Klaus Katzensteiner
ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Klaus Katzensteiner
Institute of Forest Ecology
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Email klaus.katzensteiner@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-91213
ORCID: 0000-0003-0534-8391, opens in new window.
ResearcherId : AAO-3794-2021
- 2007 - 2012 Head, Institute of Forest Ecology, BOLU
- 2000 Venia docendi for Forest Soil Science and Forest Nutrition
- 1992 Doctoral degree
- Year: 2009 Awards: Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur
- Year: 2001 Awards: Preis der Prof. Anton Kurir-Stiftung zur Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchskräfte
- Year: 1993 Awards: Preis der Josef Umdasch-Stiftung für Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Forst- und Holzwissenschaften
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Securing the Sustainability Forest Soil Functions via Optimized Harvesting Technologies (Poster)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Period: 23.06.2024 - 29.06.2024 | Location: Stockholm, Schweden | Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN | Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Location: Stockholm | Location: 111 29 Stockholm, Schweden | Organizer:
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) | Organizer:
IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research Organisations | Organizer:
IUFRO | Organizer:
Stockholm University
Year: 2024 - Mapping Multiple Soil Properties Using Artificial Neural Networks: Creating Coherent Soil Datasets (Vortrag)
Autoren: Huber, T; Fromm, R; Englisch, M; Gadermaier, J; Katzensteiner, K; Keßler, D; Vacik, H; Klebinder, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Period: 23.06.2024 - 29.06.2024 | Location: Stockholm, Schweden | Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN | Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Location: Stockholm | Location: 111 29 Stockholm, Schweden | Organizer:
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) | Organizer:
IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research Organisations | Organizer:
IUFRO | Organizer:
Stockholm University
Year: 2024 - Assessment of Soil Parameters in Response to Repeated Wheeling (Vortrag)
Autoren: Grünberg, J
Event: 56th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization 2024
Period: 11.06.2024 - 14.06.2024 | Location: Poznan, Poland | Organizer:
Poznań University of Life Sciences
Year: 2024 - Upscaling dendroecological studies at different spatial sampling designs - A case study on sessile oaks along a climatic gradient (Poster)
Autoren: Garamszegi, B; Grabner, M; Gadermaier, J; Wächter, E; Vospernik, S; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Period: 23.06.2024 - 29.06.2024 | Location: Stockholm, Schweden | Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN | Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Location: Stockholm | Location: 111 29 Stockholm, Schweden | Organizer:
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) | Organizer:
IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research Organisations | Organizer:
IUFRO | Organizer:
Stockholm University
Year: 2024 - Exploring the influence of climate and soil properties on tree ring formation: Insights from a multispecies tree ring analysis in Central Europe (Poster)
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Vospernik, S; Grabner, M, Wächter, E, Garamszegi, B; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Period: 23.06.2024 - 29.06.2024 | Location: Stockholm, Schweden | Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN | Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Location: Stockholm | Location: 111 29 Stockholm, Schweden | Organizer:
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) | Organizer:
IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research Organisations | Organizer:
IUFRO | Organizer:
Stockholm University
Year: 2023 - Carbon and nitrogen stocks influenced by landuse: comparison of a Romanian primary forest with a spruce plantation and a pasture (Poster)
Autoren: Pree, S; Gerzabek, MH; Katzensteiner, K; Borlea, F
Event: 8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
Period: 26.05.2023 | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna, Austria, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Location: Wien | Location: Wien | Organizer:
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Year: 2023 - On the role of soil water storage capacity and soil nutrients on tree growth of selected tree species in Central Europe. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Wächter, E; Grabner, M; Vospernik, S; Katzensteiner, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna | Location: Wien, AT | Location: Austria Center Vienna | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Austria Center Wien | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2023 - Impact of forest site preparation on soil functions in a temperate alluvial forest (Vortrag)
Autoren: Behringer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna | Location: Wien, AT | Location: Austria Center Vienna | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Austria Center Wien | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2023 - Dynamic forest site classification for supporting adaptive forest management under climate change (Vortrag)
Autoren: Roland Köck 1, Harald Vacik1 , Manfred J. Lexer1, Michael Kessler1, Yasmin Dorfstetter1 , Michael Englisch 3, David Keßler3, Franz Starlinger3, Judith Schaufler3, Klaus Klebinder3 , Ralf Klosterhuber5 , Gerfried Winkler4 , Marcus Wilhelmy2, Michael Grabner1 , Herbert Formayer1, Klaus Katzensteiner1 , Josef Gadermaier1, Heinz Lick
Event: XVI Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales
Year: 2022 - Die Rolle des Wasserhaushalts für die forstliche Standortsklassifikation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Gadermaier, J
Event: Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
Period: 10.03.2022 - 11.03.2022 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - FORSITE - der rote Faden durch das Projekt (Vortrag)
Autoren: Vacik, H; Dorfstetter, Y; Lexer, MJ; Katzensteiner, K; Formayer, H; Grabner, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Winkler, G; Wilhelmy, M; Proske, H; Poltnik, W; Podesser, A
Event: Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
Period: 10.03.2022 - 11.03.2022 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2021 - High resolution soil hydrology maps as a decision tool for forest planning (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Färber, V; Klebinder, K.; Katzensteiner, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Period: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - The use of hydrological models for predictign water availability and species suitability of forest sites (Poster)
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Klebinder, K; Färber, V; Huber, T; Nagl, F; Fromm, R; Katzensteiner, K
Event: EUROSOIL 2021
Period: 23.08.2021 - 27.08.2021 | Location: Online | Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Year: 2019 - Disturbance and extreme weather events impact soil microbial processes and fungal communities in a mountain beech forest (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Gorfer, M; Matthews, B; Berger, H; Bittner, A; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Period: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Year: 2019 - Humans as a soil-forming factor in mountain ecosystems – effects of land use legacies on functional properties of mountain soils (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Event: International Mountain Conference Innsbruck 2019
Period: 08.09.2019 - 12.09.2019 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management (Vortrag)
Autoren: Yasmin Dorfstetter, Harald Vacik, Michael Englisch, Klaus Klebinder, Ralf Klosterhuber, Gerfried Winkler, Walter Poltnig, Marcus Wilhelmy, Michael Grabner, Alexander Podesser, Herbert Formayer, Klaus Katzensteiner, Herwig Proske
Event: Adapting forests to climate change
Period: 19.11.2019 - 20.11.2019 | Location: Toulouse, France
Year: 2019 - Soil fungal communities and decomposition after forest disturbance by clear cut harvest and tree girdling (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2019 - 111 Jahre standortskundliche Forschung in den Kalkalpen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Event: Waldökosystemforschung in den Kalkalpen - Workshop
Period: 19.09.2019 | Location: Molln, Austria
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management (Vortrag)
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner. M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K;Proske, H; Poltnig, W; Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Period: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Year: 2019 - The challenge of sustaining the integrity of forest soils in mountain regions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Period: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Year: 2019 - Forest management strategies to safeguard water supply in karst regions under climate change (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Period: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Year: 2019 - Post forest disturbance vegetation and soil dynamics in karst areas (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schume, H., Pröll, G; Keßler, D; Simon, A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2019 - Waldtypisierung Steiermark – FORSITE - Erarbeitung der ökologischen Grundlagen für eine dynamische Waldtypisierung (Poster)
Autoren: Vacik, H; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Lexer, MJ; Kessler, M; Dorfstetter, Y; Wilhelmy, M; Winkler G;
Event: Österreichische Forsttagung 2019 - Wälder im Klimastress -Strategien für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
Period: 23.05.2019 - 24.05.2019 | Location: Seckau, Austria
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management (Vortrag)
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner, M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder,K; Proske. H; Poltnig, W;Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Period: 30.09.2019 - 05.10.2019 | Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Year: 2018 - TerrHum An iOS App for humus forms classification (Poster)
Autoren: Zanella, A; Katzensteiner, K; Ponge, J-Fc; Jabiol, B, Sartori, G; Kolb, E; Le Bayon, R-C; Aubert, M; Ascher-Jenull, J; Englisch, M; Hager, H
Event: North American Forest Soils Conference - International Symposium on Forest Soils
Period: 10.06.2018 - 16.06.2018 | Location: Quebec City, PQ, Canada
Year: 2018 - Open Wounds in Thin Skin: Soil Processes after Natural Disturbances (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Darabant A., Mayer M., Matthews B., Pröll G., Schaufler J.
Event: 6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Period: 02.11.2017 - 03.11.2017 | Location: Mittersill, Austria | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2018 - Effects of ungulate herbivory on post disturbance forest soil carbon dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Keßler, D; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2018 - The Challenge of Sustaining Forest Soils in Mountain Regions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Event: 2018 Yangling Agri-Science Forum
Period: 05.11.2018 | Location: Xianyang, PR China
Year: 2018 - Soil of a mountain beech forest harbours a highly diverse, distinct fungal community (Poster)
Autoren: Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Tallian, C; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Kobler, J; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
Period: 22.05.2018 - 25.05.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Temporal and small-scale spatial heterogeneity of soil fungal communities in a montane beech forest (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Tallian, C; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Kobler, J; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Period: 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Thin skin – forest soil dynamics in Karst environments Klaus Katzensteiner1, (Poster)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Kessler, D
Event: 13 th North American Forest Soils Conference – 9 th International Symposium on Forest Soils 2018 Soils - Forests Interactions in Changing Environments
Period: 10.06.2018 - 16.06.2018 | Location: Quebec City, PQ, Canada
Year: 2018 - Forest disturbances and soil organic carbon dynamics in the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Rosinger, C; Schindelbacher, A; Godbold, D; Katzensteiner, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2018 - Forest disturbance effects on soil fungal guilds and decomposition in a mountain ecosystem (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Kobler, J; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Conference 2018
Period: 22.05.2018 - 25.05.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Soil fungal guilds and decomposition in a disturbed forest ecosystem (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Kobler, J; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Period: 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Störungseinflüsse auf die Bodenkohlenstoffdynamik von Bergwaldökosystemen (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Sandén, H; Rewald, B; Rosinger, C; Schindlbacher, A; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2017
Period: 14.11.2017 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2017 - How much is too much? The application of harvesting guidelines on operational unit level (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
Event: Guidelines for sustainable forest biomass production ÖAW, KIÖS and IUFRO 2017
Period: 11.09.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Tree regeneration retards decomposition of soil organic carbon after gap disturbance in a mountain forest (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Rosinger, C; Sandén, H; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K
Event: BIOGEOMON 2017
Period: 20.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 | Location: Litomysl, Czech Republic
Year: 2017 - Effects of ungulate herbivores on post disturbance forest soil carbon dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Keßler, D; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 2. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2017
Period: 24.05.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - BOKU: Human Capacity Building for Mountain Livelihoods in the Himalaya Region (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gerzabek, M.H.; Graf, W.; Katzensteiner, K.; Melcher, A.; Mentler, A.; Gratzer, G.
Event: Mountain resources and livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas: Higher education research and regional collaboration for sustainable mountain development; ICIMOD, HUC and Sichuan University
Period: 30.10.2017 - 01.11.2017 | Location: Chengdu, PR China
Year: 2017 - Carbon offsetting as an opportunity for sustainable rural development in Nepal ‐ a participatory, community based approach (Vortrag)
Autoren: Peloschek F., Katzensteiner K., Devkota M., Giri A., Bradley O., Pandey D.
Event: Inception Workshop 'Carbon Offsetting as an Opportunity for Sustainable Rural Development in Nepal'
Period: 24.04.2017 | Location: Charikot, Nepal
Year: 2016 - Soil carbon dynamics after forest disturbance by wind (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K.
Event: 1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
Period: 24.05.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - The last survivors – pre-disturbance tree recruitment retards post-disturbance soil decomposition (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Rosinger, C; Sanden, H; Godbold, DL; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 5th meeting of COST Action FP1305 Biolink
Period: 24.10.2016 - 26.10.2016 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2016 - Dynamics of soil carbon processes following forest disturbance by clear cut harvest and stem girdling (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Tallian, C; Sanden, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Period: 05.09.2016 - 09.09.2016 | Location: Marburg, Germany
Year: 2016 - Dynamics of soil carbon processes following forest disturbance by clear cut harvest and stem girdling (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Gorfer, M; Berger, H; Sanden, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, DL
Event: COST Action FP1305 BioLink 2016
Period: 12.04.2016 - 14.04.2016 | Location: Sofia, Bulgaria | Location: Krakow, Poland | Location: Krakow, Poland
Year: 2016 - Effects of ungulate herbivory on post disturbance forest soil carbon dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Keßler, D; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
Period: 24.05.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - Eddy covariance measurements along a forest disturbance chronosequence in the Austrian Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, D; Schume, H
Event: Potsdam GHG Flux Workshop: From Natural to Urban Systems
Period: 19.10.2015 - 23.10.2015 | Location: Potsdam, Germany
Year: 2015 - Investigating the influence of windthrow on forestatmosphere fluxes in the European Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Kobler, J; Dirnböck, T; Godbold, D; Schume, H
Event: Perth III 2015 - Mountains of Our Future Earth
Period: 04.10.2015 - 08.10.2015 | Location: Perth, Scotland, UK
Year: 2015 - Post-disturbance dynamics in forest-atmosphere fluxes: Observations from a windthrow site in the European Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Schume, H
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Period: 12.04.2015 - 17.04.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - Exploring the drivers of post-disturbance soil CO2 efflux in the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Godbold, D
Event: COST Action FP1305 BioLink 2015
Period: 17.03.2015 - 19.03.2015 | Location: Krakow, Poland
Year: 2015 - Temperature-enhanced decomposition contributes to a decline in soil carbon stocks of a mountain forest after windthrow (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Godbold, D; Katzensteiner, K
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Period: 12.04.2015 - 17.04.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - Drought response of tree saplings in mountain forests depends on substrates (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pröll, G; Hietz, P; Katzensteiner, K
Event: Mountains of our Future Earth 2015
Period: 04.10.2015 - 08.10.2015 | Location: Perth, Scotland, UK
Year: 2015 - Following post-windthrow soil carbon dynamics in the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Godbold, D; Katzensteiner, K
Event: Perth III 2015 - Mountains of Our Future Earth
Period: 04.10.2015 - 08.10.2015 | Location: Perth, Scotland, UK
Year: 2015 - From the forester’s tool box: Using forest manipulation to separate the factors driving soil carbon dynamics (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Göransson, H; Rewald, B; Katzensteiner, K; Berger, H; Gorfer, M; Godbold, D
Event: 3rd annual meeting COST Action FP1305 BioLink 2015 - Linking belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests
Period: 17.11.2015 - 19.11.2015 | Location: Rome, Italy
Year: 2014 - Humusdynamik auf Windwurfflächen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Pröll, G; Schume, H; Göttlein, A; Kohlpaintner, M; Weis, W; Katzensteiner, K
Event: Wälder der Kalkalpen - Strategien für die Zukunft
Period: 23.10.2014 - 24.10.2014 | Location: Gmunden, Austria
Year: 2014 - Post-windthrow dynamics of soil CO2 efflux in mountainous forests of the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schindlbacher, A; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior BIOGEOMON 2014
Period: 13.07.2014 - 17.07.2014 | Location: Bayreuth, Germany | Location: Bayreuth, Germany
Year: 2014 - Soil effects upon ecophysiological performance of tree seedlings under drought (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pröll G., Hietz P., Katzensteiner K.
Event: 20. Tagung der Austrian Society of Plant Biology ATSPB 2014
Period: 19.06.2014 - 21.06.2014 | Location: Lunz am See, Austria
Year: 2014 - Drought as a predisposing factor for bark beetle attack. (Poster)
Autoren: Netherer, S; Blackwell, E; Henschke, P; Matthews, B; Hietz, P; Katzensteiner, K; Kikuta, S; Pennerstorfer, J; Rosner, S; Schume, H; Schopf, A.
Event: 25th USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species 2014
Period: 07.01.2014 - 10.01.2014 | Location: Annapolis, MD, USA
Year: 2014 - Untersuchungen zur Verjüngung im Bergwald der Nördlichen Kalkalpen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pröll., G.; Kohlpaintner, M.; Katzensteiner, K.; Göttlein, A.
Event: Wälder der Kalkalpen - Strategien für die Zukunft
Period: 23.10.2014 - 24.10.2014 | Location: Gmunden, Austria
Year: 2014 - Soil effects upon ecophysiology of tree seedlings under drought (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pröll, G.; Hietz, P.; Katzensteiner, K.
Event: 20th Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB) meeting
Period: 19.06.2014 - 21.06.2014 | Location: Lunz am See, Austria
Year: 2013 - The contribution of soil respiration to net ecosystem exchange after forest disturbance – a case study from the Austrian Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Matthews, B; Schume, H; Holtermann, C; Katzensteiner, K
Event: Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles 2013
Period: 02.04.2013 - 05.04.2013 | Location: Seefeld, Austria
Year: 2013 - Can Simulations of Stand Hydrology Improve Modelling of Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation Risk? (Vortrag)
Autoren: Matthews, B; Netherer, S; Blackwell, EE; Hietz, P; Henschke, P; Kikuta, S; Rosner, S; Jansson, PE; Schume, H; Katzensteiner, K; Schopf, A;
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Period: 01.09.2013 - 05.09.2013 | Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Year: 2013 - Surface-atmosphere exchange at a disturbed forest site in the Austrian Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Matthews, B; Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K; Schume, H;
Event: Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles 2013
Period: 02.04.2013 - 05.04.2013 | Location: Seefeld, Austria
Year: 2013 - Rosalia Roof Project: A Drought Stress Experiment as Basis for Risk Modelling (Ips typographus) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Netherer, S; Blackwell, E; Henschke, P; Matthews, B; Hietz, P; Katzensteiner, K; Kikuta, S; Pennerstorfer, J; Rosner, S; Schume, H; Schopf,A
Event: Forest Insect Disturbanc in a Warming Environment
Period: 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013 | Location: Banff, AB, Canada
Year: 2013 - Rosalia Roof Project: A drought stress experiment as basis for risk modelling (Ips typographus) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Netherer S., Blackwell E., Hietz P., Henschke P., Kikuta S., Rosner S., Matthews B., Schume H., Katzensteiner K., Schopf A.
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Period: 01.09.2013 - 05.09.2013 | Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Year: 2012 - Evaluating Humus Erosion on Rendzic Leptosols (Poster)
Autoren: Hollaus, A; Katzensteiner, K; Mansberger, R.
Event: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
Period: 02.07.2012 - 06.07.2012 | Location: Bari, Italy
Year: 2012 - The combination of Forest Site Maps, Site specific Growth Models and Nutrient Balance Models as a Basis for Sustainable Management in the Northern Limestone Alps (Poster)
Autoren: C. Ettmayer, K. Katzensteiner, and O. Eckmüllner
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Period: 22.04.2012 - 27.04.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2012 - A modelling approach to adaptive management of water protection forests under climate change scenarios (Poster)
Autoren: C.M. Delaney, O. Eckmüllner, K. Katzensteiner, and G. Nachtmann
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Period: 22.04.2012 - 27.04.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2012 - Interactions of understory cover, microsite parameters and tree recruitment along a temporal and spatial disturbance gradient in the Austrian Northern Limestone Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Pröll, G; Darabant,A.; Katzensteiner, K.
Event: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
Period: 02.07.2012 - 06.07.2012 | Location: Bari, Italy
Year: 2012 - Effects of Forest Disturbance on the Dynamics of Soil Respiration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Event: ÖBG Conference 2012 - Soil Science for the Future
Period: 19.10.2012 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2012 - Changes in soil CO2 efflux of organic calcaric soils due to disturbance by wind (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer,M; Katzensteiner,K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Period: 22.04.2012 - 27.04.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2012 - Impact of forest disturbance on soil respiration in organic soils on calcareous bedrock (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Holtermann, C; Matthews, B; Katzensteiner K
Event: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
Period: 02.07.2012 - 06.07.2012 | Location: Bari, Italy
Year: 2012 - Impacts of increased biomass utilization in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K; Englisch, M; Nemestothy, K.P
Event: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
Period: 02.07.2012 - 06.07.2012 | Location: Bari, Italy
Year: 2011 - Auswirkungen von Störungen auf die Bodenrespiration von Humuskarbonatböden (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer M.und Katzensteiner K.
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
Period: 06.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2011 - Ansätze zur Abschätzung der Erosion von Humuskarbonatböden (Poster)
Autoren: Hollaus, A.R., Katzensteiner, K., Mansberger, R.
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
Period: 06.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2011 - Standortssicherung im Kalkalpin - Forest, Disturbance and Climate: The Potential Impacts of Windthrow Events on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schume, H., Katzensteiner, K., Matthews, B.
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Period: 21.09.2011 - 22.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Nährstoffbilanzmodelle und forstliche Standortskarten als Basis für eine nachhaltige Biomasseproduktion (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
Event: 2. Präsentationsveranstaltung der Stiftung 120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur 2011
Period: 25.10.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Hydrological properties of forest soils in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Delaney, C. and Katzensteiner, K
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
Period: 06.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2011 - Methodische Ansätze der Erosion von Humuskarbonatböden (Poster)
Autoren: Hollaus, A.R., Katzensteiner, K., Mansberger, R.
Event: SicAlp Projekttreffen 2011
Period: 06.07.2011 - 08.07.2011 | Location: Ebensee, Austria
Year: 2011 - Auswirkungen von Störungen auf die Bodenrespiration von Humuskarbonatböden (Poster)
Autoren: Mayer, M; Katzensteiner, K
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
Period: 06.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: St. Florian, Austria
Year: 2011 - Modelling Leaf Area Carrying Capacity for Site Adapted Sustainable Forest Management in the Northern Limestone Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Delaney, C.M., Katzensteiner, K.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Period: 03.04.2011 - 08.04.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2009 - Carbon sequestration between the actual and the potential timberline - Cembran pine forests in Obergurgl, Ötztal (Poster)
Autoren: Jandl, R., Schindlbacher, A., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Van Miegroet, H., Katzensteiner, K., Göttlicher, S.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Period: 19.04.2009 - 24.04.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2009 - Opportunities and challenges for forest ecosystem research in a European context (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K
Event: Seminar 2009 - 40 years of Institute of Forest Ecology at MUAF in Brno
Period: 07.10.2009 | Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Year: 2009 - Resilience of forest soils in the Limestone Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K, Darabant A, Gratzer G, DOrji S
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Period: 19.04.2009 - 24.04.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2008 - Methoden zur Untersuchung und Modellierung des Wasserhaushalts von Waldbeständen Minicurso (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
Event: 4. Simposio Latino-Americano sobre Manejo Florestal 2008 - Producao de Bens Materiais e Imateriais
Period: 26.11.2008 - 28.11.2008 | Location: Santa Maria, Brazil
Year: 2008 - Desenhos experimentais e métodos de determinação da eficiência dos recursos de ecossistemas florestais. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K.
Event: 4. Simposio Latino-Americano sobre Manejo Florestal 2008 - Producao de Bens Materiais e Imateriais
Period: 26.11.2008 - 28.11.2008 | Location: Santa Maria, Brazil
Year: 2008 - Überlegungen zur ökologisch nachhaltigen Biomassenutzung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner Klaus
Event: Jahreshaupttagung des Forstvereins für Niederösterreich und Wien 2008 - Naturschutz - Bioenergie, Synergie oder Gegensatz
Period: 15.10.2008 - 16.10.2008 | Location: Schlosshof, Austria
Year: 2008 - Ecological Sustainability of Community Forest Management – A Case Study from the Midhills of Nepal (Poster)
Autoren: Baral S.K. and Katzensteiner K.
Event: Forest Adaptation 2008 - Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices
Period: 25.08.2008 - 28.08.2008 | Location: Umea, Sweden
Year: 2007 - Nitrogen dynamics in an Austrian alpine forest ecosystem on calcareous soils: A scenario-based risk assessment under changing environmental conditions (Poster)
Autoren: Herman, F., Smidt, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Englisch, M., Gebetsroither, E., Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., Lexer, M., Strebl, F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2007 - Soil functions - diversity, evaluation and protection
Period: 10.05.2007 - 11.05.2007 | Location: Seitenstetten, Austria
Year: 2007 - Sustainable biomass production from forests: lessons from historical experience and challenges for ecological research. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner Klaus
Event: Kerge of sustaining soils: lessons from historical experience for a sustainable future'ner von Marilaun Workshop: 'The challen
Period: 08.11.2007 - 09.11.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - The effect of fertilisation on the severity of Sirococcus shoot blight in a mature Norway spruce stand. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Halmschlager, E., Anglberger, H., Katzensteiner, K., Sterba, H.
Event: IUFRO Working Party 7.02.02 Meeting 2007 - Foliage, Shoot and Stem Diseases of Forest Trees
Period: 21.05.2007 - 26.05.2007 | Location: Sopron, Hungary
Year: 2007 - Nitrogen dynamics in an Austrian alpine forest ecosystem on calcareous soils: A scenario-based risk assessment under changing environmental conditions. (Poster)
Autoren: Herman, F., Smidt, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Englisch, M., Gebetsroither, E., Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., Lexer, M., Strebl, F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2007 - Soil functions - diversity, evaluation and protection
Period: 10.05.2007 - 11.05.2007 | Location: Seitenstetten, Austria
Year: 2006 - Experimental assessment of changes in soil organic matter pools in mountain forests - Sampling and processing of environmental data (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Event: Summer school 'Experimental assessment of changes in soil organic matter pools in mountain forests'
Period: 25.09.2006 - 30.09.2006 | Location: Obergurgl, Austria
Year: 2006 - Impact of forest management upon water quantity (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Event: Workshop EFORWOOD WP 2.2 Environmental services
Period: 08.08.2006 - 10.08.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2006 - Influence of forest management practice on water balance of forest in the dinaric karst. In: All about karst & water : decision making in a sensitive environment (Vortrag)
Event: Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
Period: 09.10.2006 - 11.10.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2006 - Energetische Nutzung von Biomasse aus dem Wald und Bodenschutz - ein Widerspruch? (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft ÖBG 2006 - Boden als Pflanzenstandort
Period: 04.05.2006 - 05.05.2006 | Location: Rust, Austria
Year: 2006 - Modelling of nitrogen dynamics in an Austrian alpine forest ecosystem on calcareous soils. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Herman, F., Smidt, S., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Englisch, M., Gebetsroither, E., Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., Lexer, M.J., Strebl, F., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: 22nd International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems
Period: 10.09.2006 - 15.09.2006 | Location: Riverside, CA, USA
Year: 2006 - Hydrological models as decision support tools? (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Event: The role of Forests and Forest Management for the Water Cycle
Period: 27.11.2006 - 30.11.2006 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2006 - Wasser als Waldleistung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Event: EFORWOOD 2006 – Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment
Period: 25.10.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2006 - Influence of forest management practice on water balance of forest in the dinaric karst. (Vortrag)
Event: Kater 2006, International Conference - All about karst & water - Decision Making in a Sensitive Environment
Period: 09.10.2006 - 11.10.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Ökologische Aspekte der Biomassenutzung im Österreichischen Wald (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klaus Katzensteiner
Event: Workshop 'Mobilisierbare Biomassen insbesondere zur energetischen Nutzung aus dem Österrreichischen Wald'
Period: 30.09.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Modelling of nitrogen risk under climatic scenarios for a spruce stand in the Austrian Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Herman, F., Strebl, F., Lexer, W., Englisch, M., Jandl, R., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Rigler, E., Katzensteiner, K., Smidt. S.
Event: 37th Air Pollution Workshop and International Symposium 2005
Period: 25.04.2005 - 28.04.2005 | Location: Banff, AB, Canada
Year: 2005 - The new European Humus Classification System - an aid for the interpretation of spatio-temporal dynamics of alpine humus forms. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Englisch M., Hager H.
Event: Soil Indicators - Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2005
Period: 12.05.2005 - 13.05.2005 | Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Year: 2005 - Quellen als Indikatoren für Prozesse im Einzugsgebiet (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K
Event: 10 Jahre Quellbeobachtung im Hydrographischen Dienst 2005
Period: 10.11.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - An attempt to create a classification key for BIOSOIL (Part of the UN -ECE Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests, Part IIIa) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Englisch M., Katzensteiner K., Jabiol B., Zanella A., De Waal R., Wresowar M., Hager H.
Event: Training course on WRB Soil Profile Description and Classification (Boreal – Temperate) within the EU Forest Focus BioSoil demonstration project
Period: 03.10.2005 - 05.10.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2004 - Towards an European Classification of Terrestrial Humus Forms (Vortrag)
Autoren: Jabiol B., Zanella A., Englisch M., Hager H., Katzensteiner K., Waal R.W. de
Event: EUROSOIL 2004
Period: 04.09.2004 - 12.09.2004 | Location: Freiburg, Germany
Year: 2004 - Regionalization of organic carbon stores in forest soils - tools and constraints (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner K., Jandl R., Englisch M.
Event: EUROSOIL 2004
Period: 04.09.2004 - 12.09.2004 | Location: Freiburg, Germany
Year: 2004 - Abschätzung von Kohlenstoffvorräten in Waldböden aus Standortseigenschaften (Vortrag)
Autoren: Jandl R., Englisch M., Katzensteiner K., Baritzt R.
Event: Jahrestagung der ÖGB 2004 - 50 Jahre Österreichische Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft "Boden und Gesellschaft"
Period: 10.05.2004 - 11.05.2004 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2002 - Nutritional status of mature Norway spruce related to infection by Sirococcus shoot blight. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Anglberger, H., Sieghardt, M., Katzensteiner, K., Halmschlager, E.
Event: IUFRO Working Party 7.02.02 2001 - Shoot and Foliage Diseases
Period: 17.06.2001 - 22.06.2001 | Location: Hyytiälä, Finland
Year: 1993 - Effects of Organic, Mineral and Magnesite Fertilizers on Soil Microbial Activities in a Spruce Forest (Picea abies L.) (Poster)
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Girschick, B., Insam, H., Katzensteiner, K.
Event: Beyond the Biomass - Conference on the compositional and functional analysis of soil microbial communities
Period: 01.03.1993 | Location: Wye College, London, U.K.
Wie verkarstet ist der Nationalpark? (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Nutritional Restoration of European Forests. An Austrian Perspective. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt ausgewählter Waldstandorte im NAtionalpark Oberösterreichische Kalkalpen. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Naturrauminventur Nationalpark Oö Kalkalpen - Standortskundliche Aspekte. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
The Karst Research Programme of the Northern Limestone Alps National Park: Vulnerability Mapping. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Depletion of calcium in forest soils under Norway spruce in Central Europe. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Jandl, R., Katzensteiner, K., E. Hildebrand, E., Berger, T.W.
Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt von Waldökosystemen der Nördlichen Kalkalpen. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.
Waldwachstum & Waldökologie. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Eckmüllner, O., Katzensteiner, K.
Nährstoffhaushalt geschädigter Wälder. Waldsanierung 2000. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Katzensteiner, K.