Nina Eisenmenger
Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Nina Eisenmenger
Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)
Location Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73717
ORCID: 0000-0002-8833-3883
8091682800 : AuthorId
- 2018 Assoc.Prof., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2018 Transfer Institute of Social Ecology to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2016 - 2018 Assoc.Prof., Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- 2016 Habilitation, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- 2008 Dr. in Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria-University
- 2001 Researcher, Institute of Social Ecology
- 2001 Mag. in Human Ecology & Environmental Economy, University of Vienna
- Year: 2009 Awards: Wissenschaftspreis 2009 der Kärntner Sparkasse
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Kreislaufwirtschaft in Österreich
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: APA-Science Event: Zukunft Kreislaufwirtschaft
Year: 2024 - Circular economy strategies in the building, transport and electricity sectors to facilitate climate neutrality and leverage multiple benefits
Autoren: Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Eisenmenger, N; Meyer, I; Sommer, M; Kratena, K
Event: Transition to a low carbon economy. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) 2024
Year: 2023 - Warum brauchen wir eine Ressourcenwende und wie schaffen wir sie?
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: GreenDays 2023, JUMP (Jugend Umwelt Plattform)
Year: 2023 - Gegenwart und Zukunft des Ressourcenverbrauchs in Österreich
Autoren: Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Eisenmenger, N; Virág, D; Meyer, I; Sommer, M; Naqvi, A; Kalt, G; Kratena, K
Event: AG Rohstoffe: Wieviel Stoff braucht unser Wohlstand?
Year: 2023 - Wie kann die globale Ressourcenwende gelingen?
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Akademie für sozialen und ökologischen Umbau, Workshop Importe und Materialflüsse
Year: 2023 - How can a city get circular? Comprehensively Monitoring Urban Circularity and Deriving Policy-Relevant Indicators. The case of Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Dorninger, C; Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Mayer, A; Kaufmann, L; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE): Transitions in a world in turmoil
Year: 2023 - A stock-flow analysis of Austria´s housing system: Historic patterns and future scenarios
Autoren: Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Virág, D; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 6th Foundational Economy Conference Vienna: Exploring the Foundational Economy for a Just Transition
Year: 2023 - Mit der Ressourcenwende in eine klimaneutrale und lebenswerte Zukunft für alle
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Ressourcenforum Austria
Year: 2023 - Dekarbonisierung und Ressourcenschonung. Kann Circular Economy beides erreichen? Eine Modellierung für Österreich
Autoren: Virág, D; Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Eisenmenger, N; Meyer, I; Sommer, M; Naqvi, A; Kalt, G; Kratena, K
Event: Presseevent: Eine runde Sache – JA zur ganzheitlichen Kreislaufwirtschaft!
Year: 2023 - The combined economic effects of decarbonization and circular economy
Autoren: Sommer, M; Haas, W; Meyer, I; Baumgart, A; Eisenmenger, N; Virág, D; Kratena, K
Event: 6th Foundational Economy Conference Vienna: Exploring the Foundational Economy for a Just Transition
Year: 2023 - Evaluating the impact of different CE strategies on future bulk and scarce material demand in Austria
Autoren: Baumgart, A; Haas, W; Virág, D; Eisenmenger, N; Kalt, G; Meyer, I; Sommer, M; Kratena, K
Event: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE): Transitions in a world in turmoil
Year: 2023 - Dekarbonisierung und Ressourcenschonung. Kann Circular Economy beides erreichen? Eine Modellierung für Österreich
Autoren: Virág, D; Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Eisenmenger, N; Meyer, I; Sommer, M; Naqvi, A; Kalt, G; Kratena, K
Event: Netzwerktreffen Ressourcenwende
Year: 2022 - Kreislaufwirtschaft als Hebel für Klimaschutz
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: ExpertInnen-Roundtable des Circular Economy Forum Austria (Kurzinput und Diskussion mit Wolfgang Anzengruber, Peter Giffinger, Karl Kienzl)
Year: 2022 - Neue Wirtschaftspolitik: Zwischen Wachstumszwang und Systemgrenzen (Impulsvortrag und Diskussion mit Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig (WIFO) Hannes Leo (cbased))
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: BMK COVID-Popup Hub
Year: 2022 - Assessing Vienna’s material and carbon footprint from a circular economy perspective
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Kaufmann, L; Dorninger, C; Kalt, G; Perkovic, M
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Year: 2022 - The role of the built environment in sustainability
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: EPICamp V 2022 - Sustainable cities and regional transitions. Illuminating city–hinterland co-evolutionary relationships
Year: 2022 - Die Vermessung der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Voraussetzung für ein kluges Ressourcenmanagement
Autoren: Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Virág, D; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Circular Economy Summit Austria
Year: 2022 - ACeDC - Austrian Circular Economy and Decarbonisation: Synergies and trade-offs
Autoren: Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Eisenmenger, N; Virág, D; Meyer, I; Sommer, M; Kratena, K
Event: 22. Österreichischer Klimatag 2022: Pushing Bondaries: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Klima
Year: 2022 - How decarbonization with CE-strategies of increasing cirularity alters Austrian social metabolism till 2040
Autoren: Haas, W; Baumgart, A; Virág, D; Eisenmenger, N; Sommer, M; Meyer, I; Kratena, K
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Year: 2022 - Solidarische Postwachstumsstadt: Der gesellschaftliche Stoffwechsel Wiens – Eine Postwachstumsperspektive
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Degrowth Vienna, Veranstaltungsgsreihe: Solidarische Postwachstumsstadt
Year: 2022 - Der Beitrag der österreichischen Strategie zu nachhaltiger Ressourcennutzung
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Kreislaufwirtschaft Strategie Österreich
Year: 2021 - Keynote: Ressourcennutzung in Österreich
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 4. Ressourcenforum Austria: Neustart in eine ressourcenschonende Zukunft oder zurück in die Vergangenheit?
Year: 2021 - Österreichs großer Ressourcen-Fuß und sein globaler Abdruck
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Webinar der ÖFSE (Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung) / SEC Lecture
Year: 2021 - Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Klimaschutz. Ein globaler Rahmen für die Stadt Wien
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Forum Green Logistics 2021: FIT4urban. Wege zur klimaneutralen Stadt und die Rolle der Logistik
Year: 2021 - Klimaschutz, Ressourceneffizienz, Kreislaufwirtschaft welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen sehen wir?
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Fachdialog Umwelt Management Austria: EU-Green-Deal und Kreislaufwirtschaft. Alles im Fluss?
Year: 2019 - Resource efficiency contributions to decarbonisation: Analyzing the link between material use and CO2 emissions for Austria
Autoren: Plank, B; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019
Year: 2019 - Evaluating Austrian Resource Use in Relation to Global Planetary Boundaries
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019
Year: 2018 - How can resource efficiency contribute to decarbonisation? An analysis of Austria
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Plank B
Event: 4th International Conference Growth in Transition 2018 - Europe's Transformation: Where People Matter
Year: 2017 - Austrian resource efficiency. CO2 emissions, material use, and energy use associated with production and consumption
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Symposium Consumption Based Greenhouse Gas Accounting: From Assessments to Policy
Year: 2015 - Towards a circular economy? Global long-term dynamics of material stocks and flows in infrastructure and buildings, from 1900-2010
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Fishman, T; Tanikawa, T; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: Conference on Industrial Ecology "Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology", 2015
Year: 2015 - Global material use scenarios in the context of resource efficiency programs and targets
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Haas, W; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - How is Austrian Raw Material Consumption developing over time? a methods comparison extended
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - Global providers and consumers of metals – an analysis of trade patterns
Autoren: Mayer, A; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - Global Resource Use in 2050: Insights from Material Flow Analysis
Autoren: Haas, W; Schaffartzik, A; Fischer-Kowalski, M, Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2015 - Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Year: 2014 - DESIRE The indicator framework and input-output analysis
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Theurl, M; Gierlinger, S; Giljum, S; Lutter, S; Deetmans, S; Kleijn, R
Event: Green Week Conference 2014: Circular economy – saving resources, creating jobs
Year: 2014 - Global long-term dynamics of material stocks and flows in infrastructure and buildings, from 1900-2010
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Fishman, T; Tanikawa, H; Eisenmenger, N
Event: International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
Year: 2014 - The role of global in-use material stocks in the course of the socio-metabolic transition, from 1900 -2009
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Lauk, C; Fishman, T; Tanikawa, H; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2013 - Analyzing the material structures of international trade and their upstream requirements
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Keynote at the Workshop "Ecologically Unequal Exchange"
Year: 2013 - The Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Trade: Towards Methodological Harmonization
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Biennial Conference
Year: 2013 - Establishing Consistent, Global Level Accounts of Cropland Embodied in the International Trade of Agricultural Products
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Kastner, T; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Talk presented at the 2nd Global Soil Week "Losing Ground?", October 27.31, 2013
Year: 2013 - Linking EE-(MR)IO and economy-wide material flow accounting: The Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Trade. A comparison of six methods
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 21st International Conference of the Input-Output Association (IIAO) 2013
Year: 2013 - How many materials does Austria globally use? A comparison of six methods to calculate Raw Material Equivalents (RME)
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: World Resources Forum 2013
Year: 2012 - Raw Material Equivalents (RME) - Trends in Austria, Methodological Development
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Year: 2012 - Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Austrian Trade Flows
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F; Weisz, H
Event: Joint EEA-Eurostat technical workshop: Global Material Resource Footprint of Europe. On methods and approaches to estimate material resource use
Year: 2012 - Regional Patterns of Global Material Flows 1950-2005
Autoren: Mayer, A; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Year: 2012 - Longterm trends in resource efficiency - hinsight, insight, foresight
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F; Schaffartzik, A; Mayer, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Year: 2012 - Ressourceneffizienz. Auswirkungen auf den Bedarf mineralischer Rohstoffe
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: Forum Rohstoffe
Year: 2011 - Resource efficiency? Material flow analysis on the edge between accounting practice and political implementation
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology ISIE 2011
Year: 2011 - The Role of Trade in Domestic Resource Use and Resource Efficiency. Raw Material Equivalents of Austria´s Trade Flows
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2011
Year: 2011 - Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung "challenges and needs"
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 9. Round Table Umweltökonomie des Lebensministeriums, des Umweltbundesamts und der Universität für Bodenkultur 2011 - GDP and beyond ... der Blick auf das Ganze
Year: 2010 - „Projekt Ressourcendaten"
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Ressourceneffizienz Aktionsplan REAP, Resonanzgruppe am BMLFUW und BMWFJ 2010
Year: 2010 - Raw Material Equivalents of Austrian Trade Flows: An Input-Output Approach
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology 2010 - From Analysis to Design
Year: 2010 - Ohne Mass und Ziel?! Unser Umgang mit den natürlichen Ressourcen
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Presentation at the Robert-Jungk-Bibliothek für Zukunftsfragen 2010
Year: 2010 - Resource Use and Economic Growth. Strongly Linked, Mutually Dependent, or Decoupling?
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Conference Growth in Transition 2010
Year: 2010 - What do economic resource productivities measure?
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 11th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2010 - Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis
Year: 2009 - Global patterns of material use: the impact of economic development, population and technology on cross country differences of material consumption
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Year: 2009 - Raw Material Equivalents of Austrian Trade Flows: An Input-Output Approach
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Weisz, H; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Year: 2009 - Energy use and economic development: A comparative analysis of useful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the USA during 100 years of economic growth
Autoren: Ayres, B; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Warr, B; Schandl, H
Event: World Economic History Congress 2009
Year: 2009 - The metabolic scale of the world economy in the past century - dynamics, drivers, impacts
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Steinberger, JK; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Year: 2008 - Material and energy flows in the EU-15: 1970-2004
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Weisz, H; Eisenmenger, N; Steinberger, JK
Event: Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology 2008
Year: 2008 - Enery use and economic development. A comparative analysis ofuseful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the USA during 110 years of economic growth
Autoren: Ayres, R; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F; Schandl, H; Warr, B
Event: Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics SURED 2008
Year: 2008 - Resource Use in the World Economy 1960-2005. A preliminary assessment
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: International Seminar on Energy and Resource Productivity 2008
Year: 2008 - Material Flow Accounts. MFA Questionnaire and Guide for Beginners
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Meeting of the Eurostat/EFTA Working Group Environmental Accounts 2008
Year: 2008 - Raw material equivalents of Austrian trade flows
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Weisz, H
Event: ConAccount Workshop 2008 - Urban metabolism: measuring the ecological city
Year: 2008 - Material flow accounting - MFA. New research fields and results
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Presentation in a Master/PhD Course Seminar
Year: 2008 - The evolution of material and energy flows in the EU-15: 1970-2004
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Weisz, H
Event: ConAccount Conference: Urban metablism: measuring the ecological city. 2008
Year: 2007 - MFA and Resource Productivity Indicators. Austria
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: OECD-Japan Seminar on Material Flows and Resource Productivity
Year: 2007 - Global socio-metabolic patterns of copper and aluminum- past trends and future options
Autoren: Weisz, H; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 4th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2007
Year: 2007 - Forecasting future economic growth under alternative energy efficiency and energy intensity scenarios
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 4th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2007
Year: 2007 - Asia in Transition. Resource use and the global division of labour
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Japan Open Seminar
Year: 2006 - Environmental Accounts
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: Eurostat Task Force on Material Flow Accounts
Year: 2006 - Ressourcenproduktivität in den EU Mitgliedsstaaten (resource productivity in the EU member states)
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 8th Weimarer Kolloquium 2006
Year: 2006 - Environmental Information and Outlooks
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: OECD Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - Biophysical Aspects of Trade
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 9th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2006
Year: 2006 - Metal Ores in the EU - trade and dematerialization
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: ConAccount-Conference 2006 - Dematerialisation across scales: Measuremant, empirical evidence, future options
Year: 2005 - Regional Resource Use and Resource Productivity
Autoren: Schandl, H; Eisenmenger, N; Ramos Martin, J
Event: Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future ISIE 2005
Year: 2005 - DMC as an indicator for sustainable use of resources and its different interpretations
Autoren: Weisz, H; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Environmental Accounting and Sustainable Development Indicators 2005
Year: 2004 - Making use of one's resources. South America's and Southeast Asia's place in the world economy
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schandl, H
Event: 8th Biennial Scientific Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics ISEE 2004 - Challenging Boundaries: Economics, Ecology and Governance
Year: 2004 - MFA indicators - Meaning and policy relevance
Autoren: Weisz, H; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Eisenmenger, N
Event: ConAccount Meeting 2004 - A future research agenda for MFA - Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use
Year: 2003 - Metabolic Profiles of Countries in South America and Southeast Asia
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schandl, H
Event: ConAccount Workshop ""Quo vadis MFA" - Issues, Trends and Perspectives of Research for Sustainable Resource Use"
Year: 2003 - World Systems Theory and Societal Metabolism: Two Complementing Concepts for Explaining Global Trade
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: 2nd Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 2003 - Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future
Year: 2003 - Applying World Systems Theory as a Framework for Discussing Biophysical Trade Patterns
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N
Event: World System History and Global Environmental Change Conference 2003
Year: 2003 - European Material Matters. Trends and Patterns in Material Flows in the European Union Countries 1970-2000
Autoren: Weisz, H; Amann, C; Eisenmenger, N; Erb, KH; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Krausmann, F; Hunbacek, K
Event: 2nd Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
Year: 2000 - Gesellschaft-Natur-Verhältnisse verstehen lernen - Hintergrundwissen und Beispiele für die Schule
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Haas, W
Event: LehrerInnen-Workshop