Klaus Hackländer
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr.rer.nat. Klaus Hackländer
Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Email klaus.hacklaender@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-83211
ORCID: 0000-0002-6774-435X, opens in new window.
AuthorId : 6602464155
ResearcherId : ABC-4327-2020
Research Focus
Klaus Hackländer researches and teaches in the fields of wildlife ecology and management, with a focus on European mammals. Management includes the protection of endangered species, the control of wild animal populations and sustainable use through hunting. Hackländer is active in numerous national and international committees on wildlife, conservation and hunting. He is also CEO of the German Wildlife Foundation.(www.deutschewildtierstiftung.de).
- 2021 Head of the Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2021 Chairman of the German Wildlife Foundation
- 2021 - 2023 Deputy Head of the Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2019 - 2020 Head of the Department for Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2015 - 2018 Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC, USA
- 2014 - 2015 Guest scientist at North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC, USA
- 2005 Full professor for Wildlife Biology and Game Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2005 - 2018 Head of the Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2001 - 2004 Scientist at the Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology (FIWI) at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Habilitation grant of the German Wildlife Foundation)
- 1997 - 2001 Doctorate in Life Sciences (Zoology) at the University of Vienna (Grant of German Academic Exchange Service DAAD)
- 1991 - 1997 Study of Biology (Zoology, Conservation) at Philipps-University Marburg/Lahn
- Year: 2023 Awards: Posterpreis auf der 96. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde (Autoren: Schöll, E.; Klestil, L.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J.; Hackländer, K.)
- Year: 2022 Awards: Posterpreis at the 6th World Lagomorph Conference (authors: Schertler, A; Lado, S; Alves, PC; Hackländer, K
- Year: 2017 Awards: 3rd Poster Prize at the 33rd Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists IUGB, Montpellier France (First Author Jennifer Hatlauf, Co-authors Laszló Szabó, Miklos Heltai)
- Year: 2016 Awards: Posterpreis auf der 90. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde, Berlin (Erstautorin Jennifer Hatlauf)
- Year: 2002 Awards: Posterpreis (2. Platz) am 4th International Symposium on Physiology and Behaviour of Wild and Zoo Animals, Berlin, 2002
- Year: 2002 Awards: Posterpreis auf der 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde, Bayreuth, 2002
- Year: 2001 Awards: Forschungspreis der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung
- Year: 1999 Awards: Posterpreis (2. Platz) auf der 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde, Bad Dürkheim, 1999
- Year: 1990 Awards: Umweltpreis der Stadt Ludwigshafen/Rhein
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Year: 2024 - Strategien zur Überwindung von Notzeiten (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 11. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung
Period: 23.05.2024 - 25.05.2024 | Location: 6068 Mils, Österreich | Organizer:
German Wildlife Fund | Organizer:
Tiroler Jägerverband
Year: 2024 - Aktuelles aus dem IWJ: Rückblick 2023 und Ausblick 2024 (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Frühjahrsdeligierten-Konferenz Jagd Österreich 2024
Period: 28.05.2024 - 29.05.2024 | Location: Anif. | Organizer:
Jagd Österreich
Year: 2024 - Der Wolf - gekommen, um zu bleiben (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wolf und Weidewirtschaft - wie weiter?
Period: 03.06.2024 - 03.06.2024 | Location: Wien, Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Austrian Chambers of Agriculture
Year: 2024 - Wildtiermanagement in den Nationalparken Deutschlands (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Online-Infoveranstaltung zum Nationalpark Egge
Period: 21.05.2024 - 21.05.2024 | Location: online | Organizer:
Förderverein Nationalpark Senne-Eggegebirge e.V.
Year: 2024 - Klimawandel führt zu einer Verlagerung des Verbreitungsgebietes alpiner Raufußhuhnarten in höhere Lagen (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Jenny, H; Ruf, T; Schai-Braun, SC
Event: 157. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft 2024
Period: 18.09.2024 - 22.09.2024 | Location: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien | Location: Wien, Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V. c/o Institut für Vogelforschung | Organizer:
German Ornithology Society
Year: 2024 - Wildtiermanagement - Konflikte und Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildtierbericht: wissensbasiertes Wildtiermanagement in Baden-Württemberg
Period: 12.03.2024 - 12.03.2024 | Location: Stuttgart | Organizer:
Landtag von Baden-Württemberg
Year: 2024 - Ordnung im Raum? Zukunft der Wildökologischen Raumplang: Einführung in das Thema (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildökologisches Forum Alpenraum 2024
Period: 20.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 | Location: Salzburg, Austria | Organizer:
Chamber of Agriculture Salzburg | Organizer:
Land & Forst Betriebe
Year: 2024 - Ordnung im Raum? Zukunft der Wildökologischen Raumplanung: Resümee (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildökologisches Forum Alpenraum 2024
Period: 20.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 | Location: Salzburg, Austria | Organizer:
Chamber of Agriculture Salzburg | Organizer:
Land & Forst Betriebe
Year: 2024 - Coexistence of European hares and Alpine mountain hares in the Alps: what drives the occurence and frequency of their hybrids? (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, SC; Schwienbacher, S; Smith, S; Hackländer K
Event: 7th World Lagomorph Conference 2024
Period: 22.07.2024 - 26.07.2024 | Location: Belfast, UK | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2024 - Wildökologische Raumplanung: Schreckgespenst oder Sicherstellung einer zukunftstauglichen Jagd? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Profis im Revier - Exklusive Informations- und Weiterbildungsreihe für beeidete Steirische Jagdschutzorgane
Period: 07.11.2024 - 07.11.2024 | Location: Online | Organizer:
Hunting Association of Styria
Year: 2024 - Quo vadis, Jagd? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Ordensfest 2024 des Internationalen St.-Hubertus-Ordens
Period: 11.10.2024 - 13.10.2024 | Location: Heiligenkreuz | Organizer:
Deutsche Dendrologische Gesellschaft
Year: 2024 - Spannungsfeld Wolf (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 18. Oberländer Jägertage
Period: 07.03.2024 - 10.03.2024 | Organizer:
Vorarlberger Jägerschaft
Year: 2024 - Wildtiermanagement - was ist das? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 29. Österreichische Jägertagung 2024
Period: 04.03.2024 - 05.03.2024 | Location: Aigen im Ennstag | Organizer:
Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Year: 2024 - Implications of climate change on wildlife: Current status of Alpine chamois projects (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 70th General Assemly of the International Council of Game and Wildlife Conservation
Period: 18.04.2024 - 21.04.2024 | Location: Cascais | Organizer:
International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Year: 2024 - Distribution range and ecological niches of leporids in Africa and Near East (Poster)
Autoren: Schertler, A; Lado, S; Alves, PC; Hackländer, K
Event: 7th World Lagomorph Conference 2024
Period: 22.07.2024 - 26.07.2024 | Location: Belfast, UK | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2024 - Reproductive performance in the European hare (Lepus europaeus): are maternal body conditions decisive? (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, SC; Steiger, P; Ruf, T; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: 7th World Lagomorph Conference 2024
Period: 22.07.2024 - 26.07.2024 | Location: Belfast, UK | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2024 - Temperature increase and frost decrease driving upslope elevational range shifts in Alpine grouse and hares (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, SC; Jenny, H; Ruf, T; Hackländer, K
Event: 97th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalian Biology
Period: 02.09.2024 - 05.09.2024 | Location: München, Deutschland | Organizer:
German Society of Mammalogy
Year: 2024 - Coexistence of European hares and Alpine mountain hares in the Alps: what drives the occurrence and frequency of their hybrids? (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, SC; Schwienbacher, S; Smith, S; Hackländer, K
Event: 97th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalian Biology
Period: 02.09.2024 - 05.09.2024 | Location: München, Deutschland | Organizer:
German Society of Mammalogy
Year: 2024 - Animal of the Year 2024: Our activities for the European hedgehog (Poster)
Autoren: Mendel, LC; Battermann, J-M; Lokatis, S; Kinser, A; Hackländer, K
Event: 97th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalian Biology
Period: 02.09.2024 - 05.09.2024 | Location: München, Deutschland | Organizer:
German Society of Mammalogy
Year: 2023 - Der Wolf in der Kulturlandschaft - Konflikte und Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Informationsveranstaltung der Kreisjägerschaft Nordfriesland
Period: 08.02.2023 | Location: Reußenköge, Germany
Year: 2023 - Reproductive performance in the European hare (Lepus europaeus): are maternal body conditions decisive? (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S.C.; Steiger, P.; Ruf, T.; Arnold, W.; Hackländer, K.
Event: 96th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2023 - Analysis of reproductive performance in brown bears by staining placental scars (Poster)
Autoren: Schöll, E.M.; Klestil, L.A.; Zedrossser, A.; Swenson, J.E.; Hackländer, K.
Event: 96th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2023 - Positive effects of set-asides on spring density, increment of growth, hunting bag and number of subadults in European hare (Lepus europaeus) populations (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S.C.; Ruf, T.; Klansek, E.; Arnold, W.; Hackländer, K.
Event: 96th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2023 - Evidenzbasiertes Feldhasenmanagement (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Webinar der Leibniz-IZW-Akademie: Evidenzbasiertes Feldhasenmanagement
Period: 19.04.2023 | Location: Online
Year: 2023 - Wildtiere und Klimawandel (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: International Fellowship of Hunting Rotarians
Year: 2023 - Muss der Jäger schießen? Über die Notwendigkeit des Tötens und alternative Methoden im Wildtiermanagement (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Komplex Tier
Period: 11.01.2023 | Location: Online
Year: 2023 - Die Rotwildarbeit der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung: Rückblick und Ausblick. (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 10. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung
Year: 2023 - Feldhasen in der Agrarlandschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 2. Niederwildsymposium des Landesjagdverbandes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Year: 2023 - Is population genetic structure driven by the landscape? – analyses of an Alpine Black Grouse metapopulation (Poster)
Autoren: Kunz, F; Klinga, P; Sittenthaler, M; Schebeck, M; Strauffer, C; Grünschachner-Berger, V; Hackländer, K; Nopp-Mayr, U
Event: 15th International Grouse Symposium IGS
Period: 11.09.2023 - 15.09.2023 | Location: Białystok, Poland | Location: Białystok, POLAND
Year: 2023 - Artenvielfalt in unserer Kulturlandschaft - wieviele Wölfe braucht das Land? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jagd- und Naturabend der Jägerschaften Osnabrück-Stadt e.V. und Osnabrück-Land e.V
Year: 2023 - Ergänzungen, Anregungen und offene Fragen zur WÖRP Steiermark (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Herbst-Start des Dialogs "WÖRP Steiermark"
Year: 2023 - Der Wolf im Alpenraum - jetzt und in Zukunft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jungjägerstammtisch Wien
Year: 2023 - Bejagbarkeitsmodell: ein neues Werkzeug für das Management wildlebender Huftiere (Poster)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Obermair, L; Zandl, J; Stalder, G; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: 10. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung
Year: 2023 - Aktuelle Informationen aus dem Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Landesjägermeister-Deligiertenkonferenz
Year: 2023 - Die Zukunft des Niederwildes in Zeiten von digital farming (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jahrestagung 2023 des Österreichischen Falknerbundes
Year: 2023 - Herausforderungen und Lösungen im Umgang mit dem Wolf in der Kulturlandschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Herbstveranstaltung der Jägerschaft Landkreis Harburg e.V.
Year: 2022 - Querulanten auf Querungshilfen - Der menschliche Einfluss auf die Huftiernutzung von Querungsbauwerken (Poster)
Autoren: Knufinke, Jörg Fabian; Frey-Roos, Alfred; Helldin, Jan Olof; Herrmann, Mathias; Hackländer, Klaus
Event: VWJD Tagung 2022 - Wildtierforschung im 21. Jahrhundert - Herausforderungen und Chancen bei Monitoring und Management
Period: 15.06.2022 - 18.06.2022 | Location: Lauterbach, Germany
Year: 2022 - Developing a decision-analytic tool to mitigate wildlife-based conflicts (Talk)
Autoren: Mattsson, BJ; Kunz, F; Hackländer, K; Griesberger, P
Event: International Statistical Ecology Conference 2022
Period: 27.06.2022 - 01.07.2022 | Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Year: 2022 - Aktuelle Projekte aus dem IWJ (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Frühjahrsdeligiertenkonferenz Jagd Österreich 2022
Period: 02.05.2022 | Location: Anif, Austria
Year: 2022 - The biological basis for the cultural importance of hares (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2022 - Positive effects of set-asides on spring density, increment of growth, hunting bag and number of subadults in European hare (Lepus europaeus) populations (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, SC; Ruf, T; Klansek, E; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2022
Period: 19.09.2022 - 22.09.2022 | Location: Hamburg, Germany
Year: 2022 - Estimating sustainable harvest rates for European hare (Lepus europaeus) populations (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Kowalczyk, C; Klansek, E; Hackländer, K
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2022 - Recurrent evolution of winter coat colour polymorphism in mountain hares (Talk)
Autoren: Melo-Ferreira, J; Giska, I; Pimenta, J; Farelo, L; Ferreira, MS; Marques, JP; Miranda, I; Seixas, FA; Letty, J; Jenny, H; Boursot, P; Hackländer, K; Reid, N; Montgomery, WI; Prodöhl, P; Magnussen, E; Alves, PC
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2022 - Gastrointestinal parasite infestation in the Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis): are abiotic environmental factors such as elevation, temperature and precipitation affecting prevalence of parasite species? (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Posautz, A; Alves, PC; Hackländer, K
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2022 - Wildökologische Raumplanung - Grundlagen und Begründung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Reimoser, F
Event: Arbeitstagung der Kammerobmänner und Bezirksjägermeister
Period: 11.05.2022 | Location: Mixnitz, Austria
Year: 2022 - Er ist da - Der Wolf kehrt zurück (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Vortragsabend der Kreisjagdverbände Garmisch-Partenkirchen und Weilheim im Bayerischen Landesjagdverband
Period: 16.07.2022 | Location: Großweil, Germany
Year: 2022 - Überlegungen zum Erhaltungszustandes des Wolfes im Alpenraum (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: AgrarreferentInnentreffen der Arge Alp
Period: 10.03.2022 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2022 - Comparing methods to detect Garden Dormice (Eliomys quercinus) in mountainous forest habitats (Poster)
Autoren: Beer, S; Hackländer, K; Lang, J
Event: 11th International Dormice Conference 2022
Period: 09.05.2022 - 13.05.2022 | Location: Svilengrad, Bulgaria
Year: 2022 - Bejagbarkeitsmodell - Ein neues Werkzeug für das Management wildlebender Huftiere (Poster)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Obermair, L; Zandl, F; Stalder, G; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: 10. Rotwildsymposium der deutschen Wildtierstiftung 2022
Period: 19.05.2022 - 20.05.2022 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2022 - Diet prefernces of the Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis) and the influence of plant identification level and landscape plant diversity on the detectebility (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Lapin, K; Bernhardt, K-G; Alves, PC, Hackländer, K
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2022 - Hard facts or just folklore? What trophy shows tell us about chamois and humans (Poster)
Autoren: Kinser, A; Miller, C; Hackländer, K
Event: 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2022
Period: 19.09.2022 - 22.09.2022 | Location: Hamburg, Germany
Year: 2022 - New insights into interspecific competition within the genus Lepus in the Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Schwienbacher, S; Smith, S
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2022 - Zwischen Hamburg, München, Bonn und Klepelshagen: 20 Jahre Engagement der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung für den Rothirsch (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Kinser, A
Event: 10. Rotwildsymposium der deutschen Wildtierstiftung 2022
Period: 19.05.2022 - 20.05.2022 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2022 - Wildökologische Raumplanung: Lösungsinstrument bei Nutzungskonflikten (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Reimoser, F
Event: Online-Akademie Deutscher Jagdverband e.V. 2022
Period: 20.04.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2022 - Der Wolf: Im Spannungsfeld von Land- & Forstwirtschaft, Jagd, Tourismus und Artenschutz (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wintertagung des Ökosozialen Forums Österreich 2022
Period: 27.01.2022 - 03.02.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2022 - Wildtiermanagement: Schutz - Kontrolle - Nutzung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: VWJD Tagung 2022 - Wildtierforschung im 21. Jahrhundert - Herausforderungen und Chancen bei Monitoring und Management
Period: 15.06.2022 - 18.06.2022 | Location: Lauterbach, Germany
Year: 2022 - Up-Net Trap for catching wild boars (sus scrofa): Using flexible nets for effective, minimum invasive and less harmful trapping (Poster)
Autoren: Daim, A; Hackländer, K
Event: International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids
Period: 06.09.2022 - 09.09.2022 | Location: Seva, Spain
Year: 2022 - Gastrointestinal parasite infestation in the Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis): are abiotic environmental factors affecting prevalence of parasite species? (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, SC; Posautz, A; Alves, PC; Hackländer, K
Event: 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2022
Period: 19.09.2022 - 22.09.2022 | Location: Hamburg, Germany
Year: 2022 - Interspecific competition within the genus Lepus in the Alps: altitudinal ranges and introgression (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Schwienbacher, S; Smith, S
Event: 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2022
Period: 19.09.2022 - 22.09.2022 | Location: Hamburg, Germany
Year: 2022 - Wildökologische Raumplanung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Reimoser, F.
Event: 2. Jagdsymposium der Jägerschaft Wittenberg 2020 e.V.
Period: 29.09.2022 | Location: Wittenberg, Germany
Year: 2022 - Erhaltungszustand des Wolfes im Alpenraum und mögliche Entnahmequoten in der Schweiz (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildökologisches Forum Alpenraum 2022 - Weidwerk wozu? Der Beitrag der Jagd zur nachhaltigen Landnutzung
Period: 20.06.2022 - 21.06.2022 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2022 - Distribution range and ecological niches of leporids in Africa and Near East (Poster)
Autoren: Schertler, A; Lado, S; Alves, PC; Hackländer, K
Event: 6th World Lagomorph Conference 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Montpellier, France | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2021 - Der Wolf ist zurück - Konsequenzen für die Kulturlandschaft und Perspektiven für die Zukunft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Der Wolf in der Kulturlandschaft
Period: 19.10.2021 | Location: Winser an der Aller, Germany
Year: 2021 - Der Wolf in Deutschland (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Großraubtiere in der Kulturlandschaft 2021
Period: 23.11.2021 | Location: Mixnitz, Austria
Year: 2021 - Bedeutung des Wolfs für das Ökosystem (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wer hat Angst vorm bösen Wolf? - Online-Treffen der "Jungen UmweltjuristInnen" des Österreichischen Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverbands
Period: 19.05.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Der Wolf kehrt zurück - Herausforderungen und Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Rotaract Club Wien Meeting
Period: 17.05.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Der Wolf in Deutschland (Niedersachsen) - Modellbasierte Populationsstudie über den Wolf in Niedersachsen, als Teilaspekt zum Erhaltungszustand in Deutschland (Talk)
Autoren: Sachser, F; Hatlauf, J; Hackländer K
Event: Zwischenmeeting
Period: 28.05.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Respektiere Deine Grenzen - Die Ansprüche der Wildtiere (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Hohe Jagd Online Tag
Period: 13.03.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Er ist wieder da - der Wolf (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Vorarlberger Grundeigentümertag 2021
Period: 12.03.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Wolf und Herdenschutz: Herausforderungen und Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Fachgespräch Wolf und Herdenschutz
Period: 24.02.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Coexistence with wolf in Europe (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: FACE General Assembly 2021
Period: 25.09.2021 | Location: Budapest, Hungary
Year: 2021 - Wolf und Weideprojekte - eine problematische Rückkehr? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Weidekongress 2021: Weiden! – Wege zur Bewahrung der Biodiversität
Period: 24.02.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Large Carnivore Monitoring in the Carpathians (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 12th Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Biodiversity
Period: 19.05.2021 - 20.05.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Large Carnivore Monitoring in the Carpathian Mountains (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: CIC Webinar
Period: 28.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Wem gehört der Wald? Zum "Wald-Wild-Konflikt" und der Rolle der Jagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Bundesagrarkreis der Landjugend Österreich
Period: 20.12.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Der Einfluss der Hauskatze auf die Biodiversität (Talk)
Autoren: Hatlauf, J; Sachser, F; Hackländer K
Event: Zwischenbericht
Period: 09.06.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Er ist da - der Wolf kehrt zurück nach Österreich (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jockey-Club Wien
Period: 16.03.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Der Wolf: ein Wildtier kehrt zurück (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Rotary Wien-Ring
Period: 06.03.2020 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2020 - Cross-border monitoring: Focus on the Carpathians (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Stakeholder Involvement in Large Carnivore Monitoring.
Period: 24.11.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Das leise Sterben der Natur (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 26. Österreichische Jägertagung 2020
Period: 09.03.2020 - 10.03.2020 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria | Organizer:
Höhere Lehr- und Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Year: 2020 - Using landscape genetic approaches to assess functional connectivity for a challenging bird (Poster)
Autoren: Kunz, F; Klinga, P; Sittenthaler, M; Stauffer, C; Grünschachner-Berger, V; Hackländer, K; Nopp-Mayr, U
Event: 4th Annual Meeting in Conservation Genetics 2020
Period: 26.02.2020 - 28.02.2020 | Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Year: 2020 - Wildtiermanagement oder Artenschutzmanagement? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildtierforum Baden-Württemberg 2020: Rotwild, Wolf und ganzheitliches Wildtiermanagement - Teil 3: Ganzheitliches Wildtiermanagement - mehr als Abschuss und Entnahme
Period: 11.12.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Wildtiere im Aufwind: eine Folge des Klimawandels? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: Klimawandel und Wildtier
Period: 24.01.2020 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2019 - Einfluss menschlicher Aktivität auf das Raumnutzungsverhalten und die Physiologie von Rotwild (Talk)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Obermair, L; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: gemeinsame Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft der Tierärzte Sektion Wildtierkunde und Umweltforschung und der Höheren Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Period: 28.05.2019 | Location: Irdning, Austria
Year: 2019 - Das Niederwild in der Feldflur - Indikatoren des Biodiversitätsverlustes in der Kulturlandschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Niederwildgipfel des NÖ Jagdverbandes
Period: 10.10.2019 | Location: Krems an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2019 - Niederwild - Rückgang und Ausblick (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Informationsveranstaltung des Amtes der Burgenländischen Landesregierung
Period: 16.01.2019 | Location: Eisenstadt, Austria | Location: Mattersburg, Austria | Location: Eisenstadt, Austria
Year: 2019 - Die Auswirkungen von rückkehrenden Wölfen auf den Ostalpenraum (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Die Almwirtschaft und der Wolf - Gibt es eine gemeinsame Zukunft?
Period: 08.10.2019 | Location: Pfarrwerfen, Austria
Year: 2019 - Biodiversität - globale Herausforderungen und lokale Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Bezirksjägertag Wien des NÖ Jagdverbandes
Period: 22.10.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Rowild und große Beutegreifer (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 25. Österreichische Jägertagung 2019
Period: 11.03.2019 - 12.03.2019 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria | Organizer:
Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Year: 2019 - Recreational activities and hunting create a landscape of fear for deer in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem (Poster)
Autoren: Kirberg, S; Peters, W; Henrich, M; Franke, F; Hackländer, K; Heurich, M
Event: Wildlife Research and Conservation 2019
Period: 30.09.2019 - 02.10.2019 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2019 - Der Wolf ist zurück - Auswirkungen für die Jagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Hegeringversammlung Pressbaum und Purkersdorf
Period: 17.03.2019 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2019 - Neues von der Wolfsfront (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Hegeringleiter-Tag der Kärntner Jägerschaft
Period: 12.01.2019 | Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Year: 2019 - Von der Umfriedeten Eigenjagd zum Wildgehege (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung Interessensgruppe umfriedete Eigenjagden
Period: 13.02.2019 | Location: Bierbaum am Kleebühel, Austria
Year: 2019 - Die Rolle der Landwirtschaft für die Biodiversität in unserer Kulturlandschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Landesbauernrat 2019 des Bauernbunds Wien
Period: 27.11.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft 2018 (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Frühjahrsdeligiertenkonferenz Jagd Österreich 2019
Period: 22.05.2019 | Location: Anif, Austria
Year: 2019 - Der Wolf in Österreich: Herausforderungen und Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jagdstammtisch Wien
Period: 25.06.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Der Wolf im Alpenraum (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Sitzung des Ausschusses für Petitionen und Bürgerinitiativen im Österreichischen Parlament
Period: 13.02.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - How do human activities shape the behaviour and physiology of red deer ? – a telemetric approach (Talk)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Obermair, L; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: Research Symposium - Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research 2019
Period: 22.02.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Der Wolf - ein Wildtier kehrt zurück (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Clubabend des Rotary Clubs Wien-Oper
Period: 18.11.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Der Wolf im Wienerwald (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: respekTIERE. Wildtiere im menschlichen Lebensraum
Period: 19.09.2019 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2019 - Human outdoor activities create a landscape of fear for deer in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem (Poster)
Autoren: Kirberg, S; Peters, W; Henrich, M; Franke, F; Hackländer, K; Heurich, M
Event: 93rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2019
Period: 16.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 | Location: Dresden, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2019 - How do human activities shape the behaviour and physiology of red deer? - a telemetric approach (Talk)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Obermair, L; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: Wilhelminenberg Seminar Talks
Period: 14.01.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Der Wolf im Alpenraum - Herausforderungen, Konflikte, Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildökologisches Forum Alpenraum 2019
Period: 15.05.2019 - 16.05.2019 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2019 - Artenvielfalt - Artensterben - Artenschutz (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Vortragsreihe der Liste Baum 2019 - Die Grünen Purkersdorf
Period: 26.09.2019 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2019 - "Can't escape from you" - Anthropogenic influence on the spatial use behaviour of the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) in alpine regions (Poster)
Autoren: Reichler, C; Gressmann, G; Frey-Roos, F; Filli, F; Hackländer, K
Event: 93rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2019
Period: 16.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 | Location: Dresden, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2019 - Spannungsfeld Landwirtschaft und Artenschutz - Forderungen aus der Sicht der Wissenschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Niederwildsymposium "Klartext statt Ausreden - die Biodiversität in Feld & Wiese muss eine Zukunft haben!"
Period: 11.04.2019 | Location: Mainz, Germany
Year: 2019 - Mid infrared spectroscopy, micro histological analysis, and DNA barcoding of Sika deer faecal samples in Lower Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Saggiomo, L; Meimberg, H; Curto, M; Tintner-Olifiers, J; Bernhardt, KG; Hackländer K
Event: 93rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2019
Period: 16.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 | Location: Dresden, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2019 - Das Geheule um den Wolf - Konsequenzen für die Landnutzung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Diskussionsrunde im Museum Niederösterreich - Haus für Natur
Period: 09.04.2019 | Location: St. Pölten, Austria
Year: 2018 - Lebensraumansprüche des Feldhasen in der intensiv genutzten Agrarlandschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Landesjägertag 2018 des Bayerischen Jagdverbandes
Period: 23.03.2018 - 24.03.2018 | Location: Veitshöchheim, Germany
Year: 2018 - Die Rückkehr der Wölfe: Auswirkungen auf Landwirtschaft und traditionelle Weidehaltung, Freizeit- und Erholungswirtschaft, Jagd- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Biodiversität im Ostalpenraum (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 2. Dialogforum Wolf
Period: 14.03.2018 | Location: Langenlois, Austria
Year: 2018 - Tricky otter faeces - crucial facts on genotyping success and faeces counts to assess population size and structure (Poster)
Autoren: Sittenthaler, M; Haring, E; Parz-Gollner, R; Hackländer, K
Event: 3rd Annual Meeting in Conservation Genetics 2018
Period: 26.02.2018 - 28.02.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Legal status of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in relation to confirmed records in Austria´s provinces (Talk)
Autoren: Hatlauf, J; Bayer, K; Hackländer, K
Event: 2nd International Jackal Symposium
Period: 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 | Location: Attica, Greece
Year: 2018 - Präsentation der Endergebnisse des Projekts "Integrales Rotwildmanagement: Strategievernetzung zwischen Forst-, Land-, Jagd- und Tourismuswirtschaft" (Talk)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Hackländer, K
Event: 4. Partnerversammlung
Period: 07.06.2018 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2018 - Jagd 4.0 - Technologischer Wandel mit Zukunft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Wildtierforum Baden-Württemberg: Jagd 4.0 - Technisierung und Digitalisierung der Jagd
Period: 17.05.2018 | Location: Dettingen unter Teck, Germany
Year: 2018 - Jagd und Artenschutz - ein Widerspruch? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Bezirksjägertag St. Pölten
Period: 15.04.2018 | Location: St. Margarethen an der Sierning, Austria
Year: 2018 - Jagd und Artenschutz - ein Widerspruch? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Artenschutz und Prädation - Ziele, Methoden und Erfolge von Naturschutz und Jagd
Period: 11.01.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Tooth development and mandible measurements for age determination in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) (Poster)
Autoren: Mangen, T; Parz-Gollner, R; Böhm, J; Hölzler, G; Hackländer, K; Graf, PM
Event: 8th International Beaver Symposium 2018
Period: 18.09.2018 - 20.09.2018 | Location: Vemb, Denmark
Year: 2018 - The European hare - an invasive looser? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Resource Ecology Seminar at Wageningen University
Period: 23.05.2018 | Location: Wageningen, Netherlands
Year: 2018 - Assessment of methods for age determination based on teeth and skull of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) (Poster)
Autoren: Samweber, I; Griesberger, P; Heltai, M; Szabó, L; Hackländer, K; Hatlauf, J
Event: 2nd International Jackal Symposium
Period: 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 | Location: Attica, Greece
Year: 2018 - Red fox and golden jackal hunting bag differences in countries from Central and Southeastern Europe. Population trend and management aspects (Talk)
Autoren: Banea, O; Farkas, A; Stoyanov, St; Ćirović, D; Jánoska,F; Selanec, I; Hatlauf, J; Hackländer, K
Event: 2nd International Jackal Symposium
Period: 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 | Location: Attica, Greece
Year: 2018 - Status and management of large carnivores in the Alps (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 6th International Hunting and Game Management Symposium: Modern aspects of sustainable management of game populations 2018
Period: 12.06.2018 - 16.06.2018 | Location: Sofia, Bulgaria | Organizer:
Wildlife and Game Management Scientific Society and University of Forestry, Bulgaria
Year: 2018 - Jagd als Erfüllungsgehilfe: Forderungen der Land-, Forst-, Fischereiwirtschaft und des Naturschutzes (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 24. Österreichische Jägertagung 2018
Period: 05.03.2018 - 06.03.2018 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria | Organizer:
Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Year: 2018 - Aufrüstung in der Jagd: technisch verfügbar, aber jagdlich vertretbar? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Fortbildungsreihe der Höheren Bundeslehranstalt für Forstwirtschaft Bruck
Period: 19.04.2018 | Location: Bruck an der Mur, Austria
Year: 2018 - Comparing widely used methods for assessing body condition in golden jackals (Canis aureus) (Talk)
Autoren: Selimovic, A; Schöll, EM; Bosseler, L; Hackländer K
Event: 2nd International Jackal Symposium
Period: 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 | Location: Attica, Greece
Year: 2018 - Werden Wildtiere durch die Jagd (als Freizeitaktivität) gestört? (Talk)
Autoren: Griesberger, P; Obermair, L; Hackländer, K
Event: FVA Fachtagung "Werden Wildtiere durch Freizeitaktivitäten gestört?" - Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung für die Praxis
Period: 15.10.2018 | Location: St. Blasien, Germany
Year: 2018 - Habitat preferences of Golden jackals (Canis aureus L.) in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina (Talk)
Autoren: Selimovic, A; Hackländer, K; Schöll, EM; Bosseler, L; Hatlauf, J;
Event: 2nd International Jackal Symposium
Period: 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 | Location: Attica, Greece
Year: 2018 - Evaluating the deterrent efficiency of non-lethal ammunition EM-A/B for the application in nuisance wildlife management (Poster)
Autoren: Sallay-Mosoi, A; Zotter, A; Hafellner, R; Szasz, I; Hackländer, K
Event: 26th International Conference on Bear Research & Management
Period: 16.09.2018 - 21.09.2018 | Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Year: 2018 - Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft: Grundlagen für ein nachhaltiges Wildtiermanagement schaffen und vermitteln (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Frühjahrs-Deligierten-Landesjägermeisterkonferenz 2018
Period: 08.05.2018 | Location: Anif, Austria
Year: 2018 - Large carnivores – conservation success and source of conflicts (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Congress of European Farmers 2018
Period: 10.10.2018 - 12.10.2018 | Location: Linz, Austria
Year: 2018 - Craniometrical distinction: A comparison of Pannonian and Balkan golden jackal (Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758) skulls (Poster)
Autoren: Krendl, L; Hatlauf, J; Griesberger, P; Heltai, M; Szabó, L; Stoyanov, St; Markov, G; Hackländer, K
Event: 2nd International Jackal Symposium
Period: 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 | Location: Attica, Greece
Year: 2018 - Towards the standardization of monitoring procedures for large carnivore populations in the Carpathian mountains (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 5th Forum Carpathicum
Period: 14.10.2018 - 17.10.2018 | Location: Eger, Czech Republic
Year: 2017 - Coat colour change pattern in Alpine mountain hares (Lepus timidus varronis) along an altitudinal gradient in Grisons, Switzerland (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Zimova, M; Suhrer, SK; Jenny, H; Melo-Ferreira, J; Alves, PC; Mills, LS
Event: 12th International Mammalogical Congress 2017
Period: 09.07.2017 - 14.07.2017 | Location: Perth, WA, Australia
Year: 2017 - Integrative Sustainable Wildlife Management Principles, Criteria and Indicators for Hunting, Forestry, Agriculture and Recreation (Talk)
Autoren: DAIM, Andreas; ARNOLD, Walter; AUFREITER, Christian; BAUERHANSL, Christian; BEIGLBÖCK, Christoph; BRANDENBURG, Christiane; FREUDENSCHUSS, Alexandra; GANTNER, Birgit; HACKL, Josef; HECKL, Felix; KÜBBER-HEISS, Anna; REIMOSER, Friedrich; SALBABA, Thomas; SCHADAUER, Clemens; SCHODTERER, Heimo; STEINRIGL, Adolf; HACKLÄNDER, Klaus
Event: 33rd IUBG Congress, 14th Perdix Symposium
Period: 22.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2017 - Golden jackal (Canis aureus) occurrence in Austria: from first records to recent findings (Poster)
Autoren: Hatlauf J; Heltai M; Szabó L; Hackländer K
Event: 33rd International Union of Game Biologists Congress
Period: 22.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2017 - Definition Nachhaltige Jagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Sitzung der Deutschen Delegation im Internationalen Rat zur Erhaltung des Wildes und der Jagd CIC
Period: 01.04.2017 | Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Year: 2017 - Research and Teaching at the Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: CIBIO PhD Seminar
Period: 02.06.2017 | Location: Vairao, Tahiti, France | Location: Vairao, Portugal
Year: 2017 - No magnetic alignment of form direction in European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Poster)
Autoren: Niederkofler, G; Hackländer, K
Event: 12th International Mammalogical Congress 2017
Period: 09.07.2017 - 14.07.2017 | Location: Perth, WA, Australia
Year: 2017 - Reaktion auf neue Waffentechnik: Jagen mit Schalldämpfern (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 1. Alpenländische Jagdrechtstagung
Period: 15.10.2017 | Location: Schoppernau, Austria
Year: 2017 - Dietary preferences of the European hare (Lepus europaeus): a herbivore selecting its diet for a high fat content (Poster)
Event: 91th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2017
Period: 18.09.2017 - 21.09.2017 | Location: Greifswald, Germany
Year: 2017 - Faszination Wildtierforschung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Buchvorstelung Time of Love in der Universitätsbibliothek der BOKU
Period: 31.05.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Faszination Wildtierforschung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Waidfrauentreff
Period: 16.11.2017 | Location: Bad Fischau-Brunn, Austria
Year: 2017 - Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Wildbiologie (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Bezirksjägertag Mödling 2017
Period: 13.05.2017 | Location: Gumpoldskirchen, Austria
Year: 2017 - Researching recreational activities on different scales with GIS-based modelling – key findings of two case studies in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Gantner, B; Kasper, A; Marous, H; Preisel, H; Bartel, A; Brandenburg, Ch; Daim, A; Heckl, F; Reimoser, F; Hackl, J; Hackländer, K;
Event: International Union of Game Biologists IUGB 2017
Period: 22.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2017 - Large Carnivore Management across the Carpathian Mountain Range (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 5th Conference of the Parties of the Carpathian Convention - CoP5
Period: 11.10.2017 | Location: Lillafüred, Hungary
Year: 2017 - Lebensraum Kulturlandschaft: Nutzung durch Wildtiere (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 23. Österreichische Jägertagung 2017 - Naturnutzung zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. Wo stehen Wild und Jagd?
Period: 06.03.2017 - 07.03.2017 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria
Year: 2017 - Form alignment in European hare Lepus europaeus: the effect of the geomagnetic field (Poster)
Autoren: Niederkofler, G; Hackländer, K
Event: 91st Annual Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde
Period: 18.09.2017 - 21.09.2017 | Location: Greifswald, Germany
Year: 2017 - Faszination Wildtierforschung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Mödlinger Jagdclub
Period: 19.10.2017 | Location: Maria Enzersdorf, Austria
Year: 2017 - Die Jagd ist aktueller denn je! (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Bezirksjägertag der Geschäftsstelle Wien des NÖ Landesjagdverband
Period: 12.10.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - On the hunt: Analysis of the behaviour of geocachers (Poster)
Autoren: Gantner, B; Kasper, A; Marous, H; Preisel, H; Bartel, A; Brandenburg, Ch; Daim, A; Heckl, F; Reimoser, F; Hackl, J; Hackländer, K;
Event: International Union of Game Biologists IUGB 2017
Period: 22.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2017 - Population structur of Sorex caecutiens in a montane taiga forest of West Khentey, Mongolia (Poster)
Autoren: Tserendavaa, P.; Erdenechimeg, E.; Kherlen, Sh.; Hackländer, K.; Samiya, R.; Sheftel, B.I.; Muehlenberg, M.; Undrakhbayar, E.
Event: Biodiversity Research of Mongolia
Period: 20.09.2017 - 23.09.2017 | Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Year: 2017 - Reproductive strategy in female Alpine mountain hares (Lepus timidus varronis): adaptation to different elevation? (Talk)
Event: 91th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2017
Period: 18.09.2017 - 21.09.2017 | Location: Greifswald, Germany
Year: 2017 - Integriertes nachhaltiges Management von wildlebenden Huftieren (Talk)
Autoren: DAIM, Andreas; ARNOLD, Walter; AUFREITER, Christian; BAUERHANSL, Christian; BEIGLBÖCK, Christoph; BRANDENBURG, Christiane; FREUDENSCHUSS, Alexandra; GANTNER, Birgit; HACKL, Josef; HECKL, Felix; KÜBBER-HEISS, Anna; REIMOSER, Friedrich; SALBABA, Thomas; SCHADAUER, Clemens; SCHODTERER, Heimo; STEINRIGL, Adolf; HACKLÄNDER, Klaus
Event: Life Science Success 2017
Period: 10.05.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Fruchtbarkeitshemmer: eine Alternative zur Jagd? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: Damen Jagdclub Wien
Period: 28.02.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Treasure in the Bag – Unsustainable Management of Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in Bavaria, Germany (Talk)
Autoren: Miller, C
Event: 33rd IUGB Congress
Period: 22.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2017 - The Cost of Wolves – Adaptive Management for Forest Companies Considering the Comeback of Large Carnivores into Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Miller, C;Daim, A; Leitner, H; Sekot, W; Hackländer, K
Event: 33rd IUGB Congress
Period: 22.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2016 - Home range use by the European hare (Lepus europaeus) analysed at a fine temporal scale (Poster)
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Lagging morphs of lagomorphs in winter (Talk)
Autoren: Mills, LS; Bragina, E; Fay, K; Zimova, M; Davis, B; Kumar, A; Lafferty, D; Feltner, J; Hackländer, K; Alves, PC; Melo-Ferreira, J; Pacifici, K
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Estimating sustainable harvest rates in European hares using different population model approaches (Talk)
Autoren: Kowalczyk, C; Stephens, P; Hackländer, K
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Immunokontrazeption: eine Alternative zur Jagd? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Interessensgemeinschaft Jagd IGJ 2016
Period: 04.10.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Die "Pille für die Sau" - zwischen Mythos und Wirklichkeit (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: Verein Der Jagdstammtisch
Period: 27.09.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Faszination Wildtierforschung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jägerstammtisch der Priviligierten Schützenkompagnie zu St. Pölten
Period: 22.08.2016 | Location: St. Pölten, Austria
Year: 2016 - Characterizing population differentiation and genetic variation in candidate genes in mountain hare populations with distinct coat color phenotypes (Poster)
Autoren: Miranda, I; Farelo, L; Hackländer, K; Magnussen, E; Reid, N; Montgomery, WI; Alves, PC; Melo-Ferreira, J
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Licht aus für Meister Lampe? Ein Fruchtbarkeitssymbol auf der Roten Liste (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Hamburg
Period: 07.04.2016 | Location: Hamburg, Germany
Year: 2016 - Physiological stress response of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) to environmental enrichment (Poster)
Autoren: Venezia, R; Lafferty, D; Hackländer, K; Palme, R; Mills, LS
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Assessing ecological connectivity and kin-related social organization among brown bears around the wildlife migration zone and human-bear conflict area Baile Tusnad, Romania (Talk)
Autoren: Sallay-Mosoi, A; Berde, L; Hackländer, K; Sittenthaler, M; Zachos, F E
Event: 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management 2016
Period: 12.06.2016 - 16.06.2016 | Location: Anchorage, AL, USA
Year: 2016 - Within-sample variation in snowshoe hare fecal glucocorticoid metabolite measurments (Poster)
Autoren: Lafferty, DJR; Kumar, A; Whitcher, SL; Hackländer, K; Palme, R; Mills, LS
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Wildlife damage in Austrian forests: a call for integral solutions (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: III Congresso Nazionale Fauna Problematica
Period: 24.11.2016 - 26.11.2016 | Location: Cesena, Italy
Year: 2016 - Magnetic alignment in European hares? Preliminary results on form direction (Poster)
Autoren: Fiderer, C; Hackländer, K
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Dietary preferences of the European hare (Lepus europaeus): a herbivore selecting its diet for a high fat content (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Reichlin, TS; Ruf, T; Klansek, E; Tataruch, F; Arnold, W; Hackländer, K
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Wildtierforschung: Wissen, wie der Hase läuft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Klubabend des Döblinger Jagdklubs
Period: 08.06.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Evolutionary history of the cape hare (Lepus capensis) inferred from genetic variation (Poster)
Autoren: Lado, S; Alves, PC; Brito, JC; Melo-Ferreira, J
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Der Goldschakal in Europa - Freund oder Feind? (Talk)
Autoren: Hatlauf, J; Hackländer, K
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wildtier- und Jagdforschung e.V. 2016
Period: 21.04.2016 - 24.04.2016 | Location: Halberstadt, Germany
Year: 2016 - Home range use by the European hare (Lepus europaeus) analysed at a fine temporal scale (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Hackländer, K
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Why do hares change color? Deciphering the genetic basis of seasonal coat color change using transcriptomics (Talk)
Autoren: Ferreira, MS; Alves, PC; Hackländer, K; Reid, N; Montgomery, WI; Dernat, R; Marques, JP; Callahan, C; Mills, LS; Good, JM; Melo-Ferreira, J
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Dietary preferences of the European hare (Lepus europaeus): a herbivore selecting its diet for a high fat content. (Talk)
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2016 - Jagd und Hege - eine Selbstverständlichkeit? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 22. Österreichische Jägertagung 2016
Period: 25.02.2016 - 26.02.2016 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria | Organizer:
Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Year: 2016 - Lebensraum des Rotwildes - Ansprüche und Nutzungsverhalten (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Arnold, J; Daim, A; Frey-Roos, F; Obermair, L; Sandfort, R
Event: Wildökologisches Forum Alpenraum 2016
Period: 02.06.2016 - 03.06.2016 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2016 - Risk of predation influences the habitat use of the Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus) during the reproductive period (Poster)
Autoren: Rehnus, M; Braunisch, V; Hackländer, K; Bollmann, K
Event: 5th World Lagomorph Conference 2016
Period: 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016 | Location: Turlock, CA, USA | Organizer:
World Lagomorph Society
Year: 2015 - Grußwort (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Erstes Jagdsymposium am Habsberg
Period: 22.11.2015 | Location: Velburg, Germany
Year: 2015 - Stress responses in snowshoe hares facing mismatch of coatcolour and their environment (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer K, Venezia R, Palme R, Mills LS
Event: 89th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2015
Period: 13.08.2015 - 16.08.2015 | Location: Hanover, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2015 - Conservation through sustainable use of wildlife: Lessions learned from Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 7th International Global Challenges University Alliance Workshop: Why Wildlife - Global Opportunities and Challenges
Period: 26.04.2015 - 29.04.2015 | Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Year: 2015 - Faszination Wildtierforschung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Verleihung des Forschungspreises 2015 der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung
Period: 25.11.2015 | Location: Hamburg, Germany
Year: 2015 - Spring and autumn habitat preferences of active European hare (Lepus europaeus) in a small-scale agricultural area with low hare density (Poster)
Event: 7th European Congress of Mammalogy 2015
Period: 17.08.2015 - 21.08.2015 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2015 - Impact of EU Common Agricultural Policy on hares (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: 7th European Congress of Mammalogy 2015
Period: 17.08.2015 - 21.08.2015 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2015 - Jagd im 21. Jahrhundert: Was ist Realität, was ist ethisch vertretbar? Zusammenfassung und Ausblick (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jagd im 21. Jahrhundert: Was ist Realität, was ist ethisch vertretbar?
Period: 12.11.2015 | Location: Stainz, Austria
Year: 2015 - Die Eignung bleifreier Büchsenmunition im Jagdbetrieb (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Purkersdorfer Jagdklub
Period: 03.12.2015 | Location: Unter-Tullnerbach, Austria
Year: 2015 - Home range use by the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in an agricultural area with small fields analysed at a fine temporal scale (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun S, Hackländer K
Event: 7th European Congress of Mammalogy 2015
Period: 17.08.2015 - 21.08.2015 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2015 - Integriertes nachhaltiges Management von wildlebenden Huftieren in Gebirgsökosystemen (Talk)
Autoren: Daim, A; Hackländer, K; Arnold, W; Beiglböck, Ch; Brandenburg, Ch; Freudenschuß, A; Gantner, B; Hackl, J; Heckl, F; Küber-Heiss, A; Reimoser, F; Schadauer, K; Schodterer, H; Steinrigl, A
Event: 1. BOKU Nachhaltigkeitstag 2015
Period: 04.05.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
BOKU | Organizer:
Zentrum für Globalen Wandel und Nachhaltigkeit
Year: 2015 - Short-term effects of capture and tagging on activity and movement patterns of Eurasian beavers (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Hochreiter, J; Wilson, RP; Hackländer, K; Rosell, F
Event: International Beaver Symposium
Period: 14.09.2015 - 17.09.2015 | Location: Voronezh, Russian Federation
Year: 2015 - Home range use by the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in an agricultural area with small fields analysed at a fine temporal scale (Talk)
Event: 7th European Congress of Mammalogy 2015
Period: 17.08.2015 - 21.08.2015 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2015 - Niederwild in Europa - Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Niederwildsymposium des Landesjagdverbandes Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
Period: 29.08.2015 | Location: Alzey, Germany
Year: 2015 - Stress responses in snowshoe hares facing mismatch of coat colour and their environment (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer K, Venezia R, Palme R, Mills LS
Event: 7th European Congress of Mammalogy 2015
Period: 17.08.2015 - 21.08.2015 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2015 - Using stable isotopes to study feeding ecology of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in freshwater habitats: preliminary results (Poster)
Autoren: Sittenthaler, M; Wanek, W; Zitek, A; Prohaska, T; Parz-Gollner, R; Hackländer, K
Event: IUCN European Otter Workshop
Period: 08.06.2015 - 11.06.2015 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Location: Kinsale, Ireland | Location: Kinsale, Ireland
Year: 2015 - Jagdliche Eignung bleifreier Büchsengeschosse: Ein Praxistest der Salzburger Jägerschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Sandfort, R; Hafellner, R; Erber, J
Event: 68. Landesjägertag der Salzburger Jägerschaft
Period: 14.03.2015 | Location: St. Johann im Pongau, Austria
Year: 2015 - Current status of large carnivores in Europe (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 62nd General Assembly of the International Council for Wildlife Conservation and Hunting
Period: 22.04.2015 - 26.04.2015 | Location: Pravets, Bulgaria
Year: 2014 - Hat das Niederwild noch Zukunft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Deligiertenkonferenz des Wiener Landesjagdverbandes
Period: 26.03.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Density and spatial behaviour of Grey red-backed vole in a montane taiga forest of West Khentey Mongolia (Poster)
Autoren: Tserendavaa, P; Hackländer, K; Erdenechimeg, E; Sheftel, B
Event: 88th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2014
Period: 01.09.2014 - 04.09.2014 | Location: Gießen, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2014 - What is good science? Experiences from a decade of editorial work (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: North Carolina State University
Period: 05.11.2014 | Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
Year: 2014 - Kin-related social organization among food-conditioned brown bears in Baile Tusnad, Romania (Poster)
Autoren: Sallay, A; Berde, L; Hackländer, K; Zachos, F; Sittenthaler, M; Chiriac, S
Event: 23rd International Conference on Bear Research and Management
Period: 05.10.2014 - 11.10.2014 | Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Year: 2014 - Mountain hares (Lepus timidus) and tourism activities: Stress events and reactions (Talk)
Autoren: Rehnus, M; Wehrle, M; Palme, R
Event: 88th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2014
Period: 01.09.2014 - 04.09.2014 | Location: Gießen, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2014 - Probleme für Niederwild (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 20. Österreichische Jägertagung 2014
Period: 13.02.2014 - 14.02.2014 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria | Organizer:
Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Year: 2014 - Brown bear (Ursus arctos) damages: A strategic approach or hazard? (Poster)
Autoren: Pop, IM; Chiriac, S; Sallay, A
Event: 88th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology 2014
Period: 01.09.2014 - 04.09.2014 | Location: Gießen, Germany | Organizer:
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2014 - Einfluss der Ernte auf das Raumnutzungsverhalten des Feldhasen in der Agrarlandschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Fiderer, C; Hackländer, K
Event: Akademie Grünes Kreuz 2014
Period: 11.03.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Bleifrei auf die Jagd - geht es nicht oder geht es doch? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Treffen des Vereins "Der Jagdstammtisch"
Period: 25.03.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Principles, Criteria, and Indicators of Sustainable Hunting: Genesis, Development and Perspectives (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K; Reimoser, F
Event: 61st General Assembly of the International Council of Game and Wildlife Conservation CIC
Period: 23.04.2014 - 26.04.2014 | Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2014 - Nahrungsökologie und Lebensraumnutzung von Feldhasen: Die Bedeutung von Brachen für die Besatzentwicklung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: OÖ Niederwild-Symposium: Hat das Niederwild noch Zukunft?
Period: 22.01.2014 | Location: Vöcklamarkt, Austria
Year: 2014 - Tötungswirkung bleifreier Büchsengeschosse (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Interessensgemeinschaft Jagd IGJ 2014
Period: 08.04.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - The Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis): a glacial relict living on the edge (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Forestry and Environmental Resources Seminar
Period: 19.11.2014 | Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
Year: 2014 - Einsatz von bleifreier Büchsenmunition im Jagdbetrieb (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Jagclub Wien 2014
Period: 27.05.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Was spricht gegen Blei? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Informationsveranstaltung "Ist die Zukunft der Jagd bleifrei?"
Period: 27.06.2014 | Location: Bärnbach, Austria
Year: 2013 - Mapping of crop damages caused by wild boar with KAP and GIS support (Poster)
Autoren: Keuling, O; Daim, A; Hauke, L
Event: 31st Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists 2013
Period: 27.08.2013 - 29.08.2013 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2013 - Habitat use of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in an agricultural area - a problem? (Poster)
Autoren: Herbst, C; Keuling, O; Daim, A; Burs, O
Event: 31st Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists 2013
Period: 27.08.2013 - 29.08.2013 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2013 - How does cereal harvest influence the space use of the European hare (Lepus europaeus)? (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Hackländer, K
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2013 - Wege zur Schwarzwildregulierung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Gemeinsame Hegeschau der Hegeringe Pressbaum und Purkersdorf 2013
Period: 09.03.2013 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2013 - The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its impact on European hares (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 31st Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists 2013
Period: 27.08.2013 - 29.08.2013 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2013 - Habitat preferences of active European hare (Lepus europaeus) in an agricultural area with low hare density (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Weber, D; Hackländer, K
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2013 - Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg - Raubwildbejagung oder Lebensraumerhaltung? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Informationsveranstaltung der Tiroler Jägerschaft, Bezirksgeschäftsstelle Innsbruck-Stadt
Period: 16.01.2013 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2013 - Assessing suitable habitat for lynx (Lynx lynx) along the German-Czech border (Poster)
Autoren: Magg, N; Heibl, C; Müller, J; Heurich, M
Event: 31st Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists 2013
Period: 27.08.2013 - 29.08.2013 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2013 - Coping with infanticide risk: spatiotemporal strategies and risk effects (Talk)
Autoren: Steyaert, S; Zedrosser, A; Hackländer, K; Swenson, J
Event: 11th International Mammalogical Congress 2013
Period: 11.08.2013 - 16.08.2013 | Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Year: 2013 - Schwarzwildregulation zwischen Wildbiologie und Weidgerechtigkeit (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Akademie Grünes Kreuz 2013
Period: 25.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2013 - Field mapping of economic damage in agricultural crops caused by wild boar (Sus scrofa) with kite aerial photography (KAP) and GIS support (Poster)
Autoren: Daim, A; Hauke, L; Keuling, O
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2013 - Rot- und Schwarzwild: Schwierige Bejagbarkeit trotz hoher Wildbestände? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 19. Österreichische Jägertagung 2013
Period: 25.02.2013 - 26.02.2013 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria
Year: 2013 - Habitat preferences of active European hares (Lepus europaeus) in an agricultural area with low hare density (Talk)
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2013 - Vorläufige Ergebnisse der ÖBf-Praxistests mit bleifreien Büchsengeschossen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Hafellner, R.
Event: ÖBf-Jagdforum "Bleifreie Büchsengeschosse"
Period: 29.11.2013 | Location: Gumpoldskirchen, Austria
Year: 2013 - Mapping the landscape of fear using time-lapse cameras and GPS telemetry on European roe deer (Talk)
Autoren: Sandfort, R; Obermair, L; Hackländer, K
Event: 11th International Mammalogical Congress 2013
Period: 11.08.2013 - 16.08.2013 | Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Year: 2013 - How does cereal harvest influence the space use of the European hare (Lepus europaeus)? (Poster)
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2013 - Diversity and structure of shrew communities in Khonin-Nuga, West Khentey Mongolia (Poster)
Autoren: Tserendavaa, P; Hackländer, K; Samjaa, R; Sheftel, B; Undrakhbayar, E; Muehlenberg, M
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2013 - Wild boar rooting on grassland: Influencing factors and management considerations (Talk)
Autoren: Keuling, O; Daim, A; Giese, L
Event: 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2013
Period: 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2012 - How does cereal harvest influence the home-range use of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Hackländer, K.
Event: 4th World Lagomorph Conference 2012
Period: 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Sustainable management of European hares in Lower Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population 2012
Period: 22.06.2012 - 24.06.2012 | Location: Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Year: 2012 - Raumnutzung von Rehwild im Berglebensraum (Talk)
Autoren: Sandfort, R; Muralt, G; Hackländer, K
Event: Vorarlberger Rehwildtag 2012
Period: 30.06.2012 | Location: Kennelbach, Austria
Year: 2012 - Von Menschen verursachte Selektion von Trophäenwild - eine Gefährdung für die genetische Vielfalt? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: 59. CIC Generalversammlugn 2012
Period: 08.05.2012 - 11.05.2012 | Location: Kapstadt, South Africa
Year: 2012 - Nachhaltigkeit und Jagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Landesjägertag des Landesjagdverbandes Baden-Württemberg e.V. 2012
Period: 21.04.2012 | Location: Uhingen, Germany
Year: 2012 - The influence of daylight regime on diurnal locomotor activity patterns of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) (Poster)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S; Rödel, H.G.; Hackländer, K.
Event: 4th World Lagomorph Conference 2012
Period: 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Wildtierforschung als Basis für ein nachhaltiges Wildtiermanagement (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 140 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2012 - Quo vadis, Universität(en)?
Period: 02.02.2012 - 03.02.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Using tri-axial acceleration to assess behaviour and energy expenditure in free-living beavers (Castor fiber) (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Wilson, RP; Qasem, L; Hackländer, K; Rosell, F
Event: 14th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology ISBE 2012
Period: 12.08.2012 - 18.08.2012 | Location: Lund, Sweden
Year: 2012 - Nachhaltiges Management von Hase & Co (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Berufsjäger 2012
Period: 21.05.2012 - 22.05.2012 | Location: Goslar, Germany
Year: 2012 - The influence of daylight regime on diurnal locomotor activity patterns of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) (Poster)
Event: 4th World Lagomorph Conference 2012
Period: 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Sex- and age-specific survival in the weakly dimorphic Alpine chamois (Poster)
Autoren: Corlatti, L.; Lebl, K.; Ruf, T.; Filli, F.; Hackländer, K.
Event: Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population 2012
Period: 22.06.2012 - 24.06.2012 | Location: Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Year: 2012 - Aktueller Stand der Feldhasenforschung und Maßnahmen zur Bestandsstabilisierung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Kreisgruppe Ochsenfurt e.V. im Bayerischen Jagdverband
Period: 20.01.1900 | Location: Gaukönigshofen, Germany
Year: 2012 - Using tri-axial acceleration to identify animal behaviours; a case study with beavers (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Wilson, RP; Hackländer, K; Rosell F
Event: ISOB Symposium 2012
Period: 24.05.2012 - 26.05.2012 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2012 - How does cereal harvest influence the home-range use of the European hare (Lepus europaeus)? (Talk)
Event: 4th World Lagomorph Conference 2012
Period: 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Bleimunition - eine schwere Last für die Jagd? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K
Event: Akademie Grünes Kreuz 2012
Period: 02.05.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Altitudinal range shifts in Alpine hares in the course of climate change (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.; Jenny, H.
Event: 4th World Lagomorph Conference 2012
Period: 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Bleifreie Jagdmunition - Fakten und Herausforderungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Berufsjäger 2012
Period: 21.05.2012 - 22.05.2012 | Location: Goslar, Germany
Year: 2012 - Wildnis erleben versus Artenschutz im Alpenraum (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Wildökologisches Forum Alpenraum 2012
Period: 31.05.2012 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2012 - Die Bedeutung der Jagd für Natur und Gesellschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Berufsjäger 2012
Period: 21.05.2012 - 22.05.2012 | Location: Goslar, Germany
Year: 2012 - Land use and behavioral patterns of brown bears in South-Eastern Romanian Carpathian Mountains: A case study of relocated and rehabilitated individuals (Talk)
Autoren: Pop, I.M.; Sallay, A.; Bereczky, L.; Chiriac, S.
Event: 86th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2012
Period: 04.09.2012 - 08.09.2012 | Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Year: 2012 - Der Goldschakal - Neues zum "Rohrwolf" (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Gemeinsame Hegeschau der Hegeringe Pressbaum und Purkersdorf 2012
Period: 24.03.2012 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2012 - Land use and behavioral patterns of brown bears in the South-Eastern Romanian Carpathian Mountains: A case study of relocated and rehabilitated individuals (Talk)
Autoren: Pop, I.M.; Sallay, A.; Bereczky, L.; Chiriac, S.
Event: Landscape, Environment, European Identy
Period: 04.11.2012 - 06.11.2012 | Location: Bucharest, Romania
Year: 2012 - Aktuelles zum Thema bleifreie Jagdmunition (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung der Österreichischen Delegation des Internationalen Rates zur Erhaltung des Wildes und der Jagd CIC 2012
Period: 28.03.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Age estimation in adult hares using annual layers in the mandibular bone (Poster)
Autoren: Krassnitzer, R.; Hackländer, K.
Event: 4th World Lagomorph Conference 2012
Period: 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2012 - Diving behaviour of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Wilson, RP; Cohen-Sanchez, L; Hackländer, K; Rosell F
Event: 6th International Beaver Symposium 2012
Period: 17.09.2012 - 20.09.2012 | Location: Ivanic-Grad, Croatia
Year: 2012 - Camera trapping - how to estimate roe deer density using photographic captures (Poster)
Autoren: Sandfort, R; Dachs, D.; Muralt, G.; Hackländer, K.
Event: Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population 2012
Period: 22.06.2012 - 24.06.2012 | Location: Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Year: 2011 - Camera trapping roe deer - the influence of intraspecific variation on photographic captures (Talk)
Autoren: Sandfort, R., Hackländer, K.
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - Bleimuntion - Probleme und Lösungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Alumni-Treffen der Fachgruppe Jagdwirt im Alumnidachverband der BOKU 2011
Period: 24.11.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Auf der Fährte des Rothirsches – Satellitentelemetrie am Leithagebirge. (Talk)
Autoren: Sandfort, R., Frey-Roos, F., Hackländer K.
Event: Rotwildtagung 2011, Zeitgemäße Rotwildbewirtschaftung, Burgenländischer Landesjagdverband
Period: 10.09.2011 | Location: Steinfurt, Austria
Year: 2011 - Nachhaltiges Niederwildmanagement: Forschung für die Praxis (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Hegeringsitzung im Bezirk Tulln 2011
Period: 20.01.2011 | Location: Michelndorf, Austria
Year: 2011 - Research into conflict behavior and aversive conditioning of food-conditioned brown bears (Talk)
Autoren: Sallay, A., Zedrosser, A., Hackländer, K., Ionescu, O.
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - The influence of sunrise and sunset on the locomotor activity of the European hares (Lepus europaeus) revealed by GPS-tracking (Talk)
Autoren: Schai-Braun, S., Rödel, H.G., Hackländer, K.
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - Selbstverständnis des Jägers - wie wird der Jäger in der Öffentlichkeit gesehen? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 25 Jahre Hubertuszirkel 2011
Period: 24.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Wildtiere unter Druck - Ursachen, Entwicklungen, Maßnahmen. Vowort zur 17. Österreichischen Jägertagung (Talk)
Autoren: Buchgraber, K., Hackländer, K., Reimoser, F., Spinka, W., Völk, F., Gach, H.
Event: 17. Österreichische Jägertagung 2011
Period: 15.02.2011 - 16.02.2011 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria | Location: Irdning, Austria | Location: Aigen, Austria
Year: 2011 - Sinn und Unsinn der Prädatoren-/Beutegreiferbejagung aus wildbiologischer Sicht (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: LJV-Bodenbrüter-Symposium 2011 - Prädatorenbejagung ja - aber wie?
Period: 28.09.2011 | Location: Arnsberg, Germany
Year: 2011 - One man's meat is the other man's poison: How global warming affects Lepus euopaeus and Lepus timidus in the Alps (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Jenny, H.
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - Grundlagen eines nachhaltigen Niederwildmanagements (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Niederwildsymposium 2011 - Nachhaltiges Niederwildmanagement - hat unser Niederwild noch eine Chance?
Period: 29.04.2011 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2011 - Effects of global warming on hares in the Alps: two sides of a coin (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Jenny, H.
Event: 6th European Congress of Mammalogy ECM 2011
Period: 19.07.2011 - 23.07.2011 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2011 - Bleimuntion - eine schwere Last für die Jagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: Bildungsplattform der Kärntner Jägerschaft 2011
Period: 25.03.2011 | Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Year: 2011 - Accelerometry as a novel method to improve wildlife research (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Wilson, RP; Hackländer, K; Rosell, F
Event: Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research 2011
Period: 23.05.2011 - 25.05.2011 | Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2011 - Bleimunition - aktueller Wissensstand in Hinblick auf Arten-, Tier- und Konsumentenschutz (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jagdklub Purkersdorf 2011
Period: 06.10.2011 | Location: Tullnerbach, Austria
Year: 2011 - Camera trapping - how to estimate roe deer density using photographic captures (Poster)
Autoren: Sandfort, R., Dachs, D., Muralt, G., Hackländer, K.
Event: 10th European Roe Deer Meeting 2011
Period: 07.06.2011 - 10.06.2011 | Location: Srni, Czech Republic
Year: 2011 - The use of acceleration to code for animal behaviours: a case study with beavers (Castor spp.) (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, P.M., Wilson, R.P., Hackländer, K., Rosell, F.
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - The Influence of sunrise and sunset on the locomotor activity of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) revealed by GPS-tracking (Talk)
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - The use of acceleration to code for animal behaviours; a case study with beavers (Castor spp.) (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Wilson, RP; Hackländer, K; Rosell, F
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - Jagd und Wissenschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 65 Jahre DER ANBLICK 2011
Period: 10.10.2011 | Location: Stainz, Austria
Year: 2011 - Kennt die Natur gut und böse? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Clubmeeting Rotary Wien-Schönbrunn 2011
Period: 26.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Does food make the difference? Two hypotheses why bears sometimes occur close to people (Talk)
Autoren: Müller, M., Elfström, M., Steyaert, S.M.J.G., Hackländer, K., Swenson, J.E., Zedrosser, A.
Event: 85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2011
Period: 13.09.2011 - 17.09.2011 | Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Year: 2011 - Deer as molecules - REM as a new method in estimating roe deer densities? (Talk)
Autoren: Dachs, D., Muralt, G., Sandfort, R., Hackländer, K.
Event: 10th European Roe Deer Meeting 2011
Period: 07.06.2011 - 10.06.2011 | Location: Srni, Czech Republic
Year: 2010 - Bedeutung der immungenetischen Variabilität beim Feldhasen in Mitteleuropa (Talk)
Autoren: Suchentrunk, F., Smith, S., Campos, J., Beiglböck Ch., Duscher G., Hackländer, K., Schaschl, H.
Event: Fachtagung Feldhase - Der aktuelle Stand der Hasenforschung
Period: 19.03.2010 - 20.03.2010 | Location: Kassel, Germany
Year: 2010 - Aktuelles aus Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Rotary Club Wien-Süd 2010
Period: 07.04.2010 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2010 - Rotwildforschung in der RWBG - Halbzeitreport (Talk)
Autoren: Hofmann, J., Hackländer, K.
Event: Vollversammlung der Steirisch-Kärntnerischen Rotwildbewirtschaftungsgemeinschaft RWBG
Period: 27.06.2010 | Location: Oberhof, Austria
Year: 2010 - Gams in der Kulturlandschaft: begehrt - bedrängt - bewirtschaftet (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: ÖBf-Jagdforum 2010 - Gamswildbejagung
Period: 18.06.2010 | Location: St. Gallen, Switzerland
Year: 2010 - Grundlagen für ein nachhaltiges Niederwildmanagement (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Niederwildsymposium zum Fasan und Feldhasen
Period: 15.10.2010 - 16.10.2010 | Location: Essenbach, Germany
Year: 2010 - Neue Ergebnisse aus der Forschung zum Niederwild, v.a. zum Feldhasen (Talk)
Autoren: Braun, S., Hackländer, K.
Event: Lehrgang für Auszubildende im Ausbildungsberuf Revierjäger
Period: 04.05.2010 | Location: Ruhpolding, Germany
Year: 2010 - Managementstrategien der Wildfütterung und deren Schlussfolgerungen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 26. Wildökologischer Informationstag 2010
Period: 27.03.2010 | Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Year: 2010 - Niederwildhege: Forschung und Praxis (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Niederwildtag der Bezirksstelle Tulln des NÖ Landesjagdverbandes
Period: 28.10.2010 | Location: Bierbaum, Austria
Year: 2010 - Nachhaltige Niederwildbewirtschaftung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Hegeringleiterversammlung Tullnerfeld
Period: 24.03.2010 | Location: Muckendorf, Austria
Year: 2010 - Kennt die Natur Gut und Böse? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Über Sinn und Unsinn der Beutegreiferbejagung
Period: 14.10.2010 - 15.10.2010 | Location: St. Jakob im Defereggental, Austria
Year: 2010 - Ökologie und Bewirtschaftung des Rotwildes (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Rotwildabend im Almtal
Period: 16.04.2010 | Location: Grünau im Almtal, Austria
Year: 2010 - Habitat selection by Red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the Alps: effect of winter feeding and wind throw areas (Poster)
Autoren: Hofmann, J.M., Gerhardt, P., Hochbichler, E., Hackländer, K.
Event: 84th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2010
Period: 12.09.2010 - 16.09.2010 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2010 - Waldstrukturanalyse zur Beschreibung von Rotwildhabitaten auf Windwurfflächen und in deren Umgebung (Poster)
Autoren: Gerhardt, P. Hofmann, J.M. Hochbichler, E. Hackländer, K.
Event: 5. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtierstiftung 2010
Period: 01.12.2010 - 03.12.2010 | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2010 - A spatial assessment of Culicoides spp. distribution and bluetongue disease risk areas in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Silbermayr, K., Hackländer, K., Doscher, C., Köfer, J., Fuchs, K.
Event: 44. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie 2010
Period: 18.11.2010 - 20.11.2010 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2010 - Wieder Niederwild jagen! (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Tag des Jagdleiters des Jagdbezirkes Gänserndorf
Period: 05.05.2010 | Location: Obersiebenbrunn, Austria
Year: 2010 - Licht aus für Meister Lampe? Die genetische Zukunft des Feldhasen in Österreich (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: forst-gen-ethik 2010
Period: 22.03.2010 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2010 - Maßstäbe nachhaltiger Gamsbejagung bei nachhaltiger Wildschadensvermeidung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: ÖBf-Jagdforum 2010 - Gamswildbejagung
Period: 18.06.2010 | Location: St. Gallen, Switzerland
Year: 2010 - Niederwildbewirtschaftung - Lehren aus der Vergangenheit und Wege in die Zukunft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Hegeschau 2010 der Kreisgruppe Bamberg im Landesjagdverband Bayern e.V.
Period: 24.04.2010 | Location: Strullendorf, Germany
Year: 2010 - Wem dient die Abschussplanung - Wild, Jäger, Grundeigentümer, Behörde, Gesellschaft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 16. Österreichische Jägertagung 2010
Period: 09.02.2010 - 10.02.2010 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria
Year: 2009 - Winterfütterung und Waldschäden: Trophäenjagd als Risiko für den Wald? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Winterfütterung und Waldschäden. Tiroler Forstverein 2009
Period: 17.02.2009 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2009 - Der König der Wälder und seine Krone (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Denzlinger Wildtierforum 2009
Period: 13.02.2009 | Location: Denzlingen, Germany
Year: 2009 - Licht aus für Meister Lampe? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 8. Arbeitstagung Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft und Jagd 2009
Period: 28.02.2009 | Location: Hatzendorf, Austria
Year: 2009 - Movement patterns of male and female brown bears during the mating season in relation to sexually selected infanticide theory. (Talk)
Autoren: Steyaert, S.M.J.G., Zedrosser, A., Hackländer, K., and Swenson, J.E.
Event: 7th International Conference on Behavior, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife 2009
Period: 14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2009 - Schwarzes Dynamit. Biologie und Bejagung des Schwarzwildes (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 20. Generalversammlung des Jagd- und Wurftaubenclubs Diana/Linz 2009
Period: 06.10.2009 | Location: Linz, Austria
Year: 2009 - Grundlagen, Management, Bewusstseinsbildung - Naturschutz und Biodiversitätsforschung in der Wildtierbiologie (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Satoyama-Symposium 2009 - BOKU Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Period: 16.10.2009 - 16.10.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2009 - Is European brown hare fitness related to MHC and microsatellite variability? (Poster)
Autoren: Smith, S., Goüy de Bellocq, J., Zeitlhofer, C., Hackländer, K., Duscher, G., Suchentrunk, F.
Event: 83rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2009
Period: 13.09.2009 - 17.09.2009 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2009 - A risk assessment of bluetongue disease in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Silbermayr, K. Hackländer, K., Fuchs, K.
Event: International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance IMED 2009
Period: 13.02.2009 - 16.02.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2009 - WIe gut sind Dichteschätzungen anhand von Scheinwerferzählungen? (Poster)
Autoren: Dietrich, A., Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Tagung der Sektion Junge Wissenschaftler der VWJD e.V. 2009
Period: 11.12.2009 - 13.12.2009 | Location: Josefstal, Germany
Year: 2009 - Wildbiologische Betrachtungen zur Brackierjagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Symposium für Österreichische Rassen 2009 - 100 Jahre ÖKV
Period: 16.05.2009 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2009 - Reliability of focal counts to detect the trend in population size of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) in the Swiss National Park. (Poster)
Autoren: Corlatti, L.; Ruf; T.; Hackländer, K.; Campell, S.; Filli, F.
Event: 5th World Conference on Mountain Ungulates 2009
Period: 11.11.2009 - 14.11.2009 | Location: Granada, Spain
Year: 2009 - Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätsforschung in der Wildtierbiologie (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Satoyama-Symposium 2009 - BOKU Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Period: 16.10.2009 - 16.10.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2009 - Aktuelle Erhebungen zur Berechnung der optimalen Populationsgröße von Bären im Alpenraum/Österreich (Talk)
Autoren: Arnold, J., Hackländer, K.
Event: Sitzung der Koordinierungsstelle für den Braunbären, Luchs und Wolf 2009
Period: 14.10.2009 | Location: St. Pölten, Austria
Year: 2009 - Small mammals as vectors for mycorrhizal fungi in Central European mountain forests (Talk)
Autoren: Schickmann, S., Kräutler, K., Urban, A., Nopp-Mayr, U., Hackländer, K.
Event: 83rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2009
Period: 13.09.2009 - 17.09.2009 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2009 - Der Braunbär in den Alpen-Der Einfluss von sozialen Strukturen auf die Überlebensfähigkeit von Populationen (Poster)
Autoren: Arnold, J., Zedrosser, A., Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Tagung der Sektion Junge Wissenschaftler der VWJD e.V. 2009
Period: 11.12.2009 - 13.12.2009 | Location: Josefstal, Germany
Year: 2009 - A novel method to identify beaver behaviour (Talk)
Autoren: Graf, PM; Wilson, RP; Hackländer, K; Rosell, F
Event: 5th International Beaver Symposium 2009
Period: 20.09.2009 - 23.09.2009 | Location: Dubingiai, Lithuania
Year: 2009 - Regional differences in the relationship between MHC variability and fitness in populations of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Smith, S., Goüy de Bellocq, J., Zeitlhofer, C., Hackländer, K., Duscher, G., Suchentrunk, F.
Event: 7th International Conferences on Diseases of Zoo and Wildlife Animals 2009
Period: 20.05.2009 - 24.05.2009 | Location: Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
Year: 2009 - Biologie des Schwarzwildes: Verhalten, Ausbreitung und Bejagung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jagdleitersitzung Bezirk Perg/OÖ 2009
Period: 08.05.2009 | Location: Schwertberg, Austria
Year: 2009 - Never gonna fall for love? Sex- and age-specific survival of the weakly dimorphic Alpine chamois (Poster)
Autoren: Corlatti, L., Lebl, K., Ruf, T., Filli, F., Hackländer, K.
Event: 5th World Conference on Mountain Ungulates 2009
Period: 11.11.2009 - 14.11.2009 | Location: Granada, Spain
Year: 2009 - No seasonal changes of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in Mountain hares (Lepus timidus) (Poster)
Autoren: Rehnus, M., Palme, R., Filli, F., Hackländer, K.
Event: 83rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2009
Period: 13.09.2009 - 17.09.2009 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2009 - Aktuelle Zuwanderungsdynamik von Wildtieren nach Österreich am Beispiel von Wildkatze, Goldschakal, Luchs, Wolf und Braunbär - Status quo und Herausforderungen. Status und Situation von Beutegreifern in umliegendenden Ländern (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Expertenforum des ÖBf-Naturraummanagements 2009
Period: 03.12.2009 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2009 - Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Überwinterungskonzepte auf Gesundheit, Populationsdynamik, Raumnutzung und Bejagbarkeit des Rotwildes (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Vorarlberger Jägertagung 2009
Period: 14.11.2009 | Location: Dornbirn, Austria
Year: 2009 - Rotwildforschung in der RWBG (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Hofmann, J.
Event: Jahresversammlung der Steirisch-Kärnterischen Rotwildbewirtschaftungsgemeinschaft 2009
Period: 28.06.2009 | Location: Stadl an der Mur, Austria
Year: 2009 - Never gonna fall for love? Sex- and age-specific survival of the weakly dimorphic Alpine chamois (Talk)
Autoren: Corlatti, L., Lebl, K., Ruf, T., Filli, F., Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Tagung der Sektion Junge Wissenschaftler der VWJD e.V. 2009
Period: 11.12.2009 - 13.12.2009 | Location: Josefstal, Germany
Year: 2009 - Der Feldhase und seine Probleme in Kärnten (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Kärntner Niederwildtag 2009
Period: 19.06.2009 | Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Year: 2009 - Der biologische Wert der Geweihqualität (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: CIC Trophy Scoring System 2009
Period: 16.02.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2009 - Streiflichter aus der Rehwildforschung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Muralt, G.
Event: Hegeschau der Hegeringe Purkersdorf und Pressbaum 2009
Period: 07.03.2009 | Location: Purkersdorf, Austria
Year: 2009 - Estimating sustainable harvest rates in European hare (Lepus europaeus) in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Kowalczyk, C., Stephens, P.A., Klansek, E., Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Tagung der Sektion Junge Wissenschaftler der VWJD e.V. 2009
Period: 11.12.2009 - 13.12.2009 | Location: Josefstal, Germany
Year: 2009 - Evaluation of a (new) method for age estimation in adult hares (Poster)
Autoren: Kraßnitzer, R., Hackländer, K.
Event: 83rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2009
Period: 13.09.2009 - 17.09.2009 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2008 - Das Image der Jagd (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jagdclub Purkersdorf
Period: 13.03.2008 | Location: Unter-Tullnerbach, Austria
Year: 2008 - Welche Umweltfaktoren begünstigen bzw. verringern die natürliche Prädation bei Bodenbrütern und Niederwild (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 3. Lysser Wildtiertage 2008
Period: 22.08.2008 - 23.08.2008 | Location: Lyss, Switzerland
Year: 2008 - Der Kronenhirsch als Hegeziel? Bemerkungen aus wildbiologischer Sicht (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 25 Jahre Dr. Beck & Partner 2008
Period: 17.04.2008 | Location: Mödling, Austria
Year: 2008 - Habitat preferences of European hares (Lepus europaeus) in modern cultivated agricultural areas (Poster)
Autoren: Braun, S., Weber, D., Hackländer, K.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Hat der Feldhase ein Nahrungsproblem? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Informationsveranstaltung des Vereins "Hopp Hase" 2008
Period: 04.03.2008 | Location: Sissach, Switzerland
Year: 2008 - Das Bild von Jagd und Jäger in der Gesellschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer,K.
Event: Burgenländischer Landesjagdtag 2008
Period: 08.06.2008 | Location: Forchtenstein, Austria
Year: 2008 - Development of a non-invasive method for measuring stress in Mountain hares (Lepus europaeus) (Poster)
Autoren: Rehnus, M., Palme, R., Hackländer, K.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Small mammal mycophagy in mountainous forests in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Kräutler, K., Schickmann, S., Nopp-Mayr, U., Urban, A., Hackländer, K.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Eine Dekade Hasenforschung am 48. Breitengrad (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Internationales Wildbiologisches Symposium 2008
Period: 06.06.2008 - 07.06.2008 | Location: Hanover, Germany
Year: 2008 - Effects of sex, age and season on fatty acids of gastrointenstinal tract in European hare (Lepus europaeus) - possible implications for reproduction (Poster)
Autoren: Popescu, F., Hackländer, K., Ruf, T., Arnold, W.
Event: 12th Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition ESVCN 2008
Period: 25.09.2008 - 27.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Seasonal and regional influences on habitat preferences of European hares (Lepus europaeus) in modern cultivated agricultural areas (Poster)
Autoren: Braun, S., Weber, D., Hackländer, K.
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2008 - Forschung am IWJ (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 1. Konferenz der Jagdreferenten der Bundesländer 2008
Period: 22.04.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Das Niederwild im Bergrevier (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jagdlichen Weiterbildungsreihe 2008
Period: 03.04.2008 | Location: Bruck an der Mur, Austria
Year: 2008 - Spatial behaviour of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) during rut (Poster)
Autoren: Muralt, G., Hackländer, K.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Phylogeographical analysis of mountain hares (Lepus timidus varronis) from Eastern Switzerland: is there a genetic signature of postglacial immigration? (Poster)
Autoren: Zachos, F., Giacometti, M., Hackländer, K., Suchentrunk, F.
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2008 - Das Bild von Jagd und Jäger in der Gesellschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 14. Österreichische Jägertagung 2008
Period: 31.01.2008 - 01.02.2008 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria
Year: 2008 - Reproductive strategies at different altitudes: the mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis) as a model species (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2008 - Life history strategies in European hares (Lepus europaeus): comparing atlantic and continental climate (Poster)
Autoren: Zeitlhofer, C., Suchentrunk, F., Hackländer, K.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Is female brown hare (Lepus europaeus) reproductive success influenced by MHC and microsatellite variability? (Poster)
Autoren: Smith, S., de Bellocq, J.G., Zeitlhofer, C., Hackländer, K., Suchentrunk, F.
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2008 - Der Begriff "Jagd" - eine Differenzierung (Talk)
Autoren: Winkelmayer, R., Hackländer, K., Kampits, P.
Event: Jagdkultur 2008 - gestern, heute, morgen
Period: 18.06.2008 - 19.06.2008 | Location: Rosenheim, Germany
Year: 2008 - Seasonal and regional influences on habitat preferences of European hares (Lepus europae-us) in modern cultivated agricultural areas (Poster)
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2008 - The current distribution and the endangered status of lagomorphs in Asia (Talk)
Autoren: To, R., Hackländer, K.
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2008 - Digestive and nutritional strategies in European hare (Lepus europaeus) - effects of sex and season on gut length, nutrient composition of the gastrointestinal tract and caecotrophy (Poster)
Autoren: Popescu, F., Hackländer, K., Ruf, T., Arnold, W.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Was bringt mehr: Beutegreiferkontrolle oder Lebensraumverbesserungsmaßnahmen? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Interessensgemeinschaft Jagd IGJ 2008
Period: 15.12.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Movement patterns and seasonal home range overlaps as an indicator of mating strategies in male and female Brown bears (Ursus arctos) (Talk)
Autoren: Spaedtke, H., Zedrosser, A., Hackländer, K., Swenson, J.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - The current distribution and status of Lagomorphs in Asia (Poster)
Autoren: To, R., Hackländer, K.
Event: 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy 2008
Period: 14.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Life history strategies in European hares (Lepus europaeus): comparing Atlantic and Continental climate (Poster)
Autoren: Zeitlhofer, C., Suchentrunk, F., Hackländer, K.
Event: 3rd World Lagomorph Conference 2008
Period: 10.11.2008 - 13.11.2008 | Location: Morelia, Mexico
Year: 2007 - Wenn die neuen Bürger kommen (2): Fauna (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Fragen des Alltags - Antworten der Wissenschaft, Vortragsreihe der Hauptbücherei am Gürtel in Wien 2007
Period: 23.11.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Small mammals as vectors for spores of mycorrhizal fungi (Poster)
Autoren: Schickmann, S., Urban, A., Nopp-Mayr, U., Hackländer, K.
Event: 5th European Congress of Mammalogy 2007
Period: 21.09.2007 - 26.09.2007 | Location: Siena, Italy
Year: 2007 - Der Schneehase - ein prominenter Unbekannter (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Zernezer Nationalparktage 2007
Period: 20.04.2007 | Location: Zernez, Switzerland
Year: 2007 - Wissenswertes über Feldhase, Rebhuhn & Co (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Niederwildvortrag Salzburger Jägerschaft
Period: 05.07.2007 | Location: Michaelbeuern, Austria
Year: 2007 - Ecological discoveries in a forgotten glacial relict: the Mountain hare in the Alps (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: From ecology to conservation: Merging basic and applied science
Period: 13.12.2007 - 14.12.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Intraspecific variation in reproductive strategies of Mountain hares (Lepus timidus varronis) at different altitudes (Poster)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 5th European Congress of Mammalogy 2007
Period: 21.09.2007 - 26.09.2007 | Location: Siena, Italy
Year: 2007 - Experiences of GPS telemetry in red deer (Cervus elaphus) living in alluvial forests (Talk)
Autoren: Frey-Roos, F., Hackländer K.
Event: 1st International Conference on Genus Cervus 2007
Period: 14.09.2007 - 17.09.2007 | Location: Primiero, Italy
Year: 2007 - Niederwildmanagement - Was brauchen Hase, Rebhuhn und Co.? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 2. Laufener Jagdforum
Period: 25.04.2007 | Location: Laufen, Austria
Year: 2007 - Mineral content in regular and overgrown hooves of captive Soemmering's gazelles (Gazella soemmeringi) (Poster)
Autoren: Clauss, M., Tataruch, F., Hackländer, K., Streich, J., Hammer, S.
Event: 6th International Zoo and Wildlife Research Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics
Period: 07.10.2007 - 10.10.2007 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2007 - Alpine - Carpathian - Corridor - Scientific Basis (Poster)
Autoren: Klaus Hackländer, Alfred Frey - Roos
Event: Workshop, Alpine - Carpathian - Corridor
Period: 28.09.2007 | Location: Orth an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2007 - Experiences of GPS telemetry in red deer (Cervus elaphus) living in alluvial forests (Poster)
Autoren: Frey-Roos, F., Hackländer K.
Event: 1st International Conference on Genus Cervus 2007
Period: 14.09.2007 - 17.09.2007 | Location: Primiero, Italy
Year: 2007 - Alpine - Carpathian - Corridor - Scientific basis (Poster)
Autoren: Dr. Klaus Hackländer
Event: Workshop, Alpine - Carpathian - Corridor
Period: 28.09.2007 | Location: Orth an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2007 - Der Alpenschneehase zwischen Wirklichkeit und Wahrheit (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Akademie Grünes Kreuz 2007
Period: 27.04.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft (IWJ) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Treffen der Interessengemeinschaft Jagd (IGJ)
Period: 11.09.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Current status and distribution of Golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Europe (Talk)
Autoren: Humer, A., Heltai, M., Murariu, D., Spassov, N., Hackländer, K.
Event: 28th International Union of Game Biologists Congress IUGB 2007
Period: 13.08.2007 - 18.08.2007 | Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Year: 2007 - Wildschaden in Österreichs Landwirtschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Gatterbauer, H.
Event: Škody v pol’nohospodárstve spôsobené zverou a ochrana proti nim
Period: 18.10.2007 | Location: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Year: 2007 - Limits to sustained energy turnover in lactating European hares (Talk)
Autoren: Ruf, T., Valencak, T., Hackländer, K., Tataruch, F.
Event: From ecology to conservation: Merging basic and applied science
Period: 13.12.2007 - 14.12.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Jagd - Freude und Verantwortung (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jägerinnen Club Wien 2007
Period: 29.05.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2006 - Reproductive strategies at different altitudes: the mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis) as a model species (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 80. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2006
Period: 24.09.2006 - 28.09.2006 | Location: Kiel, Germany
Year: 2006 - Hat in einer modernen Jagdwirtschaft die Klasseneinteilung beim Rotwild noch Zukunft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 24. Wildökologischer Informationstag 2006
Period: 21.01.2006 | Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Year: 2006 - Wissen wie der Hase läuft - Feldhasenforschung im Marchfeld (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Abschlussfeier des Jagdjahres 2005 der Jagdgesellschaft Lassee
Period: 20.02.2006 | Location: Lassee, Austria
Year: 2006 - Aktueller Stand zum Lebensraum und Raubwild bei Hase, Fasan, Auer- und Birkwild (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 59. Salzburger Landesjägertag 2006
Period: 01.04.2006 | Location: St. Johann im Pongau, Austria
Year: 2006 - Aktuelles aus dem Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Frühjahrs-Deligiertenkonferenz der österreichischen Landesjägermeister
Period: 28.04.2006 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2006 - Parasiten beim Feldhasen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Steineck, T., Mansfeld, D.
Event: Parasiten bei Wildtieren und deren jagdwirtschaftliche Bedeutung
Period: 10.11.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2006 - Lebensraum Agrarlandschaft für den Feldhasen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 12. Österreichische Jägertagung 2006
Period: 14.09.2006 - 15.09.2006 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria
Year: 2006 - Lebensraum Agrarlandschaft für den Feldhasen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 12. Österreichische Jägertagung 2006
Period: 14.09.2006 - 15.09.2006 | Location: Aigen im Ennstal, Austria
Year: 2006 - Licht aus für Meister Lampe - können sich Feldhasen in der modernen Agrarlandschaft zurechtfinden? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: Biologie und Erkrankungen von Wildtieren
Period: 07.02.2006 | Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Year: 2006 - European Brown Hare Lepus europaeus reproduction and food selection (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: XIVth Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research
Period: 01.03.2006 - 04.03.2006 | Location: Fuglsocentret, Dänemark
Year: 2006 - Jäger, schützender Fachmann in der Natur. Passt das moderne Hegeverständnis des Jägers zu den aktuellen Forderungen von Natur- und Tierschutz? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 44. Internationale Jagdkonferenz 2006
Period: 16.06.2006 | Location: Corvara, Italy
Year: 2005 - Forschungsstrategie des IWJ (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Frühjahrs-Deligierten-Konferenz der Österreichischen Landesjagdverbände
Period: 19.04.2005 - 20.04.2005 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2005 - Maternal and fetal microsatellite genotypes reveal mutliple paternity in a brown hare (Lepus europaeus) population (Talk)
Autoren: Suchentrunk, F., Hackländer, K.
Event: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2005
Period: 18.09.2005 - 22.09.2005 | Location: Essen, Germany
Year: 2005 - Wildtierforschung im Nationalpark Donau-Auen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 5. Sitzung des Jagdauschusses des 2. NÖ Nationalpark-Beirates
Period: 21.11.2005 | Location: Groß-Enzersdorf, Austria
Year: 2005 - Der Feldhase - vom Kulturfolger zum Verlierer in der modernen Agrarlandschaft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Zoologisches Colloquium der Freien Universität Berlin
Period: 02.05.2005 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2005 - The impact of set-asides on diet availability for European hares (Lepus europaeus) in arable land (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Reichlin, T., Klansek, E.
Event: 27th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists 2005
Period: 28.08.2005 - 03.09.2005 | Location: Hanover, Germany
Year: 2005 - Existing habitat connectivity for brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the Austrian Alps (Talk)
Autoren: Laass, J., Wöss, M., Rauer, G., Hackländer, K.
Event: 27th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists 2005
Period: 28.08.2005 - 03.09.2005 | Location: Hanover, Germany
Year: 2005 - Die 6 Hasenarten Europas und ihre Biologie (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Biologie und Management der Hasenartigen 2005
Period: 11.03.2005 - 12.03.2005 | Location: Chur, Switzerland
Year: 2005 - Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsleistung von Feldhasen in Österreich (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Niederwild - Wildtiergesundheit, Lebensmittel-Sicherheit und Qualität
Period: 10.11.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Dem Hasen auf der Spur - neueste Erkenntnisse aus der Wildtierbiologie (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Biologie und Management der Hasenartigen 2005
Period: 11.03.2005 - 12.03.2005 | Location: Chur, Switzerland
Year: 2005 - Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 10. Jahrestagung des NÖ Berufjägerverbandes
Period: 31.05.2005 | Location: Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Year: 2005 - Fruchtbarkeitsprobleme beim Feldhasen? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer
Event: Niederwild - Wildtiergesundheit, Lebensmittel-Sicherheit und Qualität
Period: 10.11.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Introgressive hybridization in wild living mountain hares (L. timidus varronis) and brown hares (L. europaeus) and morphological consequences (Talk)
Autoren: Suchentrunk, F., Mamuris, Z., Stamatis, C., Ben Slimen, H., Hackländer, K., Haerer, G., Giacometti, M.
Event: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2005
Period: 18.09.2005 - 22.09.2005 | Location: Essen, Germany
Year: 2005 - Hege des Feldhasen: Sind Brachen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Klansek, E., Ruf, T., Arnold, W.
Event: Niederwild - Wildtiergesundheit, Lebensmittel-Sicherheit und Qualität
Period: 10.11.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Choosey European hares: Diet selection of Lepus europaeus in arable land (Talk)
Autoren: Reichlin, T., Klansek, E., Hackländer, K.
Event: Annual Meeting of the Swiss Zoological, Botanical and Mycological Society biology05 2005
Period: 24.02.2005 - 25.02.2005 | Location: Basel, Switzerland
Year: 2005 - Hase & Co in Kärnten: Niederwild ohne Zukunft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Informationsveranstaltung der Kärtner Jägerschaft
Period: 18.03.2005 | Location: Untersiebenbrunn, Austria
Year: 2004 - Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Feldhasenpopulationen in Niederösterreich (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Generalversammlung Jagdhundeprüfungsverein Mistelbach
Period: 12.03.2004 | Location: Staatz, Austria
Year: 2004 - Populationsökologie von Lepus europaeus (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Biogeographisches und Geobotanisches Kolloquium , Universität Trier
Period: 14.06.2004 | Location: Trier, Germany
Year: 2004 - Jagd und Tourismus - ein oder kein Gegensatz? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Landesjägertag Burgenland
Period: 19.06.2004 | Location: Stadtschlaining, Austria
Year: 2004 - Der Feldhase - vom Fruchtbarkeitssymbol zur Rote-Liste-Art (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Wildbiologisches Seminar Nr. 223, Arbeitskreis Wildbiologie an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Period: 15.01.2004 | Location: Gießen, Germany
Year: 2004 - Die Bedeutung ausgewählter Landschaftselemente für die Dynamik von Feldhasenpopulationen auf Ackerbauflächen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jägertag Levice
Period: 27.03.2004 | Location: Levice, Slovak Republic
Year: 2004 - Feldhase - Niederwild ohne Zukunft? (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jägerversammlung Bezirk Mistelbach
Period: 17.05.2004 | Location: Schrattenberg, Austria
Year: 2003 - Von Stieftöchtern, Gebärmutternarben und Milchfett: Reproduktionsökologische Grundlagen für das Wildtiermanagement von Alpenmurmeltier und Feldhase (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen der Besetzung der C3-Professur ¿Wildtierökologie und Wildtiermangement¿ der Fakultät für Forst- und Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Freiburg/Br.
Period: 15.07.2003 | Location: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Year: 2003 - Reproductive and nutritional aspects in female European hares: the link between physiology and applied ecology (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Easter Conference of the British Mammal Society
Period: 29.03.2003 | Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Year: 2003 - Populationsdynamik von Feldhasenpopulationen im Marchfeld (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Jagdgenossenschaft Lassee
Period: 02.09.2003 | Location: Lassee, Austria
Year: 2003 - Der Schneehase (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Instruktions-Rapport, Amt für Jagd und Fischerei Graubünden
Period: 08.08.2003 | Location: Chur, Switzerland
Year: 2003 - Ecophysiology of reproduction in European hares (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Wilhelminenberg Seminar 2003
Period: 11.06.2003 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2003 - Female reproduction and nutritional ecology in European hares (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Unknown
Period: 25.03.2003 | Location: Bristol, UK
Year: 2003 - Ecology of reproduction in L. europaeus (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Irish Hare Workshop, Queen's University
Period: 05.11.2003 | Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Year: 2003 - Reproduktion und Nahrungsökologie bei weiblichen Feldhasen: Verknüpfungen zwischen Physiologie und angewandter Ökologie (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Symposium Ökologie und Naturschutz in Forschung und Praxis
Period: 12.07.2003 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2003 - Reproduction and juvenile mortality in European hare (Lepus europaeus) populations in intensive agriculture (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Klansek, E., Steineck, T., Ruf, T.
Event: Congress of Mammalogy and Wildlife Biology at the Natural History Museum of Bern 2003
Period: 21.05.2003 - 25.09.2003 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2003 - New growth models of eye lens weights for aging brown hares, Lepus europaeus (Talk)
Autoren: Suchentrunk, F., Hackländer, K. Ruf, T.
Event: Congress of Mammalogy and Wildlife Biology at the Natural History Museum of Bern 2003
Period: 21.05.2003 - 25.09.2003 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2002 - Viele Weibchen verderben den Brei ? Fortpflanzung beim Alpenmurmeltier (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Symposium der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden
Period: 08.11.2002 | Location: Chur, Switzerland
Year: 2002 - The effect of prenatal environment on reproductive life history in female Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Arnold, W.
Event: 4th International Symposium on Physiology and Behaviour of Wild and Zoo Animals
Period: 29.09.2002 - 02.10.2002 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2002 - Prenatal development in European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Miedler, S., Beiglböck, C., Zenker, W.
Event: 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2006
Period: 22.09.2006 - 26.09.2006 | Location: Bayreuth, Germany
Year: 2002 - Testing overdominance in Brown hare (Lepus europaeus) populations using a model that estimates female net reproduction (Talk)
Autoren: Ludescher, B., Suchentrunk, F., Klansek, E., Hackländer, K., Steineck, T.
Event: 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2006
Period: 22.09.2006 - 26.09.2006 | Location: Bayreuth, Germany
Year: 2002 - Feldhase - wohin? Feldhasenforschung in Niederösterreich (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Niederwildsymposium des Bayerischen Landesjagdverbandes
Period: 24.10.2002 | Location: Unknown, Unknown
Year: 2002 - Prenatal influences on reproductive life history in female Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: 4th International Marmot Conference 2002
Period: 15.10.2002 - 17.10.2002 | Location: Montreux, Switzerland
Year: 2002 - Social stress and reproduction in female Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Möstl, E., Arnold, W.
Event: 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2006
Period: 22.09.2006 - 26.09.2006 | Location: Bayreuth, Germany
Year: 2002 - Prenatal influences on reproductive life history in female Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Arnold, W.
Event: 4th International Marmot Conference 2002
Period: 15.10.2002 - 17.10.2002 | Location: Montreux, Switzerland
Year: 2002 - Non-invasive assessment of stress: What about faecal age? (Talk)
Autoren: Kalusch, E., Hackländer, K., Möstl, E., Arnold, W.
Event: 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde 2006
Period: 22.09.2006 - 26.09.2006 | Location: Bayreuth, Germany
Year: 2002 - Ultrasonography as a less invasive method to assess female reproduction and foetal development in European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Miedler, S., Beiglböck, C., Zenker, W.
Event: 4th International Symposium on Physiology and Behaviour of Wild and Zoo Animals
Period: 29.09.2002 - 02.10.2002 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2001 - Säugetierschutz in Österreich (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Tagung des Bundesfachausschuss Mammalogie im Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V
Period: 01.12.2001 | Location: Winser an der Aller, Germany
Year: 2001 - Energetik der Reproduktion und Populationsdynamik beim Europäischen Feldhasen (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: Diskussionsforum Wildtiere
Period: 01.01.2001 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2001 - Placental scar analysis: a method to determine reproductive history in female mammals (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Sternbach, E., Frisch, C., Ruf, T.
Event: 94. Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft 2001
Period: 04.06.2001 - 08.06.2001 | Location: Osnabrück, Germany
Year: 2001 - Postnatal development and thermoregulation in European hares (L. europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K.
Event: The decline of European hares - an interdisciplinary research task
Period: 01.04.2001 | Location: Unknown, Unknown
Year: 2000 - The effect of diet quality on lactation in European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Tataruch, F., Hackländer, K., Ruf, T.
Event: 33rd Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction
Period: 17.02.2000 - 18.02.2000 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2000 - Litter size and reproductive energetics in female European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Hackländer, K., Ruf, T.
Event: 33rd Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction
Period: 17.02.2000 - 18.02.2000 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2000 - Energy budgets during female reproduction in European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Talk)
Autoren: Ruf, T., Hackländer, K.
Event: 33rd Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction
Period: 17.02.2000 - 18.02.2000 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2000 - How healthy are "healthy" brown hares (Lepus europaeus)? (Talk)
Autoren: Steineck, T., Hackländer, K.
Event: 4th Meeting European Wildlife Disease Association
Period: 20.09.2000 - 23.09.2000 | Location: Zaragoza, Spain
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