Manfred Kühleitner
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Manfred Kühleitner
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2018 - Einfluss unterschiedlicher Temperatur- und Zeitkombinationen auf den Gehalt an Vitamin E von Körnermais
Autoren: Puntigam, R; Wallsberger, F; Brunner, N; Kühleitner, M; Gierus, M
Event: 130. VDLUFA-KONGRESS 2018
Year: 2014 - Application of the log-normal model for long term high affinity antibody/antigen interactions using Bio-Layer Interferometry
Autoren: Wallner, J; Kühleitner, M; Brunner, N; Lhota, G; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Event: Department Seminar
Year: 2014 - Anwendung des Lognormalmodells in der Biolayer - Interferometrie
Autoren: Wallner, J; Kühleitner, M; Brunner, N; Lhota, G; Vorauer-Uhl, K,
Event: Department Seminar
Year: 2012 - Omega results for a class of arithmetic functions (On a question of A. Schinzel)
Autoren: Nowak, W.G., Kühleitner, M.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Uniform Distribution Theory UDT 2012
Year: 2010 - Modellbildung und Simulation mit Exel II
Autoren: N. Brunner, M. Kühleitner
Event: Lehrerfortbildung
Year: 2009 - "Modellbildung und Simulation mit Excel"
Autoren: Manfred Kühleitner, Norbert Brunner
Event: BRG Hamerlingstr. 18, 4020 Linz
Year: 2008 - Rational optimisation of Pichia pastoris fed batch cultivation for improved productivity of heterologous proteins
Autoren: Michael Maurer, Kristin Baumann, Manfred Kühleitner, Pau Ferrer, Diethard Mattanovich
Event: 7th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science ESBES 7 2008
Year: 2006 - A rational approach to optimize feed profiles for the maximization of productivity of secreted proteins expressed in Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Maurer M., Gasser B., Kühleitner M., Mattanovich D.
Event: 4th Recombinant Protein Production Meeting RPP EFB 2006 - A Comparative View on Host Physiology
Year: 2006 - A rational approach to optimize feed profiles for the maximization of productivity of secreted proteins expressed in Pichia pastoris
Autoren: Michael Maurer, Brigitte Gasser, Manfred Kühleitner, Diethard Mattanovich
Event: Bioengineering course
Year: 2004 - Eine untere Abschätzung für den Gitterrest eines dreidimensionalen Rotationskörpers
Autoren: Kühleitner, M.
Event: Conference on Elementary and Analytic Number Theory ELAZ '04 2004
Year: 2004 - Lattice points in large regions and related arithmetic functions: Recent developments in a very classic topic.
Autoren: Ivic, A., Krätzel, E., Kühleitner, M., Nowak, W.G.
Event: Conference on Elementary and Analytic Number Theory ELAZ '04 2004
On the class number of binary quadratic forms.
Autoren: Kühleitner, M.
Über Klassenzahlen binärer quadratischer Formen.
Autoren: Kühleitner, M.