Kristina Plenk
Dipl.-Ing. Kristina Plenk
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2012 Doctorate study, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2012 Research associate at the Institue of Integrative Nature Conservation Research
- 2007 - 2011 Master study, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
- 2004 - 2007 Bachelor study, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
- Year: 2017 Awards: 2. Platz für den "Besten Vortrag" bei der 14. Eurasian Grassland Conference in Riga (4-11 Juli)
- Year: 2017 Awards: 2. Platz für die "Beste Posterpräsentation" bei der 14. Eurasian Grassland Conference in Riga (4-11 Juli)
- Year: 2015 Awards: Josefa Dobrovského Stipendium
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Historical biogeography of the steppe grasslands in eastern Central Europe
Autoren: Willner, W; Moser, D; Plenk, K; Acic, S; Demina, O; Höhn, M, Kuzemko, A; Rolecek, J; Vassilev, K; Vynokurov, D; Kropf, M
Event: 64th Annual Symposium International Association for Vegetation Science IAVS 2022
Year: 2021 - Comparing genetic diversity patterns of diagnostic species representing Brometalia erecti and Festucetalia valesiacae grasslands in the Pannonian and Western Pontic region
Autoren: Plenk, K; Willner, W; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Kropf, M
Event: 19. Österreichische Botanik-Tagung
Year: 2021 - Gentianella bohemica – Status Quo im Waldviertel
Autoren: Bassler-Binder, G; Kriechbaum, M; Kropf, M; Plenk, K
Event: 19. Österreichische Botanik-Tagung
Year: 2019 - Diagnostic plant species of three main Pannonian and Western Pontic steppe grassland types: do they share intraspecific genetic diversity patterns and their phylogeographical history?
Autoren: Kropf, M; Plenk, K; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Willner, W
Event: 9th Biennial Conference of The International Biogeography Society
Year: 2018 - Pannonian and Western Pontic steppe grasslands - a brief insight into their phylogeographical history and intraspecific genetic diversity
Autoren: Plenk, K; Willner, W; Demina, O.N; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Kropf, M
Event: Molecular Biodiversity: Taxonomy, Phylogenetics and Phylogeography conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2018
Year: 2018 - Phylogeography of species representing Festucetalia valesiacae grasslands in the Pannonian and Western Pontic region
Autoren: Kropf M; Plenk K; Demina ON; Höhn M; Kuzemko A; Vassilev K; Willner W
Event: Molecular Biodiversity: Taxonomy, Phylogenetics and Phylogeography conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2018
Year: 2018 - Phylogeography and genetic diversity patterns in Pannonian and Western Pontic steppe grasslands as indicators for habitat conservation
Autoren: Plenk, K; Kropf, M; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Willner, W
Event: 15th Eurasian Grassland Conference 'Cooperating for grassland conservation'
Year: 2018 - Phylogeography of plants representing the order Festucetalia valesiacae in the Pannonian and Western Pontic region
Autoren: Kropf, M; Plenk, K; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Willner, W
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Exploring the phylogeographical history and intraspecific genetic diversity of plant species representing the three main orders of Pannonian and Western Pontic steppe grasslands
Autoren: Plenk, K; Willner, W; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Kropf, M
Event: 18. Österreichische Botanik-Tagung & 24. Internationale Tagung der Sektion für Biodiversität und Evolutionsbiologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 2018
Year: 2018 - Phylogeographical history and intraspecific genetic diversity in Pannonian and Western Pontic steppe grasslands
Autoren: Plenk, K; Willner, W; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Kuzemko, A; Vassilev, K; Kropf, M
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Landscape and local garden management influence hedgehog occurrence in Austrian gardens - insights from a citizen science project
Autoren: Winter, S; Aberer, M; Plenk, K; Kriechbaum, M; Kelemen-Finan, J
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2017 - Biogeography, diversity and phylogeographic analyses of Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands - first insights into genetic diversity patterns
Autoren: Plenk, K; Kropf, M; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Willner, W
Event: 14th Eurasian Grassland Conference
Year: 2017 - Diversity patterns in and historical biogeography of Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands
Autoren: Kropf, M; Plenk, K; Demina, ON; Höhn, M; Willner, W
Event: XIX International Botanical Congress
Year: 2017 - Reaching the (north)western distribution limit in Central Europe - a phylogeographic transect study on the genetic constitution and fitness of steppe grassland species
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Kropf, M
Event: 14th Eurasian Grassland Conference
Year: 2017 - A phylogeographical transect study of Central European steppe grassland species from the Hungarian Pannonicum towards the westernmost limit
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Kropf, M
Event: XIX International Botanical Congress
Year: 2016 - Genetic variation and obvious relict status of the Pontic-Pannonian steppe species Linum flavum L. (Linaceae) in Central Europe
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Kropf, M
Event: 11th International Conference "Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region"
Year: 2016 - Tracking 'punks' in your backyard - citizen science on hedgehogs in gardens
Autoren: Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Hedgehogs on their way - citizen scientists discover wildlife in their backyard
Autoren: Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S
Event: 2nd Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 - Citizen Science-Quo vadis!
Year: 2016 - Genetic diversity of populations of a central European endemic species Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica as a guide to its effective protection
Autoren: Surinová, M; Brabec, J; Husakova, I; Plenk, K; Kropf, M; Münzbergová, Z
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Nature in your backyard - pupils explore biodiversity in gardens
Autoren: Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Tracking punks in your backyard - results of a citizen science project on hedgehogs in gardens
Autoren: Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S
Event: 1st European Hedgehog Meeting in Berlin
Year: 2016 - Genetic structuring and diversity of Adonis vernalis (Ranunculaceae) in Central Europe - results of a transect study
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Kropf, M
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Genetic diversity and variation of the European endemic Poa badensis (Poaceae) - a transect study in Central Europe
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Kropf, M
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - A phylogeographical transect study from the Hungarian Pannonicum towards the westernmost limit of Central European steppe plants
Autoren: Kropf, M; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Plenk, K
Event: 11th International Conference "Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region"
Year: 2016 - Genetic diversity and variation of Poa badensis (Poaceae) in Central Europe - results of a transect study
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Kropf, M
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Von Sparkling Science zu Citizen Science. SchülerInnen und BürgerInnen erheben die Vielfalt im Garten
Autoren: Winter, S; Plenk, K; Kelemen-Finan, J; Stadler, S; Pachinger, B; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Scheuch, M
Event: 15. Internationales Pomologentreffen - Obstvielfalt gemeinsam erforschen & erhalten
Year: 2016 - Exploring biodiversity in our backyards - challenges and chances involving pupils in citizen science
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Pachinger, B; Stöckl, N; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M
Event: ECBB Vienna 2016. 8th European Conference on Behavioural Biology
Year: 2016 - Nature in your backyard – which schools perform best at citizen science?
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Stadler, S; Stoeckl, N; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M
Event: 1st International ECSA Conference 2016: Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy
Year: 2016 - Crazy for birds? School children observe birds in their backyards
Autoren: Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Winter, S
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2015 - Der Saison-Dimorphismus von Gentianella bohemica (Gentianaceae) - Populationsgenetische und reproduktionsbiologische Untersuchung einer endemischen Rarität der Böhmischen Masse
Autoren: Plenk, K; Göd, F; Kriechbaum, M; Kropf, M
Event: Vortrag am Biologiezentrum Linz
Year: 2015 - Genetic variation of steppe plants in Central Europe - a comparative analysis of four steppe species based on AFLPs and cpDNA sequence data
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Kropf, M
Event: International Biogeography Society, 7th Biennial Meeting
Year: 2015 - Die Igel sind los! Punks in unseren Gärten
Autoren: Plenk, K; Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - Performance of steppe plants in Central Europe - a comparative analysis of four steppe species based on fruit set and germination data
Autoren: Kropf, M; Bardy, K; Plenk, K
Event: International Biogeography Society, 7th Biennial Meeting
Year: 2015 - Do school children make good citizen scientists? A midterm evaluation of a citizen science project exploring biodiversity in gardens
Autoren: Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M
Event: GFÖ 2015 - Ecology for a sustainable future
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B
Event: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology ICCB 2015
Year: 2015 - Steppe plants in Central Europe - patterns of genetic structure and diversity at the absolute range periphery comparing four steppe species
Autoren: Plenk, K
Event: DIBB Research Symposium 2015
Year: 2015 - The forgotten habitat: engaging citizen scientists in recording biodiversity in our gardens
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Scheuch, M; Bardy‐Durchhalter, M
Event: GFÖ 2015 - Ecology for a sustainable future
Year: 2014 - At the edge - a transect study towards the western-most distribution limit of Central European steppe plants based on genetic and performance data
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Kropf, M
Event: 27th Plant Population Biology Conference
Year: 2014 - The seasonal dimorphism of the biennial grassland species Gentianella bohemica (Gentianaceae) - genetic patterns among and within different generations of both flowering morphs
Autoren: Plenk, K; Göd, F; Kriechbaum, M; Kropf, M
Event: 16. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2014
Year: 2014 - Steppe plants in Central Europe: further insights based on AFLP and cpDNA sequence variation
Autoren: Kropf, M; Plenk, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Bardy, K
Event: 16. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2014
Year: 2014 - Genetic diversity patterns of steppe plants across borders in Central Europe
Autoren: Kropf, M; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Plenk, K
Event: “Crossing Borders” 8. Jahrestagung von NOBIS Austria
Year: 2014 - Natur vor der Haustür – Citizen Science macht Schule. Biodiversität erleben, erforschen, erhalten
Autoren: Winter, S., Kelemen-Finan, J., Plenk, K., Pachinger, B.
Event: Sparkling Science Kongress 2014. "Wissenschaft mit der Gesellschaft" - Perspektiven für die gemeinsame Forschung mit Jugendlichen
Year: 2013 - Fitness data of steppe plants in Central Europe: a comparative analysis based on fruit set, mass, and germination rates
Autoren: Plenk, K; Bardy, K; Kropf, M
Event: BioSyst.EU 2013 - Global systematics
Year: 2013 - Steppe plants in Central Europe: insights based on performance and genetic data
Autoren: Kropf, M; Bardy, K; Höhn, M; Thiv, M; Plenk, K
Event: BioSyst.EU 2013 - Global systematics
Year: 2012 - Getting Started: The Initiation of an Ex situ Collection of the European Endemic Gentianella bohemica (Gentianaceae) - Population Genetic and Reproductive Insights
Autoren: Kropf, M., Plenk, K., Göd, F., Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology ECCB 2012
Year: 2012 - Performance of steppe plants in Central Europe: first results based on fruit set and germination experiments
Autoren: Plenk, K., Kropf, M., Bardy, K.
Event: 15. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2012
Year: 2012 - Steppe plants in Central Europe: first insights based on fruit set, germination experiments, and AFLP variation
Autoren: Kropf, M., Plenk, K., Höhn, M., Bardy, K.
Event: 21st International Symposium of the German Botanical Society DBG 2012 - Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Year: 2012 - Steppe plants in Central Europe: first insights from Linum flavum based on AFLP variation
Autoren: Bardy, K., Plenk, K., Höhn, M., Thiv, M., Kropf, M.
Event: 15. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2012
Year: 2011 - Seasonal differentiation in Gentianella bohemica (Gentianaceae) - molecular and reproductive insights
Autoren: Kropf, M.; Plenk, K.; Göd, F.; Kriechbaum, M.
Event: BioSystematics Berlin 2011
Year: 2011 - AFLP variation and pollination of seasonal cohorts – results from Gentianella bohemica (Gentianaceae) in Lower Austria
Autoren: Kropf, M., Plenk, K., Göd, F., Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 5. Jahrestagung von NOBIS Austria 2011 - Systematics – preserved?