Karsten Schulz
Univ.Prof. Dipl.Geoökol. Dr.rer.nat. Karsten Schulz
Institute of Hydrology and Watermanagement
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Email karsten.schulz@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-81699
Research Focus
Hydrology, Water Resources Management
- 2013 Professor for Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management, Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment, IWHW, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna.
- 2007 - 2013 Professor for Physical Geography/Environmental Monitoring, Department of Geography, LMU Munich, Germany.
- 2004 - 2007 Senior Scientist, Deputy Head of the Department of Computational Landscape Ecology, Helmholtz - Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany.
- 2001 - 2004 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geoecology, Prof. Dr. W. Durner, TU Braunschweig, Germany.
- 1998 - 2001 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Hydrology and Fluid Dynamics Group, Prof. Dr. K. Beven, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom.
- 1993 - 1998 Research Assistant and PhD at the Dept. of Soil Physics, Prof. Dr. B. Huwe, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
- 1988 - 1993 Student and Diploma in Geoecology at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Main subject: Hydrology/Meteorology.
- 1986 - 1988 Toolmaker apprenticeship in the textile industry at Küsters Co., Krefeld, Germany.
- Year: 2017 Awards: Manfred Schwanninger Preis für Lehrmittel der Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU) Wien
- Year: 1998 Awards: Forschungspreis des "Universitätsvereins Bayreuth"
- Year: 1983 Awards: 3. Platz Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Update on cryo-hydro-gravimetric measurements and other activities at Mt. Zugspitze, Germany
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Achmüller, K; Wetzel; K, Schulz, K
Event: INARCH 2023 Workshop
Year: 2023 - Seasonal evaluation of morphological indexes in quantifying snow cover patterns in the Zugspitze area
Autoren: Ferrarin, L; Koch, F; Schulz, K; Bocchiola, D
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023
Year: 2023 - Utilization of snow depth patterns to derive spatially distributed precipitation correction factors for operational hydrological modelling
Autoren: Pulka, T; Ehrendorfer, C; Koch, F; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023
Year: 2023 - Observing cryospheric and hydrological processes and storages at high-alpine catchment scales by a superconducting gravimeter at the top of Mt. Zugspitze
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Schulz, K; Achmüller, K; Gascoin, S; Rehm, T; Wetzel, K
Event: 6th VAO Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - First application of a superconducting gravimeter in the field of snow-hydrology at Mt. Zugspitze, Germany/Austria
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Achmüller, K; Gascoin, G; Wetzel, K-F; Schattan, P; Schulz, K
Event: WAU Science Day 2023
Year: 2023 - Evaluation of precipitation corrections to improve reservoir inflow predictions by a conceptual hydrological model in the Malta Valley, Austria
Autoren: Pulka, T; Herrnegger, M; Ehrendorfer, C; Lücking, S; Schulz, K; Koch, F
Event: HydroCarpath
Year: 2023 - Wie robust ist der Wasserkreislauf gegenüber klimaänderungen?
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: Industriellenvereinigung – Fokusgruppe „Standortfaktor Wasser“
Year: 2022 - Impact of snow hydrologic model complexity on snow-melt-driven runoff generation for operational reservoir inflow predictions in a high-alpine catchment
Autoren: Pulka, T; Koch; F, Herrnegger, M; Avanzi, F; Gabellani, S; Schulz, K
Event: 3rd International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Year: 2022 - Event-based runoff simulations show forest roads enhancing floods
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Wesemann, J; Fürst, J; Schulz, K
Event: 18th Biennial Conference of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins ERB 2022
Year: 2022 - Applying morphological indexes to describe snow-cover patterns in a high Alpine area
Autoren: Ferrarin, L; Koch, F; Schulz, K; Bocchiola D
Event: IGS International Symposium on Snow 2022
Year: 2022 - Influence of snow on the integrative signal of a superconducting gravimeter installed on top of Mount Zugspitze, Germany (Northern Calcareous Alps)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Wetzel, K-F; Schulz, K
Event: INARCH Workshop 2022
Year: 2022 - Introduction of a Superconducting Gravimeter as Novel Hydrological Sensor for the Alpine Research Catchment Zugspitze
Autoren: Koch, F; Schulz, K; Voigt, C; Flechtner, F; Wetzel, K-F
Event: 4. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie 2022 - Hydrologische Prozesse im Hochgebirge im Wandel der Zeit
Year: 2022 - Introduction of a superconducting gravimeter for the integral quantification of snow-hydrological processes in high-alpine catchments
Autoren: Voigt, C; Koch, F;, Schulz, K; Wetzel, K; Flechtner, F
Event: 3rd International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Year: 2022 - Influence of snow on the integrative signal of a super-conducting gravimeter in complex high-alpine terrain
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Wetzel, K; Schulz, K
Event: WAU Science Day 2022
Year: 2022 - Necessary digital tools for a successful professional practice
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: Data Science in Teaching
Year: 2022 - Erfassung des Verbesserungspotentials operationeller Zuflussprognosen für Wasserkraftspeicherseen in hochalpinen Kopfeinzugsgebieten mit Fokus auf die Schneedeckenmodellierung
Autoren: Pulka T., Koch F., Herrnegger M., Avanzi F., Gabellani S., Schulz K.
Event: 4. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie 2022 - Hydrologische Prozesse im Hochgebirge im Wandel der Zeit
Year: 2022 - Influence of snow on the integrative signal of a superconducting gravimeter in complex high-alpine terrain
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Wetzel, K-F; Schulz, K
Event: IGS International Symposium on Snow 2022
Year: 2022 - Modellierung (und KI) für die Umweltverwaltung
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: Seminar - Künstliche Intelligenz in der öffentlichen Verwaltung
Year: 2021 - Updates on the status of field activities and operations at the high-alpine research catchment Zugspitze, Germany
Autoren: Koch, F; Schulz, K
Event: INARCH Workshop 2021
Year: 2021 - Hot spots and hot moments of reactive nitrogen emissions in an Austrian agricultural catchment simulated with improved SWAT model.
Autoren: Wang, C., Schulz, K., Mehdi-Schulz, B.
Event: International Conference on Agricultural Science and Water Resource 2021
Year: 2021 - Catchment to model space mapping – learning transfer functionsfrom data by symbolic regression
Autoren: Feigl, M; Schweppe, R.; Thober, S; Herrnegger, M; Samaniego, L; Schulz K.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Year: 2021 - Variability across scales - exploring methods for predicting soil properties from multiple sources
Autoren: Zeitfogel, H; Feigl, M; Schulz, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Year: 2021 - Nachhaltiges Stickstoffmanagement unter Klimawandelbedingungen in Österreich
Autoren: Mehdi-Schulz B, Zessner M, Schönhart M, Zoboli O, Strenge E, Jost E, Schürz C, Wang C, Schmid E, Schulz K
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Year: 2021 - Pattern recognition in stream water quality for the detection and classification of pollution events
Autoren: Judith Benet-Bayo, Lukas Kornfeind, Christoph Wagner, Karsten Schulz, Bano Mehdi-Schulz
Event: 4th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis
Year: 2021 - Variability across scales - exploring methods for predicting soil properties from multiple sources
Autoren: Zeitfogel, H.; Feigl, M.; Schulz, K.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Year: 2021 - LamaH: Large-sample Data for Hydrology in Central Europe
Autoren: Klingler, C; Kratzert, F; Schulz, K; Herrnegger, M
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Year: 2021 - Mitigating future reactive nitrogen losses to the environment through farm level management practices
Autoren: Bano MEHDI-SCHULZ, Christoph SCHÜRZ, Eva STRENGE, Ottavia ZOBOLI, Elisabeth JOST, Erwin SCHMID, Karsten SCHULZ, Mathias ZESSNER, Martin SCHÖNHART
Event: Landscape 2021 - Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture
Year: 2021 - Managing reactive nitrogen in agricultural systemsunder future conditions in Austria
Autoren: Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Christoph Schürz, Cong Wang, Matthias Zessner, Ottavia Zoboli, Eva Strenge, Erwin Schmid, Martin Schönhart, Hermine Mitter, Elisabeth Jost, Barbara Amon, Karsten Schulz
Event: 8th Global Nitrogen Conference
Year: 2021 - Learning from mistakes - Assessing the performance and uncertainty in process-based models
Autoren: Feigl, M; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K.
Event: Knowledge Guided Machine Learning Workshop 2021
Year: 2021 - Learning from mistakes-Assessing the performance and uncertainty in process-based models
Autoren: Roesky, B.; Feigl, M.; Herrnegger, M.; Schulz, K.; Hayashi, M.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Year: 2021 - Spatio-temporal distribution of water quality characteristics in an Agricultural transboundary catchment of East Africa
Autoren: Hope Mwanake, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Karsten Schulz, Nzula Kitaka, Luke Olang, Mathew Herrnegger
Event: 22nd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in East and Southern Africa
Year: 2020 - Potentielle Nitrateinträge aus landwirtschaftlichen Flächen unter Klimawandelbedingungen.
Autoren: Mehdi, B., Zessner, M., Zoboli, O., Strenge, E.,Schmid, E., Schönhart, M., Jost, E., Wang, C., Schulz, K.
Event: 7. Umweltökologisches Symposium 2020
Year: 2020 - Hot spots and hot moments of reactive nitrogen emissions in an Austrian agricultural catchment simulated with the SWAT eco-hydrological model
Autoren: Wang, C., Schulz, K., Mehdi, B.
Event: IEMSS 2020
Year: 2020 - Efficient modelling of water temperature patterns in river systems – benchmarking a set of machine learning approaches
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Feigl, M; Lebiedzinski, K; Schulz, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Automatic Estimation of Parameter Transfer Functions for Distributed Hydrological Models - Function Space Optimization Applied on the mHM Model
Autoren: Feigl, M; Schweppe, R.; Thober, S; Herrnegger, M; Samaniego, L; Schulz K.
Event: American Geoscience Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2020
Year: 2020 - Automatic estimation of parameter transfer functions for distributed hydrological models - a case study with the mHM model
Autoren: Feigl, M; Thober, S; Herrnegger, M; Samaniego, L; Schulz K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Possible impacts of a hydropower reservoir on the flood hazard of an Alpine valley
Autoren: Lebiedzinski, K.; Fürst, J.; Schulz, K.; Herrnegger, M.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - A systematic assessment of uncertainties in large scale soil loss estimation from different representations of USLE input factors – A case study for Kenya and Uganda
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Kiesel, J; Schulz, K; Herrnegger, M
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Cities as Organisms
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: Seminar der academy of fine arts
Year: 2019 - Function Space Optimization (FSO) A novel method for estimating parameter transfer functions for distributed hydrological model
Autoren: Feigl, M; Herrnegger, M; Klotz, D; Schulz, K
Event: AGU Jahrestagung, USA
Year: 2019 - The importance of temperature (sensing) in hydrology
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: Introduction Day - Geoscience Department. Fuzhou University
Year: 2019 - Modelling sustainable nitrogen management strategies from agriculture under climate change in Austria
Autoren: Mehdi, B., Schönhart, M., Zessner, M., Zoboli, O., Jost, E., Strenge, E., Wang, C., Schmid, E., Schulz, K.
Event: Land use and water quality 2019
Year: 2019 - Drohnen in den Umweltwissenschaften: Einsatzbereiche und Potenziale, oder: … alles Gute kommt von oben!
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: Drohnen und Recht – Workshop
Year: 2019 - Simulation of nitrous oxide emissions in typical agricultural catchments in Austria
Autoren: Wang, C., Mehdi, B., Schulz, K.
Event: International SWAT Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - New symbolic regression methods for estimating parameter transfer functions for hydrological models
Autoren: Feigl, M; Klotz, D; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Efficient parameter regionalization for spatially distributed hydrological models
Autoren: Schulz, K; Feigl, M; Klotz, D; Müller, B; Brenner, C, Herrnegger, M; Bernhardt, M
Event: Leonardo Konferenz Luxemburg
Year: 2019 - Insights into the spatio-temporal distribution of water quality in a heavily populated catchment
Autoren: Mwanake, H; Mehdi, B; Schulz, K; Herrnegger, M
Event: HydroCarpath International Conference
Year: 2019 - Uncertainties in Estimating Soil Erosion Risks - a comprehensive Assessment
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Schulz, K; Herrnegger, M
Event: HydroCarpath International Conference
Year: 2019 - Function Space Optimization (FSO): A novel method for estimating parameter transfer functions for hydrological models
Autoren: Feigl, M; Herrnegger, M; Klotz, D; Schulz, K
Event: American Geoscience Union AGU 2019
Year: 2019 - Schätzen von Parameter-Transferfunktionen für hydrologische Modelle basierend auf dem Verfahren der „Symbolic Regression“
Autoren: Feigl, M; Klotz, D; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K
Event: Tag der Hydrologie 2019
Year: 2019 - Integrated scenario analysis of water quality policies in Austrian agriculture under climate change
Autoren: Schönhart, M.; Jost, E.; Mehdi, B.; Mitter, H.; Schulz, K.; Strenge, E.; Wang, C.; Zessner, M.; Zoboli, O.; Schmid, E.
Event: 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2019 - Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems
Year: 2019 - Schätzen von Parameter-Transfer-Funktionen für hydrologische Modelle basierend auf dem Verfahren der „Symbolic Regression“
Autoren: Schulz, K; Feigl, M; Klotz, D; Herrnegger, M
Event: Tag der Hydrologie
Year: 2019 - Evaluating the efficiency of using global actual evapotranspiration data from remote sensing in constraining hydrological model parameters for streamflow simulation at a catchment scale in West Africa
Autoren: Abolanle Elizabeth Odusanya, Karsten Schulz, Bano Mehdi
Event: International SWAT Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - PROSNOW: a new prediction system for the management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Koch, F; Hanzer, F; Carmagnola, C; Ebner, P; Monti, F; Bavay, M; Lafaysse, M; Strasser, U; François, H; Lehning, M; Schulz, K; Morin, S
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Year: 2019 - NitroClimAT – Nachhaltiges Stickstoffmanagement unter den Klimawandelszenarien in Österreich
Autoren: Mehdi, B.; Wang, C.; Zessner, M.; Strenge, E.; Schönhart, M.; Jost, E.; Schmid, E.; Schulz, K.
Event: 20. Österreichischer Klimatag 2019 - Facetten der Österreichischen Klimaforschung
Year: 2019 - Evaluating the Applicability of Satellite Precipitation Products over a data-sparse Region
Autoren: Omonge, P; Schulz, K; Olang, L; Herrnegger, M
Event: HydroCarpath International Conference
Year: 2018 - Human River Systems in the 21st century (HR21) – a new interdisciplinary Doctoral School addressing riverine landscapes as dynamic socio-ecological systems
Autoren: Laaha, G; Hein, T; Ertl, T; Graf, W; Habersack, H; Langergraber, G; Schmid, E; Schmid, M; Schmutz, S; Schulz, K; Winiwarter, V; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Haidvogl, G.; Weigelhofer, G.; Hauer, M; Muhar, S; Stöglehner, G; Zunabovic-Pichler, M.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Ableitung natürlicher Abflüsse für die Kalibrierung eines Zuflussprognosemodells zur Speicherbewirtschaftung in einem hochalpinen Einzugsgebiet
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Schulz, K; Herrnegger, M
Event: Tag der Hydrologie 2018
Year: 2018 - GNSS remote sensing of snow cover properties in a high-alpine terrain
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Schmid, L; Bach, H; Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: HydroCarpath 2018 - Catchment and river processes in regional hydrology: field experiments and modelling in Carpathians basins
Year: 2018 - Schulz, K
Autoren: Challenges in Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Event: MUNESD 2018
Year: 2018 - Erosion risk assessment for Uganda and Kenya - A sensitivity and uncertainty analysis approach
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Schulz, K; Herrnegger, M
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Human River Systems in the 21st century (HR21) – a new interdisciplinary Doctoral School addressing riverine landscapes as dynamic socio-ecological systems
Autoren: Hein, T ; Schmid, M; Stoeglehner, G; Ertl, T; Graf, W; Habersack, H; Haidvogl, G; Hauer, C; Laaha, G; Langergraber, G; Muhar, S; Schmid, E; Schmutz, S; Schulz, K; Weigelhofer, G; Winiwarter, V; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zunabovic-Pichler, M
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Derivation of ensembles of local-scale, bias corrected climate change projections across two Austrian river catchment areas – a contribution to UnLoadC3
Autoren: Matulla, C; Hollosi, B; Schulz, K; Mehdi, B; Schürz, C; Ertl, T; Pressl, A;
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Forest Roads and their Impact on Flow Time and Runoff Components
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Fürst, J; Schulz, K
Event: HydroCarpath 2018 - Catchment and river processes in regional hydrology: field experiments and modelling in Carpathians basins
Year: 2018 - Forest Roads and their Impact on Flow Time and Runoff Components
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K; Fürst, S
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Sustainable nitrogen management under climate change in Austria
Autoren: Schulz, K; Mehdi, B; Schmid, E; Schönhart, M; Zessner, M
Event: Klimatag 2018
Year: 2018 - Do regional climate models contain reasonable information to estimate extreme floods?
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Buttinger, F; Schulz, K; Wesemann, J
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - A forested (hydrological) experimental research watershed to study transport processes in the system of soil, water, plants and atmosphere: Test site Rosalia
Autoren: Fürst, J; Schulz, K; Nachtnebel, H P; Holzmann, H
Event: 17th Biennial Conference ERB 2018
Year: 2018 - The importance of temperature (sensing) in hydrology
Autoren: Schulz, K
Event: TU Munich, Seminar “Hydrology & River Basin Management
Year: 2018 - Wie verletzlich ist unser Wasserhaushalt gegenüber dem Klimawandel?
Autoren: Schulz, K; Blöschl, G
Event: Anpassungen an den klimawandel - Maßnahmen der Wasserwirtschaft, ÖWAV Zukunft denken
Year: 2018 - Using a hydrological model calibrated with satellite based evapotranspiration to simulate stream flow in a data sparse tropical catchment
Autoren: Odusanya, A M; Mehdi, B; Schürz, C; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Investigation of the influence of forest roads on flow paths and flow times in a small experimental catchment
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Fürst, J; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - GUESS: Sensitivity analysis with discrete model input factors - Application to the SWAT model
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Hollodi, B; Matulla, C; Schulz, K
Event: EGU 2018
Year: 2018 - A forested (hydrological) experimental research watershed to study transport processes in the system of soil, water, plants and atmosphere: Test site Rosalia
Autoren: Fürst, J.; Schulz, K.; Nachtnebel, H.P.; Holzmann, H.
Event: Biennial confernece of ERB Euromediterranian Network of Representative Basins 2018
Year: 2018 - The Generalized Uncertainty Estimation and Sensitivity analysis Scheme (GUESS) for performing sensitivity analyses with discrete model input factors
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Hollosi, B; Matulla, C; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2017 - Man vs. Machine: An interactive poll to evaluate hydrological model performance of a manual and an automatic calibration
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Burgholzer, R; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K;
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - UnLoadC3: Ensembles of climate change projections for two river catchment areas in Austria – Contributions to an overall uncertainty assessment framework for the modelling of water quantity and nutrient transport
Autoren: Christoph Matulla, Brigitta Hollosi, Karsten Schulz, Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Thomas Ertl, Alexander Pressl
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Improved understanding of the impacts of hydroclimate, land use and agricultural management practices on nitrate concentration dynamics using SWAT
Autoren: Mehdi, B., Schürz, C., Barrios, W., Schulz, K.
Event: International SWAT Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - SWATpasteR: Parallel SWAT execution and sensitivity testing in R
Autoren: Schürz, C; Strauch, M; Mehdi, B; Schulz, K
Event: International SWAT Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Assessing uncertainties in hydrological modelling of discharge and nitrate nitrogen under future climate change conditions for Austrian catchments.
Autoren: Mehdi, B., C. Schürz, C. Matulla, B. Hollosi, T. Ertl, A. Pressl, K. Schulz
Event: River Basins 2017
Year: 2017 - SWATfarmR: A simple rule-based scheduling of management operations for SWAT.
Autoren: Schürz, C; Strauch, M; Mehdi, B; Schulz, K
Event: International SWAT Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Consistent Parameter and Transfer Function Estimation using Context Free Grammars
Autoren: Klotz, D.; Herrnegger, M.; Schulz, K.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Potential climate change driven impacts on two river catchment areas in Austria (UnLoadC3) - contributions to interdisciplinary, trans-scientific projections of future water and substance flows.
Autoren: Matulla, C; Hollosi, B; Schulz, K; Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Ertl, T; Pressl, A.
Event: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2017 - Bringing two open source worlds closer together – execution and processing of SWAT projects in R
Autoren: Schürz, C; Strauch, M; Mehdi, B; Schulz, K
Event: International SWAT Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Entwicklung eines flexiblen Sensitivitätsanalyse-Frameworks zur Analyse von Unsicherheiten bei der Modellierung von Wasser- und Stickstofftransportprozessen unter Einfluss von Landnutzungs- und Klimawandel.
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Hollosi, B; Matulla, C; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Schulz, K
Event: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2017 - A comprehensive sensitivity analysis for discharge and nitrogen loads involving multiple model input factors.
Autoren: Schürz, C; Mehdi, B; Hollosi, B; Matulla, C; Pressl, A; Ertl, T; Schulz, K
Event: International SWAT Conference 2017
Year: 2016 - visCOS: An R-package to evaluate model performance of hydrological models
Autoren: Klotz, D; Herrnegger, M; Wesemann, J; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Estimating spatially distributed turbulent heat fluxes using land surface temperature information captured from a UAS
Autoren: Brenner, Claire; Thiem, Christina Elisabeth; Bernhardt, Matthias; Schulz, Karsten
Event: Small UAS for Environmental Research Conference
Year: 2016 - Introduction of the experimental basin Rosalia and of related hydrological applications
Autoren: Holzmann, H.; Fürst, J.; Schulz, K.
Event: Biennial confernece of ERB Euromediterranian Network of Representative Basins 2016
Year: 2016 - Unsicherheitsanalyse für Wasser- und Stofftransportprozesse unter Klimawandelbedingungen - Quantifizierung und Analyse von Unsicherheiten aus Eingangsdaten
Autoren: Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Alexander Pressl, Thomas Ertl, Brigitta Hollosi, Christoph Matulla, Karsten Schulz
Event: 17. Österreichischer Klimatag 2016 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2016 - A simple rule based model for scheduling farm managment operations in SWAT
Autoren: Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Karsten Schulz
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Potential and Limits of temporally and spatially calibrated NDSI snow cover maps
Autoren: Härer, S; Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - UnLoadC3: Climate change modelling as part of an uncertainty assessment coping with modeling the future of hydrological regimes and chemical pollution loads within two prealpine river catchments.
Autoren: Matulla, C.; Hollosi, B.; Schulz, K.; Schürz, C.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Mehdi, B..
Event: International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2016 (ICRC-CORDEX 2016)
Year: 2016 - Incorporation of an evolutionary algorithm to estimate transfer-functions for a parameter regionalization scheme of a rainfall-runoff model
Autoren: Klotz, D; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Impact of model coupling and grid scale on diurnal catchment ET patterns - a verified model approach with WRF-HYDRO-NOAH-MP
Autoren: Branch, O; Renner, M; Härer, S; Bauer, H-S; Hogan, P; Schulz, K; Wulfmeyer, V; Schlerf, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Feasibility of leakage detection in lake pressure pipes using the Distributed Temperature Sensing Technology
Autoren: Apperl, B.; Schulz, K.; Pressl, A.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Unsicherheiten bei der Analyse von Wasser- und Stickstofftransport unter Einfluss von Klimawandel
Autoren: Karsten Schulz, Christoph Schürz, Bano Mehdi, Alexander Pressl, Thomas Ertl, Brigitta Hollosi, Christoph Matulla
Event: 17. Österreichischer Klimatag 2016 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2016 - An analogue conceptual rainfall-runoff model for educational purposes
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Riedl, M; Schulz, K.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Estimation of spatially distributed turbulent heat fluxes using thermal information captured from an UAS
Autoren: Brenner, C; Thiem, Christina Elisabeth; Bernhardt, Matthias; Schulz, Karsten
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2015 - Unsicherheitsanalyse - Hydrologische Adaptationsmaßnahmen
Autoren: Matulla, C.; Hollosi, B.; Schulz, K.; Schürz, C.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Mehdi, B. B.
Event: 6. MeteorologInnentag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie ÖGM 2015
Year: 2015 - Downscaling als Entscheidungshilfe – Hydrologische Adaptionsmaßnahmen [POSTER]
Autoren: Matulla, C.; Hollosi, B.; Schulz, K.; Schürz, C.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Mehdi, B.
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Vulnerability of Water Resources under Climate and Land Use Change: Evaluation of Present and Future Threats for Austria
Autoren: Nachtnebel, HP; Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Senoner, T; Schulz, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Towards high resolution soil property maps for Austria. [ORAL]
Autoren: Schürz, C.; Klotz, D.; Herrnegger, M.; Schulz, K.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Runoff-rainfall (sic!) modelling: Comparing two different approaches
Autoren: Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Vulnerabilität von Wasserressourcen durch Klima- und Landnutzungswandel: Bestandsanalyse und zukünftige Veränderungen für Österreich
Autoren: Wesemann, J; Herrnegger, M; Senoner, T; Schulz, K; Nachtnebel, HP
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Integration von Fernerkungungsmethoden in die Erfassung des Schadenspotentials
Autoren: Brenner, C; Apperl, B; Schulz, K
Event: Tag der Hydrologie 2015
Year: 2015 - Extending a multi-scale parameter regionalization (MPR) method by introducing parameter constrained optimization and flexible transfer functions
Autoren: Klotz, D; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Unsicherheitsanalyse für Wasser - und Stofftransportprozesse unter Klimawandelbedingungen – aktueller Stand und Ausblick [POSTER]
Autoren: Schürz, C.; Mehdi, B.; Pressl, A.; Ertl, T.; Hollosi, B.; Matulla, C.; Schulz, K.
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2014 - RiskAdapt - Anticipatory flood risk management: Development of adaptation strategies under changing flood risk
Autoren: Apperl, B.; Herrnegger, M.; Löschner, L.; Nachtnebel, H.P.; Neuhold, C.; Nordbeck, R.; Scherhaufer, P.; Seher, W.; Senoner, T.; Schulz, K.; Hogl, K.
Event: Alpine Convention Conference: Breaking fresh ground in protecting Alpine Environments - Flood Risk Management Plans
Year: 2013 - Optimierte satellitengestützte Schneeflächenkartierung im Einzugsgebiet Zugspitzplatt mit Hilfe von terrestrischen Digitalkameraaufnahmen und dem Softwaretool PRACTISE
Autoren: Härer, S; Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K;
Event: Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Hydrologie 2013
Year: 2012 - Terrestrische Fernerkundung von Gegenhängen – Anwendungsvergleich von Webcams und hochauflösenden Digitalkameras an der Zugspitze. Workshop zur Hydro- Klimatologie von Gebirgsräumen.
Autoren: Härer, S; Werz, T; Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K;
Event: Workshop zur Hydro- Klimatologie von Gebirgsräumen 2012
Year: 2012 - Modellierung der Schneedecke an der Zugspitze mit Hilfe des hydrologischen Modells ALPINE3D. Workshop zur Hydro- Klimatologie von Gebirgsräumen.
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K; Lehning, M; Härrer, S; Wetzel, K;
Event: Workshop zur Hydro- Klimatologie von Gebirgsräumen 2012
Year: 2012 - Nutzung bestehender Webcam-Infrastruktur zur Messung der mesoskaligen Schneeverteilung in hochalpinen Gebieten – Beispiel Zugspitze.
Autoren: Härer, S; Bernhardt, M; Werz, T; Schulz, K;
Event: Tag der Hydrologie 2012
Year: 2012 - Zugspitze mountain an ungauged basin transforming to gauged.
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K;
Event: PUB meeting Canmore 2011
Year: 2012 - Skalierung von ERA-Interim Daten in komplexen Terrain.
Autoren: Gao, L; Bernhardt, M; und Schulz,K;
Event: Tag der Hydrologie 2012
Year: 2012 - Ableitung des Retentionsverhaltens des Karstkörpers an der Zugspitze mit Hilfe des hydrologischen Modells ALPINE3D
Autoren: Bernhardt M., Schulz K., Lehning M., Härrer S. und Wetzel K.
Event: Tag der Hydrologie 2012
Year: 2010 - The influences of modeled snow cover heterogeneity on the timing and intensity of melt water generation within an alpine catchment.
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K; Liston, GE;
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union AGU 2010
Year: 2010 - Parameterize a snow slide routine (SnowSlide) on the basis of remotely sensed data.
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K; Liston, GE;
Event: Cold Regions Hydrology Workshop
Year: 2009 - Integration of a snow slide routine into a 3 dimensional snow model (SnowTran-3D).
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Liston, GE; Schulz, K;
Event: Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union AGU 2009
Year: 2005 - The dilemma of modelling the environmental effects of land use in multifunctional river basins
Autoren: Volk, M; Schmidt, G; Schulz, K; Seppelt, R; Haase, D; Ullrich, A
Event: International Conference 2005 - Multifunctionality of Landscapes - Analysis, Evaluation, and Decision Support
Year: 2004 - Scale dependent SVAT-model development towards assimilation of remotely sensed information using data-based methods
Autoren: Schulz, K; Andrä, I; Stauch, V; Jarvis, A.J.
Event: International Workshop on "The Terrestrial Water Cycle: Modeling and Data Assimilation across Catchment Scales"
Year: 1994 - Modellierung des Nitrathaushaltes in Agrarlandschaften
Autoren: Schulz, K; Huwe, B
Event: DVWK – 18. Fortbildungskurs Hydrologie – „Niederschlags-Abfluß Modelle für kleine Einzugsgebiete“