Mario Klösch
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Mario Klösch
Instiute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research
Location Muthgasse 107, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81913
- 2011 - 2011 Marshall Plan Scholarship at the University of Mississippi
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Year: 2024 - Morphological evolution and river restoration in a Thaya border-section
Autoren: Haimann, M; Gmeiner, P; Klösch, M; Holzapfel, P; Krapesch, M; Habersack, H
Event: 12th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics
Year: 2023 - Bridging Gaps between Laboratory and Field in analysing Bedload Tracers
Autoren: Klösch, M; Pessenlehner, S; Gmeiner, Ph; Habersack, H
Event: 40th IAHR World Congress 2023
Year: 2023 - Inventory and outlook of sediment research in the Rhine Catchment
Autoren: Krapesch, M; Klösch, M; Ten Brinke, W; Habersack, H
Event: 5th International Conference on the Status and Future of the World‘s Large Rivers 2023
Year: 2022 - Width Estimator for Restored Streams (Widest) II: Model Application
Autoren: Dunst, R; Klösch, M; Langendoen, E; Habersack, H
Event: 39th IAHR World Congress 2022
Year: 2022 - Width Estimator for Restored Streams (Widest). I: Model Development
Autoren: Klösch, M; Langendoen, E; Dunst, R; Habersack, H
Event: 39th IAHR World Congress 2022
Year: 2022 - Investigation of the morphological and ecohydraulic evolution in the course of river restoration works in a transboundary section of the Thaya River
Autoren: Haimann, M; Klösch, M; Holzapfel, P; Steiner, F; Merl, K; Busch, E; Krapesch, M; Tomaschitz, C; Baumann, P; Habersack, H
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Year: 2019 - Research on alpine sediment processes, morphodynamics and ecosystem behaviour considering extreme events
Autoren: Liedermann, M; Rindler, R; Aigner, J; Kreisler, A; Glock, K; Pessenlehner, S; Klösch, M; Habersack, H
Event: 38th IAHR World Congress 2019
Year: 2018 - HyMoCARES - Integration von Ökosystemdienstleistungen alpiner Fließgewässer in Planungs- und Managementaktivitäten mit Einfluss auf hydromorphologische Prozesse
Autoren: Klösch, M; Habersack, H
Event: Flussbautagung 2018 - Rivers without borders
Year: 2018 - The Bed Shear Stress inside and around a circular Patch of Vegetation
Autoren: Klösch, M; Busch, E; Gmeiner, Ph; Glas, M; Haimann, M; Sindelar, C; Egger, G; Habersack, H
Event: 5th IAHR Europe Congress 2018 - New Challenges in Hydraulic Research and Engineering
Year: 2018 - Sedimenthaushalt und Flussmorphologie als Voraussetzung für Habitatqualität
Autoren: Klösch, M; Habersack, H
Event: ANL Fachtagung FFH-Lebensraumtypen Alpiner Fließgewässer – Monitoring und Management
Year: 2018 - Research on Alpine sediment processes, morphodynamics and ecosystem behaviour considering extreme events
Autoren: Liedermann, M; Rindler, R; Glock, K; Aigner, J; Pessenlehner, S; Klösch, M; Kreisler, A
Event: ESS Projektworkshop 2018
Year: 2018 - Wieviel Platz braucht ein Fluss?
Autoren: Klösch, M
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2018
Year: 2017 - Parameterization of shrubby riparian vegetation for mechanically based modelling of plant deformation in flowing water
Autoren: Waygand, M; Klösch, M; Buchinger, M; Tritthart, M; Baur, P; Egger, G; Pfemeter, M; Sindelar, C; Habersack, H
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Streamwise decrease of the ’unsteady’ virtual velocity of gravel tracers
Autoren: Klösch, M; Gmeiner, Ph; Habersack, H.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2016 - Funktionalität und Erkenntnisse aus den im Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-Altenburg getesteten flussbaulichen Maßnahmen
Autoren: Liedermann, M; Gmeiner, P; Tritthart, M; Klösch, M; Habersack, H
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2015 - Deriving formulas for an unsteady virtual velocity from field tracer measurements
Autoren: Klösch, M; Habersack, H
Event: Gravel Bed Rivers 8 2015 - Gravel Bed Rivers and Disasters
Year: 2015 - The Hydromorphological Evaluation Tool
Autoren: Habersack, H; Klösch, M
Event: International Conference on River and Stream Restoration - Novel Approaches to Assess and Rehabilitate Modified rivers
Year: 2015 - Calculating erosion rates of river bank sediment by combining field measurements of erodibility parameters and small-scale topographic features – A case study at the Danube River
Autoren: Pfemeter, M; Klösch, M; Langendoen, E.J; Habersack, H
Event: 14th International Symposium Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering
Year: 2014 - Deriving formulas for gravel transport velocity from tracer measurements
Autoren: Klösch, M; Habersack, H
Event: River Flow 2014
Year: 2013 - Effects of bedload input on channel widening in a restored section of the Drau River, Austria
Autoren: Klösch, M; Tritthart, M; Blamauer, B; Habersack, H
Event: 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology 2013
Year: 2011 - Riverbank stability analysis considering the limited longitudinal extent of mass failures
Autoren: Klösch M., Habersack H.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2011 - Riverbank erosion processes within a major bank restoration project
Autoren: Kloesch, M., Liedermann, M., Habersack, H.
Event: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Year: 2011 - Refining parameterization of bar vegetation roughness based on in-situ-measurements of vegetation bending during flood events
Autoren: Blamauer, B., Klösch, M., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H.
Event: 34th IAHR World Congress - Balance and Uncertainty 2011
Year: 2010 - Riverbank erosion induced by gravel bar accretion
Autoren: Klösch M., Habersack H.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2010
Year: 2010 - Modeling of near-bank flow velocities during flow events as basis for developing bank erosion equations
Autoren: Klösch, M.; Tritthart, M., Habersack, H.
Event: International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2010
Year: 2009 - Monitoring geometry and timing of riverbank failures during flood events
Autoren: Klösch M., Blamauer B., Habersack H.
Event: 33rd IAHR Congress 2009 - Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment
Year: 2009 - Monitoring and Modeling of Riverbank Stability with Consideration of Matric Potential-Case Study at the Drava River Austria
Autoren: Kloesch M, Loiskandl W, Habersack H
Event: International Symposium on Floods and Modern Methods of Control Measures 2009
Year: 2008 - Flussaufweitung an der Grenzmur - ein Beitrag zur Sohlstabilisierung
Autoren: Habersack H., Hornich R., Klösch M.
Event: Internationales Symposium Neue Anforderungen an den Wasserbau 2008
Year: 2008 - Sediment input and self-initiated riverbank erosion to mitigate channel incision: methods for monitoring the effectiveness of a new management technique
Autoren: Kloesch M., Tritthart M., Liedermann M., Habersack H.
Event: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Year: 2008 - Monitoring the effectiveness of material input and self-initiated bank erosion in mitigating channel incision at the Mur River, Austria
Autoren: Klösch M., Habersack H.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2008
Year: 2006 - Hydraulische, flussmorphologische und ökologische Auswirkungen von Gewässeraufweitungen
Event: Workshop Flussaufweitungen 2006, VAW der ETH Zürich
Year: 2006 - Riverbank Hydrology and Channel Width Adjustment: The Importance of Matric Potential in Monitoring and Modelling Riverbank Erosion Processes - Case Study at the Drau River, Austria
Autoren: Klösch M., Niederbrucker R., Kammerer G., Loiskandl W., Formann E., Seitz H., Tritthart M., Liedermann M., Habersack H.,
Event: International Symposium, Soil Physics and Rural Water Management SOPHYWA - Progress, Needs and Challenges 2006
Year: 2006 - Riverbank Hydrology and Channel Width Adjustment: The Importance of Matric Potential in Monitoring and Modelling Riverbank Erosion Processes - Case Study at the Drau River, Austria
Autoren: Klösch M., Niederbrucker R., Kammerer G., Loiskandl W., Formann E., Seitz H., Tritthart M., Liedermann M., Habersack H.,
Event: International Symposium, Soil Physics and Rural Water Management SOPHYWA - Progress, Needs and Challenges 2006
Supervised Theses
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