Michael Fitzka
Mag.rer.nat.Dr.nat.techn. Michael Fitzka
Institute of Physics and Materials Science
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Email michael.fitzka@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-89203
ORCID: 0000-0002-0934-1771
23567595800: AuthorId
J-3623-2019: ResearcherId
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Ultrasonic fatigue testing of short-fiber reinforced PEEK
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Stadler, G; Schönbauer, B; Mayer, H; Pinter, G
Event: 30th Colloquium on Mechanisms of Fatigue
Year: 2024 - Ultrasonic fatigue testing of low alloy QT steel in hot hydrogen gas
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Morgenstern, R; Willard, R; Hörauf, A; Koch, P; Schönbauer, B; Mayer, H
Event: 9th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue
Year: 2021 - Variable amplitude VHCF of 17-4PH stainless steel with inclusion-initiated fracture and stepwise S-N curve
Autoren: Mayer, H Schönbauer, B Fitzka, M Karr, U
Event: 8th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue VHCF8 2021
Year: 2021 - High speed in situ synchrotron observation of super elastic Nitinol fatigue at ultrasonic frequency
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Rennhofer, H;, Catoor, D; Reiterer, M; Lichtenegger, H; Checchia, S; di Michiel, M; Mayer, H
Event: 8th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue VHCF8 2021
Year: 2019 - Designing ultrasonic fatigue testing experiments: Practical considerations and examples
Autoren: Fitzka, M
Event: WPI-iMdc 2019 Spring Meeting
Year: 2019 - Internal inclusion-initiated fracture under very high cycle fatigue axial and torsion loading at different load ratios
Autoren: Karr, U; Schönbauer, B; Fitzka, M; Sandaiji, Y; Tamura, E; Murakami, S; Mayer, H
Event: Fatigue Design 2019
Year: 2019 - High speed in situ synchrotron observation of cyclic deformation and phase transformation of superelastic Nitinol at ultrasonic frequency
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Rennhofer, H; Lichtenegger, H; Irrasch, D; Mayer, H; Checchia, S; di Michiel, M; Grünewald, TA
Event: WPI-iMdc 2019 Spring Meeting
Year: 2018 - Inclusion initiated frature under cyclic torsion and cyclic tension VHCF loading at different load ratios
Autoren: Mayer, H.; Karr, U.; Schönbauer, B.; Fitzka, M.; Sandaiji, Y.; Tamura, E.; Murakami, S.
Event: 12th International Fatigue Congress
Year: 2018 - Influence of inclusions and small defects on cyclic torsion and cyclic tension very high cycle fatigue of martensitic steels
Autoren: Schönbauer, BM; Karr, U; Fitzka, M; Mayer, H
Event: 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials
Year: 2018 - Nitrided 18Ni maraging steel sheet tested at low and ultrasonic frequency
Autoren: Mayer, H.; Karr, U.; Fitzka, M.; Schönbauer, B.; Pennings, B.; Tran, D.
Event: 12th International Fatigue Congress
Year: 2018 - In situ observation of phase transformation in superelastic NiTiNOL shape memory alloy during ultrasonic fatigue testing - Are superelastic phase transformations fast enough?
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Catoor, D; Rennhofer, H; Reiterer, M; Mayer, H; Lichtenegger, H;
Event: 12th International Fatigue Congress
Year: 2017 - Variable amplitude loading of 17-4PH stainless steel in the VHCF regime
Autoren: Schönbauer, BM; Fitzka, M; Karr, U; Mayer, H
Event: 7th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue VHCF7 2017
Year: 2017 - Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing of Thin NiTiNOL Sheets in the VHCF Regime
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Catoor, D; Reiterer, M; Mayer, H
Event: 7th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue VHCF7 2017
Year: 2016 - Ultrasonic fatigue testing of thin MP35N alloy wire
Autoren: M. Fitzka, D. Cantoor, D. Irrasch, M. Reiterer, H. Mayer,
Event: 21st European Conference on Fracture ECF21 2016
Year: 2016 - Trends and Variability of Stratospheric Ozone and Spectral UV Radiation at HoherSonnblick
Autoren: Daniel Rauter, Stana Simic, Michael Fitzka
Event: 4. Sonnblick-Workshop
Year: 2016 - Long Term Trends and Variability of Stratospheric Ozone at Hoher Sonnblick, Austria
Autoren: Rauter, D; Simic, S; Fitzka, M
Event: Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2016
Year: 2015 - Variable amplitude testing of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy using ultrasonic and servo-hydraulic fatigue testing equipment
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Mayer, H
Event: 3rd International Conference on Material and Component Performance under Variable Amplitude Loading, VAL2015
Year: 2015 - Total Ozone and Umkehr Observations at Hoher Sonnblick 1994-2011: Climatology and Extreme Events
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Hadzimustafic, J; Simic, S
Event: The Virtual Alpine Observatory Symposium
Year: 2015 - Herausforderung Messtechnik am Sonnblick-Observatorium: Aufgaben, Entwicklung, Instandhaltung
Autoren: Fitzka, M
Event: 20 Jahre Messung der Ozonschichtdicke und der UV-Strahlung auf dem Hohen Sonnblick 2015
Year: 2014 - VHCF of spray formed hypereutectic aluminium silicon alloy
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Mayer, H; Schuller, R; Stanzl-Tschegg, S; Przeorski, T; Krug, P
Event: Fatigue Design & Material Defects (FDMDII-JIP 2014)
Year: 2014 - Ultrasonic fatigue of spray formed hypereutectic aluminum silicon alloy and vibration analysis by means of non-linear acoustics
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Mayer, H; Schuller, R; Stanzl-Tschegg, S E; Przeorski, T; Krug, P
Event: 6th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue
Year: 2014 - Total ozone and Umkehr observations at Hoher Sonnblick 1994-2011: Climatology and extreme events
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Hadzimustafic, J; Simic, S
Event: NORS/NDACC/GAW workshop
Year: 2014 - Gesamtozon- und Umkehrbeobachtungen am Hohen Sonnblick 1994-2011: Klimatologie und Extremereignisse
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Simic, S; Hadzimustafic, J
Event: 33. Sitzung des Beirats für die Koordination der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten auf dem Sonnblick-Observatorium 2014
Year: 2013 - Ultrasonic Fatigue of Al 2024-T351 and Analysis of Non-Linear Vibration
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Mayer, H; Schuller, R
Event: 24th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms
Year: 2013 - Gesundheitsrisiko Hautkrebs durch UV-Strahlung im Kontext eines sich wandelnden Klimas (UVSkinRisk)
Autoren: Simic, S., Fitzka, M., Hadzimustafic, J., Weihs, P., Wagner, J., Formayer, H., Moshammer, H., Haluza, D., Seckmeyer, G., Schrempf, M.
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Year: 2012 - UV-radiation in the past: Reconstruction and long-term changes in Austria
Autoren: J. Hadzimustafic, S. Simic, and M. Fitzka
Event: International Radiation Symposium IRS 2012 - RADIATION PROCESSES IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN
Year: 2012 - Long-term trends in spectral surface UV irradiance at Hoher Sonnblick (3106 m a.s.l.)
Autoren: M. Fitzka, S. Simic and J. Hadzimustafic
Event: International Radiation Symposium IRS 2012 - RADIATION PROCESSES IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN
Year: 2012 - Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing at Different Load Ratios under Constant and Variable Amplitude (Invited presentation)
Autoren: H. Mayer, M. Fitzka, R. Schuller
Event: TMS 2012
Year: 2012 - Variable Amplitude Loading of 2024-T351 Aluminium Alloy at Low and Ultrasonic Frequency
Autoren: Mayer, H; Fitzka, M; Schuller, R;
Event: Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2012
Year: 2011 - Gesundheitsrisiko Hautkrebs durch UV-Strahlung im Kontext eines sich wandelnden Klimas
Autoren: S. Simic, M. Fitzka, J. Hadzimustafic, P. Weihs, J. Wagner, H. Formayer, H. Moshammer, D. Haluza, G. Seckmeyer, M. Schrempf
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2011 - Factors affecting UV irradiance at several wavelengths at Hoher Sonnblick
Autoren: Simic S., Hadzimustafic J. and Fitzka M.
Event: International Symposium Climate Change in High Mountain Regions 2011 - From Understanding of the Past to Modelling of the Future
Year: 2011 - Variability of spectral UV radiation at the high-altitude mountain observatory Hoher Sonnblick
Autoren: Hadzimustafic J., Fitzka M. and Simic S.
Event: International Symposium Climate Change in High Mountain Regions 2011 - From Understanding of the Past to Modelling of the Future
Year: 2011 - Ultrasonic fatigue testing of 2024-T351 aluminium alloy at different load ratios under constant and variable amplitude
Autoren: H.Mayer, M.Fitzka, R.Schuller
Event: 5th International Conference Very High Cycle Fatigue VHCF-5 2011
Year: 2011 - Long-term trends in spectral surface UV irradiance at Hoher Sonnblick
Autoren: Fitzka M., Hadzimustafic J. and Simic S.
Event: International Symposium Climate Change in High Mountain Regions 2011 - From Understanding of the Past to Modelling of the Future
Year: 2010 - Investigation of the three-dimensional actinic flux field in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, F. Angelini, M. Blumthaler, M. Fitzka, J.P. Gobbi, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H. E. Rieder, A. Webb, and P. Weihs
Event: 10th EMS Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology ECAC 2010
Year: 2010 - Investigation of the three-dimensional actinic flux field in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, F. Angelini, M. Blumthaler, M. Fitzka, J.P. Gobbi, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H. E. Rieder, A. Webb, and P. Weihs
Event: 10th EMS Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology ECAC 2010
Autoren: S. Simic, M. Fitzka, P. Weihs, H. Kromp-Kolb
Event: Workshop on Modelling and Measuring Aspects of some Environmental Issues in European Union and National Projects 2009
Year: 2009 - 15 years of spectral UV-measurements at Sonnblick observatory
Autoren: Michael Fitzka,Stana Simic,Philipp Weihs und Helga Kromp-Kolb
Event: 30th ICAM 2009
Year: 2009 - Comparison of ground-based UV irradiance measurements with satellite-derived values and 1-D and 3-D radiative transfer model calculations in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, A. Arola, M. Blumthaler, M., Fitzka, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H.E. Rieder, S. Simic, A. Webb, P. Weihs
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Comparison of OMI ozone and UV irradiance data with ground-based measurements in Austria
Autoren: S. Simic, P. Weihs, J. Wagner, and M. Fitzka
Event: 9th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology ECAM 2009 - High resolution meteorology - applications and services
Year: 2009 - Charakteristik der UV-Bestrahlungstärke im alpinen Gelände
Autoren: Fitzka, M; Simic, S; Wagner, J; Weihs, P
Event: 3. Österreichischer Meteorologentag 2009
Year: 2009 - Überblick über 15 Jahre spektraler UV- und Gesamtozonmessungen am Hohen Sonnblick
Autoren: S. Simic, M.Fitzka, H. Kromp-Kolb
Event: Forschung im Hochgebirge 2009 - Ergebnisse aktueller Projekte am Sonnblick Observatorium und ein Blick über die Grenzen
Year: 2009 - The Austrian UVB monitoring network: 12 years of observations and 25 years of reconstructed data
Autoren: H.E. Rieder, P. Weihs, M. Blumthaler, S. Simic, A.W. Schmalwieser, J.E. Wagner, B. Schallhart, G. Schauberger, M. Fitzka, F. Holawe, and W. Laube
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Comparison of ground-based UV irradiance measurements with satellite-derived values and 1-D- and 3-D-radiative transfer model calculations in mountainous terrain
Autoren: J.E. Wagner, A. Arola, M. Blumthaler, M., Fitzka, R. Kift, A. Kreuter, H.E. Rieder, S. Simic, A. Webb, P. Weihs
Event: 30th ICAM 2009
Autoren: S. Simic, M. Fitzka, P. Weihs, H. Kromp-Kolb
Event: Workshop on Modelling and Measuring Aspects of some Environmental Issues in European Union and National Projects 2009
Year: 2008 - Monitoring von spektraler UV-Strahlung und Ozon am Hohen Sonnblick seit 1993
Autoren: S. Simic, P. Weihs, M. Fitzka, H. Kromp-Kolb
Event: 25. Sitzung des Beirats für die Koordination der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten auf dem Sonnblick-Observatorium 2008
Year: 2008 - Weiterentwicklung des mobilen Bentham Spektralradiometers zur aktinischen Fluß-Messung
Autoren: Fitzka M., Simic S., Vacek A., Laube W
Event: 10. Österreichischer Klimatag 2008 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2008 - Monitoring von stratosphärischem Ozon und spektraler UV-Strahlung in Österreich
Autoren: S. Simic, P. Weihs, M. Fitzka, A. W. Schmalwieser1, A. Vacek, W. Laube und H. Kromp-Kolb
Event: Symposium UV-Strahlung und Gesundheit in Österreich 2008
Year: 2007 - Aktuelles aus dem Themenbereich „Atmosphärische Strahlung“
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Stana Simic, Jochen Wagner, Katja Richter, Michael Fitzka, Harald Rieder, Andreas Vacek, Wolfgang Laube
Event: Meteorologentag 2007
Year: 2007 - Ozone and spectral UV measurements in Austria during 1994-2006: Climatology and investigations of long- and short term changes
Autoren: Simic, S., Weihs, P., Vacek, h., Kromp-Kolb, H., Fitzka, M.
Event: UV conference 2007 - One century of UV radiation research