Lorenz Probst
Mag. Dr. Lorenz Probst
Institute for Development Research
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 76, 1190 Wien
Email lorenz.probst@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-93414
ORCID: 0000-0002-6461-5202
36194286400: AuthorId
- 2021 Senior Scientist, Institute for Development Research, BOKU
- 2017 - 2021 Deputy Head Centre/Institute for Development Research, BOKU
- 2012 Dissertation: "Drivers and constraints of an innovation towards improved vegetable safety in urban West Africa (Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso)" Graduated with distinction
- 2011 - 2017 Senior Scientist, Centre for Development Research, BOKU
- 2008 Graduation (Diploma)
- 2008 - 2011 Project staff: Participatory Production and Marketing of Safe Vegetable in Peri – urban West Africa
- Year: 2016 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award (4th place)
- Year: 2015 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award (4th. place)
- Year: 2014 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award (4th. place)
- Year: 2013 Awards: agrana - Forschungsförderungspreis
- Year: 2012 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award 2012 (2.Preis)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2021 - Learning from contradictions: experiences with English in transnational summer schools and non-English higher education settings
Autoren: Probst, L
Event: EPICUR celebrates multilingualism
Year: 2021 - The role of values and beliefs in agricultural change
Autoren: Probst, L
Event: Virtual Summer Course: The Nexus between Local Ecological and Modern Agricultural Practices
Year: 2021 - Higher Education for Sustainability: a Critical Review of the Explanatory Evidence 2013 - 2020
Autoren: Probst, L
Event: European Conference on Educational Research
Year: 2020 - What are the values and beliefs that shape cattle breeding in South-Western Burkina Faso?
Autoren: Zoma-Traoré, B; Ouédraogo-Koné, S; Soudré, A; Ouédraogo, D; Yougbaré, B; Traoré, A; Khayatzadeh, N; Mészáros, G; Burger, P.A; Mwai, O. A; Sölkner, J; Wurzinger, M; Probst, L
Event: 71st Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science EAAP 2020
Year: 2018 - Integrating Research Instruments for the Assessment of Transformative Sustainability Learning
Autoren: Probst, L; Bardach, L; Kamusingize, D; Templer, N; Ogwali H; Owamani, A; Mulumba, L; Onwonga, R; Adugna, Berihun
Event: Tropentag 2018
Year: 2018 - Power and politics in agri-food sustainability transitions
Autoren: El Bilali, H; Hauser, M; Wurzinger, M; Melcher, A; Probst, L.
Event: 13th European IFSA Symposium 2018 - Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities
Year: 2018 - Organic small scale rice production systems in Java, Indonesia – Comparison of soil management practices
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih, A; Murtiningrum, T; Mentler, A; Keiblinger, K; Probst, L; Melcher, A; Zehetner, F; Kral, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Effects of a Transformative University Learning Experience on Sustainability Agency, Skills and Pro-Environmental Attitudes
Autoren: Probst, L; Bardach, L; Kamusingize, D; Templer, N; Ogwali H; Owamani, A; Mulumba, L; Onwonga, R; Adugna, B
Event: Tropentag 2018
Year: 2018 - Do Community Seed Banks Contribute to the Socio-Ecological Resilience of Communities? A Case-Study from Western Guatemala
Autoren: Porcuna, AF; Vernooy, R; Van Etten, J; Freyer, B; Probst, L
Event: Tropentag 2018
Year: 2017 - Feeding the Soil and Feeding the Cow – Conservation Agriculture in Kenya
Autoren: Ndah, HT; Uckert, G; Schuler, J; Kaweesa, S; Probst, L;, Kuria, P; Mkomwa, S; Rodrigues, P; Sousa, J; Basch, G
Event: Tropentag 2017
Year: 2017 - Research on Transitions to Sustainable Agro-Food Sys- tems: Conceptual Insights and Research Needs from a Food and Nutrition Security Perspective
Autoren: El Bilali, H; Probst, L; Wurzinger, M; Hauser, M; Melcher, A
Event: Sozial-o?kologische Transformationen. Perspektiven o?sterreichischer Entwicklungsforschung.
Year: 2017 - From Adoption Potential to Transformative Learning Around Conservation Agriculture in Burkina Faso
Autoren: Probst, L; Ndah, HT; Rodrigues, P; Basch, G; Coulibaly, K; Schuler, J
Event: Tropentag 2017
Year: 2017 - Alternative food systems: using space, time, integration and rules as narratives for sustainability transitions
Autoren: El Bilali, H; Hauser, M; Wurzinger, M; Probst, L
Event: Tropentag 2017
Year: 2017 - Comparison of Soil Parameters between Conventional Rice Production Systems (CRPS) and Systems of Rice Intensification (SRI), Adapted to Small-scale Farms in Java, Indonesia
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih; Murtiningrum; Mentler, A; Ghaley, BB; Hama, AM; Keiblinger, K; Probst, L; Zehetner, F; Kral, R
Event: Orgatrop 2017. International Conference on Organic Agriculture in the Tropics
Year: 2017 - Rural livelihood transitions: towards an integration of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and the Multi-Level Perspective
Autoren: El Bilali, H.; Hauser, M.; Berjan, S.; Miseckaite, O.; Probst, L.
Event: 8th International scientific conference Rural Development 2017
Year: 2017 - Towards an Integrative Analytical Framework to Map Sustainability Transitions in Food Systems
Autoren: El Bilali, H.; Probst, L.
Event: VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2017”
Year: 2016 - Institutional learning is critical for Conservation Agriculture innovation: Evidence from Iran, Uganda and Burkina Faso
Autoren: Kaweesa, S;Latifi,S;Probst,L
Event: Tropentag 2016 - Solidarity in a competing world, fair use of resources
Year: 2015 - A gender-focused analysis of learning processes within a research and development project in Nepal
Autoren: Zangerle, K; Probst, L; Roschinsky, R; Manandhar, C; Malla, M; Wurzinger, M;
Event: Conference on Smallholder Farmers. Resilient Future for Small Farmers
Year: 2015 - A gender-focused analysis of learning processes of smallholders within a development program in Nepal
Autoren: Zangerle, K., Probst, L., Roschinsky, R., Manindra, M., Manandhar, C., Wurzinger, M.
Event: Tropentag 2015 - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security - conflicts, controversies and resolutions
Year: 2015 - Ökonomische und Landwirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von Kleinbauern in Nicaragua (Zentralamerika) und Uganda (Ostafrika)
Autoren: Mentler, A; Pohl, W; Probst, L; Wurzinger, M; Guggenberger, T.
Event: Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion: Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel- Veterinär und Agrarwesen
Year: 2014 - Balancing Bologna: opportunities for university teaching that integrates academic and practical learning outcomes
Autoren: Probst, L; Pflug, V; Brandenburg, C; Guggenberger, T; Mentler, A; Wurzinger, M
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2014 - What we say, what we mean and what we (can) do: from proposal to practice in an innovation systems project.
Autoren: Probst, L; Faltmann, N; Haller, L; Wurzinger, M
Event: System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture
Year: 2014 - Habermas and the innovation platform: do multi- stakeholder interventions create communicative rationalities for innovation?
Autoren: Probst, L; Prehsler, S; Hauser, M
Event: System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture
Year: 2014 - The dissonance between concept and practice: the WATERCAP project as an example of a partial paradigm shift towards system innovation
Autoren: Probst, L; Faltmann, N; Haller, L; Wurzinger, M
Event: 4th RUFORUM Biennial Conference 2014
Year: 2014 - Action learning in real-world settings in Uganda, Nicaragua and Italy: empowering students to explore their future roles as responsible actors for sustainable development
Autoren: Probst, L; Pflug, V; Brandenburg, C; Guggenberger, T; Mentler, A; Wurzinger, M
Event: Higher Education, Mobility and Migration in and out of Africa
Year: 2013 - Soil health indicators: A case study with smallholder coffee farmers in Uganda
Autoren: Pohl, W; Mentler, A; Okalany, E; Probst, L; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Schomakers, J
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2012 - We change when we want to! Farmers’ decision-making needs to be respected when proposing greener agriculture: cases from urban West Africa.
Autoren: Probst, Lorenz
Event: 1st Young Scientist Forum of the Centre for Development Research CDR 2012 - Schulen als Forschungspartner?
Year: 2012 - Integrating farmers into development and implementation of climate change interventions: Experiences from Kenya
Autoren: Ogalleh, S. A.; Probst, L.
Event: International Conference on Research for Development 2012
Year: 2011 - What is the role of research in value chain interventions?
Autoren: Probst, L.
Event: Agrinatura Orientation Week 2011
Year: 2011 - What is the role of research in value chain interventions for improved food security? Evidence from Mozambique, Uganda and Ghana
Autoren: Probst, L., Hauser, M., Nyamukure, B.
Event: Africa College International Conference on Food Security, Health and Impact 2011
Year: 2011 - Facteurs qui favorisent et qui bloquent innovations vers une meilleure sécurité sanitaire des légumes en zones urbaines d’Afrique de l’Ouest
Autoren: Probst, L.
Event: Austrian Development Agency, Ouagadougou 2011
Year: 2010 - The youth of today will constitute the innovation ecology of tomorrow. A challenge for research and tertiary education
Autoren: Probst, L.; Hauser, M.
Event: International Scientific-Practical Conference: Youth for Ecological Progress.
Year: 2010 - Drivers and constraints of an innovation towards improved vegetable safety in urban West Africa
Autoren: Probst, L.
Event: BOKU Forschungspools 2010
Year: 2010 - Factors that foster innovation in urban cabbage production in Cotonou, Accra & Ouagadougou
Autoren: Probst, Lorenz; Adoukonou, Adélaïde; Amankwah, Akuffo; Diarra, Aly; Vogl, Christian R.; Hauser, Michael
Event: Tropentag 2010 - World Food System - A contribution from Europe
Year: 2009 - Drivers and constraints of an innovation towards improved vegetable safety in urban West Africa
Autoren: Probst, L.
Event: Vortrag am International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 2009