Melanie Pichler
Univ.Prof. MMag.Dr. Melanie Pichler
Institute of Social Ecology
Location Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73718
ORCID: 0000-0001-6224-1609
AuthorId : 55937578500
- 2024 Professor of Social Ecology (BOKU University)
- 2023 Venia Docendi (PD) in Political Science (BOKU University)
- 2022 Research fellow at the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Futures of Sustainability" (University of Hamburg)
- 2020 Research fellow at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Lao Office, Vientiane (University of Bern)
- 2018 Transfer Institute of Social Ecology to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2015 Post-doc researcher at the Institute of Social Ecology (University of Klagenfurt)
- 2013 - 2015 Post-doc researcher at the Department of Political Science (University Vienna)
- 2013 PhD in Political Science (University Vienna)
- 2010 - 2012 Affiliated researcher (Austrian Institute for International Affairs)
- 2011 - 2012 Project freelance researcher (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE))
- 2009 MA in Political Science (University Vienna)
- 2009 MA in International Development Studies (University Vienna)
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Year: 2024 - Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung? Die New International Economic Order und die Zukunft der Süd-Nord-Beziehungen (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung? Buchpräsentation und Podiumsdiskussion mit Ulrich Brand, Daniel Fuchs, Melanie Pichler, Werner Raza, Alex Veit (Moderation: Jenny Simon)
Period: 24.04.2024 | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
ÖFSE - Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung | Organizer:
Universität Wien, Department of Political Science
Year: 2024 - Sozial-ökologische Gerechtigkeit. Eine Annäherung aus der Perspektive der Politischen Ökologie (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: ISOE-Kolloquium
Period: 24.09.2024 | Location: Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland | Organizer:
Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung GmbH
Year: 2024 - Konflikte und Machtverhältnisse im Kontext der sozial-ökologischen Transformation (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Seminarreihe Klimagerechtigkeit: Ethische Reflexion und transformatives Handeln
Period: 15.05.2024 - 15.05.2024 | Location: Krems an der Donau, Österreich | Organizer:
University for Continuing Education Krems
Year: 2024 - Von der Klimakrise zu Klimagerechtigkeit (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Online-Ringvorlesung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung. Die Dienstagsvorlesungen: Politische Streitfragen unserer Gegenwart
Period: 04.06.2024 - 04.06.2024 | Location: Wien, Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung
Year: 2024 - Power in transformative policy analysis. Dimensions and conceptual considerations (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: International Conference on Historical-Materialist Policy Analysis 2024
Period: 09.10.2024 - 11.10.2024 | Location: Wien, Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
University of Vienna
Year: 2024 - Von der Klimakrise zu Klimagerechtigkeit. Welcher der umkämpften Wege führt in eine klimafreundliche Zukunft? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Online-Ringvorlesung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung. Die Dienstagsvorlesungen: Politische Streitfragen unserer Gegenwart
Period: 28.05.2024 - 28.05.2024 | Location: Wien, Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung
Year: 2024 - Forests, people, climate impacts: socio-ecological dimensions of forest transitions in Europe and Southeast Asia (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Pichler, M
Event: Research Seminar Political Ecology of Forests
Period: 13.09.2024 - 13.09.2024 | Location: Krakau, Krakau, Polen | Organizer:
Jagiellonian University
Year: 2024 - Negotiating Biophysical Limits of the Bioeconomy in EU Policy (Talk)
Autoren: Fleischmann, B; Mayer, A; Görg, C; Pichler, M
Event: 22nd Annual STS Conference Graz 2024 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies"
Period: 06.05.2024 - 08.05.2024 | Location: Graz, Österreich | Organizer:
Graz University of Technology | Organizer:
IFZ-Interuniversitäres Zentrum für Technik, Arbeit und Kultur | Organizer:
Institute of Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS)
Year: 2024 - Negotiating biophysical limits in the European Union's bioeconomy: a critical analysis of two conflicts on regulating biomass use in EU policy (Talk)
Autoren: Fleischmann, B; Mayer, A; Görg, C; Pichler, M
Event: 10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2024
Period: 18.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 | Location: Pontevedra, Spain | Organizer:
University of Vigo
Year: 2023 - Fachvortrag: Political dimensions of social-ecological transformations. Polity, politics, policy (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Öffentliches Habilitationskolloquium
Period: 20.06.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Contested politics and power relations in forest transitions in Lao PDR (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: What sustainability within which transitions?
Period: 23.02.2023 - 24.02.2023 | Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Year: 2023 - Teilnahme am Panel 2: Widerstände für den sozial-ökologischen Umbau überwinden: Wie kann die Industrie für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätswende umgebaut werden? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Gemeinsam für den Umbau kämpfen. Antworten auf sozial-ökologische Konflikte, Arbeiterkammer Wien
Period: 13.12.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Contested forest politics in Lao PDR (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Lecture in the seminar "Uneven Development in Southeast Asia"
Period: 04.12.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Beyond the jobs-versus-environment dilemma? Contested social-ecological transformations in the automotive industry (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Lecture in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree EPOG+: Economic policies for the global transition
Period: 20.10.2023 | Location: Paris, France
Year: 2023 - Lehrvortrag: Warum und wie analysieren wir Macht in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Öffentliches Habilitationskolloquium
Period: 20.06.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Die Klimakrise bearbeiten, aber wie? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Vortragsreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung (ÖGPB) "Evidenzbasierter Glaube gegen postfaktische Herrschaftskritik"
Period: 10.10.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - The intensification of land use: forest transitions in Southeast Asia as a collateral benefit of industrialization? (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Pichler, M; Pollakowski, L; Thongmanivong, S; Bauernschuster, S
Event: Workshop: What sustainability within which transitions?
Period: 23.02.2023 - 24.02.2023 | Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Year: 2023 - Supply-side versus demand-side climate mitigation strategies (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Input for the SEC Wednesday seminar series
Period: 06.12.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Kommentar zum Vortrag von Karl-Werner Brand (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Workshop zu Theoriemodellen von sozial-ökologischer Transformation
Period: 06.06.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Mechanisms of exclusion in forest transitions past and present: examples from Austria and Laos (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M; Gingrich, S; Schmid, M
Event: Keynote for the Lausanne Advanced Seminar in Political Ecology "Forests Pasts and Futures"
Period: 09.11.2023 - 10.11.2023 | Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Year: 2023 - APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein Klimafreundliches Leben: Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungstragende (Talk)
Autoren: Aigner, E; Görg, C; Madner, V; Muhar, A; Novy, A; Posch, A; Steiniger, A; Bohunovsky, L; Essletzbichler, J; Fischer, K; Frey, H; Haas, W; Haderer, M; Hofbauer, J; Hollaus, B; Jany, A; Keller, L; Kubeczko, K; Miess, M; Ornetzeder, M; Penker, M; Pichler, M; Schneider, U; Smetschka, B; Steurer, R; Svanda, N; Theine, H; Weber, M; Wieser, H
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag: Ressourcen im Wandel
Period: 11.04.2023 - 13.04.2023 | Location: Leoben, Austria
Year: 2023 - Wachstum für oder gegen ein gutes Leben? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Akademie für den sozialen und ökologischen Umbau
Period: 19.04.2023 - 21.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2023 - Carbon emissions of land acquisitions in Laos (Talk)
Autoren: Bauernschuster, S; Pichler, M; Nanhthavong,V; Bernhard, R; Epprecht, M; Gingrich, S
Event: Research Seminar at the Institute of Social Ecology
Period: 22.03.2023 | Location: Vienna
Year: 2022 - Von ökologisch ungleichem Tausch zu Post-Wachstum (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung? Die Brandt-Kommission, die New International Economic Order und die Gegenwart 2022
Period: 28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2022 - APCC Special Report Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben (APCC SR Klimafreundliches Leben) [Görg, C., V. Madner, A. Muhar, A. Novy, A. Posch, K. Steininger, E. Aigner (Hrsg.)]. Springer Spektrum: Berlin/Heidelberg (Talk)
Autoren: Görg, C; Haas, W; Pichler, M
Event: Präsentation im Forschungsseminar, Institut für Soziale Ökologie
Period: 07.12.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2021 - Potentials and barriers of superblocks to contribute towards a low carbon transition in Vienna (Talk)
Autoren: Brenner, AK; Rudloff, C; Lorenz, F; Wieser, G; Haas, W; Pichler, M; Wiedenhofer, D; Haberl, H
Event: IOER Annual Conference 2021: Space Transformation
Period: 23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2021 - Discursive and biophysical dimensions of forest use in Laos (Talk)
Autoren: Bauernschuster, S; Pichler, M
Event: International Multidisciplinary Workshop: Contested Society-Nature-Relations. Forest related Emotions, Practices and Conflicts in Times of Societal Change
Period: 27.05.2021 - 28.05.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Between conversion and automobile consensus. Results from a transdisciplinary research project on the role of workers in the transformation of the Austran automotive industry (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M; Wissen, M
Event: Degrowth Conference Vienna 2020:- Strategies for Social Ecological Transformation
Period: 29.05.2020 - 01.06.2020 | Location: Online | Organizer:
Degrowth Vienna
Year: 2020 - Zwischen Transformation und automobilem Konsens. Zur Rolle von Struktur und Beschäftigten in der österreichischen Automobilindustrie (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: 13. AK Klimadialog: Energiezukunft sozial gerecht gestalten
Period: 04.11.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Zwischen Transformation und automobilem Konsens. Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten zum Umbau der österreichischen Autoindustrie (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Präsentation im Rahmen der Online-Podiumsdiskussion "Arbeitsplätze versus Klimaschutz? Krisenpolitik und die Rolle der Gewerkschaften"
Period: 26.11.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Encroaching on the forests. Competing development projects in times of climate change in Laos (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Third Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN): Contested Natures: Power, Possibility, Prefiguration
Period: 22.09.2020 - 25.09.2020 | Location: Brighton, UK
Year: 2020 - Discursive and biophysical dimensions of land sparing policies in Laos and their implications for GHG emissions and food security (Talk)
Autoren: Bauernschuster, S; Pichler, M; Ingalls, M; Thongmanivong, S; Gingrich, S
Event: Research Seminar Institute of Social Ecology
Period: 17.11.2020 | Location: Online | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - The nexus between climate change mitigation and economic development in Laos (Talk)
Autoren: Bauernschuster, S; Gingrich, S; Pichler, M
Event: 11th International Sustainability Transition IST Conference 2020 - Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen
Period: 18.08.2020 - 21.08.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Lessons for crisis recovery from a systematic review of the evidence on decoupling (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Virág, D; Brockway, P; Fishman, T; Hausknost, D; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, B; Schaffartzik, A; Sousa,T; Streeck, J; Creutzig, F
Event: The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference (Session 1: SEM and Covid-19)
Period: 09.07.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Between modernisation and transformation. The Role of EU industrial policy for sustainably transforming the automotive industry (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: 11th International Sustainability Transition IST Conference 2020 - Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen
Period: 18.08.2020 - 21.08.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Hidden Emissions behind the Politics of Nature and Resource Control in Laos (Talk)
Autoren: Bauernschuster, S; Gingrich, S; Pichler, M
Event: Third Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN): Contested Natures: Power, Possibility, Prefiguration
Period: 22.09.2020 - 25.09.2020 | Location: Brighton, UK
Year: 2019 - REDD+ in the context of industrializing land use: political-institutional and biophysical contradictions of forest transitions in Southeast Asia (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M; Gingrich, S
Event: 2nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics 2019 - Resources for a social-ecological transformation
Period: 28.02.2019 - 02.03.2019 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria | Organizer:
University of Innsbruck | Organizer:
Universität Innsbruck (Institut für Geographie), Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (ÖFSE), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Institut für Soziale Ökologie), Universität Wien (Institut für Politikwissenschaft)
Year: 2019 - Green growth or degrowth? A systematic review of potentials to decouple resource use and emissions from economic growth (Talk)
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Virág, D; Brockway, P; Fishman, T; Hausknost, D; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, B; Schaffartzik, A; Sousa, T; Streeck, J; Creutzig, F
Event: Kosmos Conference: Navigating the sustainability transformation in the 21st century. From Alexander von Humboldt's cosmos to today's global challenges
Period: 28.08.2019 - 30.08.2019 | Location: Berlin, Germany | Location: Berlin, Germany | Organizer:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Year: 2019 - Trade-offs and tensions of forest transitions: investigating reforestation processes in Laos and beyond from social and political ecology perspectives (Talk)
Autoren: Gingrich, S; Pichler, M; Bauernschuster, S
Event: Lunch Seminar, Stockholm Environment Institute
Period: 06.11.2019 | Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Year: 2019 - Klimagerechtigkeit (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: 15. Klimastreik - #Das streikende Klassenzimmer
Period: 29.03.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - The stock-flow-service nexus: new directions for social-ecological transformation research (Talk)
Autoren: Görg, C; Wiedenhofer, D; Pichler, M; Plank, C; Haberl, H
Event: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Period: 24.04.2019 - 26.04.2019 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2019 - Weg vom Wachstum: Das letzte gesellschaftliche Tabu? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Wachstum ohne Ende?! Living Library im C3 zur Ausstellung "Endlich Wachstum!"
Period: 25.02.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Flash talk: Provisioning systems, services and the Stock-Flow-Sercive nexus (Talk)
Autoren: Plank, C; Pichler, M; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: Expert Workshop Conceptualizing services and the stock-flow-service nexus
Period: 22.10.2018 - 23.10.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - The Double Materiality of Democracy: Capitalist and Ecological Challenges for Socialecological Transformations (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M; Brand, U; Görg, C
Event: International Workshop Transition Impossible? 2018 - Ambiguous Transformations and the Resilience of Unsustainability
Period: 19.09.2018 - 21.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - The double materiality of democracy in growth societies. Challenges for social-ecological transformations (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M; Brand, U; Görg, C
Event: 6th International Degrowth Conference 2018
Period: 21.08.2018 - 25.08.2018 | Location: Malmö, Sweden
Year: 2018 - Analysing Great Acceleration(s). Analytic challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations (Talk)
Autoren: Görg, C, Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, C; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop Transition Impossible? 2018 - Ambiguous Transformations and the Resilience of Unsustainability
Period: 19.09.2018 - 21.09.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Globale Agenda 2030: Nachhaltige, gerechte, friedliche Weltgesellschaft? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Kultur(en) des Friedens
Period: 15.10.2018 - 17.10.2018 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2017 - Food in a globalized world (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: International conference EAThink: Eat local – think global. Global Citizenship Education | food
Period: 18.09.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Vortrag zu Politische Ökologie – Welche Herausforderungen ergeben sich durch die ökologische Krise? (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Krisenherd Ökologie. Feministische und weitere Kritiken
Period: 12.11.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Discussant of the panel “Political-economic perspectives on (South-)East Asian regionalism” (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M; ten Brink, T; Vogler, C
Event: 3-Länder-Tagung 2016 "Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt"
Period: 30.09.2016 | Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Year: 2016 - Receding into sustainability? Financial crisis and material use in the European Union (Talk)
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Pichler, M
Event: 5th International Degrowth Conference "Creating new visions"
Period: 31.08.2016 | Location: Budapest, Hungary | Location: Budapest, Hungary
Year: 2016 - Demokratisierung der Naturverhältnisse – ein Desiderat (Talk)
Autoren: Brand, U; Görg, C; Pichler, M
Event: Fachtagung "Ziemlich beste Feinde - Das spannungsreiche Verhältnis von Demokratie und Kapitalismus"
Period: 24.06.2016 | Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2016 - Conceptualizing the state in Political Ecology – lessons learned from the German speaking debate (Talk)
Autoren: Görg, C; Brand, U; Pichler, M
Event: Political Ecologies of Conflict, Capitalism and Contestation (PE-3C) - International Conference
Period: 08.07.2016 | Location: Wageningen, Netherlands
Year: 2016 - What’s democracy got to do with it? A political ecology perspective on socio-ecological justice (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: International Conference of the European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE): Undisciplined Environments
Period: 22.03.2016 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2016 - Contribution to the roundtable on “Socio-ecological Transformations in a Global Perspective. Exchanging and Discussing Conceptual Approaches for a Radical Transformation” (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: International Conference of the European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE): Undisciplined Environments
Period: 22.03.2016 | Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2015 - What‘s democracy got to do with it? Eine polit-ökologische Perspektive auf sozial-ökologische Gerechtigkeit (Talk)
Autoren: Pichler, M
Event: Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2015
Period: 28.11.2015 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
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