Manfred Gronalt
Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Manfred Gronalt
Department for Economics and Social Sciences
Value Stream Bioeconomy
Location Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73411
- 2002 Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
- 1998 ...
- 1991 graduate Dr. rer.soc.oec
- Year: 2015 Awards: Best Paper award HMS 2015
- Year: 2007 Awards: Staatspreis für Verkehr (2007)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Simulation-Optimization of a Construction Logistics Center
Autoren: Kummer, Y, Vögl, J, Hirsch, P, Gronalt, M
Event: Urban Transistions 2024 - Integrated Urban and Transport Planning, Environment and Health for Healthier Urban Living
Year: 2023 - Increasing the output of prefab production lines - simulation aid to guide the improvement process
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Pichler, E; Gronalt, M
Event: 35th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2023)
Year: 2023 - Thementag Logistik
Autoren: Bauer, H; Posset, M; Russo, SM; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Workshop BMK & thinkport VIENNA
Year: 2023 - Was geht, wenn online nichts mehr geht
Autoren: Gronalt, M
Event: TSB-Tagung 2023
Year: 2022 - ISIDOR: Analysing the Consequences of an Extensive and Prolonged Internet Outage with System Dynamics
Autoren: Schachenhofer, L; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 19th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference 2022
Year: 2022 - Automated damage detection of trailers at intermodal terminals using deep learning
Autoren: Cimili, P; Voegl, J; Hirsch, P; Gronalt, M
Event: 19th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference 2022
Year: 2021 - Disclosing improvement potentials on construction sites in industrialised housebuilding.
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: 37th Annual ARCOM Conference 2021
Year: 2021 - Disclosing improvement potentials on construction sites in industrialised housebuilding.
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W.; Gronalt, M.
Event: 37th Annual ARCOM Conference 2021
Year: 2021 - Collaboration in performance management across industrialised housebuildingsupply chains.
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Rudberg, M.; Gronalt, M.
Event: e-LRN 2021 Special Web Conference, Cardiff
Year: 2020 - Collaboration with suppliers in construction supply chain planning: analysis of different approaches to waste reduction
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Loike, K; Gronalt, M
Event: e-LRN 2020 Special Web Conference
Year: 2020 - Analysing effects of industrialised housebuilding companies' production principles on applied performance management: a multiple-case study
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Mayrhofer, R; Rudberg, M; Loike, K; Gronalt, M
Event: 36th Annual ARCOM Conference 2020
Year: 2020 - Capacity planning of a mixed-model assembly line for prefabricated housebuilding elements
Autoren: Huka, MA; Grenzfurtner, W; Zauner, B; Gronalt, M
Event: ISM 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
Year: 2019 - Scheduling and loading problem for multiple, identical dry kilns
Autoren: Huka, MA; Rindler, C; Gronalt, M
Event: 30the European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2019
Year: 2019 - A generic terminal macro simulation model for measuring operational performance
Autoren: Protic, S; Gronalt, M
Event: 21st International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation, HMS 2019
Year: 2019 - Performance management systems and practices in an industrialised housebuilding on-site context: identifying improvement potential through a qualitative study
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Mayrhofer, R; Rudberg, M; Gronalt, M
Event: 26th EurOMA Conference
Year: 2018 - Optimization Models of Floorboard Toplayer Assembly
Autoren: Kaltenbrunner, M; Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: 29th European Conference on Operational Research 2018
Year: 2018 - Involving subcontractors in continually improving performance in industrialised housebuilding
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: 34th Annual ARCOM Conference 2018
Year: 2018 - DES and CI of prefab housebuilding on-site processes
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: 2nd Symposium - Operations Management in Wood Products Industries 2018
Year: 2018 - A discrete event simulation to investigate unloading operations in an urban retail street
Autoren: Vögl, J;Fikar, C; Hirsch, P;Gronalt, M
Event: International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation (HMS 2018)
Year: 2018 - Kombinierte Absatz- und Produktionsplanung in der Säageindustrie: Modelle und Implementierung
Autoren: Kaltenbrunner, M; Huka, MA; Gronalt, M;
Event: 6. Fachtagung Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Logistik (EULOG)
Year: 2018 - The contribution of subcontractor involvement in continuous improvement programs for industrialised housebuilding
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: 25 th International EurOMA 2018 Conference
Year: 2017 - Aggregated and detailed production planning for the sawing industry
Autoren: Kaltenbrunner, M; Huka, MA; Gronalt, M;
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - Using quality function deployment for analysing processes and technologies for the solid hardwood manufacturing industry
Autoren: Kühle, S., Teischinger, A., Gronalt, M.
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - Log Yard Logistics
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - A Simulation Study to Evaluate the Appropriate Dimensions of a New Automated Log Sorting and Storing Technology in the Wood Processing Industry
Autoren: Pernkopf, M; Gronalt, M
Event: Winter Simulation Conference WSC 2017
Year: 2017 - Continuous improvement (CI) at on-site assembly in industrialised housebuilding
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: EurOMA Conference 2016
Year: 2017 - Enabling rapid prefab construction: a contiunuous improvement approach
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - Project HubHarmony
Autoren: Protic, S, M; Gronalt, M, Voegl, J
Event: Midterm Conference NWO Logistics Community
Year: 2017 - Antecedents of service innovation at multimodal inland terminals
Autoren: Protic, S, M; Gronalt, M
Event: XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference – Composing the Innovation Symphony
Year: 2017 - A literature review on terminal congestion - Truck gate simulation for inland terminals
Autoren: Vögl, J; Gronalt, M
Year: 2016 - Structure analysis of a production network by means of quality function development and values stream mapping
Autoren: Kuehle, S; Teischinger, A; Gronalt, M
Event: World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016
Year: 2016 - Log Yard Logistics
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Student Conference
Year: 2016 - Application of failure mode and effects analysis in the industrial housebuilding industry
Autoren: Grenzfurtner, W; Gronalt, M
Event: World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016
Year: 2016 - Aggregated and detailed production planning for the sawing industry
Autoren: Kaltenbrunner, M; Gronalt, M;
Event: IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Student Conference
Year: 2016 - Model development and comparison of different heuristics for the production planning in large volume softwood sawmills
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Student Conference
Year: 2016 - Use of advanced raw material classification technology to improve sawmill productivity – a simulation study
Autoren: Pernkopf, M; Gronalt, M
Event: 23rd EurOMA Conference
Year: 2016 - Simulating the impact of inter-regional rail disruptions
Autoren: Fikar, C; Gronalt, M
Event: The 18th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation
Year: 2016 - Project HubHarmony
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Gronalt, M; Protic, S; Voegl, J
Event: ERANET - Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management Call - Kick-Off
Year: 2015 - LMK-Muse - Modellbildungs- und simulationsgestützte Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Last-Mile Katastrophenbewältigung
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Forschungsmarkttag an der Landesverteidigungsakademie
Year: 2015 - Using Quality Function Deployment and Value Stream Mapping for Modelling the Hardwood Supply Chain Network
Autoren: Kühle, S., Teischinger, A., Gronalt, G.
Event: 1st International Scientific Conference WOOD – SCIENCE – ECONOMY
Year: 2015 - Agent-based simulation for planning and evaluation of intermodal freight transportation networks
Autoren: Gronalt, M; Schindlbacher, E.
Event: HMS 2015 - The 17th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation
Year: 2015 - Improving the efficiency of internal logistics in a softwood sawmill using discrete event simulation
Autoren: Pernkopf, M; Gronalt, M
Event: CORS/INFORMS International Conference
Year: 2015 - A system dynamics based learning model to train decision makers on response to flood events
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2015
Year: 2015 - Decision-support to study the impact of rail network disruptions
Autoren: Fikar, C; Posset, M; Gronalt, M
Event: YAMS – 6th Workshop on Young Academics' Management Science
Year: 2015 - Dealing with a divergent production structure at a sawmill - Comparing different solution approaches
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: 27th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2015
Year: 2015 - A System Dynamics (SD) based model to capture complex dynamics of disaster management
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: INQUIMUS 2015 - Challenges in Q2 methodologies to acquire and integrate data for the assessment of risk, vulnerability and resilience
Year: 2015 - A System Dynamics Model for Flood Response
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Systems Analysis 2015 - A conference in celebration of Howard Raiffa
Year: 2015 - Principles of Synchronous Railway Yard Simulation with Integrated Asynchronous Movement Scheduling
Autoren: Hüttler, B; Gronalt, M
Event: 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis
Year: 2015 - Optimizing the short term multi-period production planning at a German sawmill
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: VCO Summer School on big Data in Value Chain Optimization
Year: 2015 - Analysing the Hardwood Supply Chain Network with QFD
Autoren: Kühle, S; Teischinger, A.; Gronalt, M.
Event: 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources SSAFR 2015
Year: 2015 - Using QFD and VSM for Modelling the Hardwood Chain
Autoren: Kühle, S., Teischinger, A., Gronalt, G.
Event: 5th International Scientrific Conference on Hardwood Processing 2015 & International Academy of Wood Science - Annual Meeting.
Autoren: Gronalt, M; Posset, M; Protic, S; König, B
Event: S3C - Smart Countries Cieties Congress, 01.09. - 03.09.2015, Paris
Year: 2015 - Analyzing rail road terminal performance in the forest wood supply chain
Autoren: Gronalt, M; Rauch, P
Event: 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources SSAFR 2015
Year: 2015 - Simulation-optimisation based decision-support for coordinated disaster relief last mile distribution
Autoren: Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Goellner, J; Hirsch, P
Event: HMS 2015 - The 17th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation
Year: 2015 - Decision-support for coordinated last-mile distribution during disasters
Autoren: Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: International Conference on Operations Research OR 2015
Year: 2015 - User experience (UX) and product development process in the prefabricated housing industry
Autoren: Gronalt, M.; Grenzfurtner, W.
Event: EurOMA Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Production planning with heuristics and MIP model solution considering different planning horizons
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: CORS/INFORMS International Conference
Year: 2015 - Urban Mobility Lab Freight 4.0
Autoren: Gronalt, M; Posset, P; Protic, S; König, B
Event: Smart-City-Memorandum
Year: 2015 - RAGOUT - Risikoanalyse Güterverkehr - Organisation, Umsetzung und Technologien
Autoren: Fikar, C; Berariu, R; Gronalt, M
Event: Forschungsmarkttag 2015 der WFE/BMLVS
Year: 2014 - Applying the SD Approach to Cascading Effects in Case of Flood Events
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2014 "Integrative Risk Management - The role of science, technology & practice"
Year: 2014 - Modelling the hardwood chain
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Gronalt, M., Kühle, S.
Event: IAWS Plenary Meeting 2014 - Eco-efficient resource Wood with special focus on hardwoods
Year: 2014 - Maximizing the performance at a sawmill with optimization models and simple heuristics
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: Workshop on OR in Agriculture and Forest Management
Year: 2014 - Optimizing the log yard assignment problem given different diameter distributions and volumes
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research SocietiesIFORS 2014
Year: 2014 - Flooding events and their cascading effects – analyzing the impact on disaster relief with System Dynamics
Autoren: Berariu, R; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P (2014)
Event: The 32nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
Year: 2014 - Natural disasters and their cascading effects – analyzing the impact on disaster relief with the system dynamics method
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: EMCSR 2014 - European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research - Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences
Year: 2014 - Simulation of continuous drying process including different technologies
Autoren: Hüttler, B., Teischinger, A., Gronalt, M.
Event: IAWS Plenary Meeting 2014 - Eco-efficient resource Wood with special focus on hardwoods
Year: 2014 - Modelling simulation-based decision support in the last mile of crisis management
Autoren: Peer, A; Fikar, C; Hirsch, P; Göllner, J; Gronalt, M; Quirchmayr, G
Event: EMCSR 2014 - European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research - Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences
Year: 2013 - ALTCARE - Alternative Konzepte in der urbanen Hauskrankenpflege
Autoren: Fikar, C., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: Science meets Business 2013 - Die BOKU und ihre Rolle im Innovationsprozess
Year: 2013 - Modelling of intermodal networks
Autoren: Etlinger, K., Schindlbacher, E., Gronalt, M.
Event: 15th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Mulitmodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation 2013
Year: 2013 - Short term multi-period production planning at a sawmill – a comparison of different optimization models with simple heuristics
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013
Year: 2013 - The box assignment problem in log yards
Autoren: Huka, MA; Rathke, J; Gronalt, M
Event: EURO Mini-Conference Graz-2013
Year: 2013 - Optimizing the production planning at a sawmill with linear programming and simple heuristics
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: International Conferenceon Operations Research OR 2013
Year: 2013 - ALTCARE - Alternative mobility concepts in urban home health care
Autoren: Fikar, C., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: VRP2013: European Spring School on Vehicle Routing
Year: 2012 - Minimierung von Fahrzeiten und Treibhausgasen im Holztransport – Vergleich eines matheuristischen Lösungsverfahrens mit einer dynamischen Tabu Search Metaheuristik
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: EULOG 2012
Year: 2012 - The Box Assignment Problem in Log Yards
Autoren: Huka, MA; Rathke, J; Gronalt, M
Event: 2nd Biennial International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Biobased Products Industries PTF BPI 2012
Year: 2012 - Smart Value Chain Wood
Autoren: Huka, MA; Gronalt, M
Event: COST Workshop Green Engineering Camp GEC 2012
Year: 2012 - Scheduling of Wood drying chambers
Autoren: Huka, M., Rindler, C., Gronalt, M.
Event: IUFRO Conference Division 5 2012 - Forest Products 2012
Year: 2012 - Minimizing driving times and greenhouse gas emissions in timber transport with a near-exact solution approach
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Zazgornik, J., Henriksen, C.B., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: ORP3 - Operation Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme, A EURO Conference for young OR researchers
Year: 2012 - Environmental impacts versus driving times - The routing of log-trucks with a new near-exact solution approach
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 25th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2012
Year: 2012 - Multilevel neighborhood search for solving full truckload routing problems arising in timber transportation
Autoren: Derigs, U., Pullmann, M., Vogel, U., Oberscheider, M., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: EURO Mini Conference XXVIII on Variable Neighborhood Search
Autoren: Benno Hüttler, Jan Zazgornik, Manfred Gronalt
Year: 2012 - Key Performance Indicators for Intermodal Transportation
Autoren: Posset, M., Häuslmayer, H., Gronalt, M.
Event: 6th International Symposium "Network for Mobility"
Year: 2012 - Capacity Evaluation of Inland Container Terminals - The Simulation Based Approach of Simcont
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Posset, M., Rojas-Navas, T.
Event: The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems
Year: 2011 - Process improvement on a log yard using double and single stage problem solving
Autoren: Huka, MA; Rathke, J; Gronalt, M
Event: Young Academics' Management Science YAMS 2011
Year: 2011 - SimShunt - a fast simulation tool for capacity analysis of shunting yards.
Autoren: Hüttler, B., Gronalt, M., Zazgornik, J.
Event: 14th International Conference on Harbour, Maritime Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation 2011
Year: 2011 - System Dynamics Modell des Versorgungsnetzwerks Holzbiomasse
Autoren: Rauch P., Hahn H., Gronalt M., Schwarzbauer P.
Event: 11. LogistikmanagementLM 2011 - Herausforderungen,Chancen & Lösungen
Year: 2011 - SSC und SIM-SIC! - Secure Supply Chains
Autoren: Häuslmayer, H., Schindlbacher, E., Gronalt, M.
Event: Fachtagung Sicherheitsforschung 2011
Year: 2011 - SimConT - Theory and Practice in Simulation of Binnenland Container Terminnals
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Posset, M., Rojas-Navas, T.
Event: 14th International Conference on Harbour, Maritime Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation 2011
Year: 2010 - Using Auction Mechanisms for Coordinating Container Flows in Intermodal Freight Transport Networks
Autoren: Schindlbacher, E. and Gronalt, M.
Event: The European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2010
Year: 2010 - Scheduling of Home Health Care Services in Times of Natural Disasters
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Gronalt, M., Trautsamwieser, A.
Event: ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - Mass-customizing veneer: A basic concept of a new veneer retailing structure
Autoren: Jazaeri-Thomas, L., Gronalt, M., Teischinger, A.
Event: 4th Conference on Hardwood Research and Utilisation in Europe 2010 - Hardwood Science and Technology
Year: 2010 - Holzterminal. Innovatives Logistikkonzept für interoperational und intermodal regionale Knotenpunkte
Autoren: Etlinger K., Gronalt M., Rauch P.
Event: I2v Workshop 2010
Year: 2010 - Combined vehicle routing and foldable container scheduling
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Hirsch, P., Gronalt, M.
Event: 24th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2010
Year: 2010 - The impact of using foldable containers in wood transport
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P., Zazgornik, J.
Event: 24th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2010
Year: 2010 - Tourenplanung mit faltbaren Containern bei Holztransporten
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Logistik. Geographische Informationssysteme und Optimierung 2010
Year: 2009 - Vehicle Routing and container scheduling in round timber transport
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: ODYSSEUS 2009 - International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics
Year: 2009 - Was Binnenland-Container-Terminals können müssen
Autoren: Gronalt, M.
Event: Cash Logistik Gespräche 2009
Year: 2009 - Integrated empty container management and vehicle routing in timber transport
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 23rd European Conference on Operational Research 2009
Year: 2009 - Customization of parquet production by naturally designed hardwood floors
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Gronalt, M.
Event: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing ISCHP/09 2009
Year: 2009 - Vehicle Routing and Container Scheduling in Timber Transport
Autoren: Zazgornik, J.; Gronalt, M.; Hirsch, P.
Event: Agricultural and Natural Resources Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Multi-Agent Simulation for Analysing Inland Container Terminal Networks
Autoren: Schindlbacher, E., Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H.
Event: International Mediterranean and Latin American Modeling Multiconference 2009 - International Workshop on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation
Year: 2008 - Produktionsplanung und Materialflussimulation in der Sägeindustrie
Autoren: Greigeritsch, T., Gronalt, M.
Event: Internationale Holzmesse Klagenfurt 2008
Year: 2008 - Assessing performance indicators for inland terminals
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Posset, M., Benna, T.
Event: 11th International Workshop on Harbor, Maritime Multimodal Logistics Modeling & Simulation
Year: 2008 - A risk assessment approach for inland container terminals
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Jammernegg, W., Schindlbacher, E., Weishäupl, M.
Event: 11th International Workshop on Harbor, Maritime Multimodal Logistics Modeling & Simulation
Year: 2008 - Generic simulation for rail-road container terminals
Autoren: Benna, T.; Gronalt, M.
Event: 40th Conference on Winter Simulation 2008
Year: 2008 - Optimizing hinterland terminal operation using simulation and neural networks
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Benna, T., Posset, M.
Event: 20th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium
Year: 2008 - Conceptual approach for measuring the process quality of intermodal hinterland terminals
Autoren: Posset, M., Gronalt, M., Benna, T.
Event: REAL CORP 2008
Year: 2008 - The terminal location problem in a cooperative forest fuel supply network
Autoren: Rauch, P., Gronalt, M.
Event: Forests and Forestry - Risks, Challenges, Solutions
Year: 2008 - Logistische Optimierung in der forstlichen Biomasseversorgung
Autoren: Rauch, P., Gronalt, M.
Event: Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz 2008
Year: 2008 - The terminal location problem in a cooperative forext fuel supply network
Autoren: Rauch, P., Gronalt, M.
Event: OR 50 2008
Year: 2007 - New plant concepts for the industrial production of natural wood panels
Autoren: Mandl, Viktoria; Penker, Arnulf; Gronalt, Manfred; Kandelbauer, Andreas
Event: International Panel Products Symposium IPPS 2007
Year: 2007 - Austria - Input Wood Processing Strategy
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Schwarzbauer, P., Eder, A., Gronalt, M.
Event: COST Action E44, Regional Interactions in the Forestry Wood-industry Chain 2007
Year: 2007 - Workshop SimCont.Net
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Benna, T., Posset, M.
Event: Messe Transport Logistics
Year: 2007 - Short and medium term production planning and material flow simulation in sawmilling industry
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Greigeritsch, T., Teischinger, A.
Event: Modelling the wood chain: forestry - wood industry - wood product markets 2007
Year: 2007 - Naturally designed wood floors
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Häuslmayer, H., Gellhart, J., Kny, B., Gronalt, M.
Event: 3rd European Hardwood Conference 2007 - Hardwood Research and Utilizatin in Europe
Year: 2007 - Naturally designed hardwood floors
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Häuslmayer, H., Gelhart, J., Kny, B., Gronalt, M.
Event: 3rd European Hardwood Conference 2007 - Hardwood Research and Utilizatin in Europe
Year: 2007 - A Hierarchical Transportation Planning and Scheduling Approach in the Forest-Wood Supply Chain
Autoren: Gronalt, M.
Event: Informs International Puerto Rico 07
Year: 2007 - Mass customized production and design process for the parquet flooring industry
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Teischinger, A.
Event: 1st Conference COST E53 2007 - Quality Control for Wood and Wood Products
Year: 2006 - A Tool for Quick Layout and Equipment Portfolio Evaluation and Simulation of Hinterland Container Terminal Operations
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Benna, T., Posset, M.
Event: Workshop on Virtual Environments for Advanced Modelling
Year: 2006 - Kundenindividuelle Massenfertigung bei Parkettproduktion und der einsatz von RFID
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H.
Event: Internationale Konferenz zur Automation in der Holzwirtschaft, Berner Fachhochschule Architektur, Holz und Bau
Year: 2006 - Kundenindividuelle Massenfertigung bei Parkettproduktion und der Einsatz von RFID
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H.
Event: Internationale Konferenz zur Automation in der Holzwirtschaft 2006
Year: 2006 - Taktische Transportmengenplanung, Fahrzeugeinsatz- und Ladungsträgereinsatzplanung in der Lieferkette Forst-Holz-Papier
Autoren: Gronalt, M.
Event: Innovationen im Versorgungsverkehr der Holz- und Papierindustrie
Year: 2006 - Optimierung der Versorgungsketten von Wald-Biomasse durch ein überregionales Logistik- und Versorgungsnetzwerk
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Rauch, P.
Event: Gemeinschaftsseminar von: PROGIS Software AG, KLEFFMANN & Partner Gmbh & Co.Marktforschung, ZALF Inst.f.Landschaftssystemanalyse, KBM - Kuratorium Bayerischer Maschinenringe e.V.
Year: 2006 - Materialflusssimulation und kurzfristige Produktionsplanung für Sägewerke
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Greigeritsch, T.
Event: Internationale Konferenz zur Automation in der Holzwirtschaft, Berner Fachhochschule Architektur, Holz und Bau
Year: 2006 - Production planning and use of material flow simulation in sawmilling industries
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Greigeritsch, T.
Event: 21st European Conference on Operational Research EURO XXI
Year: 2006 - Materialflusssimulation und kurzfristige Produktionsplanung für Sägewerke
Autoren: Greigeritsch, T., Gronalt, M.
Event: Internationale Konferenz zur Automation in der Holzwirtschaft 2006
Year: 2006 - Evaluation of in process storage and warehouse capacities in an MDF production plant
Autoren: Penker, A., Barbu, M.C., Gronalt, M.
Event: 17th International DAAAM Symposium 2006 - Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Mechatronics & Robotics
Year: 2006 - Evaluation of in process storage and warehouse capacities in an MDF production plant
Autoren: Barbu, M., Gronalt, M., Penker, A.
Event: Wood resources and panel properties - COST Action E44 - E49 2006
Year: 2006 - Evaluation of in process storage and warehouse capacities in an MDF production plant
Autoren: Penker, A., Barbu, M.C., Gronalt, M.
Event: 17th International DAAAM Symposium 2006 - Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Mechatronics & Robotics
Year: 2006 - SimConT: A Tool for Quick Layout and Equipment Portfolio Evaluation and Simulation of Hinterland Container Terminal Operations
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Benna, T., Posset, M.
Event: VEAM IFIP Working Group 7.6 Workshop on Virtual Environments for Advanced Modelling
Year: 2006 - Mass Customization in the wood-working industry: simulation based research of new production concepts
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Teischinger, A.
Event: Conference of International Mass Customization
Year: 2005 - Customized Wood Design of Floors
Autoren: Teischinger, A., Gelhart, J., Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Patzelt, M.
Event: Broad Spectrum Utilisation of Wood. Proceedings of the COST Action E44 Conference 2005
Year: 2005 - Kostensenkung in der Lieferkette Holz durch Einführung eines lieferantengeführten Lagers
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Vötter, S.
Event: Holz Innovativ 2005
Year: 2005 - Designing a regional forest fuel supply network
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Rauch, P.
Event: International Bioenergy in Wood Industry. Conference and Exhibition
Year: 2005 - Timber Transport Vehicle Routing Problems: Formulation and Heuristic Solution
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society GOR 2005
Year: 2005 - Estimating a regions net available potential of forest fuel
Autoren: Rauch, P., Gronalt, M.
Event: Scientific Seminar - Bioenergy in Agriculture
Year: 2005 - A Tabu Search based Solution Method to optimize Round timber Transport
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 6th Metaheuristics International Conference MIC 2005
Year: 2005 - Mass Customization in the Wood-Working Industry - Concepts for customized wooden floorings
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Teischinger, A.
Event: International Mass Customization Meeting 2005 IMCM'05
Year: 2005 - Mass Customization in the Wood-Working Industry - Concepts for customized wooden floorings
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Häuslmayer, H., Teischinger, A.
Event: International Mass Customization Meeting 2005 IMCM'05
Year: 2004 - Logistical Evaluation of replacement investments: A case study for an infrastructure supplier
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics
Year: 2003 - The use of simulation to support replacement investment decisions in production systems
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P., Schmid, V.
Event: 14th International DAAAM Symposium 2003
Year: 2003 - VRP with interdependent Time Windows - A Case Study for the Austrian Red Cross Blood Program
Autoren: Doerner K.F., Gronalt M., Hartl R.F., Reimann M. and Zisser K.
Event: GOR Proceedings
Year: 2002 - Savings Ants for the Vehicle Routing Problem
Autoren: Doerner K.F., Gronalt M., Hartl R.F, Reimann M., Strauss C. and Stummer M.
Event: Apllication of Evolutionary Computing
Year: 2001 - Optimizing Real Time Operations in Transportation with an Ant System
Autoren: Doerner K., Gronalt M., Hartl R.F. and Reimann M.
Event: Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis IV
Year: 1996 - Job sequencing and component setup on a surface mounted placement machine
Autoren: Günther H.O., Gronalt M. und Zeller R.
Event: Proceedings Workshop on Production Planning and Control
Year: 1996 - Ermittlung von Leistungsvorgaben für einen Transportkran
Autoren: Asprion B. und Gronalt M.
Event: Proceedings DAAAM
Year: 1995 - Job sequencing and component setup on a surface mount placement machine
Autoren: Günther H.O., Gronalt M. und Zeller R.
Event: 13th International Conference on Production Research
Year: 1995 - A Linear Programming Model for Workload Planning in Printed Circuit Board Assembly
Autoren: Günther H.O., Gronalt M. und Piller F.
Event: 22nd Annual Meeting of DGOR in Cooperation with NSOR. 1993
Year: 1994 - Intelligent production management in casting
Autoren: Gronalt M. und Mandl C.E.
Event: IFAC Workshop: IMS 1994
Year: 1992 - Scheduling of production processes: Workshop overview
Autoren: Fröschl und Gronalt M.
Event: ECAI 92, 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1992
Year: 1991 - Engpassanalyse eines flexiblen Fertigungssystems mit Hilfe von Computersimulationen
Autoren: Gronalt M., Katalinic B. und Schmid M.
Event: Proceedings 1991
Year: 1991 - Layout, Design and Capacity Planning of a Multiechelon Manufacturing System by Means of Discrete Event Simulation
Autoren: Gronalt M. und Schmid M.
Event: Proceedings of ESM 91