Michael Grabner
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Michael Grabner
Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials
Location Konrad Lorenz-Straße 24, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Email michael.grabner@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-89128
Research Focus
dendrochronology, wood utilization, wood quality
- 2005 Promotion, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- 2002 Diploma, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
- Year: 2020 Awards: Congress Award der Stadt Graz
- Year: 2020 Awards: World Wood Day Grant 2020/21
- Year: 2019 Awards: Honorable Mention for Deiscipline Development Mendel University Brno
- Year: 2018 Awards: World Wood Day Grant 2018/19
- Year: 2017 Awards: World Wood Day Grant 2017/18
- Year: 2008 Awards: Josef Umdasch Forschungpreis
- Year: 2006 Awards: Theodor Körner Preis
- Year: 2003 Awards: Preis der Stiftung „120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur“
- Year: 2002 Awards: Klaus Fischer Innovationspreis für Technik und Umwelt
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Towards a complete technological profile of hardwood branches for structural use: Case study on Poisson's ratio
Autoren: Nenning, T; Konnerth,J; Gindl-Altmutter, W; Grabner, M; Hansmann, C; Pramreiter, M
Event: 11th Hardwood Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - From Branch to Beam: Transforming underutilized branch wood into structural building materials
Autoren: Nenning, TJ; Tockner, A; Hansmann, C; Grabner, M; Konnerth, J; Gindl-Altmutter, W; Pramreiter, M;
Event: 26th World Congress - Forests and Society Towards 2050
Year: 2024 - Wood Beyond the Stem: Towards a New Material Concept for Underutilized Branch Wood from Deciduous Trees
Autoren: Nenning, TJ; Tockner, A; Konnerth, J; Grabner, M; Hansmann, C; Gindl-Altmutter, W; Pramreiter, M;
Event: 67th SWST International Convention 2024
Year: 2024 - Upscaling dendroecological studies at different spatial sampling designs - A case study on sessile oaks along a climatic gradient
Autoren: Garamszegi, B; Grabner, M; Gadermaier, J; Wächter, E; Vospernik, S; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2024 - Exploring the influence of climate and soil properties on tree ring formation: Insights from a multispecies tree ring analysis in Central Europe
Autoren: Gadermaier, J; Vospernik, S; Grabner, M, Wächter, E, Garamszegi, B; Katzensteiner, K
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Year: 2023 - Wooden Roofing: Split Shingles versus Sawn Boards
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Wächter, E.
Event: World Wood Day Online Symposium
Year: 2023 - Reagiert Eiche auf Trockenheit?
Autoren: Grabner, M; Meeran, K; Watzinger, A
Event: "Elite"-Eichen aus dem Nationalpark Thayatal
Year: 2023 - Anpassung der zukünftigen Baumartenmischung des Wienerwaldes an mögliche Konsequenzen des Klimawandels aufgrund historischer Trockenstressreaktionen, ermittelt anhand von Standorts-, Boden- und Jahrringanalysen – Projektbericht
Autoren: Berger, T.W.; Grabner, M.; Dolschak, K.; Berger, P.
Event: Sitzung der Steuerungsgruppe „Laubholzforschung und Waldökologie als Grundlagen für zukunftsfitte arten- und strukturreiche Mischwälder“ im Rahmen des Waldfonds (Aufruf Maßnahme 8)
Year: 2023 - Technologische Herausforderungen der Buche
Autoren: Gabner, M; Pramreiter, M
Event: ÖBF Waldbautag
Year: 2023 - Dynamic forest site classification for supporting adaptive forest management under climate change
Autoren: Roland Köck 1, Harald Vacik1 , Manfred J. Lexer1, Michael Kessler1, Yasmin Dorfstetter1 , Michael Englisch 3, David Keßler3, Franz Starlinger3, Judith Schaufler3, Klaus Klebinder3 , Ralf Klosterhuber5 , Gerfried Winkler4 , Marcus Wilhelmy2, Michael Grabner1 , Herbert Formayer1, Klaus Katzensteiner1 , Josef Gadermaier1, Heinz Lick
Event: XVI Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales
Year: 2022 - Research on historic roof structures in Vienna.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Liebich, H.
Event: 3rd Heritage Science Austria Meeting 2022
Year: 2022 - Drought effect on tree-ring δ¹³C of sessile oak from Thayatal national park
Autoren: Meeran, K; Grabner, M; Schott, K; Van Loo, M; Ufimov, R; Watzinger, A
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2022 - Wooden finds suggest a sustainable forestry in prehistoric Hallstatt, Austria. A WWD-research-grant report.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wächter, E., Mayer, K., Weber, A., Reschreiter, H., Kowarik, K.
Event: World Wood Day Symposium 2022
Year: 2022 - Linking climate change induced drought stress and bark beetle susceptibility in Austrian forests with stable isotope methods (13C,18O)
Autoren: Schott, K; Kitzler, B; Hoch, G; Watzinger, A; Ziss, E; Grabner, M; Bauerhansl, C; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2022 - Short distance log transport in Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wächter, E., Nemestothy, S.
Event: From Forest to Heritage 2022
Year: 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - FORSITE - der rote Faden durch das Projekt
Autoren: Vacik, H; Dorfstetter, Y; Lexer, MJ; Katzensteiner, K; Formayer, H; Grabner, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K; Klosterhuber, R; Winkler, G; Wilhelmy, M; Proske, H; Poltnik, W; Podesser, A
Event: Fachtagung Wald im Klimawandel 2022 - Dynamische Waldtypisierung - neues Instrument für die Baumartenwahl
Year: 2022 - X-ray-CT as possibility to date archived samples from Hallstatt, Austria
Autoren: Wächter, E., Reschreiter, H., Kowarik, K., Grabner, M.
Event: From Forest to Heritage 2022
Year: 2022 - Wooden buildings / constructions – an overview.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wächter, E.
Event: World Wood Day Symposium 2022
Year: 2022 - Roof constructions in Austria – an overview.
Autoren: Nemestothy, S., Wächter, E., Buchinger, G., Grabner, M.
Event: From Forest to Heritage 2022
Year: 2022 - A late medieval bank fortification below Vienna’s city center
Autoren: Hohensinner, S; Grabner, M; Mader, I
Event: Heritage Science Café - Heritage Science Austria Platform
Year: 2022 - Drought effect on tree-ring δ13C of sessile oak from Thayatal national park.
Autoren: Meeran, K., Grabner, M., Schott, K., van Loo, M., Ufimov, R., Watzinger, A.
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2021 - Stockmühle revisited – Reconstruction of a historical watermill during the WWD 2019. A WWD-grant report.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Weber, A., Seelos, K., Urdl, E.
Event: 2021 World Wood Day Virtual Symposium & The Third IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium.
Year: 2021 - Opportunities and challenges coming with hardwood use for structural applications
Autoren: Konnerth, J; Huber, C; Bliem, P; Obernosterer, D; Solt-Rindler, P; Jeitler, G; Grabner, M; Müller, U; van Herwijnen, H; Pramreiter, M;
Event: 9th Hardwood Conference 2021
Year: 2020 - Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to estimate the age of wood - How we can use the molecular decay of wood for dating purposes
Autoren: Reiter, F; Tintner, J; Spangl, B; Smidt, E; Grabner, M
Event: CHNT - Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Year: 2019 - MD Dating - Dating of wood based on its molecular decay (MD) measured using FTIR-spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J; Spangl, B; Reiter, F; Smidt, E; Grabner, M
Event: 4th Baltic Conference Series - Materials & Chemical Technology
Year: 2019 - Taphonomy Dating - Dating of Wood by Its Taphonomy Measured Using FTIR-Spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J.; Spangl, B.; Reiter, F.; Smidt, E.; Grabner, M.
Event: World Wood Day Symposium 2019
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner, M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder,K; Proske. H; Poltnig, W;Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - MD Dating - Dating of wood based on its molecular decay (MD) measured using FTIR-Spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J., Spangl, B.; Reiter, F., Smidt, E.; Grabner, M.
Event: 2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC)
Year: 2019 - Stockmühle revisited – Reconstruction of a historical watermill grinding machinery.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Weber, A., Seelos, K., Urdl, E.
Event: World Wood Day 2019
Year: 2019 - Spatial and temporal variability of wood species selection for timber in Austria.
Autoren: Wächter, E., Nemestothy, S., Mayer, K., Karanitsch‑Ackerl, S., Grabner, M.
Event: EuroDendro 2019
Year: 2019 - Introducing a new approach for assessing the temporally variable reconstruction reliability of tree‑ring chronologies.
Autoren: Karanitsch‑Ackerl, S., Mayer, K., Holawe, F., Grabner, M.
Event: EuroDendro 2019
Year: 2019 - Timber in Vienna – the difference between felling and building date.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Wächter, E., Mayer, K., Karanitsch‑Ackerl, S., Buchinger, G.
Event: EuroDendro 2019
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Yasmin Dorfstetter, Harald Vacik, Michael Englisch, Klaus Klebinder, Ralf Klosterhuber, Gerfried Winkler, Walter Poltnig, Marcus Wilhelmy, Michael Grabner, Alexander Podesser, Herbert Formayer, Klaus Katzensteiner, Herwig Proske
Event: Adapting forests to climate change
Year: 2019 - FORSITE - a dynamic forest site classification to support adaptive forest management
Autoren: Vacik, H; Formayer, H; Katzensteiner, K; Grabner. M; Wilhelmy, M; Englisch, M; Klebinder, K;Proske, H; Poltnig, W; Winkler, G; Klosterhuber, R; Podesser, A
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - Dendrochronological questions related to musical instruments.
Autoren: Čufar, K., Bernabei, M., Grabner, M., Mayer, K., Novak, K., Merela, M.
Event: EuroDendro 2019
Year: 2019 - A synoptic view on intra‑annual density fluctuations.
Autoren: Mayer, K., Grabner, M., Felhofer, M., Gierlinger, N.
Event: EuroDendro 2019
Year: 2018 - Dendroprovenancing - New insights for wooden cultural heritage.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Wächter, E., Mayer, K., Nemestothy, S., Linkeseder, F., Grabner, M.
Event: European Forests - Our Cultural Heritage
Year: 2018 - Adaptation to drought in conifers: can we utilize the intra-specific variation in drought response?
Autoren: George J.-P., Trujillo-Moya C., Schüler S., Grabner M., Fluch S., Konrad H., Geburek T.
Event: Genomic Basis of Climate Adaptation.
Year: 2018 - Forest activity in prehistoric Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Grabner. M., Wächter, E., Mayer, K., Weber, A., Kowarik. K., Reschreiter H.
Event: European Forests - Our Cultural Heritage
Year: 2018 - Historical Wood Utilization – Knowledge for the future ! ?
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: 29th INTER-Européenne FOrêt Bois InterfobInterfob 2018
Year: 2018 - Joining of Wood-Based Multi-Material Components with Screws and Bolts: Experimental Study of Double-Lap Joints
Autoren: Kumpenza, C.; Hochwarter, P.; Stadlmann, A.; Stingl, R.; Halbauer, P.; Grabner, M.; Baumann, G.; Feist, F.; Müller, U.
Event: 61st International Convention of the Society of Wood Science and Technology and Japan Wood Research Society
Year: 2018 - Dachkataster Wien - Innere Stadt.
Autoren: Liebich, H.A., Grabner, M.
Event: 700 Jahre historische Dachwerke 2018 - Erforschung, Erhaltung, Erzählung
Year: 2018 - Dachwerke der Wiener Hofburg.
Autoren: Styhler-Aydin, G., Eßer, G., Hochreiner, G. Grabner, M.
Event: 700 Jahre historische Dachwerke 2018 - Erforschung, Erhaltung, Erzählung
Year: 2018 - Dating of wood using FTIR-spectroscopy and statistical learning algorithms
Autoren: Tintner, J., Spangl, B., Reiter, F., Smidt, E., Grabner, M.
Event: Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation DSSV 2018
Year: 2018 - The great potential of formerly used wood species in Austria.
Autoren: Mayer, K., Weber, A., Wächter, E., Grabner, M.
Event: European Forests - Our Cultural Heritage
Year: 2018 - World’s Oldest Wooden Objects – A report on a WWD-grant-project.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Mayer, K., Wächter, E.
Event: World Wood Day 2018
Year: 2018 - Kirchendächer im Waldviertel.
Autoren: Buchinger, G., Slupetzky, M., Grabner, M.
Event: 700 Jahre historische Dachwerke 2018 - Erforschung, Erhaltung, Erzählung
Year: 2018 - Sparkling Science – Experiences from 10 years of joint projects combining science and school students in the field of wood culture.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Mayer, K., Wächter, E., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S.
Event: World Wood Day 2018
Year: 2018 - Historical wood craft techniques – documentary film: A way to safeguard knowledge!
Autoren: Nemestothy, S., von Suess, R., Momen, H., Seelos, K., Blasinger, F., Winkler, J., Baumann, C., Stiefelbauer, C., Grabner, M.
Event: European Forests - Our Cultural Heritage
Year: 2017 - Assembly marks in roof constructions at the Waldviertel region.
Autoren: Wächter, E., Nemestothy, S., Grabner, M.,
Event: Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization” 2017
Year: 2017 - Hardwood in Austria. Current situation, future and past utilization.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Hansmann, C., Ritter, S.
Event: Rational use of hardwoods with a focus on beech wood.
Year: 2017 - Tool marks – A case study from Styria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S.
Event: Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization” 2017
Year: 2017 - Exploring the atmospheric and streamflow drought signals of chronologies from two neighboring regions in eastern Austria.
Autoren: Mayer, K., Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Laaha, G.
Event: EuroDendro 2017
Year: 2017 - The formation of intra-annual density fluctuations – influence of site, species and provenance
Autoren: Grabner, M., Mayer, K., Campelo, F., George, J.P., Schüler, S.
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - Wooden elements from the City of Vienna.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wächter, E., Kadnar, J., Nemestothy, S., Mayer, K., Linkeseder, F.
Event: EuroDendro 2017
Year: 2017 - How long was timber dried?
Autoren: Grabner, M., Weber, A., Nemestothy, S.
Event: Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization” 2017
Year: 2017 - Interaktionen zwischen Pathogenbefall und Trockenstress: ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz bei der Ursachenforschung am Fallbeispiel der Schwarzkiefer (Pinus nigra) in Österreich
Autoren: George, JP; Halmschlager, E; Mottinger-Kroupa, S; Grabner, M; Mayer, K; Hochbichler, E; Lechner, V; Schüler, S
Event: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2017 - 60 wood species were used in Central Europe – a potential for the future!?.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Mayer, K., Waechter, E., Seisenbacher, I., Weber. A.
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - Workability of different wood species: Are there connections to other wood characteristics?
Autoren: Mayer, K., Grabner, M.
Event: Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization” 2017
Year: 2017 - From the forest to the city of Vienna – centuries of traditional transport of logs.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Waechter, E.
Event: IUFRO Division 5 Conference, SWST 60th International Convention 2017
Year: 2017 - Holzartenauswahl für Sportgeräte.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Holz-Kulturell
Year: 2017 - Safeguarding handicraft knowledge with the help of filming - Shingle production.
Autoren: Nemestothy, S., Grabner, M., Momen, H., Seelos, K.
Event: Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization” 2017
Year: 2016 - Möglichkeiten zur zeitlichen Einordnung von historischen Holzkohlenmeilern – eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit
Autoren: Klemm, S; Smidt, E; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Arneitz, P; Leonhardt, R;
Event: „Laufzeit/Zeitlauf Zeitkonzepte-Datierung-Chronologie in der Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie“, Internationale Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie
Year: 2016 - Beech as mining timber in prehistoric Hallstatt.
Autoren: Wächter, E., Reschreiter, H., Bolka, M., Grabner, M.
Event: 4th Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization”
Year: 2016 - Intra-specific variation in drought stress response of native and non-native European conifers as revealed by common garden experiments –a project proposal.
Autoren: George, J.P., Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Mayer, K., Klumpp, R.T., Schüler, S.
Event: Mind the gap 5 – Bridging the gap between theoretical and empirical population genetics
Year: 2016 - Beech in historical literature.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Weber, A., Mayer, K., Nemestothy, S., Wächter, E.
Event: 4th Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization”
Year: 2016 - Shingle making – First steps of documentary filming.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Momen, H., Seelos, K.
Event: 4th WorldWoodDay
Year: 2016 - Characterization of Central European Tree- and Shrub species – Analyses of museum objects, historical literature and modern testing.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Mayer, K., Wächter, E., Nemestothy, S., Klein, A.
Event: Meeting of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS)
Year: 2016 - Dendrochronologie. Forschungen im Salzkammergut.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Pfahlbauforschungen
Year: 2016 - Historical wood craft-techniques: Documentary film – a way to safeguard knowledge.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Momen, H., Seelos, K.
Event: WoodSciCraft
Year: 2016 - Natural grown stem forms – examples of past utilization in Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Weber, A.
Event: 4th WorldWoodDay
Year: 2016 - Historical Wood Utilization: How to rediscover lost knowledge?
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Old and New Worlds. The global challenges of Rural History. International Conference
Year: 2016 - Beech wood compared to other hardwoods - properties and utilization, past and modern.
Autoren: Mayer, K., Grabner, M.
Event: 4th Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization”
Year: 2016 - Construction timber in Austria - low amount of hardwood.
Autoren: Nemestothy, S., Grabner, M.
Event: 4th Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization”
Year: 2016 - Holzartenauswahl – Ein Vergleich historischer Literatur mit Analysen in Museen.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Weber, A., Mayer, K., Wächter, E., Nemestothy, S.
Event: Holz in der Vormoderne. Werkstoff, Wirkstoff, Kunststoff.
Year: 2015 - Wann ist es zu trocken im Wald? Ein Vergleich verschiedener Indizes und Modelle anhand von Wachstumsschwankungen in forstlichen Herkunftsversuchen.
Autoren: George, J:P:, Schüler, S., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Mayer, K., Klumpp, R., Grabner, M.
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Genetik trifft Holzforschung: Zwischen‐ und innerartliche Reaktion auf Trockenheit europäischer Tannenarten und die Rolle von Holzeigenschaften zur Abschätzung der Eignung im Klimawandel.
Autoren: Schüler, S., George, J:P:, Karanitsch Ackerl, S., Mayer, K., Klumpp, R., Grabner, M.
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - The wooden staircase from Hallstatt.
Autoren: Reschreiter, H., Grabner, M.
Event: 3rd Workshop Historical Wood Utilization 2015
Year: 2015 - Vergessenes Holzhandwerkswissen mit der Hilfe von Holzwissenschaften und experimenteller Archäologie neu entdeckt.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Reschreiter, H.
Event: Fokus Handwerk.
Year: 2015 - Time of felling, debarking and transportation – first results from Austria
Autoren: Nemestothy, S., Grabner, M., Jeitler, M.
Event: 3rd Workshop Historical Wood Utilization 2015
Year: 2015 - Traces of Transport at the Vienna Hofburg Roof Constructions.
Autoren: Wächter, E., Grabner, M.
Event: 3rd Workshop Historical Wood Utilization 2015
Year: 2015 - Wood identification on Bronze Age objects from Hallstatt, Christian von Tusch-Werk, and resulting research questions on transport of timber.
Autoren: Reschreiter, H., Mayer, K., Grabner, M.
Event: 3rd Workshop Historical Wood Utilization 2015
Year: 2015 - Forgotten handicraft wisdom – how to discover again.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Reschreiter, H., Klein, A., Nemestothy, S.
Event: Third World Wood Day Symposium
Year: 2015 - Log “Trift” at the limestone Alps, Austria. Where did the timber go?
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wächter, E., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S. . Presentation at the , ,
Event: 3rd Workshop Historical Wood Utilization 2015
Year: 2014 - On the influence of drought on ring width and earlywood density of different softwood species and provenances grown in eastern Austria
Autoren: Grabner, M; Karanitsch-Ackerl, S; Mayer, K; Gorge, J-P; Klumpp, R; Schüler, S
Event: EuroDendro 2014
Year: 2014 - Dendrochronologie. Was das Holz aus Salzburg über die Baugeschichte erzählen kann.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Landesgeschichte aktuell
Year: 2014 - Historic timber transport of logs and timber in Austria and how to trace back the origin.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Jeitler, M.
Event: Environmental History
Year: 2014 - Dendroecological response of softwood grown in eastern Austria to drought based on daily precipitation data
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S; Mayer, K; Grabner, M; Klumpp, R; George, J-P; Schüler, S
Event: Natural and human-assisted adaptation of forests to climatic constraints: the relevance of interdisciplinary approaches
Year: 2014 - Dendrochronologie -Datierung mit Jahrringbreiten.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Vortrag am Landwirtschaftsmuseum Stainz
Year: 2014 - Which climatic factors do trigger IADF formation in dry eastern Austria?
Autoren: Grabner, M; Mayer, K; Kadnar, J; Karanitsch-Ackerl, S
Event: STReESS (FPS COST Action FP1106) Workshop IADF network and climate changes: ecological and functional interpretation
Year: 2014 - Erkenntnisse der Wald- und Holznutzung im prähistorischen Hallstatt - Beispiele für andere Funde aus der Römischen Antike.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nemestothy, S., Reschreiter, H.
Year: 2014 - Towards a strontium isoscape for the determination of provenance of prehistoric wooden findings
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Horacek, M; Prohaska, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2014 - The wooden findings of the Hallstatt saltmine – local or imported? Dendrochronology and chemical data will try to answer.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Bolka, M., Tintner, J., Horsky, M., Horacek, M., Reschreiter, H., Kowarik, K., Prohaska, T.
Event: EuroDendro 2014
Year: 2014 - Historische Holzverwendung – Wissen für die Zukunft?
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Kolloquium an der Uni Hamburg
Year: 2014 - Tree rings as a tool for reconstructing historic droughts in northeastern Austria
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S; Grabner, M; Holawe, F; Laaha, G
Event: 6th EGU Leonardo Conference 2014
Year: 2014 - New regional chronologies for eastern Austria - a basis for dendroprovenancing and dendroclimatology
Autoren: Grabner, M; Karanitsch-Ackerl, S; Wächter, E; Bolka, M
Event: EuroDendro 2014
Year: 2014 - Sr isotope ratios in Austrian trees as a tool for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Horacek, M; Prohaska, T
Event: 10. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Questions about historic woodworking – answered by dendrochronology.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A., Nemestothy, S.
Event: EuroDendro 2014
Year: 2014 - Sr isotope ratios for the determination of provenance of prehistoric wooden findings
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Horacek, M; Prohaska, T
Event: Pumpaya Meeting 2014
Year: 2014 - Analyzing an Austrian Farm House – Dating, Wood Species and Wood Quality.
Autoren: Nemestothy, S., Klein, A., Grabner, M.
Event: Wood-Science-Craft
Year: 2014 - The influence of climate on wood density (softwood).
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: STReESS (FPS COST Action FP1106) Workshop
Year: 2014 - Advances and challenges of dendrochronology SE of the Alps.
Autoren: Čufar, K., Merela, M., Grabner, M., Tegel, W., De Luis, M.
Event: EuroDendro 2014
Year: 2014 - First steps towards a Sr isoscape of Austria for the provenance determination of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M., Tintner, J., Bolka, M., Grabner, M., Kowarik, K., Reschreiter, H., Kern, A., Teufl, K., Horacek, M. and Prohaska, T.
Event: PANGEO Austria 2014
Year: 2013 - Neue Aussagen über altes Holz aus Oberösterreich.
Autoren: Grabner, M; Reschreiter, H; Kowarik, K; Winner, G
Event: 23. Treffen der Archäologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ostbayern/West- und Südböhmen/Oberösterreich
Year: 2013 - Application of Sr isotope ratios for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Prohaska, T
Event: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2013
Year: 2013 - Application of Sr isotope ratios for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M., Tintner, J., Grabner, M., Kowarik, K., Reschreiter, H., Kern, A. and Prohaska, T.
Event: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2013
Year: 2013 - MR-microscopy versus μCT and high resolution ultrasound for the characterization of archaeological wet wood: A multimodal approach
Autoren: Berg, A; Fragner, R; Kollmann, C; Töpker, M; Fürhacker, R; Klatz, AK; Grabner, M
Event: 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology
Year: 2013 - Holztechnologische Eigenschaften der Tanne und ihre Besonderheiten
Autoren: Grabner, M
Event: Tannensyposium: Die Tanne – Superstar oder Sorgenkind?
Year: 2013 - Ceilings and floorings – city versus rural buildings in Austria: type, date and wood species
Autoren: Grabner, M; Klein, A; Nemestothy, S; Salzger, E
Event: International Study Day: From Carpentry to Joinery: Floors and ceilings, door and panelling in medieval and modern architecture
Year: 2013 - Historical Wood Utlization in Central Europe – Lost knowledge for the future?
Autoren: Grabner, M
Event: First World Wood Day
Year: 2013 - Application of Sr isotope ratios for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Prohaska, T
Event: First BOKU DocDay
Year: 2013 - Sr isotope signatures of Austrian trees as a tool for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Prohaska, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2013 - Analyses of wooden front doors in rural buildings (Austria)
Autoren: Klein, A; Nemestothy, S; Grabner, M
Event: International Study Day: From Carpentry to Joinery: Floors and ceilings, door and panelling in medieval and modern architecture
Year: 2013 - Holz – Was das alles erzählen kann.
Autoren: Grabner, M
Event: 17. Tagung der Österreichsichen RestauratorInnen für archäologische Bodenfunde 2013
Year: 2013 - Die Holzuntersuchungen der letzten 3 Jahre in Stübing.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Fachtagung der Österreichischen Freilcihtmuseen
Year: 2013 - Esche einmal anders.
Autoren: Reschreiter, H; Winner, G; Grabner, M
Event: Kolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von Andre Billamboz
Year: 2012 - Latewood from ash as raw material for baskets and boxes.
Autoren: Winner, G., Reschreiter, H., Grabner, M.
Event: Second Workshop on Historical Wood Utilization 2012
Year: 2012 - The treasure of special stem assortments – lost knowledge of the past.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M.
Event: WOOD IN THE 21st CENTURY 2012 - Design and Preservation of Contemporary & Historic Architecture
Year: 2012 - Dendrochronologie – Klimahinweise aus Jahrringen.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Der Dachstein im Klimawandel 2012
Year: 2012 - The influence of drought on ring width and wood density of different fir species and provenances
Autoren: Sandra Karanitsch-Ackerl, Raphael Klumpp, Konrad Mayer, Michael Grabner
Event: 14th International Fir Symposium 2012
Year: 2012 - Genetic variation in climate response of Norway spruce: can appropriate provenances help adapting forests to climate change?
Autoren: Schüler, S. Kapeller, S., Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Konrad, H., Gebruek, T., Lexer, MJ., Hiebl, J.
Event: 12. Forstwissenschafltiche Tagung FowiTa 2012
Year: 2012 - Analyzing construction timber in farmhouses in comparison to churches.
Autoren: Klein, A., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M.
Event: Second Workshop on Historical Wood Utilization 2012
Year: 2012 - Genetic variation and plasticity of drought reaction in Norway spruce as revealed on provenance test sites in eastern Austria.
Autoren: Schüler, S., Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Geburek, T., Fluch, S., Konrad, H.
Event: Norway spruce in the conservation of forest ecosystems in Europe. The results of the IUFRO experimental test series 1938/39, 1964/48, 1972 and others. 2012
Year: 2012 - Influence of drought on ring width and wood density of hybrid larch (Larix decidua x kaempferi) in Eastern Austria.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S, Tintner, J., Schüler, S., Grabner, M.
Event: IUFRO Larix 2012 „Larch in a warm climate“
Year: 2012 - Rarely used wood species – New results and old literature.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A.
Event: Second Workshop on Historical Wood Utilization 2012
Year: 2012 - Parameter selective MR-microimaging for non-invasive characterization of archaeological wet wood: A novel methodology for dendrochronology and a new approach in conservation science to assess wood species and condition?
Autoren: Berg, A., Fürhacker, R., Klatz, A.K., Grabner, M.
Event: ESMRMB 2012
Year: 2012 - Can tree rings of black pine (Pinus nigra) be used as a proxy for low flow?.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M., Laaha, G.
Event: International Symposium on Climate Impacts on Low Flows and Droughts 2012
Year: 2012 - Dendro-Provenancing – Results from the Vienna Castle (Hofburg).
Autoren: Wächter, E., Grabner, M.
Event: Second Workshop on Historical Wood Utilization 2012
Year: 2012 - Wald-Wasser-Weinviertel - Niederschlagsvariabilität und ihre Auswirkung auf Wälder und landwirtschaftliche Ernte im Weinviertel in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Böhm, A.
Event: 1. Internationaler Sparkling Science Kongress 2012
Year: 2012 - Histoircal Wood Utilization
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Second Workshop on Historical Wood Utilization 2012
Year: 2012 - Der Film – Möglichkeit zur Erhaltung traditionellen Wissens?
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: 3. Treffen des Netzwerks Historische Holzverwendung 2012
Year: 2011 - Lebensdauer von Holzbauwerken. Alter und Zustand ausgewählter historischer Objekte.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Wiener Holzschutztage 2011
Year: 2011 - Holz aus Hallstatt?
Autoren: Reschreiter, H., Horsky, M., Grabner, M., Kowarik. K.
Event: 3. Österreichischer Archäometriekongress 2011
Year: 2011 - The treasure of special stem assortments - lost knowledge of the past.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M.
Event: International Conference and Exhibition on the Art and Joy of Wood 2011 - Rediscovering Wood: The Key to a sustainable future
Year: 2011 - Historical Wood Utilization.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Historical Wood Utilization 2011
Year: 2011 - Effects of provenance and drought on earlywood of Norway spruce.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, Duller, E.M., Grabner, M., Schüler, S.
Event: EuroDendro 2011
Year: 2011 - Historical utilisation of wood in the Schneeberg Region / Lower Austria.
Autoren: Winner, G., Grabner, M.
Event: Historical Wood Utilization 2011
Year: 2011 - Dendroclimatology in a region with heavily used forests – the use of historical wood.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Holawe, F., Eissing, T.
Event: EuroDendro 2011
Year: 2011 - Understanding Historical Wood Utilization – Ideas fort he future?
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A.
Event: International Conference and Exhibition on the Art and Joy of Wood 2011 - Rediscovering Wood: The Key to a sustainable future
Year: 2011 - Reconstructing forest activities in prehistoric Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Klein, A., Reschreiter, H., Grabner, M.
Event: Historical Wood Utilization 2011
Year: 2011 - Dating of Museum objects in Austria.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M.
Event: EuroDendro 2011
Year: 2011 - Wood utilization in historical church roof construction in Austria.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M.
Event: Historical Wood Utilization 2011
Year: 2011 - Wald-Wasser-Weinviertel, Niederschlagsrekonstruktion für das Weinviertel mit Jahrringen und (historischen) Aufzeichnungen über Wein und Wetter
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S.; Schwarzl, I.;Grabner, M.
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2011 - Dendrochronologie – spezielle Anforderungen der Archäologie.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nicolussi, K.
Event: 3. Österreichischer Archäometriekongress 2011
Year: 2011 - Holz begreifen, erschnüffeln, ertasten, hören
Autoren: Hinterstoisser, B; Grabner, M; Tintner, J;
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2011
Year: 2011 - The variety of wood species used in the „Schneeberg Region“, Lower Austria.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M.
Event: Historical Wood Utilization 2011
Year: 2011 - Utilization of different wood species – Analysis of old literature.
Autoren: Nemestothy, S. Grabner, M.
Event: Historical Wood Utilization 2011
Year: 2011 - Historische Holzverwendung in der Region um den Schneeberg.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M.
Event: 3. Österreichischer Archäometriekongress 2011
Year: 2010 - Prähistorische Massenbewegungen in Hallstatt – Dendrochronologische Datierung und Auswirkungen auf den Salzabbau.
Autoren: Reschreiter, H., Grabner, M., Ehret, D.
Year: 2010 - Holznutzung des bronzezeitlichen Salzbergbaus in Hallstatt, Österreich.
Autoren: Reschreiter, H., Grabner, M.
Event: Fachtagung Rohstoff Baum 2010
Year: 2010 - Keine Waldkante – Was tun?
Autoren: Grabner, M., Nicolussi, K. Winner, G.
Event: 2. Archäometrie Kongress 2010
Year: 2010 - A 3500 years long density chronologiy in Dachsterin mountains, Austria – Preliminary results.
Autoren: Klusek, M., Grabner, M.
Event: WorldDendro 2010
Year: 2010 - Rarely used hardwood species – recent characterisation and old literature.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: 4th Conference on Hardwood Research and Utilisation in Europe 2010 - Hardwood Science and Technology
Year: 2010 - Historische Holznutzung – Die Brücke zwischen Volkskunde und Holzforschung.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: 26. Österreichische Volkskundetagung
Year: 2010 - The influence of drought on the density of Norway spruce wood.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S. Schüler, S.
Event: 6th International Symposium Wood Structure and Properties 2010
Year: 2010 - Jahrringe als Proxy für Wasserstandsschwankungen des Neusiedlersees.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M., Holawe, F., Terhrost, B.
Event: 11. Österreichischer Klimatag 2010 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2010 - Die Auswirkungen von Trockenphasen auf die Holzqualität verschiedener Fichtenherkünfte.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Konrad, H. , Ganekind, M., Böhm, R., Fluch, S., Schüler, S.
Event: 11. Österreichischer Klimatag 2010 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2010 - Holzuntersuchungen am Brunnenkasten – erste Ergebnisse, Probleme und mögliche Lösungen.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Arbeitsgespräch Nassholzkonservierung 2010 - Der Mittelbronzezeitliche Brunnen aus Wohlsdorf / Steiermark.
Year: 2010 - Norway spruce of different provenances grown in dry regions of Austria – Influences on ring width and wood density.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M., Schueler, S., Konrad, H.
Event: WorldDendro 2010
Year: 2010 - The water level of a shallow steppe lake in Austria reconstructed with the help of tree rings.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M., Holawe, F.
Event: WorldDendro 2010
Year: 2010 - Prehistoric dating of the salt mine Hallstatt – Austria: A problem of inter-species synchronisation.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Reschreiter, H., Winner, G.
Event: WorldDendro 2010
Year: 2010 - A network 225 medieval to baroque roof constructions of churches in Austria – Basic knowledge for the conservation of Wooden Cultural Heritage.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Geihofer, D.
Event: WorldDendro 2010
Year: 2009 - X-ray densitometry of sub-fossil wood.
Autoren: Klusek, M., Grabner, M.
Event: EuroDendro 2009
Year: 2009 - The Need of High Resolution µ-X-ray CT in Dendrochonology and Wood Identification.
Autoren: Grabner, M. Salaberger, D., Okochi, T.
Event: 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA 2009
Year: 2009 - The analysis of drought events with the help of x-ray densitometry.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Schüler, S., Konrad, H., Karanitsch-Ackerl, S.
Event: EuroDendro 2009
Year: 2009 - Altitude-dependent Lignin Composition of Spruce Trees investigated by Analytical Pyrolysis and Infrared Spectroscopy
Autoren: Hinterstoisser, B., Grabner, M., Alves, A., Simões, R., Gindl, W., Schwanninger, M., Rodrigues, J.
Event: 15th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2009
Year: 2009 - Holz als Informationsquelle – Dendrochronologie und Holzverwendung.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Internationales Symposium 2009 - Holz in der Antike
Year: 2009 - Wood supply of the Bronze Age salt mining site at Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A., Reschreiter, H., Barth, F.E.
Event: Mining in European History 2009
Year: 2009 - Der brozezeitliche Bergbau in Hallstatt und seine Versorgungsstruktur.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Kowarik, K., Reschreiter, H.
Event: Archäologie in den Alpen. Alltag und Kult. 2009
Year: 2009 - Schöpfer, Schale, Multer. Zur Technologie hallstattzeitlicher Holzgefäße.
Autoren: Reschreiter, H., Grabner, M.
Event: Technologieentwicklung und –transfer in der Eisenzeit 2009
Year: 2009 - Tree rings and the water level of a shallow steppe lake in Eastern Austria.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M., Holawe, F., Terhorst, B.
Event: EuroDendro 2009
Year: 2009 - Eignen sich die Jahrringe der Schwarzkiefer (Pinus nigra) als Proxy für die Seespiegelschwankungen des Neusiedler Sees? Wie beeinflussen die Standortbedingungen dieser Bäume dieses Potenzial?
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S., Grabner, M., Holawe, F., Terhorst, B.
Event: Deutscher Geographentag 2009
Year: 2009 - Holz im Prähistorischen Salzbergbau: Bestimmung, Verwendung, Datierung und Bearbeitung.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Reschreiter, H.
Event: 1. Österreichischer Archäometrie Kongress 2009
Year: 2009 - A 400 year reconstruction of July relative air humidity for the region Vienna (eastern Austria) based on carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios in tree-ring latewood cellulose of oaks.
Autoren: Haupt, M., Boettger, T., Weigl, M., Grabner, M. 2009.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Wood density and its radial variation in six canopy tree species differing in shade-tolerance in western Thailand
Autoren: Nock C.A., Geihofer D., Grabner M., Baker P., Bunyavejchewin S., Hietz P.
Event: Joint Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation ATBC and the Society for Tropical Ecology gtö 2009 - Impacts of global Change on Tropical Ecosystems - cross-cutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres
Year: 2008 - Imaging with cold neutrons fort he determination of tree rings in deteriorated wood.
Autoren: Mannes, D., Grabner, M., Lehmann, E., Niemz, P.
Event: EuroDendro 2008
Year: 2008 - Die Holzversorgung des prähistorischen Salzbergbaus in Hallstatt.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A., Reschreiter, H., Barth, F.E.
Event: Internationales ÖGUF Symposium 2008 - Produktion – Distribution - Organisation. Ökonomische Strukturen und gesellschaftliche Relevanz von der Urgeschichte bis in die Neuzeit
Year: 2008 - Climate-growth relationships of intra-annual parameters for oak from Austria.
Autoren: Weigl, M., Grabner, M., Geihofer, D
Event: EuroDendro 2008
Year: 2008 - Seasonal and developmental variation in wood density of six tropical tree species in Western Thailand.
Autoren: Nock, C., Geihofer, D., Grabner, M., Hietz, P.
Event: EuroDendro 2008
Year: 2008 - Ageing of wood – described by the analyses of old beams.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Kotlinova, M.
Event: 4th Meeting of the COST action IE0601 2008 - Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Year: 2007 - Pine Extractives: Assessment of Content and Composition by Near- and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy.
Autoren: Ters, T. Grabner, M., Hinterstoisser, B.
Event: 14th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2007
Year: 2007 - Tieflandfichten mit kugeliger Kronenform im Südosten Österreichs – eine genetische und dendrochronologische Analyse.
Autoren: Schießl, E., Geburek, T., Grabner, M., Golesch, G., Schüler, S.
Event: 27. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung 2007
Year: 2007 - UV-resistance of ammonia treated wood.
Autoren: Weigl, M., Pöckl, J., Müller, U., Pretzl, H. & Grabner M.
Event: 3rd European Conference on Wood Modification 2007
Year: 2007 - Dendrochronological Dating – the use of 3D scanning.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Lehmann, E.
Event: 2nd Meeting of COST Action IE0601 2007 - Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Year: 2007 - Zerstörungsfreie holztechnische und dendrochronologische Untersuchungen von Holzgegenständen aus Hallstatt.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Reschreiter, H.
Event: Internationales ÖGUF Symposium 2007 - Zerstörungsfreie Archäologie
Year: 2007 - Climate signals in the European isotope network ISONET.
Autoren: Treydte K, Grabner M, Weigl M, Wimmer R, et al.
Event: Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology, TRACE
Year: 2007 - Shigometry - Measurement of electrical resistance/conductivity on cool water extracts of wood particles - a smart tool for decay detection.
Autoren: Leder, S., Weigl, M., Grabner, M. & Wimmer, R.
Event: 14th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2007
Year: 2007 - How to evaluate a historical roof construction?
Autoren: Grabner, M., Tscherne, F.
Event: 2nd Meeting of the COST action IE0601 2007 - Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Year: 2007 - Defrosting of beech timber and its influence on discolouration
Autoren: Pöckl, J., Grabner, M., Hansmann, C., Teischinger, A.
Event: 3rd European Hardwood Conference 2007 - Hardwood Research and Utilizatin in Europe
Year: 2006 - Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra – differences in extractives content and composition.
Autoren: Ters, T., Grabner, M., Wilför, S., Hinterstoisser, B.
Event: 9th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2006
Year: 2006 - Dendrochronologische Datierung von Holzfunden aus Hallstatt mit Hilfe der Computertomographie.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Kastner, J., Reschreiter, H., Salaberger, D.
Event: Interpretierte Eisenzeiten. 2. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie.
Year: 2006 - Evaluating the demarcation between juvenile and mature wood with different methodologies.
Autoren: Csoka, L., Divos, F., Takata, K., Grabner, M.
Event: Non-destructive evaluation for wood and woody materials for development new functional wood-based materials 2006
Year: 2006 - Harz – Ein Blick in die Nadelbäume.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: Vom Nutzen der Waldbäume - Nachwachsende Rohstoffe abseits des Gewohnten 2006
Year: 2006 - Circumferential variability of parameters that indicate compression wood formation in larch trees.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Dogu, D., Wimmer, R., Sykacek, E., Evans, R., Downes, G.
Event: 2nd workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2006
Year: 2006 - Dendrochronologische Auswertung römischer Brunnen im Rahmen der Errichtung der ÖBB-Neubaustrecke Wien-St.Pölten.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Blesl, C., Geihofer, D.
Event: Internationales ÖGUF Symposium 2006: Kelten-Römer-Germanen im Spannungsfeld von Integration und Konfrontation.
Year: 2006 - Discolouration of Black Alder – Effect of felling season and drying schedule.
Autoren: Pöckl, J., Grabner, M., Hansmann, C.
Event: 5th International Symposium Wood Structure and properties 2006
Year: 2006 - Holzqualität als Zielgröße in der Forstwirtschaft - Einfluss von Selektion und waldbaulicher Behandlung.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Event: „Wald – Wirtschaft und Genetik“ Seminar
Year: 2006 - Dendrodensitometrie.
Autoren: Grabner, M.
Event: 10. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung.
Year: 2006 - Dendroklimatologie – Klimainformationen in der Holzstruktur.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Event: 9. Österreichischer Klimatag 2006 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2005 - Change of colour during hygrothermal treatment of hardwood.
Autoren: Pöckl, J., Grabner, M., Teischinger, A.,
Event: 2nd European Hardwood Conference 2005 - Hardwood Research and Utilisation in Europe - New Challenges
Year: 2005 - Online-detection of colour as an innovative control parameter in wood drying
Autoren: Pöckl, J., Grabner, M., Teischinger, A., Wimmer, R.
Event: 2nd Internation Workshop on Spectral Imaging 2005
Year: 2005 - Studying radial and axial variation of stable isotopes within a single oak tree.
Autoren: Weigl, M., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Helle, G., Schleser, G.,
Event: EuroDendro 2005
Year: 2005 - New master chronologies from historical and archaeological timber in Eastern Austria.
Autoren: Geihofer, D., Grabner, M., Gelhart, J., Wimmer, R., Fuchsberger, H.,
Event: EuroDendro 2005
Year: 2005 - The tracheogram method – linkage between wood formation and wood quality.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.,
Event: 2nd European Hardwood Conference 2005 - Hardwood Research and Utilisation in Europe - New Challenges
Year: 2005 - The European Isotope Network ISONET: First Results.
Autoren: Treydte, K., Schleser, G.H., Esper, J., Andreu, L., Bednarz, T., Berninger, J., Böttger, T., D’Allessandro, C.D., Ethien, N., Filot, M., Frank, D., Grabner, M., Gutierrez, E., Haupt, M., Helle, G., Jungner, H., Kalela-Brundin, M., Leuenberger, M., Loader, N., Masson-Delmotte, V., Pazdur, A., Planells, O., Pukiene, R., Reynolds, C., Rinne, K., Saurer, M., Soninen, E., Stieveneard, M., Switsur, R., Szczepanek, M., Todaro, L., Waterhouse, J., Weigl, M., Wimmer, R.,
Event: TRACE, Tree Rings in Archeology, Climatology and Ecology
Year: 2005 - Axial variation of the appearance of compression wood.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Event: 1st workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2005
Year: 2005 - Tension wood at the branch-stem connection: Is there a possibility to detect human manipulations?
Autoren: Grabner, M., Reschreiter, H.
Event: 1st workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2005
Year: 2005 - First dendrochronological results from the Bronze Age salt mine at Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Klein, A., Geihofer, D., Reschreiter, H., Barth, F.E., Sormaz, T., Wimmer, R.,
Event: EuroDendro 2005
Year: 2005 - Reconstructing forest activities in prehistoric Hallstatt, Austria.
Autoren: Klein, A., Grabner, M., Geihofer, D., Reschreiter, H., Barth, F.E., Wimmer, R.,
Event: EuroDendro 2005
Year: 2005 - Wood biological aspects of compression wood in larch.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Gierlinger B., Sykacek, E., Wimmer, R.
Event: 1st workshop of CEMARE Cost E50 2005
Year: 2005 - Spatial and altitudinal climatic signals identified in a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tree-ring network on the eastern alps.
Autoren: Di Filippo, A., Biondi, F., Brunetti, M., Cûfar, K., de Luis Arrillaga, M., Grabner, M., Maugeri, M., Nanni, T., Piovesan, G., Romagnoli, M., Schirone, B.,
Event: EuroDendro 2005
Year: 2004 - Vegetationskundliche und dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an einem instabilen Hang bei Sibratsgfäll (Vorarlberg)
Autoren: Tintner, J., Klug, B., Grabner, M.
Event: 11. Österreichisches Botanikertreffen 2004
Year: 2004 - Comparison of earlywood width, latewood width and total ring-width measurements in oak.
Autoren: Weigl, M., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.,
Event: EuroDendro 2004
Year: 2004 - Infrared Spectroscopy and Cluster Analysis – Tools for the Differentiation of Wood
Autoren: Schwanninger, M., Rodrigues, J.C., Gierlinger, N., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Gindl, M., Gindl, W., Hinterstoisser, B.
Event: 9th CAC-2004 The Ninth Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry Conference
Year: 2004 - Tree-ring width variability in the Austrian Alps and ist relation with climate.
Autoren: Leal, S., Melvin T.M., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Briffa, K.R.
Event: EuroDendro 2004
Year: 2004 - How heartwood extractives in larch influence densitometric analysis.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.,
Event: EuroDendro 2004
Year: 2003 - Wood anatomical, chemical and physico-mechanical properties of various larch (Larix sp.) provenances, grown at different sites in Europe
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Gierlinger, N., Grabner, M., Pâques, L.E., Jacques, D., Schwanninger, M.
Event: IUFRO ¿ All Division 5 Conference, Forest Products Research Providing For Sustainable Choiches
Year: 2003 - Effect of precipitation on ring-width and vessel anatomy of young Eucalyptus globulus Labil. grown in Portugal.
Autoren: Leal, S., Pereira, H., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Event: EuroDendro 2003
Year: 2003 - Reconstructing the history of log-floating in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge, Austria.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R., Weichenberger, J.
Event: EuroDendro 2003
Year: 2003 - Growth rate and extractive content of old larch trees from natural stands compared to young plantation trees.
Autoren: Gierlinger, N. Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Event: EuroDendro 2003
Year: 2001 - Variability of tree ring properties along an altidunial gradient.
Autoren: Gindl, W., Grabner, M.,
Event: Eurodendro 2001
Genetic Parameters of wood properties in Picea abies.
Autoren: Hannrup, B., Cahalan, C.M., Chantre, G., Grabner, M., Karlsson, B., Lebayon, I., Müller, U., Pereira, H., Rodrigues, J.C., Rosner, S., Rozenberg, P., Wilhelmsson, L., Wimmer, R.
Genetic determinism of wood and end-uses properties in maritime pine.
Autoren: Pot, D., Chantre, G., Rozenberg, P., Rodrigues, J.C., Rosner, S., Grabner, M., Hannrup, B., Cahalan, C., Plomion, C.
A 1000-year Silver fir (Abies alba [Miller]) chronology for East Austria.
Autoren: Liebert, S., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Variability of tree ring properties along an altidunial gradient.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Gindl, W.
Intra-tree variability of anatomical characters in spruce.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.
Genetic parameters for spiral-grain angle in two 19-year-old clonal trials with Picea abies.
Autoren: Hannrup, B., Grabner, M., Karlsson, B., Müller U., Rosner, S., Wilhelmsson, L., Wimmer, R.
Xylem anatomy, a biological indicator in SO2 polluted forests.
Autoren: Wimmer, R., Grabner, M., Halbwachs, G.
Genetic variation of wood density record of cambium reaction to water deficit in Picea abies.
Autoren: Rozenberg, P., Van Loo, J., Hannrup, B., Grabner, M.
Genetic and molecular determinism of wood quality in maritime pine.
Autoren: Plomion, C., Cahalan, C., Canova, Chagne, Chantre G., Dubos, Fevereiro, Frigerio, Grabner, M., Hofte, Lelu, Le Provost, Mouret, Pereira, Pichavant, Pot, D., Rozenberg, P.
Changes in contents of extractible carbohydrates through the log cross section of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) of different damaged forest sites.
Autoren: Hofer, S., Hinterstoisser, B., Hofinger, A., Grabner, M.
Dendroclimatological potential of Black pine (Pinus nigra ssp austriaca) in the pannonic region of Austria.
Autoren: Strumia, G., Grabner, M., Wimmer, R.