Holzmann, H., Fürst, J.
Benefits and limits of computer aided learning and teaching methods for engineering curricula at universities.
Autoren: Fürst, J., Hytiris, N.
Der Hydrologische Atlas Österreichs - Prototyp und Zielsetzungen.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
TARGA-SIG: Information system for sustainable develpoment of natural ressources in a mountain ecosystem (l'Ouneine, Morocco).
Autoren: Fürst, J., Seidelmann, R.
Grundwassermodell Alte Donau - Wechselwirkung zwischen Grundwasserhaushalt und Qualität von Oberflächengewässern.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Experiences and benefits from TEMPUS framework from the perspective of an Austrian University (department).
Autoren: Holzmann, H., Nachtnebel, H.P., Fürst, J.
Linking GIS and hydrological models.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Nutzen und Grenzen computergestützten Lernens und Lehrens im Ingenieurstudium.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Operational Hydrology. Report for WMO RA VI.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Benefits and limits of computer aided learning and teaching methods - a critical view from the perspective of a lecturer in engineering subjects.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
Evaluation of risk in groundwater contamination: Numerical experiments.
Autoren: Fürst, J., Konecny, F., Hobor, S., Nachtnebel, H.P.
GIS-based hydrological information systems in Austria.
Autoren: Fürst, J.
GIS-Applications in Water Related Management in Austria.
Autoren: Nachtnebel, H.P., Holzmann, H., Fürst, J.